Information-Theoretic Security and Security under Composition - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Information-Theoretic Security and Security under Composition


Information-Theoretic Security and Security under Composition Eyal Kushilevitz (Technion) Yehuda Lindell (Bar-Ilan University) Tal Rabin (IBM T.J. Watson) – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Information-Theoretic Security and Security under Composition

Information-Theoretic Security and Security under
  • Eyal Kushilevitz (Technion)
  • Yehuda Lindell (Bar-Ilan University)
  • Tal Rabin (IBM T.J. Watson)

Secure Multiparty Computation
  • A set of parties with private inputs.
  • Parties wish to jointly compute a function of
    their inputs so that certain security properties
    (like privacy, correctness and independence of
    inputs) are preserved.
  • E.g., secure elections, auctions
  • Properties must be ensured even if some of the
    parties maliciously attack the protocol.

Secure Computation Tasks
  • Examples
  • Authentication protocols
  • Online payments
  • Auctions
  • Elections
  • Privacy preserving data mining
  • Essentially any task

Defining Security
  • The real/ideal model paradigm for defining
    security GMW,GL,Be,MR,Ca
  • Ideal model parties send inputs to a trusted
    party, who computes the function for them.
  • Real model parties run a real protocol with no
    trusted help.
  • A protocol is secure if any attack on a real
    protocol can be carried out in the ideal model.
  • Since no attacks can be carried out in the ideal
    model, security is implied.

The Real Model
Protocol output
Protocol output
The Ideal Model
The Security Definition
Protocol interaction
Trusted party
The Ideal Adversary/Simulator
  • How is security proven?
  • The ideal-model adversary is actually a simulator
  • The simulator simulates a real execution, while
    interacting in the ideal model
  • The simulation looks just like a real execution
  • Important categories of simulators
  • Black-box versus nonblack-box simulators
  • Rewinding versus non-rewinding simulators
  • Non-rewinding is also called straight-line

More Details on the Definition
  • What does it mean that the real and ideal
    executions look the same?
  • Perfect security the distributions are identical
  • Statistical security the distributions are
    statistically close
  • Computational security the distributions are
    computationally indistinguishable

Two Basic Models
  • Information-theoretic model
  • Unbounded adversaries
  • Perfect or statistical security
  • Seemingly, no real need for perfection
  • Computational model
  • Polynomial-time adversaries
  • Computational security

Real Execution Possible Settings
  • The stand-alone model
  • A single execution of a single secure protocol
    (or a single execution under attack)
  • The classic model of computation
  • Security under composition
  • Concurrent self composition many executions of a
    single secure protocol
  • Concurrent general composition many executions
    of a secure protocol together with arbitrary
    other protocols

Security under Composition
  • Concurrent self composition
  • Many executions of a single secure protocol look
    just like many calls to an ideal trusted party
  • Concurrent general composition
  • Many executions of a single secure protocol with
    an arbitrary other protocol look just like many
    calls to an ideal trusted party, together with a
    real arbitrary other protocol DM,PW,Ca
  • Modeled by considering an arbitrary protocol that
    contains subroutine calls to the secure
  • Models the real world the Internet is the
    arbitrary protocol

Feasibility of Secure Computation The
Stand-Alone Model
  • A fundamental theorem any multiparty
    functionality can be securely computed in the
    stand-alone model
  • Computational setting for any number of
    corruptions and assuming (enhanced) trapdoor
    permutations Y86,GMW87
  • Information theoretic setting for a 2/3 honest
    majority (or regular majority given a broadcast
    channel) BGW88,CCD88,RB89,B89

Note in the case of no honest majority, the
security requirements are not exactly the same
(i.e., no fairness or guaranteed output delivery)
Feasibility of Secure Computation Concurrent
  • Any multiparty problem can be securely computed
    under concurrent general composition
  • No honest majority assuming (enhanced) trapdoor
    permutations and a common reference string
  • Honest (or two-thirds) majority Ca01 relying
    on BGW88,CCD88,RB89,B89
  • Notice these are exactly the information-theoreti
    cally secure protocols for the stand-alone model

Information-Theoretically Secure Protocols and
  • Folklore information-theoretic protocols are
    secure under concurrent composition (at the very
    least, all the known ones have this property)
  • Related folklore if a protocol is proven secure
    using a black-box non-rewinding simulator, then
    it is secure under concurrent composition
  • Note known information-theoretic protocols use
    black-box non-rewinding simulation

This Work
  • Understand the conjectured connection between
    information-theoretic security and security under
  • Deepen our understanding of these notions
  • Derive a corollary that simplifies the task of
    proving security under composition

Theorem 1 Counter Example
  • There exist protocols that are
  • Statistically secure in the information
    theoretical model, as stand-alone
  • Proven secure using a black-box straight-line
    (non-rewinding) simulator
  • but are not secure under concurrent general

Theorem 2
  • Every protocol that is
  • Perfectly secure in the information theoretical
    model, as stand-alone
  • Proven secure using a black-box straight-line
    (non-rewinding) simulator
  • is perfectly secure under concurrent general
  • DM00 proved a similar result, but used a
    strictly more stringent notion of stand-alone

  • Corollary 1 BGW (error free version) is
    perfectly secure under concurrent general
    composition (assuming a two-thirds majority)
  • Corollary 2 It suffices to prove perfect
    security in the stand-alone model
  • Note perfectly secure protocols have an
    advantage over statistically secure protocols
  • Security under concurrent general composition is
    obtained for free

Theorem 3
  • Every protocol that is
  • Proven secure using a black-box straight-line
    (non-rewinding) simulator
  • is secure under concurrent self composition with
    fixed inputs
  • This is a weaker security guarantee, but gives
    some justification to the folklore
  • The result is of interest for statistical and
    computational security, and holds for any number
    of corrupted parties

  • CCD,RB are secure under concurrent self
    composition with fixed inputs
  • Again, the above is a relatively weak security
    guarantee, but explains/justifies the folklore

Disturbing Point
  • It is widely believed that known statistically
    secure protocol are secure under concurrent
    general composition
  • We have only proved security under concurrent
    self composition with fixed inputs
  • Is there an additional property that would make
    such protocols secure under concurrent general

Different (Simple) Property
  • Initial Synchronization
  • Each party announces that it is ready to start
  • Before starting, each party waits to receive
    notification from all other parties that they are
    ready to start
  • This enables an easy denial of service attack
    (but this is in some sense impossible to prevent
    in this model)

Theorem 4
  • Every protocol that is
  • Proven secure using a black-box straight-line
    (non-rewinding) simulator, and
  • Has initial synchronization
  • is secure under concurrent general composition
  • This holds for perfect, statistical and
    computational security (not needed for perfect),
    and for any number of corrupted parties

  • It suffices to prove security in the stand-alone
    model using black-box straight-line simulation
  • Given such a protocol, can add initial
    synchronization and security under concurrent
    general composition is implied
  • This gives a useful tool, simplifying the task of
    proving security under composition

High-Level Summary of Results
  • Counter-example
  • Straight-line black-box security does not imply
    security under concurrent general composition
    (even if security is statistical)
  • Security under general composition is implied by
  • Perfect security, straight-line black-box
  • Straight-line black-box simulation, initial
  • Security under self composition with fixed inputs
    is implied by
  • Straight-line black-box simulation

The Rest of This Talk
  • Proof of counter-example (Theorem 1)
  • Idea behind the proof that perfect-security with
    black-box straight-line simulation implies
    security under concurrent general composition
    (Theorem 2)
  • Discussion about black-box straight-line
    simulation with initial synchronization implies
    security under concurrent general composition
    (Theorem 4)

Proof of Counter Example
  • The counter-example utilizes the fact that
  • In the stand-alone model, inputs are fixed at the
  • In the setting of concurrent general composition,
    inputs can be determined dynamically, and
    dependent on other protocols
  • Recall a protocol is secure in this setting if
    an execution of an arbitrary protocol with the
    real secure protocol looks like an execution of
    the same arbitrary protocol together with ideal

Proof of Counter-Example (cont.)
  • Our counter-example uses a specific function and
    specific protocol (in the setting of an honest
  • The function f(x1,x2,x3) (0,0,0)

Proof of Counter-Example (cont.)
  • A secure protocol ? for computing f
  • P1 and P2 choose random r1 and r2 of length n/2
    and send the strings to each other
  • P1 and P2 define r (r1,r2) and both send r to
  • If P3 receives the same value from both parties
    and it equals its input, then it outputs 1,
    otherwise it outputs 0
  • P2 and P3 both output 0

Claim 1 Security of Protocol ? in the
Stand-Alone Model
  • We assume an honest majority, so at least one of
    P1 and P2 are honest
  • This implies that the string r received by P3
    equals its input with probability at most 2-n/2
  • Thus, P3 outputs 1 with negligible probability
  • Simulation in this case is easy (and is black-box
  • Security obtained is statistical

Claim 2 Insecurity of Protocol ? under
Concurrent General Composition
  • Consider the following arbitrary protocol?? that
    contains a call to f
  • P1 sends a random s to P3
  • P1 and P2 send the input 0n to the trusted party
    computing f, and output whatever they receive
  • P3 sends the string s to the trusted party as its
    input for the computation of f, and outputs
    whatever it receives back
  • Note in the ideal execution, all honest parties
    always output 0

Claim 2 (continued)
  • Consider an execution of?? together with protocol
    ? and a single corrupted party P1
  • Party P1 waits until it receives r2 from P2 as
    part of ? and can define r (r1,r2)
  • P1 defines s r and sends s to P3
  • P3 uses s as its input into ? and it follows that
    r equals its input
  • We have that the honest P3 always outputs 1
    (instead of 0)
  • Conclusion ? is not secure under concurrent
    general composition

(Rough idea) Proof of Theorem 2
  • By contradiction
  • Protocol ? secure stand alone, not secure in
    composition with p
  • Exist Adv A which can foil the execution of ?
    when run with p, i.e. not the same as if using a
    trusted party for f instead of ?
  • Build a stand-alone adversary A? which breaks
    the stand-alone security of ?
  • A? basically runs A in its belly and simulates
    all the parties for the communications which
    relate to p, and for ? it communicates with the
    real parties and transfers the messages to A

Proof of Theorem 2 (cont.)
  • If A? simulation for A is good then the
    stand-alone distribution of ? is the same as when
    it is run with p
  • Thus, output of ? in this stand-alone is not the
    same as the output of ideal execution
  • And we have broken the stand-along execution

Complication for A?
  • Creating a simulation which seemlessly matches
    the execution of the real ? with the simulation
    of p
  • For this A? has to guess the inputs and random
    coins of the honest parties low success
  • This is why perfect security is crucial, we need
    the attack to succeed only with non-zero

Discussions on Theorem 4
  • Recall the theorem black-box straight-line
    simulation initial synchronization ? security
    under concurrent general composition
  • The basic idea
  • Consider the counter example
  • If initial synchronization is used, all of the
    arbitrary protocol (honest partys inputs and
    random-tapes) until the protocol starts can be
    auxiliary input in a stand-alone execution

Importance of Theorem 4
  • Adds to our understanding of what is needed for
    obtaining security
  • Black-box straight-line simulation
  • Inability to have inputs depend on randomness of
    the same execution
  • A useful tool
  • Definitions for obtaining security under
    composition are complex
  • Using this theorem, it suffices to work in the
    stand-alone model (and add initial

  • Stand-alone security does not imply security
    under concurrent general composition
  • Even in the information-theoretical model
  • Information-theoretic security does imply some
    sort of security under composition
  • Black-box straight line statistical suffices for
    obtaining concurrent self composition with fixed
  • Black-box straight-line perfect suffices for
    obtaining concurrent general composition
  • Black-box straight-line initial synchronization
    suffices for obtaining concurrent general

Thank you!
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