Title: Cellular Respiration
1Cellular Respiration
2Cellular Respiration
- The process that releases energy by breaking down
glucose and other food molecules in the presence
of oxygen. - Purpose is to produce energy!
3Stages of Aerobic Respiration
- 1. Glycolysis the process in which one molecule
of glucose is broken in half, producing two
molecules of pyruvic acid, a 3-carbon compound. - 2. Krebs Cycle/Citric Acid Cycle pyruvic acid
is broken down into carbon dioxide in a series of
energy-extracting reactions. - 3. Electron Transport Chain uses the high
energy electrons of the Krebs Cycle to convert
ADP to ATP. - Produces the most ATP (energy) of any stage!
4Chemical Equation
5Stages of Anaerobic Respiration
- After glycolysis, goes to fermentation.
- Releases energy from food molecules by producing
ATP in the absence of oxygen. - Alcoholic fermentation used by yeasts and other
microorganisms forming ethyl alcohol and carbon
dioxide. - Used to produce alcoholic beverages.
- The CO2 released causes bread dough to rise.
- Lactic Acid fermentation regenerates NAD so
that glycolysis can continue. - Produced in muscles during rapid exercise when
body is lacking oxygen - Cause of muscle soreness.
7Comparing/Contrasting Anaerobic and Aerobic
Aerobic Anaerobic
Requires oxygen Does NOT require oxygen
Generates many ATP Generates few ATP
Leads to the Krebs cycle after glycolysis Leads to fermentation after glycolysis
8Energy Totals
- Both plants and animals carry out the final
stages of cellular respiration in the
mitochondria. - Copy the flow chart below.
- Notice that 36 ATP are produced!!!
9Comparing/Contrasting Photosynthesis and Cellular
Photosynthesis Respiration
Occurs in plants Occurs in plants and animals
Takes place in the chloroplast Takes place in the mitochondria
Reactants sunlight, water, carbon dioxide Reactants oxygen and glucose (sugar)
Products oxygen and glucose (sugar) Products water and carbon dioxide
Reverse Reactions Reverse Reactions
Generates a few ATP Generates several ATP
Purpose to make sugar Purpose to convert food to energy
6H2O 6CO2 light ? C6H12O6 6O2 C6H12O6 6O2?6H2O 6CO2