Stem Cell Research and the Christian - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Stem Cell Research and the Christian


Stem Cell Research and the Christian Power to Influence MO - Michael J. Fox goes to work in election IA - Allows SCR obtained from human cloning IL - Banned human ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Stem Cell Research and the Christian

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Stem Cell Research and the Christian
Power to Influence
  • MO - Michael J. Fox goes to work in election
  • IA - Allows SCR obtained from human cloning
  • IL - Banned human cloning but allows Embryonic
  • MI - Authorized all types of stem cell research

Defining Stem Cell Research
  • Stem cells - the cells from which all other
    cells/organs are made
  • Embryonic stem cells - form all the parts of the
    body theyre undifferentiated
  • Somatic/adult stem cells - found in and repairs
    specific tissues throughout the body theyre

  • Stem cells, directed to differentiate into
    specific cell types, offer the possibility of a
    renewable source of replacement cells and tissues
    to treat diseases including Parkinsons and
    Alzheimers diseases, spinal cord injury, stroke,
    burns, heart disease, diabetes, osteoarthritis,
    and rheumatoid arthritis

Where Are Stem Cells Obtained?
Objection / NO Objection
  1. Somatic/adult SC - harvested from children thru
    adults without harm
  2. Cadavers - unpleasant but available
  3. Abortions, with consent
  4. Invitro fertilization leftovers, frozen, 4-5 days
    old, harvesting kills the embryo
  5. Cloning - making embryos for destruc.
  6. Amniotic SC - fluid, placenta, umbilical

We dont object to all stem cell research.
  • Shall we create life so that we can destroy it?
  • Shall we decry abortion and then use the product
    of it?

Objections to our Objections
  • Cloning and testing have been going on for years
  • Were losing the brain drain to Europe

Matthew 1037
  • "He who loves father or mother more than Me is
    not worthy of Me and he who loves son or
    daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me.

Proverbs 1434
  • Righteousness exalts a nation, But sin is a
    disgrace to any people.

Objections to our Objections
  • Cloning and testing have been going on for years
  • Were losing the brain drain to Europe
  • My sister has diabetes, my mother has alzhiemers,
    my father has heart

Romans 38
  • And why not say (as we are slanderously reported
    and as some claim that we say), "Let us do evil
    that good may come"? Their condemnation is just.

Objections to our Objections
  • Cloning and testing have been going on for years
  • Were losing the brain drain to Europe
  • My sister has diabetes, my mother has alzhiemers,
    my father has heart
  • Leftover invitro embryos are going to be
    destroyed anyway

Isaiah 520-21
  • Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil
    Who substitute darkness for light and light for
    darkness Who substitute bitter for sweet and
    sweet for bitter!21. Woe to those who are wise in
    their own eyes And clever in their own sight!

Three Principles to Live With
  • Life begins at conception.
    There is no place between conception and birth to
    start life.

James 226
  • For just as the body without the spirit is dead,
    so also faith without works is dead.

Galatians 115
  • But when God, who had set me apart even from my
    mother's womb and called me through His grace,
    was pleased

Luke 115
  • "For he will be great in the sight of the Lord
    and he will drink no wine or liquor, and he will
    be filled with the Holy Spirit while yet in his
    mother's womb.

Psalm 13913
  • For You formed my inward parts You wove me in my
    mother's womb.

Jeremiah 14-5
  • Now the word of the LORD came to me saying,
  • 5. "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
    And before you were born I consecrated you I
    have appointed you a prophet to the nations."

Three Principles to Live With
  • Life begins at conception.
    There is no place between conception and birth to
    start life.
  • Taking innocent life is sinful.
    This moral law pre-dates the 10 com- mandments
    yet ESCR demands it.

Genesis 95-6
  • "Surely I will require your lifeblood from every
    beast I will require it. And from every man, from
    every man's brother I will require the life of
  • 6. "Whoever sheds man's blood, By man his blood
    shall be shed, For in the image of God He made

Proverbs 616-17
  • There are six things which the LORD hates, Yes,
    seven which are an abomination to Him
  • 17. Haughty eyes, a lying tongue, And hands that
    shed innocent blood,

Three Principles to Live With
  • Life begins at conception.
    There is no place between conception and birth to
    start life.
  • Taking innocent life is sinful.
    This moral law pre-dates the 10 com- mandments
    yet ESCR demands it.
  • Potential good is a slippery slope. ESCR
    is one step closer to harvesting children for

1 Corinthians 46
  • Now these things, brethren, I have figuratively
    applied to myself and Apollos for your sakes, so
    that in us you may learn not to exceed what is
    written, so that no one of you will become
    arrogant in behalf of one against the other.

Everything that pertains to life and godliness is
given are you listening?
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