Title: Campus Video Streaming Project Update
1Campus Video Streaming Project Update
- CHECO Fall 2006
- Chad Burnham
- University of Denver
2Overview of Topics
- Phase 1 Design
- Current Customers
- Upcoming Future Customers
- Vendor Experiences
- Phase 2 Design Options
3Phase One
- Flash Media Server
- Apple Quick Time Server xRAID
- Kasenna OmniBase Server
- Apple G5 Encoding Station
- Various Software Encoding Packages on high end
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6Current Streaming Customers
- Penrose Library
- Faculty Reserves 67 videos growing!
- Collaborative Digitization Project
- Audio - 939 tracks growing
- Center for Teaching Learning Portfolio
Project - 170 Students with Audio recordings Playback
- Center for Teaching Learnings / Penrose
Library Streamedia streaming video project - 750 unique students / spring quarter 65 titles
- Lamont School of Music
- Evolution of Rock audio delivery
7Current Customers Cont
- Graduate School of Social Work
- Video delivery - 4 videos distance students
- Foreign Languages Department
- Recording tools (French driven)
- University College
- Languages audio delivery tool - 9 Classes
- Office of Communication Management - Chancellor
Events, Wind Project media conference, Summer 06
Commencement - Daniels College of Business - Test bed
- Video Translations Module
8Upcoming Future Customers
- Penrose Library
- Corporate Collection 200 most common videos
- Oral Histories - Special Collections
- Collaborative Digitization Project
- Video in the near future
- Oral Histories
- Office of Communication Management
- Campus Tour
- Perspective Student Interviews
- Evans Professor event, Etc
- Daniels College of Business
- Ed-Tech - Rich Media Initiative
9Upcoming Future Customers Cont
- Career Center
- Graduate School of Social Work
- Lots of Video to encode, catalog present
- Center for Teaching Leaning
- Portfolio - Allowing students to upload content
to stream - Digital Object Repository Application (DORA)
- DORA/DUVAGA 2 application
- Lamont School of Music
- Theory Server
10Upcoming Future Customers Cont
- Faculty Pod Casting
- College of Law
- Digital Media Studies
- Student Video/Media Projects
- Languages and Literature
- Foreign Language Audio Tracks
11Production, Deployment Archival of Content
- Moving target as technology grows
- Support Flowchart needed
- Faculty content CTL / Library
- Archive Who decides?
- Live Events Multimedia service model
- Outsource/Partner the large audience events to
hosting provider
12Vendor Experiences - Kasenna
- Not happy with Kasenna appliance overall
- Poor support
- Poor/incorrect documentation
- Did not deliver a hands-off OS as expected /
promised - EG. security patches, updates broke appliance
- Advised to not do security patches
- Purchased one small appliance to minimize risk
- Wanted to sell us professional services
13Vendor Experiences - Apple
- Training was very useful
- Server product line is limited, but works for our
scale, expectations, budget - Phase 1 Storage, an xRAID (DAS), works for our
scale, expectations budget - Phase 2 Storage funding makes this more of a true
SAN model (xSAN / StorNext) - Deployment enables a clustered file solution that
can scale to both QuickTime and Flash - Multiple systems to access the same data
- xRAID is a limited availability (Single
14Vendor Experiences ContAdobe / Flash
- Adobe/Macromedia merger occurred during phase
one. - More favorable licensing model
- Happy with Dell hardware
- Leveraging the Flash code platform. Can do more
than just video audio, web conferencing,
reporting. Custom media manipulation tools - Flash code base is now 10 years old
15Vendor Experiences ContV. Brick
- Company has been very generous with two Demo
Units - MPEG 4 Part 10 (Not H.264)
- Would like to see H.264 Unit
- Will not tell us when
- Evaluated unit for live events
16Viewcast Niagara Osprey Portable Encoder
- 1st Unit arrived dead / after 3 RMAs
- Lemon Law New unit
- Manufacturer is anxious for success story
- Have had working for 1 week will use for
internal Peace-Jam broadcast - WMV, Flash, Real, Today, H.264 Part 10 due out
4th Qtr
17Problem Disk Space
- Flash server is quickly reaching capacity
- Flash content is growing fast!
- Phase 2 would allow access to the SAN
18Phase 2 Architecture Diagrams
- Possible Storage Options
- With Apple
- Without Apple
- Lower Cost Stand-Alone HA SAN
- Expand Production HA Hitachi TagStore
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- Videostreaming-tech_at_du.edu
- Videostreaming-inform_at_du.edu
- http//portfolio.du.edu/streaming
- http//www.viewcast.com/pages.asp?pageniagara-GoS
tream - http//www.apple.com/quicktime/whyqt/
- http//www.adobe.com/products/flash/flashpro/