Title: Flying Start
1Flying Start
Flying start has been running for over 10 years
for mature students prior to enrolment on their
course. The aim of this was to give them the
skills they need and the confidence to be a
successful student at the University of
Northampton. It was felt they would particularly
benefit from the introduction to University
study, as many had been out of study for a while.
However during its time of running and the
success it was felt that the course could benefit
a wider range of new students and especially
other and should be offered to all WP groups.
- 2 day event
- Flying start has been adapted from a 3 day event
and become school specific. A pilot was run at
the end of January for the School of Health.
Students attending the event were from all WP
categories. Evaluation showed that students
confidence in their academic ability was raised
after attending the event. - Two further School of Health flying starts were
run in July, attendance for these was lower than
expected and we are evaluating the possibility
that this was due to being too far in advance of
the start date for students. To date around 100
new students in the School of Health have
attended flying start. -
Online flying start
- Project aims and objectives
- To evaluate and develop CfAP's 'Flying Start'
programme - To create an effective online version and
evaluate its usability among WP students - Analyse the different WP students experience with
both the online version and the one or two day
programme - To open up the 'Flying Start programme' to the
majority of new WP students in the first instance
- This has become a development in two stages, the
first stage is scheduled to go live at the
beginning of the autumn term. The aim of this
version is to allow all students who did not
attend a two day event the opportunity to learn
the same skills / benefit from the same
information. - This is housed on NILE and delivered in a variety
of ways - Interactive exercises
- Panopto
- Podcasts
- PDFs
- The second stage is planned to improve and in
part replace the content of the first stage and
to be much more interactive.
The time scale of the project has been the
hardest part to manage. The project clearly
underestimated the time involved in meeting with
schools, planning the two day content and also
the development of the online version. All
upcoming flying starts will be evaluated to
ensure the students are benefiting from the new
programmes with particular emphasis on WP