Richland Elementary Blue Ribbon School-Wide Discipline Plan 08-09 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Richland Elementary Blue Ribbon School-Wide Discipline Plan 08-09


Guiding Principles- cont. School Character Points Families and community members are valued partners in character-building and in creating a caring school community. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Richland Elementary Blue Ribbon School-Wide Discipline Plan 08-09

Richland ElementaryBlue Ribbon School-Wide
Discipline Plan 08-09
  • Sharon K. McNary, Principal
  • Kimbrelle Lewis, Asst. Principal

Guiding Principles
  • Beliefs
  • We at Richland Elementary believe
  • The primary focus of all decisions affecting our
    school should be student learning and
  • In order to learn, produce quality work, and
    become critical thinkers and problem solvers, our
    students must be actively engaged in their
  • A wide variety of teaching strategies and
    assessment techniques accommodate a diverse
    population with multiple learning styles,and
    provide a challenging and affirming environment
    that is conducive to academic achievement.
  • All students can reach their maximum potential
    when provided a challenging learning environment
    with high expectations.
  • We must provide an emotionally and physically
    safe environment in which all students can
    develop positive and respectful relationships.

Guiding Principles- cont.
  • School Character Points
  • Families and community members are valued
    partners in character-building and in creating a
    caring school community.
  • Programs are provided that enrich and foster the
    development of multiple intelligences and
    learning styles.
  • Positive behavior support is provided so that
    students reach their optimum level of academic,
    social, and emotional potential.
  • Values
  • Every student has the right to learn in a clean,
    safe, and positive environment.
  • Collaboration among teachers, administrators,
    parents, and the community is essential for the
    effectiveness of character education.

  • At Richland Elementary School, we envision a
    nurturing, positive, and safe learning community
    that promotes mutual respect among all

  • The Richland Elementary School community
    is committed to preparing all students to be
    productive citizens in our diverse and constantly
    changing society. Richlands commitment includes
    cultivating a lifelong love of learning and the
    skills necessary for students to develop
    socially, emotionally, physically,
    intellectually, technologically, and creatively.

Philosophy Statement
  • The faculty and staff of Richland Elementary
    School believe that it is our responsibility to
    provide the students with
  • a safe and caring environment
  • opportunities for interactive instruction with
    high expectations for positive measurable
  • the knowledge of how to resolve conflicts
  • examples of appropriate behavior by demonstrating
    responsible actions

Goals and Objectives
  • Goal
  • To increase positive student behavior choices and
    reduce negative behavior choices.
  • Objectives
  • Increase the percentage of students with no
    referrals by 20.
  • Decrease the total number of referrals to the
    office by 20.
  • Decrease the number of bus referrals by 20.
  • Decrease the number of suspensions by 20.

School Procedures
  • Procedures for entering school
  • Students line up at the assigned
    entrance or enter for breakfast at 715 am. When
    the 720 am bell rings, students walk in a grade
    level line quietly to their classrooms. Teachers
    will monitor and warmly greet students as they
    enter the building and classrooms.
  • Closing of school
  • Following the afternoon announcements,
    the administrator will dismiss according to the
    following schedule 4th-6th grade day care
    students and bus riders at 210 pm, KK-3rd grade
    day care and bus riders at 212 pm, all others at
    215 pm with the bell. One teacher per patio
    will walk the day care students and bus riders to
    their destinations. One other teacher per patio
    will walk the car riders and walkers to their
    exit doors.

School Procedures- cont.
  • Passing Classes
  • 5th and 6th Grade
  • When changing classes students line up
    quietly in their homeroom and proceed silently to
    the designated classroom. All teachers will
    supervise from their doorway.
  • Encore
  • Teachers lead class to and from Encore
    classes in a single file line. Students wait
    with their teacher to enter the Encore class.
  • Exceptional Children
  • Students will take necessary supplies and
    walk quietly to their assigned classrooms
    arriving on time.
  • Cafeteria
  • Teachers walk the students to the
    cafeteria IN doors (rear doors). The first 15
    minutes of lunch is quiet time. During the last
    15 minutes students may talk softly. At the end
    of the lunch period, teachers walk the students
    through the OUT doors (front doors) and back to
    their classrooms.

School Procedures- cont.
  • Assemblies
  • Students are escorted to the cafeteria by
    their teachers and are seated in their assigned
    sections. There is no talking in the cafeteria
    when entering, during the program, or exiting the
  • Referrals
  • The teacher will complete the referral
    with the specific nature of the problem. Unless
    the problem is of a serious nature the student
    will not be sent to the office with the referral.
    The administrator will call for the student when

Classroom Procedures
  • Procedures for the following should be posted
    in every room
  • Beginning and ending the class day or the period
  • Transitions and interruptions
  • Materials and equipment
  • Group work
  • Seatwork and teacher-led activities
  • Student interaction with teacher and peers

RedHawks Soar with the Fabulous FourRichland
  1. Act Safely
  2. Be Responsible and Respectful
  3. Care for Yourself, Others, and the Environment
  4. Do Your Best

How we teach the rules and procedures in the
  • Procedures- Each teacher will give concrete
    definitions, provide reasons, demonstrate the
    procedure, present tasks step-by-step, explain
    and demonstrate cues (raising your hand, lights
    turned offetc), allow for rehearsal/role play,
    give feed back,and re-teach when necessary.

How we teach the rules and procedures in the
classroom- cont.
  • Rules- Each teacher will set the rationale, have
    students generate individual classroom rules,
    compile ideas and share with the class, have
    students and teacher group them, finalize the
    rules, and display them in the classroom. The
    teacher will engage the children in role playing
    and modeling to teach and reinforce the rules.

Teaching the Procedures/Rules
  • School-wide-
  • Orientation assemblies at the beginning of the
    year to discuss Richland RedHawks expectations.
  • Refresher sessions held each six weeks per grade
    to reinforce expectations.
  • Post RedHawks Soar with the Fabulous Four rules
    throughout the building.
  • Announce daily RedHawks Soar with the Fabulous
    Four over the intercom.
  • Expectations will be communicated with parents
    and community through the newsletter every six

Program Elements
  • Mentoring
  • Buds to Blossoms
  • Red Ribbon Week
  • Most Improved Student
  • Goal Cards
  • No Bullying Program
  • Second Step
  • Mendez
  • Watch D.O.G.S
  • Safety Patrol
  • Student Achievement Awards
  • Terrific Kids

Character Education
  • Students recite the school character pledge
    each morning. Second Step lessons are taught
    weekly. A character trait is emphasized each six
    weeks, and a Terrific Kid is selected by each
    teacher every six weeks. Students will be also
    sent to the office on a bi-weekly basis for a
    positive referral and parents will be contacted.

School Safety Plan
  • Every teacher has a complete copy of Richlands
    School Safety Plan and the Classroom Crisis
    Response Procedures manual.
  • Tornado, fire, earthquake, and lockdown drills
    are conducted on a regular basis.
  • Special needs students will be identified with
    their unique needs and properly assigned a

In-School Suspension Plan
  • The in-school suspension program is designed to
    encourage positive behaviors and to minimize the
    amount of time out of school. Only ten students
    assigned to ISS per session. Kindergarten through
    second grade students will be assigned to ISS for
    a portion of the day depending on their maturity
  • ISS will be assigned by administrators only. ISS
    rules and expectations will be shared with
    students and parents. The form will be signed and
    kept on file. Teachers will complete an
    assignment form for each student assigned to ISS.
  • ISS is designed to be a structured learning
    environment. A counseling and reflecting
    component will emphasize personal responsibility,
    problem solving, and positive behavioral choices.

S-Team Process
  • The S-Team process is designed to identify and
    assist students experiencing academic,
    behavioral, or attendance problems. A team of
    professionals in cooperation with the parent will
    develop interventions to assist the student. The
    team can include teachers, administrators,
    guidance counselors, school social workers,
    psychologists, and special education personnel as
    needed. Functional behavioral assessments and
    behavior intervention plans will be developed as
    needed with team.

Action Steps
  • On-going school wide professional development
    will be provided for school staff in positive
    behavioral supports and best practices. Teams
    will meet on a rotating basis to reflect, assess,
    and implement behavioral strategies and
    interventions. These teams include the Blue
    Ribbon Committee, the School Leadership Council,
    Grade Level Teams, PTO, Buds to Blossoms program,
    Character Education/Peacable Schools Committee,
    No Bullying Program, Watch D.O.G.S., Parents on
    Patrol, Safety Committee, and academic teams.
  • Teams will review school, classroom, and
    individual discipline, attendance and academic
    data each 6-weeks to monitor and adjust goals and

Action Steps-Proactive Interventions
  • School-Wide
  • Greeting students as they enter the building and
    classroom each day
  • Designated staff will monitor high traffic areas
    throughout the day (hallways, cafeteria, bus
    area, bathrooms)
  • Second Step curriculum for problem solving and
    conflict resolution
  • S-Team process
  • High quality lessons that stimulate learning
  • New student orientation
  • Attendance Monitoring Team
  • Tutoring/Mentoring Program
  • Academic Intervention Monitoring
    Forms/Renaissance Standards Master

Action Steps- Proactive Interventions
  • Classroom
  • Signals
  • Proximity control
  • Goal Card Program with school counselor
  • Redirecting
  • Positive Reinforcement
  • Mentoring
  • Adjusting the classroom environment
  • Role-playing and practicing rules and procedures
  • Differentiated instruction
  • Be cognizant of student learning styles and

Action Steps- Recognizing Student Achievement
and Positive Behaviors
  • Honor Roll awards include
  • Principals List, Honor Roll, Citizenship,
  • Perfect Attendance, Fogelman Scholar,
  • Terrific Kid, Most Improved Student
  • Student of the week
  • Parental contact

Action Steps- Reactive Interventions
  • Classroom
  • Verbal warning/gesture
  • Proximity control
  • One-on-one conference
  • Time-out procedure
  • Parental contact
  • Loss of privileges
  • Referral to counselor
  • Referral to administrators
  • S-Team process

Action Steps- Reactive Interventions
  • Administrative
  • Conference
  • Parental Contact
  • Conference with counselor (Goal Card Program)
  • Parental conference
  • Detention
  • Loss of privileges (recess, field trips,
  • In-school suspension
  • Out-of-school suspension
  • S-team process

Prevention Model
  • No Bullying Program
  • Second Step
  • Mentoring Programs
  • Parents on Patrol
  • Watch D.O.G.S.
  • Mendez Program
  • Red Ribbon Week

  • Teams will review school, classroom, and
    individual discipline, attendance and academic
    data each 6-weeks to monitor and adjust goals and
  • Specific action plans will be developed to
    respond to the data and insure achievement of
    this years objectives
  • Increase the percentage of students with no
    referrals by 20.
  • Decrease the total number of referrals to the
    office by 20.
  • Decrease the number of bus referrals by 20.
  • Decrease the number of suspensions by 20.

  • TBA

  • School- Blue Ribbon Assemblies, Honor Programs,
    Jeans Day, E Luncheon, Goodie Bags, AR Store,
    Daily Announcement Recognition
  • Teacher- Monthly Recognition of Outstanding
    Teachers with incentive programs (gift
    certificates, extended lunch, etc)
  • Student- Positive Student Referral to office,
    Honors Programs, Positive Teacher Parental
    Contacts, Classroom Celebrations
  • Partners- Fogelman Most Improved Party, Kiwanis
    Club Terrific Kids Program, Robilios Pizza Party

  • It is the goal of Richland Elementary to
    prepare students to be life long learners and
    contributing citizens in the 21st century. We
    believe that one of the most important lessons
    that education teaches is discipline. While
    discipline does not appear as a subject, it
    underlines the whole educational structure.
    Discipline is the training that develops
    self-control, character, and efficiency. It is
    the key to good conduct and proper consideration
    of others.
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