Passover / Pesach - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Passover / Pesach


Passover / Pesach Jesus on the road to Emmaus Jesus on the road to Emmaus Luke 24v13-27 And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets he explained to them ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Passover / Pesach

Passover / Pesach
Jesus on the roadto Emmaus

Jesus on the road to Emmaus
  • Luke 24v13-27
  • And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets he
    explained to them everything concerning himself

Terms clarification
Torah A primary root to flow as water (to rain)
to lay or throw (to shoot an arrow) point out
(as if by aiming the finger), to teach, direct,
inform, instruct. Strongs Concordance no H3384
Terms clarification
Talmuds Babylonian and Jerusalem Oral history
of the Jewish people. Written down 400AD,
contains common law rulings, cultural norms and
interesting stories. Seder Order of
service Haggadah The telling
The telling of Passover
The Haggadah Exodus 12v1-42
Gods plan for redemption
Child of God, have you come out of Egypt? Exodus
6v6-7 Therefore, say to the Israelites I am
the LORD, and I will bring you out from under the
yoke of the Egyptians. I will free you from being
slaves to them, and I will redeem you with an
outstretched arm and with mighty acts of
judgment. I will take you as my own people, and I
will be your God.
I will bring you out
The people had no choice, they couldnt worship
God as Hed intended or how they wanted, they
were subject to Pharaoh, and his desires, just as
we were slaves to sin and subject to death. To
bring out implies a change of status, a change
of camp!
I will deliver you
People who need delivering are those who cannot
help themselves they were helpless except for
Gods help. So God upstaged the gods of Egypt,
taking their belief system apart piece by piece,
culminating in the death of their living god,
Pharaoh's son. The gods of Egypt are like the
gods we create for ourselves pride, greed and
self centeredness
I will redeem you with an outstretched arm
To redeem means to pay a ransom, often to remove
a family member from slavery. In this instance
it is the blood of the lamb on the lintels which
pays the price. God showed his power over Pharaoh
once more when they perished in the sea. God
gave the life of Egyptians in exchange for their
I will take you as my own and I will be you God
God took them into the desert to make a covenant
with them, and to give them the promised land.
Likewise God takes us, to make us a people, holy,
set apart for himself (1 Peter 1v15 quoting Lev
11v44-45). We still have a way to travel before
we reach the final goal, but the journey, our
earthly lives is still a necessity.
Passover commandments
1. The lamb is sacrificed from midday until
sunset on the 14th day of the first month, Nisan.
(also called Aviv) (Lev 23v4) 2. Sacrifice only
in the place that is God chooses for a dwelling
place, ie Jerusalem. (Deut 16v5) 3. No
foreigner may eat it unless he is circumcised.
(Ex 12v43)
Passover commandments
4. The sacrifice must not have any raising agent
in it. (Ex. 34v25) 5. Do not eat it with bread
made with a raising agent. (Deut. 16v3) 6. Do not
have any raising agent in your possession for 7
days following the Passover. (Deut. 16v4) 7. On
the 1st 7th day hold a sacred assembly, it is a
Sabbath. (Deut. 16v8)
In every generation
The Rabbis taught that one should speak as if
they were leaving Egypt , this is said to be
included to give every Jewish person a personal
part in the drama of the Exodus and to add to his
The great assembly 170BC
This was a group of Scribes, Sages and Prophets,
who began the process of canonizing the Old
Testament, began the process of classifying the
Oral Torah, set the Feast of Purim and set
specific prayers and times of prayers, all things
Mummy are we ready for Passover yet?Yes
honey, we are now!
Cleaning the house
To fulfill the commandment not to have any
raising agent (Seor) in your possession. Seor
is a picture of sin and decay. Traditionally
parents hide chametz in the house, the children
take a light to look for it, and then burn it.
Jesus enters Jerusalem
Jesus anointed
Mary anointed Jesus before he entered into
Jerusalem for the final time. It was Spikenard
an expensive ingredient of the anointing perfume
described in the Torah, used to anoint Kings and
Priests with. The smell lingered for days. She
was declaring Jesus as Mashiach, Messiah, the
Proclaimed King
  • On the 10th Nisan Jesus enters Jerusalem to
    shouts of Hosanna, ben David, Baruch haba bshem
    Adonai (save us, son of David, blessed is he who
    comes in the name of the Lord), they have
    designated Jesus as their Messiah. On this day
    they choose their lamb for the feast and kept in
    the house to check for blemishes.

Observed for blemishes
  • Jesus enters the temple, he is approached by
    Pharisees, Sadducees and Torah teachers from
    different sects, they question him, not to trap
    him, but to check for things that would
    disqualify him as the Messiah. They cannot find
    fault with him he is without any blemish.

Jesus last supper
Things to think about
1. What did Jesus eat for Passover? 2. What was
the difference between the cups of wine Jesus
drank before and after supper? 3. What was the
reason he dipped his bread into the bowl? 4. What
were the hymns he sang after supper?
1st Cup of Sanctification
  • I will bring you out to be brought out, is to
    be set apart, made Holy or Sanctified. The cup
    is also called the Kiddush. Kiddush is from the
    word Kadosh which means Holy.

Washing hands
  • This could allude to the Laver in the temple.
    Despite being clean, the priests would wash their
    hands and feet immediately before offering a
  • Although we are spiritually cleansed by Jesus, we
    need to return to him continually for the washing
    of our souls...

The questions!
The youngest child asks Why is this night
different from all other nights? 1. Why is it
that on other nights we eat bread, but on this
night we eat Matzah? 2. Why do we eat bitter
herbs? 3. Why do we dip into the bowl
twice? 4.Why do we recline?
The afikomen
Afikomen means dessert, but it also means I have
comeor the coming one Three matzah are put in
a bag, Jews believe that this could represent
Abraham, Isaac Jacob, we can see that it could
be Father, Son and Spirit. One is taken out and
broken, put in a white cloth and hidden in the
room , just as Jesus sinless body was hidden in
the tomb.
The Seder plate
The lettuce
Romaine lettuce is pleasant on the leaves but
becomes bitter at the stem. In the same way the
children of Israel began their stay in Egypt
pleasantly, but ended up in bitter slavery
These are the bitter herbs. They represent the
bitterness of suffering. In a Messianic sense
it also represents the betrayal of Jesus by
Judas. Can be eaten as a Hillel sandwich. Some
people put Charoset in it to remind themselves
that God can change bitterness into sweetness
The parsley
Represents the crushing backbreaking work of
slavery. It is dipped in salt water, to remind
us of our tears. It also looks forward to a time
when Messiah will come and wipe away every tear
The charoset
  • Represents the mortar used to make the bricks,
    reminds us that God will not put on us more than
    we can bear

The shank bone
This replaces the Passover lamb which would have
been sacrificed for the festival. This is
because there is currently no temple. It
symbolizes Gods outstretched arm of liberation
and redemption
The roasted egg
Reminds us that there is no temple to sacrifice
the Passover lamb in Its oval shape may also
represents eternal life as it has no beginning or
2nd Cup of deliverance
  • I will deliver you from their bondage.
  • To deliver shows that it was God who did the
    work, just as it is God who does a work in us to
    change us from the inside out..

Eating the meal / supper
  • Traditionally lamb is not served at Passover,
    because there is no temple to sacrifice it in.
    However, as believers in Jesus we can serve lamb,
    to remember that Jesus is our Passover lamb.
  • Note that what we are eating is NOT the passover
    lamb, it is just lamb...

Afikomen (part 2)
  • The broken half of the afikomen is brought back
    to the table and broken amongst the people, just
    as Jesus said, Take eat, this is my body

3rd Cup of redemption/thanksgiving
  • I will redeem (ransom) you with an outstretched
    arm and great judgements.
  • Just like the lambs blood, it is the blood of
    Jesus on our hearts that ensures that we are free
    from Gods judgment.
  • To redeem shows God was willing to buy them and
    us back at great cost to himself

3rd Cup of redemption/thanksgiving/blessing
  • In most Christian circles grace is said before
    meals, but in the scriptures grace is said
    after meals. The reason is, When you have eaten
    and are satisfied, praise the LORD your God
  • Note the word for thanksgiving and blessing both
    come from the greek eulogea. To give thanks is
    eucharistesas from where we get the word

4th Cup of Hope / Praise
  • I will take you as my own and I will be you God.
  • This is a marriage contract. Israel was to marry
    their God and the celebration of the engagement
    was to be the giving of the Torah. The
    engagement ring was to be the Sabbath.
  • Between the Passover and the giving of the Torah
    was fifty days, the number of liberation.
  • We will drink this cup with Jesus at the wedding
    feast of the Lamb

The Hallel
These are sung at the end of the meal, Ps
113-118, 136 The gospels recall that after eating
the Passover, Jesus and the disciples
hymned. The Talmud says that the hymns sung at
the end of Passover were the Hallel
Ps 113
  • From the rising of the sun to the place where it
    sets, the name of the Lord is to be praised

Ps 114
  • When Israel came out of Egypt, the house of Jacob
    from a people of foreign tongue, Judah became
    Gods sanctuary, Israel his dominion.
  • Tremble O earth at the presence of the Lord, at
    the presence of the God of Jacob, who turned the
    rock into a pool and the hard rock into springs
    of water

Ps 115
  • Why do the nations say, Where is their God? Our
    God is in heaven he does whatever pleases him.
  • But their idols are silver and gold, made by
    human hands.
  • They have mouths, but cannot speak, eyes, but
    cannot see.
  • They have ears, but cannot hear, noses, but
    cannot smell.
  • They have hands, but cannot feel, feet, but
    cannot walk,
  • nor can they utter a sound with their throats.
  • Those who make them will be like them, and so
    will all who trust in them

Ps 116
  • The LORD is gracious and righteous
  • our God is full of compassion.
  • The LORD protects the unwary
  • when I was brought low, he saved me

Ps 117
  • Praise the LORD, all you nations lift Him up,
    all you peoples.
  • For great is his loving kindness toward us, and
    the loving kindness of the LORD endures forever.
  • Praise the LORD

Ps 118
  • The stone the builders rejected has become the
  • the LORD has done this, and it is marvellous in
    our eyes.
  • The LORD has done it this very day let us
    rejoice this day and be glad..

Ps 136
  • To him who struck down the firstborn of Egypt
    His love endures forever.
  • and brought Israel out from among them His
    love endures forever.
  • with a mighty hand and outstretched arm His
    love endures forever.
  • to him who divided the Red Sea asunder His
    love endures forever.
  • and brought Israel through the midst of it His
    love endures forever.
  • but swept Pharaoh and his army into the Red Sea
    His love endures forever

5th Cup of Elijah
  • This is not part of the biblical exodus, but
    rather the tradition that developed out of
    Malachi 4v1-5 which says that Elijah would come
    to prepare the way before Messiah.
  • Will Elijah come again before the return of

Can we celebrate Passover?What did Jesus do?
  • Jesus kept Passover, as did his disciples.
  • Talmidim meaning apprentice one who is learning
    from a master.
  • He instructed them to go and make talmidim from
    all the nations, Matt 28v19.

Can we celebrate Passover?
Ephesians 2v12-13 Remember that at that time you
were separate from Messiah, excluded from the way
of life of Israel and estranged to the covenants
of the promise, without hope and without God in
the world. But now, in Jesus the Messiah, you
who once were far away from the covenants have
been brought near by the blood of Messiah.
Should we celebrate Passover?
1 Corinthians 5v6-8 Your boasting is not good.
Dont you know that a little yeast leavens the
whole batch of dough? Get rid of the old yeast,
so that you may be a new unleavened batchas you
really are. For Christ, our Passover lamb, has
been sacrificed. Therefore let us keep the
Festival, not with the old bread, leavened with
malice and wickedness, but with the unleavened
bread of sincerity and truth.
Testimony about Passover
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