Can We Count on the Bible? (2) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Can We Count on the Bible? (2)


... it s message one of complete unity from one end to the other Genesis 3 records Paradise lost while Revelation 21-22 records Paradise regained. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Can We Count on the Bible? (2)

Can We Count on the Bible? (2)
  • The Canon of the Old Testament

The Uniqueness of the Bible
  • Unique in Unity
  • Written over 1600 years
  • By 40 authors including political leaders,
    fishermen, kings, shepherds, prisoners, etc.
  • Written in palaces, wilderness, a dungeon,
    prison, traveling, etc.

The Uniqueness of the Bible
  • Unique in Unity
  • Written during peace time and war
  • Written on 3 continents Europe, Asia Africa
  • Written in 3 languages Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek

The Uniqueness of the Bible
  • Unique in Unity
  • YET, its message one of complete unity from one
    end to the other
  • Genesis 3 records Paradise lost while Revelation
    21-22 records Paradise regained.

The Uniqueness of the Bible
  • Unique in Circulation
  • In 2002 (UBS statistics), complete Bible in 392
    languages, with portions in 2287 languages and
  • 1 Best seller of all times and at any time
  • Between 1816 and 1992, more than 6 BILLION
    copies sold!

The Uniqueness of the Bible
  • Unique in its survival
  • Its preservation treated with great care
  • It has withstood persecutions and attempts to
    destroy it
  • It has survived intense criticisms and assaults

The Uniqueness of the Bible
  • Unique in its influence
  • NO book in all of history has had the influence
    of the Bible
  • It influenced our founding documents and those of
    many nations.
  • Jesus, the central figure of history AND the
  • 1 Pet. 123-25

The Canon
  • From Greek word, Kanon, which meant a reed. It
    came to mean a measuring rod and later described
    a standard.
  • Canon The 66 books which comprise our Old and
    New Testaments

The Old Testament Canon
  • Old Testament is the forerunner and foundation of
    the N.T.
  • We are no longer under Old Law Col. 214, Heb.
  • Yet it is beneficial Rom. 154, 1 Cor. 1011, 2
    Pet. 119-21
  • It is STILL the Word of God!

The Old Testament Canon
  • By 300 BC, all the OT books (we have) had been
    written, collected, revered, and recognized as
    official, canonical books. (Wilmington Bible
  • The apocryphal books were written after these
    and rejected about 100 AD by Jewish community

The Old Testament Canon
  • Deut. 3124-26, The Law placed beside the Ark of
    the Covenant. Remained there until captivity.
  • Possibly carried into captivity (cf. Dan. 92)
  • Returned after captivity (presence evident,
    including Ezra)

The Old Testament Canon
  • How Jews determined Canon
  • The books accepted by the Jewish community
    originated over a period of approximately one
    thousand years. The first question regarding a
    writings acceptance was whether the book was
    written by a prophet of God. Generally the book
    would have statements such as, thus says the
    Lord, or the word of the Lord came.

The Old Testament Canon
  • How Jews determined Canon
  • Second, miraculous signs or accuracy of
    fulfillment served as confirmation of a prophets
    message. Third, the book had to be internally
    consistent with the revelation of God found in
    the teachings of other canonical books,
    especially what God gave through Moses.
    Nelsons Illustrated Bible Commentary

The Old Testament Canon
  • The New Testament validates the Old Testament
  • Scripture Matt. 2142, Lk. 421, Jn. 742,
    Jas. 223, etc.
  • the Law 1 Cor. 1421 (cf. Isa. 2811-12).
    NOTE Law referred to portions other than

The Old Testament Canon
  • New Testament validates the Old Testament
  • Jewish leaders never questioned what Jesus quoted
    as Law (including the prophets psalms)

The Old Testament Canon
  • New Testament validates the Old Testament
  • O.T. quoted in N.T.
  • 343 direct quotes, 2,309 allusions verbal
    parallels. (USB Greek NT, 4TH edition)
  • 24 of 27 NT books have OT quotes (except
    Philemon, 2 3 John)
  • 24 of 39 OT books directly quoted in N.T.
  • 34 of 39 quoted or alluded to (

The Old Testament Canon
  • Luke 2444, Law of Moses and the Prophets and
    the Psalms concerning Me.
  • Jewish Canon consisted of 3 parts, totaling 24

The Old Testament Canon
Jesus mentioned the 3 divisions of the Old
Testament, thus verifying it
  • Luke 2444, Jewish O.T. consists of 3 parts
  • Torah 5 books (Gen. Deut)
  • Nevim 8 books (Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings,
    Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel the Twelve)
  • Kethuvim 11 books (Psalms, Job, Proverbs,
    Ruth, Song, Eccl., Lam., Esther, Daniel,
    Ezra-Neh., Chornicles)
  • The 24 books correspond to our 39.

The Old Testament Canon
  • Matt. 2335 From the blood of righteous Abel to
    the blood of Zechariah.
  • Does not mean the prophets form A-Z, either in
    English or Hebrew
  • Also, chronologically, Zechariah not the last
    martyred prophet (see Jer. 2620-23 Urijah, 200
    years later)

The Old Testament Canon
  • Matt. 2335, Abel to Zechariah.
  • Zechariahs death recorded in 2 Chron. 2420-22
  • Chronicles is the LAST book of the Hebrew Canon.

Jesus verified the Hebrew Bible as the Word of God
Truly what we have IS the word of God!
  • Will you accept what it says?
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