Title: Talking to Patients and Their Families About Patient Safety
1Talking to Patients and Their Families About
Patient Safety
- Ilene Corina, Patient Safety Consultant
/President PULSE of NY - www.pulseofny.org
- www.patientsafetyadvocate.org
- www.patientsafetyconsultants.com
2About PULSE
- Founded in 1996
- Grassroots patient safety education and support
- Teaching them what you already know
- Giving a voice to the patient and their family
3Famous Stories
- Dana Carvey Cardiac surgeon bypassed the wrong
artery - Julie Andrews Surgery caused permanent
hoarseness -
- Fran Drescher Misdiagnosed - two years and
eight doctors to get proper diagnosis - Montel Williams M.S. misdiagnosed for 10 years
4Christopher Reeve
- 10/29/04
- Reeve went into cardiac arrest Saturday at his
home in Westchester County, New York, after
developing a serious systemic infection during
treatment for a pressure wound. He slipped into a
coma and died Sunday afternoon at a hospital near
his home. (1) - (1) www.cnn.com 1/11/04
5Real People Real Stories
6Why Talk to the Patients?
- To reduce medical errors
- To form relationships
- To respond to the media
- To keep staff happy
- To get more business
7Where to Find Patients
- Reach out to
- Breast cancer coalitions
- Diabetes foundations
- Alzheimers foundations
- Mothers groups
- Senior centers
- Libraries
- Ask staff about groups they belong to
8Topics / Objectives FILMS
- Falls
- Infections
- Literacy / Communication
- Medication
- Surgery
9Organize Topics Appropriately
- Breast cancer
- Medication management
- Getting test results
- Communication
- Insurance
- Surgery and infection
- Family advocacy
10Organize Topics Appropriately
- Alzheimers
- Falls
- Advocacy
- Medication
- Medication
- New place
- Dont move the patient without authorization
- Slip proof shoes
- Is patient prone to falls?
- Hand washing
- Dont visit with a cold
- Where are the germs?
- What does an infection look like?
13Literacy / Communication
- Who is in charge?
- Where does patient go with concerns?
- Taking notes
- Write down questions before the visit
- Bringing an advocate to the doctor or hospital
- Speaking respectfully but be heard
14Medication safety
- Keep accurate lists
- Allergies
- Ask questions
- Handwriting
- Learn about side effects
- Explain how errors happen
- Look-alike, sound-alike
15Is This What You See?
- 2 forms of ID
- Time out
- Antibiotic before a procedure
- Redness and swelling
- Explain bedsores
- Marking the site
18Other Topics to Address
- Health care proxy
- What is important to YOU!
- National Patient Safety Foundation
http//www.npsf.org/paf - The Joint Commission
- http//www.jointcommission.org
- Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
- http//www.ahrq.gov/consumer/index.htmlprevention
20(No Transcript)
21Patient Safety Can be Fun!
- Patient Safety Jeopardy/Password/Trivia
- Use questions and answers from literature
- Give out prizes
- Let audience enjoy themselves
- Use visuals Game board, giveaways
22Ready to play?
Patient Safety Trivia!
Answer a question and win a prize
23The Question is
What should a medical person do upon entering
your room in the hospital?
24The Question is
Name 3 things you should bring with you to the
25No Equipment No ProblemTips for 200
Tips Medication Infections Communication Surgery
26Know the Audience
- Show up early and ask individuals about
- Expectations
- Experiences
- The group in general (if they know each other)
- Look for participants to call on later
27Comfort Questions (when appropriate)
- Who here works in health care or ever did?
- Who has been an advocate for a family member or
friend? - Who keeps a list of medications handy at all
28Share Your Own Story
29No Open-Ended Questions
- Ask specifics
- Yes - Who has had a bad experience with their
family as an advocate? - No - Who wants to share their experience?
- Stay focused
- Yes -Does anyone want to share tips on choosing a
good advocate that has worked for you? - No Does anyone want to tell about their
hospital stay?
30Getting Back on Track
- Thank you for sharing
- Im glad you shared your story
- I have heard of that happening but we cant cover
each case - Lets talk later
31Never Ask
- Open-ended questions or
- Where - How - Why
32Sharing Stories
- Dont get trapped!
- Save stories until the end
- Have a sign-up sheet ready
- Have business cards available
33Defend and Deny
- Do not defend medical errors
- Do not deny they happen
- Accept criticism gracefully
34Suspecting a Medical Error
- Who could patients or families turn to?
- Patient Representative
- Nurse Manager
- Director
- State, Medical Boards
- Joint Commission
- Seniors daytime
- Working families nighttime
- Partner with another speaker
- Feed them and they will come!
36Thank You!
- Ilene Corina, Patient Safety Consultant
- (516) 579-4711
- icorina_at_aol.com
- www.PULSEofNY.org