Title: The Four-Blocks Literacy Model
1The Four-BlocksLiteracy Model
- Working With Words
- Guided Reading
- Self-Selected Reading
- Writing
2Expected Outcomes
- Participants will
- Study and describe the major components of
Working with Words - Develop and implement lesson plan activities
based on the Working with Words Block - Create and make hands on instructional supports
for classroom use.
3Lets Look at the Research
- by Patricia Cunningham,
- Dorothy Hall and
- Cheryl Sigmon
- by Karen Erickson and David Koppenhaver
4Research Jigsaw
- The Teachers Guide to the Four Blocks
- Group 1 Word Walls, Pgs 122-124
- Group 2 Word Wall Variations, Pgs 130-135
- Group 3 Phonics Spelling, Pgs 136-137
- Decoding and Spelling, Pg 159
- Making it Multi-Level, Pgs 161, 164
- Group 4 Making Words, Pgs 142-147
- Children with Disabilities
- Group 5 Purposes and Priorities, Pgs 110-112
5Show what You Know!
- Word Walls
- Word Wall Variations
- Phonics and Spelling
- Making Words
- Decoding and Spelling Variations
- Making It Multi-Level
- Purposes and Priorities for SWD
6Word Wall WordsCreating the Wall
7Form Basics
- Letters need to be approx. 2 inches high
- Dark, thick marker on light sentence strip on
dark (high contrast) background - Given a choice, manuscript, not DNealian
- Upper and lower case from beginning
- Different color background for each word in each
category (t-words, b-words) - Cut out block shape around letters, leaving
approx. ΒΌ in. border - Visually similar words (am/am) on different
background - Homophones (too/to/two) on different backgrounds
- Alphabetic by first letter only
8Word Wall WordsChoosing Words
9Word Wall FoundationsChoosing Words
- Used to teach words that you dont want student
to have to work to decode or spell - Exposure vs. learning
- Needs/wants/use vs. curriculum-driven direct
instruction - Distributed vs. massed practice
- Permanent vs. temporary accountability
10Word Wall Content Basics
- Unimportant words need not apply
- High frequency words
- Generative patterns (transfer words)
- At, can, like, old
- High Utility
- Student names, teachers, school name, tv
favorites - Spelling demons
- Words kids regularly misspell in writing
11Common Rimes (Wylie Durrell, 1970)
ack ap est ing ot ail ash ice ink uck ain
at ick ip ug ake ate ide it ump ale aw i
ght ock unk ame ay ill oke ank an eat in
op ell ine ore
12Carolina Literacy Groups Onset Studies
- Onsets in Three Levels of Ease of Learning
- Easiest h, n, d, fl, m, j, r, h, t
- More Difficult sh, dr, cr, f, bl, pl, tr, cl, pr
- Most Difficult sp, sn, str, sc, th, ch, br, ch, k
13Carolina Literacy GroupsRime Studies
- Rimes in Three Levels of Ease of Learning
- Easiest it, ay, in, ap, ill, an, ack, ip, ing,
at, ore, ug, ell - More difficult aw, ide, ake, ock, unk, ick, oke,
ank, ice, ash, ump, ink - Most difficult ine, ain, ate, ail, est, ale,
ight, ot, uck, eat, op, ame
14Word Wall WordsRoutine for Adding Words
15Word Wall Use Basics
- 5 words a week
- Issue is deep, thorough knowledge not content
coverage or exposure - Cumulative list
- On the wall until every kid consistently spells
word correctly without looking. - Introduce homophones in separate weeks, not all
at one. - Daily 10-minute activities
16Introducing Words
- Put word cards on display separate from word wall
- Temporary wall location, chalkboard tray, pocket
chart - Pronounce first word to class as they look at it
- Discuss meaning or use
- Clap and cheer/chant 3 times
- A-N-DAND!!
- (older kids) make cheerssee reference on WIKI
17Introducing Words cont.
- Each child writes word
- Incorporate handwriting by modeling correct
letter formation on overhead or board - Repeat with remaining words
- Draw around shapes of words in block
- Last words introduced in mid-to late April
18Word Wall WordsRoutine for Practicing
19Word Wall WordsLets Give it a Try!
On the Back Cross Checking Cunningham, 128
20Word Wall WordsLets Give it a Try
On the Back Be A Mind Reader Cunningham, 129
21Working with Words Center
- What are students doing?
- word sorts
- using magnetic letters
- reading ABC books
- making words
- playing word games
- What mini-lessons do I need to teach to get it
started? - how to do a word sort
- how to use an ABC chart
- how to use materials at the center (letter
stamps, word cards) - how to use a dry erase board
- what to do when you are done with one activity
22Daily Activities
- Cunningham 125-130, 138-162
- Erickson 116-124
- Handout
23Websites for Working with Words
PowerPoint Word Wall Vocabulary Presentations
Word Wall Activities List http//www.wordplays.co
m/fcgi-bin/jumble.pl for teachers type in
secret/big word to get list of little words goes
along well with making big words http//fdlrssprin
gs.org/literacy_resources.html FDLRS Springs
website for literacy activities Http//region2libr
ary.org FDLRS Region 2 website for links to
helpful compilations of literacy
resources http//www.bbc.co.uk/schools/laac/words/
dg3.shtml Rhyming games http//www.readwritethink
.org/materials/wordfamily/ Interactive kids
sort words by rime http//www.readwritethink.org/m
aterials/wordbuild/ Interactive add onset to
make real words http//www.woodlands-junior.kent.s
ch.uk/Games/mag/abc.html Interactive making
words using click/drag magnetic board
24Thanks Resources
- To Dr. Karen Erickson and her work with our kids
and teachers - To FDLRS Springsfor helping us get this
initiative started in our region. - Visit our WIKI Space to see other resources
- http//fourblock.wikispaces.com/WorkingwithWords
25Now..for the rest of the story
- Lo Tech Accommodations
- Software Demonstration
- Implementation Assignment
- Make and Take Activities
- Session Evaluation