Problem Statements - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Problem Statements


... the company wants to be a leader in the distribution and merchandising of food, pharmacy health and personal care items, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Problem Statements

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Problem Statements
  • State the ideal
  • Refer to mission and stakeholder stakes in
    determining the ideal state
  • What values are involved?
  • State the reality
  • Describe a condition that conflicts with the
    goal, values or ideal state
  • Describe the consequences

  • Statement 1
  • In order to provide excellent patient care at
    minimal cost, Middletown Hospital needs
    diagnostic procedures that are safe, efficient
    and accurate, and not overly painful for patients.

  • Statement 2
  • Right now, Middletowns main diagnostic tools are
    CAT scans and spinal taps. The CAT scan fails to
    make clear diagnoses 60 of the time. When they
    fail, doctors must resort to the spinal tap,
    which is accurate, but very painful and often
    dangerous for the patient

  • Statement 3
  • If Middletown Hospital continues to do the 2
    procedures, they will be wasting time and money
    which jeopardizes efficiency and earning
    potential, and they will subject patients to
    undue suffering, which may cause them to select
    another hospital with more advanced facilities

Example 2
  • Statement 1
  • According to the Southern University mission
    statement, the university seeks to provide
    students with a safe, healthy learning
    environment.  Dormitories are one important of
    that learning environment, since 55 of SU
    students live in campus dorms and most of these
    students spend a significant amount of time
    working in their dorm rooms.
  • However,

  • Statement 2
  • B.     Students living in dorms W, X, Y, and Z
    currently do not have air conditioning units, and
    during the first month of the Fall semester, it
    is common for room temperatures to exceed 80
    degrees F.  Many students report that they are
    unable to do homework in their dorm rooms. 
    Others report problems sleeping because of the
    humidity and temperature.  The rooms are not only
    unhealthy, but they inhibit student productivity
    and academic achievement.

  • Statement 3
  • If conditions continue to cause discomfort and
    difficulty for students, they will choose other
    living arrangements, including off campus
    housing, which will create financial problems for
    Southern University

Example 3
  • Statement 1
  • According to the PSU police mission statement,
    the goal of the university is to assist students
    faculty and staff in maintaining a safe
    environment and to enhance the quality of life at
    Portland State. Consequently every weekend
    numerous students venture downtown to enjoy a
    good time filled with dancing partying and
  • However,

  • Statement 2
  • After a night filled with drinking many students
    well over the legal limit still climb into the
    driver seat of their cars to get home. Each
    weekend is full of Portland police and PSU police
    reports of students receiving DUI'S (driving
    under the influence). Not infrequently there are
    additional reports of accidents and injuries due
    to drinking and driving. This produces not only a
    campus problem but a community problem as well.

  • Statement 3
  • If the situation doesnt change, some student or
    community member will undoubtedly be killed. DUIs
    and accidents cause severe legal and financial
    problems for students. In addition, tensions
    between the community and the University will

Terra Cog
  • Terra Cog is a successful privately held high
    tech firm that develops GPS systems for consumer
  • Their success has been based on a core competence
    of converting consumer needs in products with
    exceptional design and function.
  • The company is caught off guard by a competitors
    introduction of a GPS system using novel,
    Google-earth like imagery.
  • When Terra Cog pursues development of a competing
    product, project costs are exceedingly high and
    the time frame lengthy.

Problem statement?
  • Statement 1
  • Terra Cogs mission is to offer the sportsman
    markets exceptionally well-designed, high
    functioning GPS products.

  • Statement 2
  • A competitor has entered the market with an
    enhanced imagery GPS unit that consumers and
    retailers respond well to. Initial product
    development at Terra Cog indicates that the
    company cannot produce a competing product with
    advanced features at a comparable price point in
    a timely fashion.

  • Statement 3
  • If Terra Cog cannot enter the market with a
    superior, well-priced product it will jeopardize
    its relationships with retailers and its
    reputation with consumers, leading to a market
    share decline.

  • IKEA has an environmental and social welfare
    mission to create a better life for everyday
  • The company has grown to a 4.5 billion company
    by offering well-designed, inexpensive home
    furniture and furnishings.
  • Cost savings are achieved by using under-utilized
    manufacturing capacity in underdeveloped
    economies, including India, where its discovered
    that child labor is used to weave IKEA rugs.

Problem statement?
  • Statement 1
  • IKEAs mission is to create a better life for
    people, which extends into its policies of
    creating environmentally friendly products that
    do not use any virgin timber, formaldehyde or PVC.

  • Statement 2
  • A documentary uncovers that child labor is being
    used in India run weaving operations that make
    IKEA rugs. While not directly in violation of
    Indian laws regarding child labor, outlaw of the
    practice had been ratified by 120 countries in
    the world and the International Labor
    Organization. India had not ratified.

  • Statement 3
  • If IKEA continues to sell rugs made by Indian
    children, they will contribute to a system that
    abuses children and keeps them from adequate
    education. This will in turn lead to a decrease
    in reputation for IKEA and cause people to stop
    purchasing IKEA rugs.

  • This product demand lifecycle is normal for a
    business, and especially so for a technology
    based company such as Qwest. However, this
    technology change has created a glaring problem
    for Qwest. Customer demand for the Legacy
    Services that Qwest provides is decreasing on a
    sequential basis. Revenue for these services
    continues to fall, while costs to maintain the
    network that provides these services stay
    constant. Since Qwest is an ILEC as of the merger
    in 2000, they are unable to simply discontinue
    their Legacy services.
  • Their root problem is that their Legacy Services
    continues to be a set of services that Qwest has
    to provide, but demand and revenue continue to
    decrease. This is an urgent problem that Qwest
    needs to address as soon as possible.

  • In an ideal scenario, DIRECTV is a premiere
    provider of television entertainment whereby it
    builds upon its large satellite television
    subscriber base to provide original and relevant
    content to a growing online market.
  • However, the current situation is such that
    DIRECTV provides limited on demand services to
    complement its vast array of satellite television
  • If the current market trends continue the
    consequences of no action will find DIRECTV
    playing catch-up to an emerging market dominated
    by online giants like Apple Google.
  • The problem can be stated DIRECTVs traditional
    satellite distribution system faces stiff
    competition from an emerging market dominated by
    such giants and Apple and Google that, left
    unchecked, could undermine its subscriber base
    and negatively affect revenue.

  • As is stated in Krogers mission statement, the
    company wants to be a leader in the distribution
    and merchandising of food, pharmacy health and
    personal care items, seasonal merchandise and
    related products and services.
  • However, while Kroger is a leader is the grocery
    store segment, they train behind Wal-Mart in the
    general sales segment 1.6 to 3.2. Walmarts
    presence has caused a reduction in margins and
    reduced market share of Kroger.
  • This expansion will continue unless Kroger can
    become more competitive

  • The manufacture and trade of counterfeit Nike
    branded products results in damage to Nike and
    its consumers both financially due to higher
    costs, and perceptually due to inferior or faulty
    products being sold in the marketplace.
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