Population - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Is there an overpopulation problem in the world today? ... What the environmental impacts of population growth are If one were to analyze a series of world ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Population

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  • According to the non-profit group Population
    Connection (formerly ZPG) there are 6,641,215,403
    people in the world, up from a figure of
    6,603,567,010 the last time I taught this course
    (Spring 2007). Weve added over 37.6 million
    people in that time.

Since World War II, the rate of growth has shot
  • Since 1965, world population has more than
    doubled. Neo-Malthusians or Population Bombers
    (e.g., Paul Ehrlich, Lester Brown, Garret Hardin,
    and David Pimentel) have long argued that we are
    in danger of exceeding Earths carrying capacity.
  • Over the past few years, we have experienced the
    slowest growth since the 1940s. Cornucopians or
    Population Optimists (e.g., Julian Simon)
    believe that population is not that big a problem
    and that economic growth and technology will see
    us through.
  • Still others claim that our focus on human
    population growth is misplaced. They view
    excessive growth as a symptom of other bigger
    problems. People in this camp are Gender Equity
    or Equity Advocates.
  • More on these perspectives later . . .

As environmental geographers, we are interested
in knowing . . .
  • What significant population patterns are out
  • Why these patterns exist and persist
  • Where significant population growth is occurring
  • Where populations have stopped growing (or at
    least slowed down)
  • What the environmental impacts of population
    growth are

World's 10 Most Populous Countries 2007
Rank Country Population
1. China 1,321,851,888
2. India 1,129,866,154
3. U.S. 301,139,947
4. Indonesia 234,693,997
5. Brazil 190,010,647
6. Pakistan 169,270,617
7. Bangladesh 150,448,339
8. Russia 141,377,752
9. Nigeria 135,031,164
10. Japan 127,467,972

World's 10 Most Populous Countries 2000
Rank Country Population (2000)
1. China 1.265 billion
2. India 1,002 billion
3. U.S. 281 million
4. Indonesia 212 million
5. Brazil 170 million
6. Pakistan 151 million
7. Russia 145 million
8. Bangladesh 128 million
9. Japan 127 million
10. Nigeria 123 million

Rank Country Population (2007)
1. China 1,321,851,888
2. India 1,129,866,154
3. U.S. 301,139,947
4. Indonesia 234,693,997
5. Brazil 190,010,647
6. Pakistan 169,270,617
7. Bangladesh 150,448,339
8. Russia 141,377,752
9. Nigeria 135,031,164
10. Japan 127,467,972

If one were to analyze a series of world
population density maps published over the past
several decades, two important points emerge
  • 1) Population is not distributed uniformly
    around the world.
  • Some areas support large populations (One out of
    every three people in the world is from either
    India or China) other areas are very sparsely
  • 2) Population patterns and rates of growth change
    over time.
  • With respect to growth rates, there are
    tremendous disparities around the world. We live
    in two very different demographic worlds, one
    relatively small, old, and wealthy (with very
    high consumption rates per capita) and the other
    very large, young, and poor (with relatively low
    consumption rates per capita).

Speaking of Consumption . . .
  • If everyone in the world consumed like the
    average U.S. citizen, we would need four more
    planet Earths to meet everyones needs!

Population Distribution
  • MDCs account for 20 of world population but
    consume the lions share of resources. Some
    countries (e.g., Denmark, Sweden) have reached
    ZPG (births plus immigration deaths plus
    emigration) others have negative growth rates
    (e.g., Italy, Germany, Hungary, Japan).
  • LDCs account for 80 of world population. Some
    countries (esp. in the Middle East and Africa
    south of the Sahara) have very high growth rates.
    Nigeria - the most populous country in Africa -
    had 33 million inhabitants in 1950. By 2050, it
    is projected to have 300 million.
  • By 2025, MDCs will account for only 16 of world
    population. This is because over 90 of
    population growth over the next 30 years will
    occur in LDCs (esp. hot spots Africa and Middle

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Demographic Momentum
  • In at least 68 countries, more than 40 of the
    population is under the age of 15.
  • Afghanistan (42.9), Benin (47.9), Cambodia
    (45.4), Ethiopia (46.0), Haiti (42.6), Pakistan
    (41.8), Syria (46.1), Libya (48.3)

  • Over the next class period or two, well
  • examine these and other issues more
  • closely, as well as explore different ways of
  • looking at population growth distribution
  • different types of maps
  • population pyramids
  • different perspectives

A couple of things to remember about maps and
numbers . . .
  • 1) maps are generalizations, interpretive tools -
    we need to read them carefully
  • 2) population by political boundaries can be
  • 3) population numbers can be deceiving

  • On October 12, 1999, the UN announced
  • that world population had officially reached 6
  • billion people.
  • How accurate were the data upon which this
    statement was made?
  • Some countries do not have reliable census data.
    Some countries may wish to overstate or
    understate their populations. Why?

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World Population Concentrations
  • East Asia
  • South Asia
  • Southeast Asia
  • Western Europe
  • N.E. U.S./S.E. Canada

Axiom for the day . . . People live where they
can eat!
  • People tend to live in arable areas
  • People tend to live in areas that are accessible
    (especially by water)
  • People tend to migrate to areas where others have

Historically, what has caused world population to
  • When we look at world population growth
  • over the past several thousand years, we
  • see that it has not grown evenly. There
  • have been spurts in growth.

Spurts in population growth (Three Revolutions)
  • ca. 8000 B.C. - Agricultural Revolution (plant
    and animal domestication)
  • ca. 1750 A.D. - Industrial Revolution
    (agricultural mechanization, transport,
    sanitation, health)
  • ca. 1950 A.D. - Medical Revolution (elimination
    of many historical causes of death)

And it keeps on growing . . .
  • It took all of human
  • history to reach 1 billion
  • people in 1804. Then it
  • only took 150 years to
  • reach 3 billion by 1960.
  • And as I noted earlier,
  • world population has
  • doubled since 1965.

How do we measure population changes?
  • Rate of Natural Increase - Percentage by which a
    population grows in a year (birth rate minus
    death rate). Does not take migration into
    account. Current rate is about 1.3.
  • Doubling time - Number of years needed to double
    a population. Current doubling time is about 53
    years for the world (Calculated by dividing 70 by
    the natural increase rate).
  • Recent evidence suggests . . .
  • that population growth is slowing down
  • that doubling time is increasing

Geographers also look at . . .
  • crude birth rate - total number of live births in
    a year per 1000
  • crude death rate - total number of deaths in a
    year per 1000

Geographers also look at . . .
  • total fertility rate - number of children a woman
    will have during child-bearing years (ages 15-49)

Fertility Rates (Contd)
  • Some demographers argue that births per male is a
    more effective measure.
  • Average fertility rate for the world is 2.7 2.1
    in the U.S.
  • Fertility rates across the globe have been on the
    decline over the past 50 years - except in
    Africa. In Mexico, the average family in 1975
    had 7 children. In 2000, the average was down to
  • China introduced a policy known as later,
    longer, fewer in 1971 followed by a 1 child per
    family policy since 1979 which has reduced the
    fertility rate. The rate has dropped from 6.2 in
    1949 to 1.6 in 2006. Negative side effects -
    female infanticide and bride abduction.
  • Family planning Iran has also lowered fertility

Geographers also look at . . .
  • infant mortality rate - number of infant deaths
    (lt1 year) per 1000 live births
  • 95 percent of the estimated 529,000 maternal
    deaths in 2000 occurred in Africa and Asia.
  • life expectancy - number of years a newborn
    infant can be expected to live
  • Even in the U.S. there are pockets where infant
    mortality is high and life expectancy is low for
    some members of society (e.g., Native American

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Why is population increasing at different rates
in different countries?
  • To answer this, well talk about demographic
    transition (demographer Frank Notestein ca. 1945)
    and then take a look at population pyramids.
  • Nearly all the population growth is occurring in
    poorer countries - those countries least able to
    support the growth.

Demographic Transition - Process of change in a
societys population
  • process with four stages (based on European and
    North American experiences)
  • every country in the world can be grouped into
    one of four stages

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  • What lowers the death rate?
  • food security
  • improvements in water supply and sanitation
  • improvements in medicine
  • Why does birth rate drop after death rate?
  • decision to have fewer children is a cultural one
  • fewer children needed in an industrial society
  • fewer children needed in an urban society
  • higher education and personal freedom for women
    tend to lower birth rates

A couple of questions
  • Do people base their decision on whether or not
    to have
  • children in purely economic terms?
  • Children are valued in different ways (e.g.,
    Where there is little opportunity for upward
    mobility, children offer status)
  • Is the DTM an accurate predictor of trends in
  • Some LDCs stuck in Stage 2 (Birth rates have
    remained high after urbanization and
  • There may be a cultural preference in some
    countries to have larger families

Population Pyramids
  • An analytical tool, a bar graph, that allows us
    to examine the distribution of a countrys
    population by age and gender.
  • Tells us something about dependency (young and
  • Tells us something about the future as well
    (demographic momentum).
  • The shape of a pyramid is determined by the crude
    birth rate.

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  • Population Projections
  • for Nigeria (2000, 2025,
  • 2050)

  • Population Projections
  • for Hungary (2000,
  • 2025, 2050)

  • Population Projections
  • for U.S. (2000, 2025,
  • 2050)

  • Population Projections
  • for Chile (2000, 2025,
  • 2050)

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  • Because labor was scarce and land plentiful, a
  • person/land ratio existed. Hence, each family
    had to
  • reproduce its own labor force, and population
    grew rapidly
  • during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.
  • Industrialization ultimately helped to bring
    about a
  • demographic transition to smaller families, as
  • ceased to become an economic asset. In
  • Massachusetts, for instance, women marrying
  • 1730 and 1759 bore an average of 8.8 children,
  • those marrying between 1820 and 1839 bore an
    average of
  • 5.3 children. Nationwide, women who married in
  • bore an average of 6.4 children, but in 1849 the
    figure was
  • 4.9 children and in 1879 it was 2.8 children.
  • - Carolyn Merchant

  • What does overpopulation mean? Population
    exceeds carrying capacity.
  • What does carrying capacity mean? The maximum
    population that the environment can support
  • Is there an overpopulation problem in the world
    today? In the U.S.? This is a debate that has
    been unfolding for centuries.

  • Today the debate is carried on by . . .
  • Neo-Malthusians (a group named for English
    economist Thomas Malthus)
  • Gender-Equity and Equity advocates (who trace
    their roots to the writings of Karl Marx), and
  • Cornucopians (best represented by the work of the
    late economist and statistician Julian Simon)

  • Thomas Malthus (1766 - 1834) was an English
    essayist and
  • minister whose 1798 treatise on population got
    the ball
  • rolling. It contained three key points
  • food supply grows arithmetically while population
    grows geometrically
  • passion between the sexes is constant and
    necessary (Indeed, he had several illegitimate
  • resources are limited

  • His conclusion? Collapse in the future. His
    predictions have not come true he did not
    foresee technological advances, especially where
    agricultural output is concerned.
  • Must understand what was happening in London at
    the time he was writing.

  • Neo-Malthusians (e.g., Paul Ehrlich, Garrett
    Hardin, Lester
  • Brown, David Pimentel) have revived some of his
  • Namely
  • Population is an important issue because the
    planet is already overpopulated.
  • Population growth puts unsustainable pressure on
    the earth and its limited resources.
  • One of these days, we will overstep the Earths
    ability to support us. We need to control
    population soon.

  • Karl Marx vehemently opposed Malthuss positions,
    arguing that population growth is a symptom
    rather than a root cause of poverty, resource
    depletion, racism, classism, and other problems.
  • Today, people like Betsy Hartmann and Paul
    Harrison have picked up on this equity
    argument. They state that most environmental
    problems have been caused by first world
    countries and poverty in third world countries.
  • We need to raise standards of living, address the
    low status of women, expand services, education,
    reproductive rights.
  • They argue that the DTM works!

  • Then there are the Cornucopians. According to
    Julian Simon, population may or may not be the
    cause of environmental problems. He maintains
    that the quality of life by a variety of measures
    is improving in many places around the world.
  • To Simon, population growth is a good thing -
    people are the ultimate resource and the more
    people on earth, the more minds we will have
    working on our problems.
  • The solution lies in economic policies that
    promote economic growth.
  • He too argues that the DTM works!

In conclusion
  • Who is right? Each camp makes some good points.
  • Without a doubt, explosive and unchecked
    population growth will have negative effects on
    the earth.
  • Without a doubt, resources and amenities are not
    distributed equitably around the globe and
    poverty is at the root of many of the worlds
  • Family planning and education have done much to
    reduce fertility rates around the world. We are
    better off now in terms of reducing growth than
    we were 30 years ago.

In conclusion
  • Can we concentrate our efforts on reducing
    fertility rates in LDCs without addressing the
    consumption problems in MDCs? No! Consumption
    rates in MDCs pose even greater risks to the
  • Although population growth is difficult to
    predict and there are a variety of different
    viewpoints when it comes to future projections,
    it is likely that world population will level off
    around 8-10 billion sometime this century.
  • According to the U.N. Population Division,
    medium-range population estimates for 2050 are
    down from 9.4 billion to 8.9 billion. The U.N.
    estimates population might stabilize at 9 billion
    by 2300.
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