Title: The Respiratory System
1The Respiratory System
- Emergency Medical Technician - Basic
2Respiratory System Purpose
- Takes in oxygen
- Disposes of wastes
- Carbon dioxide
- Excess water
O2 Glucose
The Cell
3Respiratory System Anatomy
4Respiratory System Anatomy
- Lung
- Right lung 3 lobes
- Left lung 2 lobes
5Respiratory System Anatomy
- Bronchioles
- Smallest airways
- Walls consist entirely of smooth muscle (no
cartilage present) - Constriction increases resistance to airflow
- Dilation reduces resistance to airflow
6Respiratory System Anatomy
- Alveoli
- Air sacs
- Site of oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange with
7Respiratory System Anatomy
8Respiratory System Anatomy
9Respiratory System Anatomy
- Pleura
- Double-walled membrane
- Visceral layer covers lung
- Parietal layer lines inside of chest wall,
10Respiratory System Physiology
Inspiration Active process Chest cavity
expands Intrathoracic pressure falls Air
flows in until pressure equalizes
Expiration Passive process Chest cavity
size decreases Intrathoracic pressure rises
Air flows out until pressure equalizes
11Respiratory System Physiology
- Automatic Function
- Primary drive increase in arterial CO2
- Secondary (hypoxic) drive decrease in arterial O2
Normally we breathe to remove CO2 from the body,
NOT to get oxygen in
12Respiratory Pathophysiology
- Airway (Obstruction)
- Tongue
- Foreign body airway obstruction
- Anaphylaxis/angioedema
- Upper airway burn
- Maxillofacial/laryngeal/ tracheobronchial trauma
- Epiglottitis
- Croup
- Aspiration
- Asthma
- Chronic Obstructive Airway Disease
- Emphysema
- Chronic bronchitis
13Respiratory Pathophysiology
- Gas Exchange Surface (Blood Flow or Gas
Diffusion) - Pulmonary Edema
- Left-sided heart failure
- Toxic inhalations
- Near drowning
- Pneumonia
- Pulmonary Embolism
- Blood clots
- Amniotic fluid
- Fat embolism
14Respiratory Pathophysiology
- Thoracic Bellows (Ventilation)
- Chest Trauma
- Simple rib fractures
- Flail chest
- Pneumothorax
- Hemothorax
- Sucking chest wound
- Diaphragmatic hernia
- Pleural effusion
- Spinal cord trauma (High C-spine lesion)
- Morbid obesity
- Neurological/neuro-muscular disease
- Poliomyelitis
- Myasthenia gravis
- Muscular dystrophy
- Guillian-Barre syndrome
15Respiratory Pathophysiology
- Control System (Decreased Respiratory Drive)
- Head trauma
- Depressant drug toxicity
- Narcotics
- Sedative-hypnotics
- Ethyl alcohol
16Respiratory Assessment
- Initial Assessment (A, B, C, D)
- Manage life threats
- Complete focused history and physical
17Initial Assessment
- Airway
- Listen to patient breathe, talk
- Noisy breathing is obstructed breathing
- But all obstructed breathing is not noisy
- Snoring Tongue blocking airway
- Stridor Tight upper airway from partial
18Initial Assessment
- Airway
- Anticipate airway problems with
- Decreased LOC
- Head trauma
- Maxillofacial trauma
- Neck trauma
- Chest trauma
19Initial Assessment
- Breathing
- Is patient moving air?
- Is air moving adequately?
- Is the patients blood being oxygenated?
20Initial Assessment
- Breathing
- Symmetry of chest expansion
- Increased respiratory effort
- Changes in skin color
- Air movement at mouth, nose
- Air Movement in peripheral lung fields
- Air movement at mouth, nose
- Symmetry of chest expansion
- Tachypnea
- Bradypnea
- Orthopnea
- Tripod position
21Initial Assessment
- Breathing
- Signs of respiratory distress
- Nasal flaring
- Tracheal tugging
- Retractions
- Neck, pectoral muscle use on inhalation
- Abdominal muscle use on exhalation
- Skin Color
- Pale, cool moist skin (Early sign of hypoxia)
- Cyanosis (Late, unreliable sign of hypoxia)
22Initial Assessment
- Breathing
- If trauma patient has compromised breathing, bare
chest, assess for - Open pneumothorax
- Flail chest
- Tension pneumothorax
23Respiratory Assessment
- Circulation
- Is heart beating?
- Is there major external hemorrhage?
- Is patient perfusing?
- Effects of hypoxia
- Adults (early) tachycardia
- Adults (late) bradycardia
- Children bradycardia
24Initial Assessment
- Circulation
- Dont let respiratory failure distract you from
assessing for circulatory failure - Low oxygen or high carbon dioxide levels can
depress cardiovascular function
25Respiratory Assessment
- Disability
- Restlessness, anxiety, combativeness hypoxia
Until proven otherwise - Drowsiness, lethargy hypercarbia
Until proven otherwise
Just because the patient stops fighting, hes not
necessarily getting better!!!
26Initial Management
- Patient Responsive/Breathing Adequate
- Oxygen may be indicated
- Oxygenate immediately if patient has
- Decreased level of consciousness
- Possible shock
- Possible severe hemorrhage
- Chest pain
- Chest trauma
- Respiratory distress or dyspnea
- History of any kind of hypoxia
27Initial Management
- Patient responsive, breathing inadequate
- Open/maintain airway
- Place nasopharyngeal airway
- Assist ventilations
- Mouth to Mask
- 2-person Bag-valve Mask
- Manually Triggered Ventilator
- 1-person Bag-valve Mask
28Initial Management
- Patient unresponsive, breathing adequate
- Open/maintain airway
- Place nasopharyngeal or oropharyngeal airway
- Suction airway as needed
- Provide oxygen by non-rebreather mask
- Frequently reassess
29Initial Management
- Patient unresponsive, breathing inadequate
- Open/maintain airway
- Place nasopharyngeal or oropharyngeal airway
- Suction airway as needed
- Assist ventilations
- Mouth to Mask
- 2-person Bag-valve Mask
- Manually Triggered Ventilator
- 1-person Bag-valve Mask
- Frequently reassess
30Initial Management
- Patient not breathing
- Open airway
- Place nasopharyngeal or oropharyngeal airway
- Ventilate patient
- Mouth-to-Mask
- 2-Person Bag-Valve Mask
- Manually Triggered Ventilator
- 1-Person Bag-Valve Mask
- Frequently reassess
31Initial Management
- Golden Rules
- If you think about giving O2, give it!!!
- If you decide to give oxygen, give a lot of it!!!
- If you cant tell whether a patient is breathing
adequately, he isnt ! - If youre thinking about assisting a patients
breathing, you probably should be!
32Focused History and Physical
- Chief Complaint
- Dyspnea
- Subjective sensation that breathing is excessive,
difficult, or uncomfortable - Respiratory Distress
- Objective observations that indicate breathing is
difficult or inadequate
33Focused History and Physical
- History of Present Illness (OPQRST)
- Gradual or sudden onset?
- What aggravates or alleviates?
- How long has dyspnea been present?
- Coughing? Productive cough?
- What does sputum look/smell like?
- Pain present? What does pain feel like? How bad?
Does it radiate? Where?
34Focused History and Physical
- Past History
- If Then???
- Hypertension, MI, Diabetes CHF
with Pulmonary Edema - Chronic Cough , Smoking, COPD
- Recurrent Flu
- Allergies, Acute Episodes of SOB Asthma
- Lower Extremity Trauma, Pulmonary Embolism
- Recent Surgery, Immobilization
35Focused History and Physical
- Medications
- If Then???
- Breathing Pills, Inhalers Asthma or
COPD - Albuterol Montelukast
- Aminophylline Oxtriphylline
- Ipratropium Cromolyn
- Terbutaline Prednisone
- Salbumatol
- Zafirlukast
36Focused History and Physical
- Medications
- If Then???
- Lasix, hydrodiuril, digitalis
CHF - Coumadin, BCPs
Pulmonary embolism
37Focused History and Physical Exam
- Crackles (Rales)
- Fine, crackling
- Fluid in smaller airways, alveoli
- Rhonchi
- Coarse, rumbling
- Fluid, mucus in larger airways
- Stridor
- High pitched, crowing
- Upper airway restriction
- Wheezing
- Whistling
- Usually more pronounced on exhalation
- Generalized narrowing, spasm of the smaller
airways - Localized foreign body aspiration
38Mild Breathing Difficulty
- May be hypoxic
- Can move adequate tidal volume
- Can answer questions, speak in complete
sentences, is alert - High concentration O2 by non-rebreather mask
- Consider bronchodilators if patient wheezing
39Moderate Breathing Difficulty
- May be hypoxic
- May be moving adequate tidal volume
- Having difficulty answering questions, speaks in
choppy sentences, is restless/irritable - High concentration O2 by non-rebreather mask
- Get ready to assist ventilations if needed
(patient may resist assistance at this time) - Consider bronchodilators if patient wheezing
40Severe Breathing Difficulty
- Getting sleepy
- Not speaking or speaking with very few words
- Previously wild, now seems cooperative
- Assist ventilations with BVM and oxygen
- Time BVM ventilation with patients ventilatory
efforts - Interpose extra ventilations if necessary