Title: Stem Cell Research
1Stem Cell Research
- By "Doctors" Scott Cardona, Grant Granado, George
Matarangas, Calix O'Hara, and Paul Siewierski
2What are stem cells?
- Stem cells are cells with the capability of
developing into many different types of cells.
They are produced in some organs to replace
damaged tissue. - http//stemcells.nih.gov/info/basics/
3Stem Cells, cont.
- Stem cells differ from other cells in that they
are unspecialized but can become many different
types of cells with specialized functions. - http//stemcells.nih.gov/info/basics/basics1.asp
4Types of Stem Cells
- There are two main types of stem cells with one
major difference between them - 1. Embryonic stem cells, from
developing embryos - 2. Adult stem cells, from adult tissue
- http//www.medicalnewstoday.com/info/stem_cell/
5Types of Stem Cells, cont.
- Adult stem cells can be taken from umbilical
cords, placenta, fat from liposuction, and other
tissue from the body. They can even be harvested
from cadavers that are "fresh" enough. - http//www.aproundtable.org/tps30info/stemcellrese
6Types of Stem Cells, cont.
- Embryonic stem cells are taken from human embryos
that are grown in vitro, but currently, they are
more commonly used in research than actual
treatment - http//www.aproundtable.org/tps30info/stemcellrese
7Stem Cell Research and Treatment
- The majority of stem cell research and treatment
is conducted using adult stem cells. In fact,
adult stem cell treatment has already helped
thousands of people. - http//www.aproundtable.org/tps30info/stemcellrese
8Stem Cell Research, cont.
- Adult stem cell research is 20-30 years ahead of
embryonic cell research because of the difficulty
of embryonic cells developing outside of their
usual environment. - http//www.aproundtable.org/tps30info/stemcellrese
9World's first transplant of a whole organ grown
in lab
- November 2008
- Claudia Castillo
- damaged windpipe
- lower chance of rejection
- http//www.dailyglobal.com/2008/11/worlds-first-tr
- replace/repair damaged organs
- Reduced risk of Transplantation
- Serious medical conditions, like cancer and birth
defects, are due to abnormal cell division and
differentiation. - http//www.dailyglobal.com/200
- 8/11/world
- s-first-transplant-of-a-whole-or
- gan-grown-in-lab/
- http//2.bp.blogspot.com/_4cp
- AAAAA8/kOq-Y682kuE/s1600/bi
- o12.png
11Pros cont.
- Cardiovascular disease
- stem cells that are injected into the circulation
or directly into the injured heart tissue... -
- http//stemcells.nih.gov/info/basics/basics6.asp
- http//cdn.elev8.com/files/2010/05/heart.jpg
12Pros cont.
- ...appear to improve cardiac function and/or
induce the formation of new capillaries. -
- http//stemcells.ni
- h.gov/info/basics/b
- asics6.asp
- http//s3.amazona
- ws.com/readers/2
- 10/10/28/stemcellt
- reatments_1.png
- http//terra.dadeschools.net/books/Biology/Biology
13Pros cont.
- New studies indicate that it may be possible to
direct the differentiation of stem cells to form
insulin-producing cells ... -
- http//stemcells.nih.gov/info/basics/basics6.asp
- http//static.guim.co.uk/sys-images/Guardian/Pix/c
14Pros cont.
- ...that eventually could be used in
transplantation therapy for persons with
diabetes. - Scientists know that turning genes on and off is
central to this process. -
- http//stemcells.nih.gov/info/basics/basics6.asp
- http//www.diabetes.org/diabetes-basics/diabetes-s
tatistics/ - http//www.businessweek.com/news/2011-11-14/diabet
t-says.html - http//www.abc.net.au/health/library/img/leukaemia
_transplant.gif - http//kids.jdrf.org/images/General_Images/Search_
15Pros cont.
- 336 million people have diabetes
- 1 in 10 adults (552 million) will have diabetes
by 2030 - Associated with 231,404 deaths
- Deaths will double by 2030
- http//stemcells.nih.gov/info/basics/basics6.asp
- http//www.diabetes.org/diabetes-basics/diabet
- es-statistics/
- http//www.businessweek.com/news/2011-11-14/d
- iabetes-will-strike-one-in-ten-adults-by-2030-idf-
r - eport-says.html
16Pros cont.
- Human stem cells could also be used to test new
drugs - Ethical dilemmas are largest challenges
to increased funding/ large-scale use -
- http//www.hotlikesauce.com/wp-content/uploads/200
9/11/ - stem-cecomic.jpg
- http//stemcells.nih.gov/info/basics/basics6.asp
- http//www.experiment-resources.com/stem-cell-pros
-and-cons.html - http//www.experiment-resources.com/embryonic-stem
- Cons come from two areas
- 1. Embryos being destroyed
- Destroyed Embryos lt 100 cells
- Some equate this to murder
- Only applies to embryonic research
- http//www.allaboutpopularissues.org/pros-and-cons
18Embryonic Stem Cells Being Extraced
- http//www.centreofthecell.org/assets/images/blast
19Cons cont.
- Embryos cont.
- Proponents argue cells already available from
in-vitro - No new cells destroyed
- http//www.allaboutpopularissues.org/pros-and-cons
20Cons cont.
- 2. Medical Grounds
- Mice with Parkinson's treated with stem cells
died at 20 rate - -Suggests stem cells not viable treatment
21Cons cont.
- Medical cont.
- Cells must
- Create enough tissue
- Differentiate into correct cells
- Survive the translplant
- Function properly
- Avoid harming recipent
- Hard to achieve this
- http//stemcells.nih.gov/info/basics/basics6.asp
22Cons Cont.
- Cells being frozen for in vitro. Later stem cells
can be obtained from these. - http//media-3.web.britannica.com/eb-media//91/136
23Groups who Support Stem Cell Research
- Americans for Cures Foundation- will improve
life. - American Association for the Advancement of
Science- increases knowledge of human body. - Canadian Stem Cell Network- new treatments.
- http//www.stemcellresources.org/who_orgs.html
24Groups who support cont.
- Coalition for the Advancement of Medical
Research- developing new medicines. - Planned Parenthood- providing services for the
public. - 72 of Americans support Stem Cell research.
- http//www.stemcellresources.org/who_orgs.html
25Why do groups support it?
- Believe it is morally right
- Outweighs any destruction of embryos
- Alternatively, Embryos not considered "human"
- http//poq.oxfordjournals.org/content/68/1/131.ful
26Groups that are Opposed to Stem Cell Research
- United States Conference of Catholic Bishops-
considers murder - Christian Coalition- violation of human rights
- Concerned Women for America- conservation of life
- Southern Basptist Convention- goes against
beliefs/ all life is sacred -
- http//www.cc.org/
- http//urj.org/
27Groups who don't support cont.
- Union of American Hebrew Congregations (Reform)-
requirement to use knowledge to heal others
without hurting - Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America-
destruction of fetuses is considered abortion -
- http//www.cc.org/
- http//urj.org/
28Why do these groups oppose Stem Cell Research?
- Generally contend it is destruction of human life
- Consider Embryos "human"
- Often routed in religious doctrne
- Catholics, Jews, Protestants, Orthodox Christians
- http//www.quora.com/Why-do-people-oppose-stem-cel
29Church's View
- The Catholic Church condemns stem cell research
on embryonic cells. - The embryo is, from conception, a human
being. -
- http//www.vatican.va/roman_curia/pontifical_acad
_cellule-staminali_en.html -
30Church's View contd.
- Taking the life of another human is murder and
wrong. -
- http//www.vatican.va/roman_curia/pontifical_acade
31Church's View contd.
- The end does not justify the means.
- http//www.vatican.va/roman_curia/pontifical_acad
32Church's View contd.
- Even if the end result is to save lives, the
sacrificing of innocent human beings
to do so is wrong. -
- http//www.vatican.va/roman_curia/pontifical_acade
33Church's View contd
- The Church does not oppose adult stem cell
research. - There is no loss of life in adult stem cell
- http//catholicism.about.com/od/thechurchintheworl
d/p/Stem_Cells.htm - http//www.vatican.va/roman_curia/pontifical_acade