Title: 4. The Text of the Bible
14. The Text of the Bible
- BIB586 Biblical Introduction
24. The Text of the Old Testament
- 3.1 Proto-Masoretic Masoretic Texts
- 3.2 Pre-Samaritan Samaritan Pentateuch
- 3.3 Septuagint
- 3.4 Targumim
- 3.5 Peshitta
- 3.5 Vulgate
33.0 Introduction
- R. Ishmael "My son, be careful, because your
work is the work of heaven should you omit
(even) one letter or add (even) one letter, the
whole world would be destroyed" b. Sot. 20a
43.0 Introduction
- There are many witnesses to the Old Testament
(First Testament). The Hebrew is the easiest to
deal with, while the translations are dealt with
in a secondary manner, due to the problem of
retroversion. - Until the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls,
however the earliest Hebrew witness to the
Scriptures were the Nash Papyri (1st-2nd century
53.0 Introduction
- "Interest in the text of the Bible began in the
first centuries of the common era when learned
church fathers compared the text of the Hebrew
Bible and different Greek versions. In the third
century Origen prepared a six-column edition
(hence its name Hexapla) of the Hebrew Bible,
which contained the Hebrew text, its
transliteration into Greek characters, and four
different Greek versions. Likewise, Jerome
included in his commentaries various notes
comparing words in the Hebrew text and their
renderings in Greek and Latin translations."
Tov, Textual Criticism of the Hebrew Bible, 16
63.1 Proto-Masoretic Masoretic Texts
- "The name Masoretic Text refers to a group of
manuscripts and other sources all of which are
close to each other. Many of the elements of
these manuscripts and even their final form were
determined in the early Middle Ages, but they
continue a much earlier tradition. The name
Masoretic Text was given to this group because of
the apparatus of the Masorah attached to it. This
apparatus, which was added to the consonantal
base, developed from earlier traditions in the
seventh to the eleventh centuries the main
developments occurring in the beginning of the
tenth century with the activity of the Ben Asher
family in Tiberias. Tov, Textual Criticism of
the Hebrew Bible, 16
73.1 Proto-Masoretic Masoretic Texts
- "The received consonantal text preceded the one
that includes the vocalization and accents. Both
of these circulated in many slightly deviating
forms, and were finally stabilized only with the
advent of the printed Rabbinic Bible toward the
end of the 15th century. However, earlier forms
of the MT come close to such a stabilization.
The earliest attestations of the consonantal
framework of the MT-found in many, but not all,
Qumran texts - date to around 250 BC. Their
resemblance (especially 1QIsab) to the medieval
form of the MT is striking, showing how accurate
the transmission of the MT was through the ages.
These earliest attestations are called
proto-Masoretic since their consonantal
framework formed the basis for the later
Masoretic mss. Tov, "Text Criticism (OT), ABD
83.1 Proto-Masoretic Masoretic Texts
- The Masoretic Text (MT) Contains
- The consonantal text found in the proto-Masoretic
texts of the Second Temple era and the Masorah
which developed later - The vocalization developed by the Masoretes
- Para-textual elements
- Accentuation
- The apparatus of the Masorah
93.1.1 The Consonantal Text
- The MT probably developed from the Pharisees (?),
with possible Temple ties. - The History of the Consonantal Text of the MT
- 1. The period of internal differences in the
textual transmission. - This period comes to an end at the time of
destruction of the Second Temple. - N.B. the Qumran material contains not only
proto-Masoretic texts, but also pre-Samaritan,
Hebrew source for the LXX, Qumran original, and a
103.1.1 The Consonantal Text
- The differences in the proto-Masoretic group and
the later MT tended to be limited to single words
and phrases. - "Talmudic and later rabbinic literature have
preserved other early variants. Still other
early variants are found in the Masoretic
madinh9a)e4 and ma(arba)e4 readings and in the
Masoretic handbook Minh9at Shay." Tov
113.1.1 The Consonantal Text
- 2. The Period of relatively high degree of
textual consistency. - From the destruction of the Second Temple until
the 8th century CE. - Documents from the Judean Desert (Wad4
Murabba(at and Nah9al H9ever ) written before the
Bar-Kochba rebellion (132-135 CE) . . . Cairo
Genizah material. - "Non-Hebrew sources from this period include the
Greek translations by Kaige-Theodotion, Aquila,
and Symmachus, the Aramaic Targums, and the
Vulgate." Tov
123.1.1 The Consonantal Text
- "All textual evidence preserved from the second
period reflects MT, but this fact does not
necessarily imply the superiority of that textual
tradition. The communities which fostered other
textual traditions either ceased to exist (the
Qumran) or dissociated themselves from Judaism
(the Samaritans and Christians)." Tov
133.1.1 The Consonantal Text
- 3. The Period of almost complete textual unity.
- From the 8th century until the end of the Middle
Ages. - "The earliest dated Masoretic mss proper are from
the 9th century, and are characterized by the
introduction of vocalization, cantillation signs,
and the Masorah. The consonantal texts of the
individual codices are virtually identical." Tov
143.1.2 Vocalization
- "Vocalization and accents were added to the
consonantal text of MT at a relatively late
stage. This additional layer of information is
known only from the MT, but is similar to the
tradition of reading the Sam. Pent. During the
Middle Ages the Samaritans developed a system of
vocalization, but the mss of the Sam. Pent.
remain without systematic vocalization." - Qumran used vowel letters matres lectionis
- "The purpose of vocalization was to solidify the
reading of the text in a fixed written form on
the basis of the oral tradition which had been
stable in antiquity. As with all other
153.1.2 Vocalization
- forms of reading (vocalization), the Masoretic
system reflects the exegesis of the Masoretes,
although the greater part of it is based on
earlier traditions." Tov - Three Systems of Vocalization
- Tiberian (North-Palestinian)
- Palestinian (South-Palestinian) vowel signs are
placed above the consonants - Babylonian subdivided into simple and compound
vowel signs are placed above the consonants.
163.1.2 Vocalization
- "In the circles that occupied themselves with the
vocalization of the biblical text from the 8th to
the 10th century AD in Tiberias, the most
prominent families were those of Ben-Asher and
Ben-Naphtali. The Ben-Asher system was later
accepted universally, while that of Ben-Naphtali
came into disuse. It is not known whether any of
the transmitted mss offer a purely Ben-Naphtali
tradition hence not all details about this
system of vocalization are known, even though one
learns much from the variants between it and
Ben-Asher." Tov
173.1.2 Vocalization
- N.B. Moshe Goshen-Gottstein's discussion of the
Ben Asher witness - Second Rabbinic Bible eclectic text (BH1-2)
- codex Leningrad B 19a (AD 1009) (BH3-BHS)
- But, the Aleppo Codex is considered the best
(Hebrew University Library Project)
183.1.3 Para-Textual Elements
- "Once it became unacceptable to make any more
changes to the biblical text, the earliest
generations of the sope6rm directed their
activities toward accurately recording all the
peculiarities in their mss." Tov - 1. Paragraph Divisions
- "With painstaking care the Masoretes transmitted
the division of the text into paragraphs (Heb
pa4ra4sa, pl. pa4ra4siyyot), which resembled
the system now also attested in most Qumran
texts. They distinguished between small textual
units separated from each other by open spaces
between verses within the line (pa4ra4sa
se6tuma, closed section, indicated with the
letter samek), and
193.1.3 Para-Textual Elements
- larger textual units separated from each other by
spaces that leave the whole remaining line blank
(pa4ra4sa pe6tuh9a, open section, indicated
with the letter pe). The Masoretes also
indirectly indicated versification (with the
silluq accent), following an ancient tradition
indicated (by spaces) in a few Qumran texts
(1QLev, 4QDan a, c) and in several Greek texts
such as 8H9evXll." Tov - 2. Inverted Nun
- Num 10.35-36 and Ps 107.23-28, 40 (x7?)
- Thus it is stated in Sifre on Numbers (section
84) "the section wrah snb yhyw is naqud (dotted)
before it and after it because this is not its
203.1.3 Para-Textual Elements
- The opinion of Rabbi is that it forms a book
itself." Israel Yeivin, Introduction to the
Tiberian Masorah, 46 - "That the Inverted Nun indicate here a
dislocation of the text is also attested by the
Septuagint. In the recension form which this
Version was made, verses 35, 36 preceded verse
34, so that the order of the verses in question
is Numb X. 35, 36, 34 and this seems to be the
proper place for the two verses." C. D.
Ginsburg, Introduction to the Massoretico-Critical
Edition of the Hebrew Bible, 343
213.1.3 Para-Textual Elements
- 3. Extraordinary Points (Puncta Extraordinaria)
- "Supralinear (occasionally in combination with
infralinear) points are found in fifteen places
in the OT (e.g., Gen 334 Ps 2713). While
these points originated from scribal notations
indicating that the elements thus highlighted
should be deleted (a convention used in many
Qumran texts), within the Masoretic corpus these
symbols were reappropriated to indicate doubtful
letters ." Tov
223.1.3 Para-Textual Elements
- 'Abot R. Nat. "The words "unto us and to our
children" (Deut 29.28) are dotted. Why is that? .
. . This is what Ezra said If Elijah comes and
says to me, "Why did you write in this fashion?"
And if he says to me, "You have written well," I
shall remove the dots from them. - De Lagarde used these dots as the bases to argue
that all MT manuscripts were copied from a single
233.1.3 Para-Textual Elements
- 4. Suspended Letters (Litterae Suspensae)
- "In the mss some letters are intentionally placed
higher than those around them (i.e.,
superscripted between surrounding letters). A
good example is the suspended nun in Judg 1830,
where the text with the nun is read mnsh
(Manasseh) or without the nun as msh (Moses).
As in the Qumran texts, the suspended letters
indicate later additions, which nevertheless were
transmitted as such in the MT ." Tov
243.1.3 Para-Textual Elements
- 5. Special Letters
- "The special form of some letters directs the
readers attention to details that were important
for the Masoretes, such as the middle letter or
word in a book. For a littera minuscule see Gen
24 for a littera majuscule, see Lev 1333. In
other instances imperfectly written letters are
indicated especially. " Tov
253.1.3 Para-Textual Elements
- 6. Ketib-Qere
- "In a large number of instances ranging from
848 to 1566 according to the different traditions
the Masorah parva (smaller Masorah) notes that
one should disregard the written text (Aramaic
ketib, "what is written") and read instead a
different word or words (Aramaic qere, "what
is read")." Tov - "Opinions vary about whether the Qere represents
a Masoretic correction, a textual variant, or
something else."
263.1.3 Para-Textual Elements
- "Opinions vary about whether the Qere represents
a Masoretic correction, a textual variant, or
something else." Tov - "Initially, the Qere was intended as a
correction, particularly to discourage blasphemy,
such as the Qere perpetuum (the constant Qere) of
the written Tetragrammaton (YHWH) to be read as
)a6do4na4y. Subsequently, the already existing
system of incorporating corrections as marginal
notes was also used to preserve for posterity
deviant/variant readings. Still later, all these
marginal notes came to be (mis)understood as
corrections. Recently, Barr (1981) suggested
that the Qere words originated in the reading
tradition because there is never more than one
Qere word." Tov
273.1.3 Para-Textual Elements
- "The second group of notations associated with
the Masorah parva is indicated by the notation
se6brn, followed by an almost identical word
(e.g., mmnw/mmnh in Judg 1134). The se6brn
notations closely resemble those of the Qere
indeed, various words indicated as Qere in some
mss are indicated as se6brn in others. The
term is an abbreviation of se6brn
we6ma(tn, i.e., one might think (sbr) that x
should be read instead of y, but that is a wrong
assumption (ma(tn)." Tov
283.1.3 Para-Textual Elements
- "Third, the Masorah parva mentions some 250
consonantal variants between Palestinian
(ma(arba4)e, or western) and Babylonian
(ma4dnh9a4)e, or eastern) readings." Tov
293.1.3 Para-Textual Elements
- 7. Corrections of the Scribes (Tiqqune
sope6rm) - "The term refers to words (18 or 11 depending on
the sources the oldest source is the Mekilta on
Exod 157) that tradition says were changed by
the sope6rm e.g., my wickedness (Num 1115
MT) replaced an original reading your
wickedness. All supposed emendations concern
minor changes in words that the sope6rm deemed
inappropriate for God or (in one instance) Moses
(Num 1212). In some sources these corrections
are called kinnuye sope6rm (euphemisms of
the scribes), implying
303.1.3 Para-Textual Elements
- that the sope6rm had a different understanding
of these words without, however, changing the
text itself. Many details in the list of
tiqqunm are dubious. Nevertheless, it is
considered likely that theological alterations
have been made in the text, even though the
specific tiqqune6 sope6rm which have been
transmitted may not give the best examples of
this process" Tov
313.1.4 Accentuation
- "The accents, also named cantillation signs,
which add an exegetical layer and musical
dimension to the consonants and vowels, have
three different functions - 1. To direct the biblical reading in the
synagogue with musical guidelines - 2. To denote the stress in the word
- 3. To denote the syntactical relation between the
words as either disjunctive or conjunctive" Tov
323.1.5 The Apparatus of the Masorah
- "The Masorah in the narrow and technical sense of
the word refers to an apparatus of instructions
for the writing of the biblical text and its
reading. This apparatus was prepared by
generations of Masoretes and was written around
the text. The purpose of this apparatus was to
ensure that special care would be exercised in
the transmission of the text." Tov
333.1.5 The Apparatus of the Masorah
- Two main parts to the Masorah
- 1. Masorah parva Mp written as Aramaic notes
in the side margins of the text. Includes - The number of specific occurrences of spellings
or vocalizations. - The Qere, Sebirin, and all para-textual
notations. - Special details like shortest verse or the middle
verse in the Torah, etc.
343.1.5 The Apparatus of the Masorah
- 2. Masorah magna Mm written as Aramaic notes
in the upper or lower margins of the text. - "This apparatus is closely connected with the Mp
as its function is to list in detail the
particulars mentioned by way of allusion in the
Mp, especially the verses referred to by the
apparatus." Tov
353.1.5 The Apparatus of the Masorah
- Some Editions of the Masorah
- C. D. Ginsburg, The Massorah Compiled from
Manuscripts, Alphabetically and Lexically
Arranged, vols. I-IV (London/Vienna, 1880-1905
repr. Jerusalem 1971) - G. E. Weil, Massorah Gedolah manuscrit B.19a de
Leningrad, vol. I (Rome, 1971). - D. S. Loewinger, Massorah Magna of the Aleppo
Codex (Jerusalem, 1977).
363.1.6 MT Manuscripts
- Qumran, Murabba'at, Masada
- Nash Papyrus (Exod 20.2-17, partly Deut 5.6-21)
- Geniza fragments
- Ben Asher Manuscripts
- Codex Cairensis (Former Latter Prophets, 895
CE) - Aleppo Codex (Shelomo ben Buya'a wrote the
consonants, while Aaron Ben Asher vocalized and
accentuated the codex, 925 CE) lost Gen
1.1-Deut 28.26 SoS 3.12-the end, i.e., Qoheleth,
Lamentation, Esther, Daniel, and Ezra.
373.1.6 MT Manuscripts
- Ben Asher Manuscripts
- A Tenth-century codex from the Karaite synagogue
in Cairo containing the Pentateuch. - Codex Leningrad B 19A (from 1009)
- Codex B.M. Or. 4445, indicated as B (significant
sections of the Torah from the first half of the
tenth century) - Codex Sassoon 507 of the Torah (tenth century)
- Codex Sassoon 1053 of the Bible (tenth century)
383.1.6 MT Manuscripts
- Printed Editions
- "Earliest editions included portions (all with
Rabbinic commentary and to some extent with
Targum), e.g. Psalms, 1477 (Bologna?), Prophets,
1485/86 (Soncino), Writings, 1486/87 (Naples),
Pentateuch, 1491 (Lisbon), etc. and complete
Bibles, e.g., Soncino, 1488, Naples, 1491/93,
Brescia, 1494. The first Rabbinic Bible was
edited by Felix Pratensis and was also published
by Daniel Bomberg in 1516/17, a considerable
critical achievement with in large measure served
as a basis for the second Rabbinic
393.1.6 MT Manuscripts
- Printed Editions
- Bible of Jacob ben Chayyim." Würthwein, The Text
of the Old Testament, 37 - The Second Rabbinic Bible of Jacob ben Chayyim
(published by Daniel Bomberg in Venice, 1524/25) - Hebrew texts Targum comments by Rashi, Ibn
Ezra, Kimchi, etc. - 925 leaves in four folio volumes index
- However this was an eclectic text, therefore not
the best ben Asher representation.
403.1.6 MT Manuscripts
- Printed Editions
- "Particularly important for the advance in
biblical research have been the so-called
polyglots, multilingual editions that give the
text of the Bible in parallel columns in Hebrew
(MT and Sam. Pent.), Greek, Aramaic, Syriac,
Latin, and Arabic, accompanied by Latin
translations and introduced by grammars and
lexicons. The first is the Complutensian
Polyglot (1514-17), prepared by Cardinal Ximenes
in Alcala (Latin Complutum). The second was
published in Antwerp (1569-72), the third in
Paris (1629-45), and the fourth, the most
extensive, in London (1654-57), edited by B.
Walton and E. Castell." Tov
413.1.6 MT Manuscripts
- Printed Editions
- Johann Heinrich Michaelis (1720)
- Benjamin Kennicott Vetus Testamentum Hebraicum
cum variis lectionibus, 2 vol. (Oxford,
1776-1780) 600 mss, 52 editions of the Hebrew
text and 16 mss of the Samaritan. - J. B. de Rossi collected variants 1,475
manuscripts and editions. - S. Baer Franz Delitzsch (1869ff.) not
423.1.6 MT Manuscripts
- Printed Editions
- C. D. Ginsburg (British Foreign Bible Society,
1908ff. 1926) Jacob ben Chayyim text. - Norman H. Snaith (British Foreign Bible
Society, 1958) Ms. Or. 2626-2628. - BH1-2 used the Jacob ben Chayyim text.
- BH3 and BHS have used the Codex Leningrad B 19A
- Hebrew University Bible (HUB) using the Aleppo
43The First Edition of the Psalter, 1477 Bologna,
with David Kimhi
44Complutensian Polyglot (1514-17)
45Codex Cairensis 827CE, Moshe ben Asher
46Aleppo Codex Shelomo ben Buya(a, 930CE
47Aleppo Codex Shelomo ben Buya(a, 930CE
48Codex 17, Firkowitsch Collection 930CE
49Codex Leningrad B19A 1008-9CE
50Codex Leningrad B19A 1008-9CE
51Benjamin Kennicott Vetus Testamentum Hebraicum
cum variis lectionibus, 2 vol. (Oxford, 1776-1780)
53Benjamin Kennicott Vetus Testamentum Hebraicum
cum variis lectionibus, 2 vol. (Oxford, 1776-1780)
54Benjamin Kennicott Vetus Testamentum Hebraicum
cum variis lectionibus, 2 vol. (Oxford, 1776-1780)
553.2 Pre-Samaritan Samaritan Pentateuch
- "The Samaritan Pentateuch contains the text of
the Torah, written in a special version of the
"early" Hebrew script as preserved for centuries
by the Samaritan community. This text is
permeated with ideological elements which,
however, form only a thin layer added to the
text. Scholars are divided in their opinion on
the date of this version, but it was probably
based on an early, pre-Samaritan, text, similar
to those found in Qumran." Tov
563.2 Pre-Samaritan Samaritan Pentateuch
- 3.2.1 Origin Background
- "The Samaritans themselves believe that the
origin of their community goes back to the time
of Eli (11th century BC), when the Jews
withdrew from Shechem to establish a new cult in
Shiloh, which was later brought to Jerusalem.
According to this conception, the Jews split off
from the Samaritans, not the other way around. A
different view is reflected in 2 Kgs 1724-34,
according to which the Samaritans were not
originally Jews, but pagans brought to Samaria by
the Assyrians after the fall of Samaria in the
8th century BC. In accordance with this
tradition, in the Talmud the Samaritans were
indeed named Kythians (cf. 2 Kgs 1724). " Tov
573.2 Pre-Samaritan Samaritan Pentateuch
- 3.2.2 Character of the Samaritan Pentateuch
- ". . . it differs from MT in some six thousand
instances. While it is true that a great number
of these variant are merely orthographic, and
many others are trivial and do not affect the
meaning of the text, yet it is significant that
in about 1,900 instances SP agrees with LXX
against MT." Würthwein, 42-43
583.2 Pre-Samaritan Samaritan Pentateuch
- 1. Harmonizing Alterations
- "The Sam. Pent. contains various kinds of
harmonizing alterations, especially additions (to
one passage on the basis of another one) that, by
definition, are secondary. These alterations
appear inconsistently (i.e., features which have
been harmonized in one place have been left in
others). The Sam. Pent. was not sensitive to
differences between parallel laws within the
Pentateuch, which, as a rule, have remained
intact, while differences between parallel
narrative accounts, especially in the speeches in
the first chapters of Deuteronomy and their
sources, were closely scrutinized." Tov
593.2 Pre-Samaritan Samaritan Pentateuch
- "Thus, in the MT the Fourth Commandment in Exod
208 begins with za4kor (remember) and in
Deut 512 with sa4mor (observe), but the Sam.
Pent. reads sa4mor in both verses. " Tov - ". . . parallel verses from Deut 19-18 are added
in Exodus (after 1824 and within v 25),
resulting in a double account of the story of
Moses appointing of the judges." - Addition of details
603.2 Pre-Samaritan Samaritan Pentateuch
- 2. Linguistic Corrections this is found in both
the Pre-Samaritan and SP in general. - 3. Sectarian Changes in the Samaritan Pentateuch
- "This concerns the most important doctrinal
difference between the Jews and the Samaritans
the central place of worship (Jerusalem for the
Jews, Mount Gerizim for the Samaritans)." Tov - ". . . the Samaritans added a commandment to the
Decalog (after Exod 2014 and Deut 518) that
secured the centrality of Mount Gerizim in the
cult. This commandment is
613.2 Pre-Samaritan Samaritan Pentateuch
- composed of a series of biblical pericopes that
mention such a central cult in Shechem (Deut
1129a 272b, 3a, 4-7 1130 in this
sequence). The addition of this material as the
Tenth Commandment was made possible by changing
the First Commandment into an introductory
clause." Tov - ". . . various alterations in Deuteronomy where
the characteristic expression the place which
the Lord your God will choose is changed to the
place which the Lord your God has chosen (e.g.,
Deut 1210, 11).
623.2 Pre-Samaritan Samaritan Pentateuch
- From the Samaritan perspective, Shechem was
already the chosen place in the time of Abraham,
whereas from the historical perspective of
Deuteronomy, the choice of Gods place
(Jerusalem) yet lay in the future, after the
conquest of the land and the election of David."
Tov - 4. Orthography in the SP
- The use of matres lectionis
- 5. Pre-Samaritan Texts
- "There are large harmonizing additions from
Deuteronomy in Exodus and Numbers
633.2 Pre-Samaritan Samaritan Pentateuch
- (and in one case, vice versa), well attested in
4QpaleoExm, 4Q158, 4Q364 (both biblical
paraphrases), 4QNumb, 4QDeutn, and 4Q175
(Test)." Tov - 6. Modern Editions of the SP
- A. F. von Gall, Der hebräische Pentateuch der
Samaritaner, (Giessen, 1914-18 repr. Berlin,
1966). - A R. Sadaqa, Jewish and Samaritan Version of
the Pentateuch - With Particular Stress on the
Differences between Both Texts, (Tel Aviv,
64Samaritan Pentateuch 1215/6 - Num 34.26-35.8
65A. F. von Gall, Der hebräische Pentateuch der
Samaritaner, (Giessen, 1914-18 repr. Berlin,
663.3 Septuagint
- "LXX is a Jewish translation which was made
mainly in Alexandria. Its Hebrew source differed
greatly from the other textual witnesses (MT, T,
S, V and many of the Qumran texts), and this
accounts for its great significance in biblical
studies. Moreover, LXX is important as a source
for early exegesis, and this translation also
forms the basis for many elements in the NT."
673.3 Septuagint
- Date "According to the generally accepted
explanation of the testimony of the Epistle of
Aristeas, the translation of the Torah was
carried out in Egypt in the third century BCE.
This assumption is compatible with the early date
of several papyrus and leather fragments of the
Torah from Qumran and Egypt, some of which have
been ascribed to the middle or end of the second
century BCE (4QLXXLeva, 4QLXXNum, Pap. Pouad 266,
Pap. Pylands Gk. 458)." Tov
683.3 Septuagint
- Witnesses
- 1. Early texts written on papyrus and leather
including both scrolls and codices. - 2nd Century BCE onward, many fragments in
Palestine Egypt. - Chester Beatty / Scheide Collection (Egypt, 1931)
contained most of the books, even Daniel. - Also Qumran 4QLXXLeva
- 2. Uncial (uncialis) or majuscule (majusculus)
manuscripts from the fourth century onwards,
written with "capital" letters. - 3. Minuscule (minusculus) or cursive manuscripts,
written with small letters, from medieval times.
693.3 Septuagint
- Witnesses
- 2. Uncial (uncialis) or majuscule (majusculus)
manuscripts from the fourth century onwards,
written with "capital" letters. - B Vaticanus, dates from the 4th century and is
considered the best complete manuscript of the
LXX. Relatively free of corruption and influences
of the revisions of LXX. - S or a Sinaiticus, dates from the 4th century
and usually agrees with B, when the two reflect
the Old Greek translation, but S
703.3 Septuagint
- Witnesses
- is influenced by the later revisions of the LXX.
- A Alexandrinus dates from the 5th century and
is greatly influenced by the Hexaplaric tradtion
and in several books represents it faithfully. - 3. Minuscule (minusculus) or cursive manuscripts,
written with small letters, from medieval times.
71Codex Vaticanus LXX, - B Cod. Vat. Gr. 1209
723.3 Septuagint
- Witnesses
- 3. Minuscule (minusculus) or cursive
manuscripts, written with small letters, from
medieval times. - Many minuscule manuscripts from the ninth to the
sixteenth centuries are known. N.B. Göttingen and
Cambridge editions.
733.3 Septuagint
- Critical Editions
- 1. A. E. Brooke, N. McLean and H. St. J.
Thackeray, The Old Testament in Greek according
to the Text of Codex Vaticannus (Cambridge,
1906-1940) known as "The Cambridge Septuagint". - Gen-Neh, Esther, Judith, Tobit according to B,
and where that manuscript is lacking, ti has been
supplemented by A or S.
74"The Cambridge Septuagint"
753.3 Septuagint
- Critical Editions
- 2. Ziegler, ed., Göttingen Septuaginta, Vetus
Testamentum Graecum auctoritate Societatis
Litterarum Göttingensis editum. - This is the most precise and thorough critical
edition of the LXX.
76Göttingen Septuaginta
773.3 Septuagint
- Importance of LXX for Biblical Studies
- Gen genealogies, chronological data
- Exod the second account of the building of the
Tabernacle in chapters 35-40 - Num sequence differences, pluses and minuses of
verses - Josh significant transpositions, pluses, and
minuses - Sam-Kgs many major and minor differences,
including pluses, minuses, and transpositions,
involving different chronological and editorial
783.3 Septuagint
- Jer differences in sequence, much shorter text
- Eze slightly shorter text
- Pro differences in sequence, different text
- Dan Est completely different text, including
the addition of large sections, treated as
"apocryphal." - Chr "synoptic" variants, that is, readings in
the Greek translation of Chronicles agreeing with
MT in the parallel texts.
793.3.1 Revisions of the Septuagint
- General
- LXX and the revisions share a common textual
basis. - The revision corrects the LXX in a certain
direction. - Kaige-Theodotion
- The Greek scroll of the Minor Prophets found in
Nahal Hever was identified as an early kaige
revision of the LXX by Barthelemy (1952). - Also in 6th column of the Hexapla and in the
Quinta (fifth) column of the Hexapla . . . .
803.3.1 Revisions of the Septuagint
- Kaige-Theodotion
- Supplanted the current Greek version of the Book
of Daniel . . . ." Jellicoe, The Septuagint and
Modern Study, 84 - Corrected the LXX with a Hebrew text.
- Aquila
- Aquila prepared his revision in approximately 125
CE. Some biblical books have two different
editions. - Student of R. Akiba
- "Aquila . . . Made an attempt to represent
accurately every word, particle, and even
813.3.1 Revisions of the Septuagint
- Aquila
- morpheme. For example, he translated the nota
accusativi ta separately with su,n, "with,"
apparently on the basis of the other meaning of
ta, namely "with"." Tov - The Aquila Onqelos theory.
- Symmacus
- 2nd or 3rd century CE either an Samaritan who
had become a proselyte or and Jewish-Christian
Ebionite. - "Two diametrically opposed tendencies are
823.3.1 Revisions of the Septuagint
- Symmacus
- visible in Symmachus's revision. On the one hand
he was very precise, while on the other hand, he
very often translated ad sensum rather
representing the Hebrew words with stereotyped
renderings." Tov - Hexapla
- Origen in the mid-3rd century CE.
- Six columns
- Obelos (?) elements in Greek, but not in Hebrew
833.3.1 Revisions of the Septuagint
- Hexapla
- Asteriskos (?) extant in Hebrew, but not in
Greek, which were added in the fifth column from
one of the other columns. - Post-Hexaplaric Revisions
- Lucian (d. 312 CE). (b, o, c2, e2 in the
Cambridge Septuagint). - Known from both Greek and Latin sources, now in
Hebrew (4QSama).
843.4 Peshitta
- Peshitta means "the simple translation or
plain" - "Peshitta is of Christian or Jewish-Christian
origin. - "The quality of the Peshitta (Syriac translation)
varies from book to book, ranging from fairly
accurate to paraphrastic. The Heb Vorlage of the
Peshitta was more or less identical with MT. The
Peshitta offers fewer variants than the LXX, but
more than the Targums and the Vulgate." Tov
853.5 Targumim
- Targum means explanation, commentary or
translation. - Both Jewish and Samaritan Targumim exist. However
the Jewish Targumim had a higher status within
their own community. - Jewish Targumim exist for all the books of the
Hebrew Bible except Ezra, Nehemiah and Daniel. - The Targumim reflect a Hebrew text that is very
close to the MT, except for the Job Targum from
863.5 Targumim
- Targum Onqelos (Torah)
- Translated by Onqelos the proselyte, "under the
guidance of R. Eliezer and R. Joshua" - Date first, third or fifth century CE?
- As a rule Onqelos follows the plain sense of
Scripture, but in the poetical sections it
contains many exegetical elements. - Sperber argues that there are 650 minor variants
in the Targum Onqelos.
873.5 Targumim
- Palestinian Targumim (Torah)
- Jerusalem Targum I Targum Pseudo-Johnathan.
- Jerusalem Targum II, III The Fragment(ary)
Targum(im) - Targumim from the Cairo Genizah
- Vatican Neophyti 1 discovered in 1956 in a
manuscript dating 1504 1st/2nd century CE but
others 4th/5th century CE.
883.5 Targumim
- Targum to the Prophets
- Targum Jonathan to the Prophets varies from book
to book. - Targum to the Hagiographa
893.5 Targumim
- "The quality of the translation of the Aramaic
Targums varies from Targum to Targum and from
book to book (see especially Komlosh 1973). As a
rule, the Targums from Palestine are more
paraphrastic in character than the Babylonian
ones. The more literal translations of 11QtgJob
and 4QtgLev, though found in Palestine, are an
exception to this rule." Tov
903.5 Targumim
- "The Targums usually reflect the MT deviations
from it are based mainly on exegetical
traditions, not on deviating texts. An exception
must be made for 11QtgJob, which contains
interesting variants and which possibly lacks
some verses of the MT (4212-17), a fact which
would be significant for the literary criticism
of the book. It may perhaps be assumed that
other Targums in an earlier stage of their
development also contained more variants than in
their present form. Targum Onqelos as a rule
contains more variants than the Palestinian
Targums." Tov
913.6 Vulgate
- "Though occasionally reflecting variants, this
Latin translation almost always reproduces MT."
923.2 The Text of the Second Testament
- 3.2.1 The Text of the N.T.
- 3.2.2 N.T. Text Criticism
933.2.1.1 Greek Manuscripts General
- "Greek mss of the NT, now numbering more than
5,300, customarily have been characterized in
three differing ways (1) by the material upon
which they are written (papyrus, parchment, or
paper) (2) by their calligraphic type (uncial or
minuscule handwriting) and (3) by the function
of the document containing the text
(continuous-text ms, lectionary, or patristic
quotation). The traditional way of listing them,
however, cuts across these categories (utilizing
one or two from each) and follows the scheme of
papyri, uncials, minuscules, lectionaries, and
patristic quotations." Eldon Jay Epp, "Textual
Criticism (NT)," ABD
943.2.1.1 Greek Manuscripts General
- Statistics (as of 1989)
- Papyri Catalogued (96)
- Uncial MSS Catalogued (299)
- Minuscule MSS Catalogued (2,812)
- Lectionaries Catalogued (2,281)
- Total (5,488)
- Metzger, The Text of the New Testament Its
Transmission, Corruption, and Restoration, 262
953.2.1.2 Transmission
- 1. What is Required? ". . . knowledge of ancient
writing materials, of paleography, of scribes and
scribal habits, of scribal errors and
transcriptional probabilities, of scriptoria and
their procedures, and of the availability and
mobility of literary texts in the early Christian
world. In a broader context, it also requires
knowledge of the nature, development, and spread
of early Christianity, including details of the
relevant geographical areas, the cultural and
ecclesiastical milieu of Christianity in those
various areas, and the theological and personal
influences that shaped Christian faith. For the
earliest times and even for some later periods,
963.2.1.2 Transmission
- understanding of the NT text is inhibited by a
lack of detailed knowledge just as often,
perhaps, the neglect of data provided by Church
history has prevented advances in the
discipline." - 2. NT Textual Materials "As early as 1707, John
Mill claimed that the (relatively few) NT mss
examined by him contained about 30,000 variant
readings 200 years later B. B. Warfield
indicated that some 180,000 or 200,000 various
readings had been counted in the then existing
NT mss, and in more recent times M. M. Parvis
reported that examination of only 150 Greek mss
of Luke revealed about 30,000 readings there
alone, and he suggested that the actual quantity
of variant readings among all NT
973.2.1.2 Transmission
- manuscripts was likely to be much higher than
the 150,000 to 250,000 that had been estimated in
modern times. Perhaps 300,000 differing readings
is a fair figure for the 20th century." - 3. "It is not difficult to imagine how the NT
writings were employed in the early decades of
Christianity and how they were circulated in that
initial period and in the succeeding decades. For
instance, an apostolic letter or a portion of a
gospel would be read in a worship service
visiting Christians now and again would make or
secure copies to take to their own congregations,
or the church possessing it might send a copy to
another congregation at its own initiative or
even at the request of the writer (cf. Col 416)
and quite rapidly numerous early Christian
983.2.1.2 Transmission
- writings-predominantly those that eventually
formed the NT-were to be found in church after
church throughout the Roman world. Naturally, the
quality of each copy depended very much on the
circumstances of its production some copies must
have been made in a rather casual manner under
far less than ideal scribal conditions, while
others, presumably, were made with a measure of
ecclesiastical sanction and official solicitude,
especially as time passed. Great Church centers,
such as Antioch, Alexandria, Ephesus, Rome, Lyon,
and Carthage, must have issued copies of the
Scriptures, or parts thereof, for their
constituent churches, and when the Christian
Church gained the official favor of the Roman
Empire under
993.2.1.2 Transmission
- Constantine, the emperor himself commissioned 50
copies of the Scripture on fine parchment. . .
by professional scribes for new churches in
Constantinople (Eusebius, Vita C. 4.36). This
occurred about AD 331, some 280 years after Paul
penned the first of his letters and about 260
years after the first gospel, Mark, was written.
Codices Sinaiticus and Vaticanus, the two oldest
parchment manuscripts of the NT (except for
fragments), are elegant copies of the kind that
Constantine must have had in mind, and they come
from precisely this period-the mid-4th century."
1003.2.1.3 Manuscripts
- 1. According to Types of Material
- "Papyrus mss, in codex form, were used by
Christians from the earliest times into the 8th
century. They constitute only 3 of NT
continuous-text mss and less than 2 of all NT
mss, though, of course, far less than that in the
amount of extant Greek NT text, since most of the
papyri are highly fragmentary. Qualitatively,
however, they enjoy an importance inversely
proportionate to the small amount of text they
presently preserve." Epp
1013.2.1.3 Manuscripts
- 1. According to Types of Material
- "Parchment codices were standard for copies of
the NT text until the very late Middle Ages when
paper finally replaced parchment (14th-15th
centuries) and when printing replaced hand
copying (15th century). Roughly 75 of all Greek
NT mss are on parchment (ca. 4,000, including
some 2,400 continuous-text mss and some 1,600
lectionaries). Paper mss, therefore, are more
common than might be supposed, numbering roughly
1,200 (somewhat evenly divided between the
minuscules and lectionaries) and ranging in date
from the 12th to the 19th centuries, with most
originating in the latter part of this period."
1023.2.1.3 Manuscripts
- 1. According to Types of Material
- ". . . around the turn of the 2d/3d century (AD
200), NT mss began to be copied on parchment or
vellum. . . . The stability of parchment also
permitted its reuse, after scraping and washing
the existing writing off the surface such a ms
is called a palimpsest (i.e., scraped again).
Some 50 NT mss prior to the 11th century are
palimpsests, among which the most famous is Codex
Ephraemi Syri Rescriptus (C), whose NT text dates
to the 5th century. " Epp
1033.2.1.3 Manuscripts
- 2. Calligraphy
- "As for calligraphy, until the 9th century Greek
ms of the NT (both papyrus and parchment) were
written exclusively in uncial script (using
large-sized, unconnected capital letters), and
uncials continued to be employed in the following
century. Minuscule script (using lowercase,
cursive or running - connected - letters) was
used from the 9th century on. The earliest dated
NT minuscule (no. 461) was copied in 835.
Minuscule script, as its name implies, was
smaller, requiring less space, and its connected
style permitted more rapid writing. Minuscules,
therefore, were easier and quicker to produce and
less expensive than uncials, and the legacy of NT
textual materials is likely to
1043.2.1.3 Manuscripts
- 2. Calligraphy
- be larger than might have been the case had the
uncial hand persisted. About 12 of NT mss are in
uncial script (some 650) and 88 in minuscule
(some 4,650). NT uncial mss are found on papyrus
and parchment, minuscules on parchment and
paper." Epp
1053.2.1.4 Function Form
- 1. Continuous-Text MS
- ". . . a ms recording the text of at least one NT
book (even if no longer fully preserved) in a
continuous fashion without additional context
(though occasionally an interlinear or separate
commentary to the text may be part of the ms).
These mss may be written on papyrus, parchment,
or paper and may be either in uncial or minuscule
hand. Continuous-text NT mss number about 3,125,
including about 94 different papyri in uncial
script, about 270 different uncial mss on
parchment, and around 2,750 minuscules on
parchment or paper (of which more than 2,100 are
on parchment)." Epp
1063.2.1.4 Function Form
- 2. Lectionary
- "Lectionaries are mss containing portions of
biblical text for reading in church services. NT
lessons from the Gospels and Epistles are
arranged not in the order of the NT canon, but in
accordance either with the Church year (called
the synaxarion) . . . . Lections vary in length
from a few verses to a few chapters, with a
customary length of about ten verses." Epp - Carefully copied from an exemplar lectionary.
- Basically Byzantine text type.
1073.2.1.4 Function Form
- 3. Lectionary
- "NT lectionary mss in Greek number around 2,200,
of which nearly 90 (more than 1,900) are
minuscules and the rest uncials (about 270). Two
uncial lectionaries date as early as the 4th and
5th centuries, about seven more in the 6th and
7th, with large numbers originating in the 9th
and 10th, and with vast numbers of minuscule
lectionaries stemming from the 11th and 12th
centuries and thereafter. Over all, 75 are on
parchment, with the rest on paper (dating from
the 12th century on), and the majority of
lectionaries consist of gospel readings." Epp
1083.2.1.4 Function Form
- 4. Helps
- "Words and sentences usually were not separated
from one another, occasionally leading the reader
to divide words in alternate ways with differing
meanings virtually no punctuation occurred until
the 6th or 7th centuries similarly, breathing
marks and accents are rare prior to the 7th
century, though after this time they occasionally
were added by a later hand to NT lectionary mss
in Greek number around 2,200, of which nearly 90
(more than 1,900) are minuscules and the rest
uncials (about 270)." Epp
1093.2.1.4 Function Form
- 4. Helps
- "To assist in locating parallel passages in the
gospels, Eusebius (ca. 263-339) devised a system
of ten canons or tables (known as the Eusebian
Canons) that divided the gospel material into
sections and identified those that were found in
all four gospels (canon I), those in each
combination of three gospels (canons II-IV)
those in each combination of two gospels (canons
V-IX), and finally those sections in only one of
the gospels (canon X). Thus, all the possible
combinations were exhausted. Each section in each
gospel was then numbered consecutively, and these
section numbers, along with their appropriate
canons, were placed-in colored ink-in the margin
of a ms.
1103.2.1.4 Function Form
- 4. Helps
- The reader, by looking up the section number in
the designated canon, could find the numbers of
any parallel sections in other gospels. . . ."
Epp - N.B. Nestle-Aland27, 84-89
1113.2.1.5 Papyri
- 1. "Presently 96 NT papyri have been identified,
though two of these are portions of others (P33
P58 P64 P67), leaving a total of 94 different
papyri. They range in date from the 2d century to
the 8th, and all but four are from codices (the
four, P12, P13, P18, P22, are from scrolls,
though all are exceptional in that they are
either written on both sides or are on reused
papyrus). These 94 papyri range in extent of
coverage from tiny fragments (like P52 of John)
to extensive portions (in papyri like P66, P75,
and P72)."
1123.2.1.5 Papyri
- 2. See
- Metzger, The Text of the New Testament, 36-42.
- Kurt Aland Barbara Aland, The Text of the New
Testament, 83-102. - 3. "In Studying any New Testament text it is
important to know in which papyri (and uncials)
it is found. But a great amount of effort is
required to find this information in the
literature." Therefore see charts 5 6 in Aland
1133.2.1.5 Uncials
- 1. "As a classification of NT mss, uncials is
not used to refer to all NT mss written in uncial
characters (about 650), but only to
continuous-text mss so written on parchment
(about 270). Thus, the papyri and the more than
270 lectionary mss written in uncials are
classified under papyri and lectionaries,
respectively, and not here." Epp - 2. "Continuous-text uncials total about 290, but
the number of different uncials is closer to 270,
due to the continuing process of uniting
separated fragments with their original mss.
Uncials date from the 2d/3d century through the
10th century. Only 4 predate the early 4th
century (0189, 0220, 0162, 0171) 14 stem from
the 4th century including the two most famous
uncials, Codices Sinaiticus and Vaticanus but 54
1143.2.1.5 Uncials
- survive from around AD 400 to 500 and uncials
increase as one moves into the later 6th and
through the 9th centuries, with the last 19
originating in the 10th century. . . ." Epp - 3. ". . . in reality only 35 percent of all
uncials survive in more than two leaves. To be
more precise, only 59 uncials (about 22 percent)
contain more than 30 leaves and only 44 uncials
(about 16 percent) have more than 100 leaves. Of
this latter group, 17 contain 100 to 199 leaves
16 have 200 to 299 9 have 300 to 399 and only 2
have more than 400 (Bezae 05 with 415 and
Claromontanus 06 with 533 leaves)." Epp
1153.2.1.5 Uncials
- 4. "Codex Sinaiticus (a) is the only uncial
presently containing the entire NT (though
Alexandrinus still contains portions of every NT
book). Sinaiticus also has virtually all of the
OT, as well as the Epistle of Barnabas and the
Shepherd of Hermas. It dates from the 4th century
and its large pages contain four columns each-the
only NT ms written in this fashion.
1163.2.1.5 Uncials
- 5. "Codex Alexandrinus (A) is of somewhat later
date-in the 5th century-and lacks only portions
of Matthew (up to 256), John (650-852), and 2
Corinthians (413-126) from its NT, and it
contains the OT, as well as 1-2 Clement. It is
written in two columns and its text appears to
have been copied from different exemplars, for
its gospel text is akin to the Byzantine type,
while the remainder of the NT has a text like
that in Sinaiticus and Vaticanus."
1173.2.1.5 Uncials
- 6. "Codex Vaticanus (B), 4th century, is written
in three columns and contains all of the NT
except an extensive portion from Heb 914 through
Revelation it also has the OT, though it begins
with Gen 4628 and lacks Ps 105271376.
Vaticanus would be regarded by all as the most
valuable uncial ms of the NT, and by many as the
most important of all NT mss, due to the
combination of its early date, its broad coverage
of the NT, and the excellent quality of its text,
which-for the overlapping portions-is strikingly
similar to that in P75."
1183.2.1.5 Uncials
- 7. "Codex Bezae Cantabrigiemis (D) contains, on
Greek and Latin facing pages, the four gospels
(in the order Matthew, John, Luke, Mark), Acts
nearly complete, and a small portion of 3 John.
Its date is 5th century, or possibly late 4th. It
is written in one column, but in sense lines
rather than in the usual fashion of simply
filling the lines. Bezae, with many striking
additions to the text (and some omissions), is
the major Greek representative of the so-called
Western type of text, which some have considered
the earliest form of the NT text, but which
others have viewed as a later, derivative
1193.2.1.5 Uncials
- 8. "Codex Washingtonianus (W), also known as the
Freer Gospels, has the four gospels virtually
complete (though in the order of Matthew, John,
Luke, and Mark) and dates from the early 5th
century. Its text is of mixed character, with
various sections of varying length representing
rather different textual types Byzantine in
Matthew and most of Luke Alexandrian in the rest
of Luke and most of John and so-called Western
in Mark 11-530, but like the text of P45 in
531-1620. It may be best known for the material
it inserts into the
1203.2.1.5 Uncials
- already longer ending to Mark (169-20) that it
shares with other witnesses it adds at 1614 a
paragraph that includes an excuse by the
disciples in response to the risen Christs
chiding of them for unbelief." - 8. See also
- Metzger, 42-61.
- Aland Aland, 103-128.
1213.2.1.5 Minuscules
- 1. "Some 80 percent of the minuscules are solid
representatives of the Majority text and to that
extent at least they will contribute little to
the establishment of the original text, for the
Byzantine or Koine text (to use two other terms
for the Majority text) is a text type that
developed from the early 4th century on and
became the well-established and official
ecclesiastical text of the Byzantine Church."
1223.2.1.5 Minuscules
- 2. ". . . approximately 10 percent of them offer
a valuable early text which can compete with even
the best of the uncials." Aland Aland, 128 - 3. See
- Metzger, 61-66
- Aland Aland, 128-158.
1233.2.1.5 Lectionaries
- 1. "Though the lectionary mss of the NT number
2,200 or more, they are not often cited in the
critical apparatus of Greek NT texts because they
overwhelmingly preserve a Byzantine text and are
not critical in establishing the original NT
text. Greek lectionaries do not include the
Apocalypse, for there were no readings from this
book in the Church year the same applies to some
passages of Acts and the Epistles." Epp - 2. See Aland Aland, 163-170.
1243.2.1.5 Patristics
- 1. "Passages of the NT quoted by writers in the
early Church constitute an important body of data
for textual criticism, for they provide narrowly