Title: Preschool Reading and Writing: Essential Elements of Emergent Literacy
1Preschool Reading and Writing Essential Elements
of Emergent Literacy
- Marilyn Astore
- Language Literacy Consultant
- California Preschool Instructional Network
2What is Emergent Literacy?
- Skills, knowledge and attitudes that are
developmental precursors to conventional reading
and writing - Whitehurst and Lonigan (1998) in Landry, Lonigan
and Shanahan (2005)
3Definitions of Emergent Literacy (Continued)
- Skills and abilities linked to later outcomes in
reading, writing and spelling - Basic building blocks for learning to read and
write -
4What Elements of Emergent Literacy Strongly
Predict Future Success in Reading and Writing?
- Alphabetic Knowledge
- Oral Language
- Concepts About Print
- RAN (Rapid Automatic Naming/Lexical Access)
- Phonological
- Awareness
- Writing/Name
- Writing
- Invented
- Spelling
Landry, Lonigan and Shanahan Lonigan (2006)
5What Areas Are the Strongest Predictors?
Lonigan (2003, 2006)
6Conventional Literacy The Reading/Writing
- Receptive
- Automatic, Fluent Decoding
- Reading Comprehension
- Expressive
- Spelling
- Composition
Landry, Lonigan and Shanahan
7The Emergent Reading/Writing Connection
- Assessing childrens writing provides useful
indicators of their level of print development
and their understanding of the sounds of
language. - Moats (1998) in Paulsen, et al
- Research has shown that writing leads to reading
achievement. - Braunger, Lewis and Hagans (1999) in Paulsen, et
al (2001), p. 260
8The Emergent Reading/Writing Connection
- Experiences such as making lists, writing notes
and messages, planning menus and writing their
names, as well as the names of other family
members, encourage children to experiment and
interact with print. - These experiences help children to gain a better
understanding of how speech can be represented
with print. - Paulsen, et al
9The Emergent Reading/Writing Connection
- There is a striking parallel in the
developmental sequence that children go through
as they learn to say the sounds in their language
and when they learn to write the sounds of our
language. - Paulsen, et al
10Why is This Connection Significant ?
- In alphabetic writing systems, decoding texts
involves the translation of units of print
(graphemes) to units of sound (phonemes), and
writing involves translating units of sound into
units of print. - Lonigan (2003)
11How Does the Reading/Writing Connection Develop?
- Children learn about literacy beginning in the
earliest years by observing and interacting with
readers and writers, as well as through their own
attempts at reading and writing. - The breadth, depth and nature of childrens
engagement with text greatly affects their
development of literacy learning. - Snow, C.E., Burns, M.S. and Griffin, P. (1998),
p. 44
12 Even with scribble and non-phonetic
letter strings, children appear to be exploring
features that they abstract about print
Development of the Reading/Writing Connection
Snow, Burns and Griffin, p. 59
13Development of the Reading/Writing Connection
Late in the second year or early in the third
many children produce reading-like as well as
drawing-like scribbles and recognizable letters
or letter-like forms. Snow, Burns and Griffin,
p.57 During the latter part of this period,
children will often label and comment about what
they have illustrated. Snow, Burns and Griffin,
14Development of the Reading/Writing Connection
- Between three and four years of age, children
continue to experiment with writing by
scribbling, forming random letter strings and
shapes that resemble letters. - Some four year olds begin to identify salient
sounds in words and can demonstrate this
knowledge in their writing through the use of
invented spelling. - Snow, Burns and Griffin
15A Major Developmental Milestone
- The childs first written representation of a
word using only its beginning consonant is a
dramatic moment in the evolution toward literacy. - At this point, the child has a rudimentary
understanding that letters stand for the sounds
of language, though this understanding is
probably based on the letters name rather than
its sound. - Roberts, B. in S.B. Neuman and K.A. Roskos
(1998), p.43
16Encouraging Emerging Readers and Writers
- How can early childhood staff and families
nurture preschoolers growth in their attempts
to read and write? - Share your ideas with a partner.
17Shared Writing A Key Strategy to Connect Reading
and Writing
- Shared writing (The Language Experience Approach)
is an excellent way for helping children to
realize that what they say can be written down in
print and that print can be read back ... - Shared writing also presents opportunities for
teachers to demonstrate the structure and
conventions of written language. - Vukelich, C. and Christie, J.(2004), p.9
18Shared Writing Activities
- Daily News or Morning Message
- Dictated Stories, Ideas or Experiences for
individual or class books - Surprise Box-- Large box covered with paper
teacher records childrens guesses about what is
in the box and and reads them out loud to class
19Shared Writing Activities (Continued)
- Take-Home Bear- Stories about what child did
with bear when he/she took it home-dictated to a
family member or to the teacher the next day. - Quilt Stories-Dictated Stories framed
individually with wallpaper strips and mounted
together to produce a giant class story quilt. - Moomaw, S. and Hieronymus, B. (2001)
20Linking Reading and Writing In Thematic Play Areas
21Play settings that reflect real-life reading and
writing situations
- Grocery Store
- Veterinarians Office
- Home Center
- Post Office
- Airport/Airplane
- Library
- Business Office
- Restaurant
Vukelich and Christie
22Role of the Teacher
When teachers are directly involved, children
learn more about reading and writing then when
they are playing alone or with others. Teachers
can be
- Stage managers (gathering, making props and
organizing materials, talking with children about
their plans, etc)
Vukelich and Christie
23Role of the Teacher (continued)
- Co-players (joining in the play)
- Play leaders (extending and enriching play
episodes) - When teachers act as stage managers and add
reading and writing materials to all their
classroom centers, they coax young children into
engaging in reading and writing behaviors.
24Role of the Teacher (continued)
- When teachers go a step further and become
co-players and play leaders, they can provide
children with meaningful reading and writing
opportunities. - Through such play, children practice the
important reading and writing skills. - Vukelich and Christie, p.35
25Supporting Emergent Literacy at the Writing Center
- What kinds of materials should be available?
- Discuss with a partner.
26Support at the Writing Center
- Time spent by teachers in the center key to
childrens progress
Baldridge and
Segal - Extensive opportunities for exploration and
practice essential for encouraging emerging
writers -
Barone, D.M., Mallette, M.H. and Xu. M.H.(2005) - Choice important for children to decide about
their topics, materials, purpose and length of
time spent on a piece of writing - Barone, Mallette and Xu
27Introducing Preschoolers to Letter Forms
- Looking at letters gives young children some
information about the lines used to form those
letters. - Watching an adult form a letter provides
preschoolers with more information.
28Introducing Preschoolers to Letter Forms
- The teacher can play an alphabet clue game with
children in a small group by writing a letter,
one line at a time, on a large sheet of plain
paper and asking the children to guess what
letter he/she is going to make. If a long,
vertical line is drawn, they might guess T or F
or H . The teacher continues adding lines,
telling the children when he/she has given them
the last clue. Children may initiate games such
as this in the writing area after playing with
the teacher. -
29Supporting Preschoolers Attempts to Write
A good way to help children learn to write
letters is to let them begin with the first
letter of their own name. Baldridge and
Segal, p.224
Next Step Try remaining letters in
name. Reminder for Adults Do not critique
letter reversals done by preschoolers!
Baldridge and Segal
30Useful Materials for Letter Writing
- Shaving Cream
- Playdough (rolled out for finger writing)
- Cornmeal (in a cardboard box lid)
31Models for Copying
- Plastic Letters
- Letter Cards
- Tracing Over Models with Finger A
Multisensory Scaffold
32- Strategies for Supporting English Learners and
Children With Special Needs
33Support for Preschool English Learners
- Review the recommendations outlined on pp. 68 and
89 of Preschool English Learners Principles and
Practices to Promote Language, Literacy, and
34Supporting Children with Special Needs DR access
- Augmentative or alternative communication
- Alternative mode for written language
- Visual supports
- Assistive equipment
- Functional positioning
- Sensory support
- Response fluency
- Alternative response mode
35Directions for activity
- Review your groups information, and at the
chart paper brainstorm some additional strategies
for promoting the development of emergent reading
and writing. -
36Nurturing Reading and Writing Readiness at Home
- Children see their parents reading regularly and
enjoying it. - There is an abundance of all types of literature
available--newspapers, magazines, novels,
childrens books, etc. - Bishop, A., Yopp, R.H. and Yopp, H.K. (2000)
37Nurturing Reading and Writing Readiness at Home
- Visiting the local library is a weekly family
routine. - Children are read to regularly, including books
that focus on important moments in their
lives---a new puppy, an important outing, birth
of a sibling, nightmares, visits to the doctor,
38Nurturing Reading and Writing Readiness at Home
- Homes that encourage reading and writing by
having paper, pencils, crayons and even
chalkboards readily availableare developing
characteristics in children that will allow them
to enter school with confidence.
39Nurturing Reading and Writing Readiness at Home
- Many children write before they begin reading.
Parents who encourage their children to
experiment with writing often are helping them
ease into reading. - However, these parents do not expect perfect
handwriting, spelling or grammar. They are very
accepting of their childs attempts to write. - Bishop, Yopp and Yopp, p.10
40Strategies That Foster Print Knowledge and
Emerging Writing at Home
- Help your child learn to recognize her name in
print. - As she watches, print the letters of her name
saying each letter as you write it. - Display her name in special places in your home.
- Encourage her to spell and write her name.
41Strategies That Foster Print Knowledge and
Emerging Writing at Home (continued)
- Point out words and letters everywhere you can.
- Read street signs, traffic signs, billboards,
and store signs. Point out certain letters in
these signs. - Ask your child to begin naming common signs and
find some letters. - Armbruster, Lehr and Osborne (2003), p.22
42Strategies That Foster Print Knowledge and
Emerging Writing at Home (continued)
- Have your preschooler use her way of
writing--perhaps just a scribble, to sign
birthday cards or make lists. - Reading and writing support each other. The more
your child does of each, the better she will be
at both. - U.S. Department of Education (2002), p. 25
43Strategies That Foster Print Knowledge and
Emerging Writing at Home (continued)
- Hang a family message board in the kitchen.
Offer to write notes there for your child. Be
sure that she finds the notes left there for her. - Ask your preschooler to tell you simple stories
as you write them down
44Strategies That Foster Print Knowledge and
Emerging Writing at Home (continued)
- Write with your child. She will learn a lot
about writing by watching you write. Talk with
her about your writing so that she begins to
understand that writing means something and has
many uses.
45Strategies That Foster Print Knowledge and
Emerging Writing at Home (continued)
- Help your child write notes or emails to
relatives and friends to thank them for gifts or
to share her thoughts. Encourage the relatives
and friends to answer your child. - U.S. Department of Education, pp. 25-26
46Families as Partners in Literacy
- How do you structure opportunities for sharing
strategies that support childrens early literacy
development with families from diverse linguistic
and cultural backgrounds? - How do you ensure that the home language of
families is valued in the fostering of young
childrens development as emergent readers and
writers? - Discuss with a partner.
47Assessment What Emergent Writing Reveals about
Emergent Literacy
- Use Measures 30 and 31 of Desired Results-R, to
analyze what these measures demonstrate about
preschoolers letter and word knowledge and
emerging writing skills.
48(No Transcript)
49(No Transcript)
50(No Transcript)
51(No Transcript)
- Armbruster, B.B., Lehr, F. and Osborn, J. 2003. A
Child Becomes a Reader Birth Through Preschool.
Jessup, MD National Institute for Literacy. - Bishop, A., Yopp, R.H. and Yopp, H.K.. 2000.
Ready for Reading A Handbook for Parents of
Preschoolers. Boston Allyn and Bacon. - Baldridge, B.S. and Segal, M.S. 2005. Building
Literacy With Love A Guide for Children and
Caregivers of Children From Birth Through Age
Five. Washington, D.C. Zero to Three Press. - Barone, D., Mallette, M.H. and Xu, S.H. 2005.
Teaching Early Literacy Development, Assessment
and Instruction. New York Guilford Press. - Braunger, J., Lewis, J. and Hagans, R. 1997.
Building a Knowledge Base in Reading. Portland,
OR Northwest Regional Laboratory, National
Council of Teachers of English.
- California Department of Education 2005.
Preschool English Learners Principles and
Practices to Promote Language, Literacy and
Learning (Draft). Sacramento California
Department of Education. - Landry, S.H., Lonigan, C. J. and Shanahan, T.
2005. Findings from the National Early Literacy
Panel providing a focus for early language and
literacy development. Presentation at The
National Association for the Education of Young
Children Annual Conference in Washington, D.C.. - Lonigan, C. J. 2003. Development and promotion of
early literacy skills in children at-risk of
reading difficulties. In B.R. Foorman (ed.),
Preventing and Remediating Reading Difficulties.
Baltimore, MD York Press. - Lonigan, C. J. 2006. Early literacy development
foundations and interrelations. Presentation to
California Preschool Instructional Network in
Ontario, CA.
- Moats, L. 1998. Achieving research-based
practice replacing romance with reality.
Presentation at The Sopris West Summer Institute,
A Summit on Literacy, in Snowmass, CO. - Moomaw, S. and Hieronymus, B. 2001. More Than
Letters. St. Paul, MN Redleaf Press. - Paulsen, L.H., et al. 2001. Building Early
Literacy and Language Skills. Longmont, CO
Sopris West. - Roberts, B. 1998. I No EvrethENGE what
skills are needed in early literacy? in S.B.
Neuman and K.A. Roskos (eds.), Children
Achieving Best Practices in Early Literacy.
Newark, DE International Reading Association. -
- Schickedanz, J. A. 1999. Much More Than the ABCs.
Washington, D.C. IRA. - Schickedanz, J.A. and Casberge, R.M. 2004.
Writing in Preschool Learning to Orchestrate
Meaning and Marks. Washington, D.C. IRA - Snow, C.E., M.S. Burns and P. Griffin, eds. 1998.
Preventing Reading Difficulties in Young
Children. Washington, D.C. National Academy
Press. - U.S. Department of Education Office of
Intergovernmental and Interagency Affairs. 2002.
Helping Your Child Become a Reader. Jessup, MD
Education Publications Center (Spanish edition
available). - Vukelich, C. and Christie, J. 2004. Building a
Foundation for Preschool Literacy Effective
Instruction in Childrens Reading and Writing
Development. Newark, DE IRA.