Title: Bible Study
1Lesson 1
Disciple Basics A WELS Lutheran Presentation
- Bible Study
- How to Recharge My Life
What is going on in my life that wears me out ?
3What is a Disciple?
Acts 242-47
4Earth stats
25,000 miles around at the equator
moving at 18 miles per second (66,666 mph)
5A Scale Model of the Universe
6Milky Way
The Milky Way
100,000,000,000 stars (100 billion) 3000 years to
count them (one star/second) 33,000 years to get
there (186,273 mps) 100,000 years end to end
(186,273 mps)
Psalm 13914 I praise you because I am
fearfully and wonderfully made your works
are wonderful, I know that full well.
The Human Heart
72 beats per minute 100,000 beats per
day 35,000,000 beats per year 2,500,000,000 beats
per lifetime 11,000 quarts of blood per
day 265,000,000 quarts per lifetime
The Human Eye
130,000,000 light receptors 7,000,000 sensory
terminals of sight 3,000 lines to the brain
The Human Ear
Piano - 88 notes Human Ear - 15,000 notes
Nervous System
100,000 miles of nerve fibers messages to the
brain at 300 mph
Human Skin
2,000,000 sweat glands 3,000 / sq. in. - body
temperature regulation
Digestive System
Stomach lining 35,000,000 glands
Intestinal System (flattened out) covers 3
football fields
The Brain
15,000,000,000,000 (15 trillion) bits of info by
age 70 13,000,000,000 (13 billion) neurons daily
messages - more than all the present telephone
systems will send in the next fifty years brain
fibers unraveled, placed end to end - reach to
the moon and back
Circulatory System
All veins, arteries, and capillaries joined end
to end would circle the world 3 to 4 times
(60,000 - 100,000 miles).
16What does creation tell you about God?
- That Hes powerful
- That Hes imaginative
- That He has incredible wisdom
- That He cares about detail
- That He has a sense of humor
17H Finn
Romans 214, 15 When Gentiles, who do not have
the law, do by nature things required by the law,
they are a law for themselves, even though they
do not have the law, since they show that the
requirements of the law are written on their
hearts, their consciences also bearing witness,
and their thoughts now accusing, now even
defending them.
Mark Twain A man's conscience takes up more
room than all the rest of a fellow's insides.
18What human insight doesnt tell us about God?
What is God like? Does He care about me? Why are
we here?
19Third Triangle
20How do we know the Bible is God talking to us?
- Written by more than 24 authors over 1,500 years
yet flows as one book (History, poetry, prophecy,
correspondence, styles) - It describes actual history with proven accuracy
(Rulers, customs, climate, geography, biology,
21What is so astonishing about these passages in
the Bible written hundreds of years before Christ
was born?
- Isaiah 4022 Have you not understood since the
earth was founded? He
sits enthroned above the
circle of the earth and its people are like
grasshoppers. - Job 3831, 32 "Can you bind the beautiful
Pleiades? Can you loose the cords of Orion? Can
you bring forth the constellations in their
seasons or lead out the Bear with its cubs? - The Bear is a star system known as Arcturus, a
runaway star system moving at 257 miles per
second. It is seen only in the spring sky.
Orion is a star cluster seen only in the winter
sky. Neither were commonly recognized until the
time of Copernicus in the late 14th century.
22If humans wrote it how can it be Gods Word?
- Jeremiah 19 I have put my words in your mouth.
- Galatians 111,12 I want you to know, brothers,
that the gospel I preached is not something that
man made up. I did not receive it from any man,
nor was I taught it rather, I received it by
revelation from Jesus Christ. - 2 Timothy 314 All scripture is God breathed
and is useful for teaching, rebuking,
correcting, and training. - 2 Peter 121 Prophecy never had its origin
in the will of man, but men spoke
as they were carried along by
the Holy Spirit
breathed in
by the Holy Spirit!
Inerrant, Infallible, Perfect 3,800 times in OT
God said
24Bible info
Bible Holy Writ Scripture
The Scriptures The Word The Word of God
39 books
27 books
Prophets OT
Apostles NT
We dont have the original copy of the Bible? How
do we know what the original said?
- The Old Testament was written in Hebrew, the
New Testament in Greek - What is hermeneutics?
- What are variants?
- Compared to Shakespeare
300 years ago?
26The Amazing Bible!
- Speaks with authority on controversial issues
(Guilt, Capital punishment, Death) - Archeology bear witness (Flood, Jericho)
- Unsurpassed impact on life and literature
(Handwriting on the wall, the straight and
narrow, chariots of fire, pearl of great price,
going the extra mile, doubting
Thomas, baptism by fire, the
four winds, reap what you sow, last will
be first, sign of the times,
twinkling of an eye, the golden
rule, blood sweat and
tears, den of thieves
- 2 Peter 116
- We did not follow cleverly invented stories when
we told you about the power and coming of our
Lord Jesus Christ, we were eyewitnesses of His
28Which translation should I use?
- Literal translation
- Faith to text grammar
- Readable translation
- Faithfulness to ideas
Which books should I start reading?
30Gods Nature
31Gods Nature
32Trinity graphic
33Trinity graphic
34Trinity graphic
35Trinity graphic
CHARACTERISTICS OF GODwhich he alone has
Present everywhere
CHARACTERISTICS OF GODwhich he would have us
share with him