Title: Security Analysis of Network Protocols
1Security Analysis of Network Protocols
- Anupam Datta
- Stanford University
- CIS Seminar, MIT
- November 18, 2005
- Part I Overview
- Motivation
- Central problems
- Divide and Conquer paradigm
- Combining logic and cryptography
- Results
- Part II Protocol Composition Logic
- Compositional Reasoning
- Complexity-theoretic foundations
3This talk is about
- Network security protocols
- Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Standards
- SSL/TLS - web authentication
- IPSec - corporate VPNs
- Mobile IPv6 routing security
- Kerberos - network authentication
- GDOI secure group communication
- IEEE Standards Working Group
- 802.11i - wireless LAN security
- 802.16e wireless MAN security
- And methods for their security analysis
- Security proof in some model or
- Identify attacks
4Run of a protocol
Correct if no security violation in any run
5Characteristics of protocols
- Relatively simple distributed programs
- 5-7 steps, 3-10 fields per message (per
component) - Mission critical
- Security of data, credit card numbers,
- Subtle
- Concurrency attack may combine data from many
sessions - Computation modeling cryptographic primitives
- Good domain for logical methods
- Active research area since early 80s
6Security Analysis Methodology
Attacker model
Analysis Tool
Security proof or attack
7Protocol analysis methods
- Cryptographic reductions
- Bellare-Rogaway, Shoup, many others
- UC Canetti et al, Simulatability BPW
- Prob poly-time process calculus LMRST
- Symbolic methods
- Model checking
- FDR Lowe, Roscoe, , Murphi Mitchell,
Shmatikov, , - NRL protocol analyzer Meadows, Athena Song,
- Theorem proving
- Isabelle Paulson , Specialized logics BAN, ,
8Examples of protocol flaws
- IKE Meadows 1999
- Reflection attack fix adopted by IETF WG
- IEEE 802.11i He, Mitchell 2004
- DoS attack fix adopted by IEEE WG
- GDOI Meadows, Pavlovic 2004
- Composition attack fix adopted by IETF WG
- Kerberos V5 Scedrov et al 2005
- Identity misbinding attack fix adopted by IETF WG
9IEEE 802.11i wireless security 2004
Wireless Device
Access Point
Authentication Server
802.11 Association
Uses crypto encryption, hash,
EAP/802.1X/RADIUS Authentication
4-way handshake
- Divide-and-conquer paradigm
- Combining logic and cryptography
Group key handshake
Data communication
10Divide-and-Conquer paradigm
- Result Protocol Derivation System DDMP03-05
- Incremental protocol construction
- Result Protocol Composition Logic (PCL)
DDDMP01-05 - Compositional correctness proofs
- Related work Heintze-Tygar96, Lynch99,
Sheyner-Wing00, Canetti01, Pfitzmann-Waidner0
1, - Composition is a hard problem in security
Central Problem 1
11Combining logic and cryptography
- Symbolic model NS78, DY84
- - Perfect cryptography assumption
- Idealization gt tools and techniques
- Complexity-theoretic model GM84
- More detailed model probabilistic guarantees
- - Hand-proofs very hard no automation
- Result Computational PCL DDMST05
- Logical proof methods
- Complexity-theoretic crypto model
- Related work Mitchell-Scedrov et al 98-04,
Abadi-Rogaway00, Backes-Pfitzmann-Waidner03-04
, Micciancio-Warinschi04
Central Problem 2
12Applied to industrial protocols
- IEEE 802.11i IEEE Standards 2004 He et
al - TLS/SSL RFC 2246 is a component
- IKE/JFK family
- IKEv2 IETF ID2004 in progress Aron et al
- Mobile IPv6 RFC 3775 in progress Roy et
al - Kerberos V5 IETF ID 2004 Cervasato et
al - GDOI Secure Group Communication protocol RFC
3547 Meadows et al
13Protocol analysis spectrum
Combining logic and cryptography
Hand proofs
Computational Protocol logic
Holy Grail
Divide and conquer
Poly-time calculus
Protocol logic
Multiset rewriting
Strength of attacker model
BAN logic
Model checking
Protocol complexity
- Part I Overview
- Part II Protocol Composition Logic
- Compositional Reasoning
- Complexity-theoretic foundations
15Challenge-Response Proof Idea
m, A
n, sigB m, n, A
sigA m, n, B
- Alice reasons if Bob is honest, then
- only Bob can generate his signature. protocol
independent - if Bob generates a signature of the form sigB m,
n, A, - he sends it as part of msg 2 of the protocol and
- he must have received msg1 from Alice. protocol
specific - Alice deduces Received (B, msg1) ? Sent (B, msg2)
16Reasoning method
- Reason about local information
- I know my own actions
- Incorporate knowledge of protocol
- Honest people faithfully follow protocol
- No explicit reasoning about intruder
- Absence of bad action expressed as a positive
property of good actions - E.g., honest agents signature can be produced
only by the agent
Distinguishes our method from existing techniques
- Cord calculus
- Protocol programming language
- Execution model (Symbolic/Dolev-Yao)
- Protocol logic
- Expressing protocol properties
- Proof system
- Proving protocol properties
- Soundness theorem
18Challenge-Response as Cords
m, A
n, sigB m, n, A
sigA m, n, B
RespCR(B) receive Y, B, y, Y new n send
B, Y, n, sigBy, n, Y receive Y, B, sigYy, n,
InitCR(A, X) new m send A, X, m,
A receive X, A, x, sigXm, x, A send A, X,
sigAm, x, X
19Execution model
- Protocol
- Program for each protocol role
- Initial configuration
- Set of principals and key
- Assignment of ?1 role to each principal
- Run
Position in run
New x
Recv xB
Recv zB
New z
Send ?zB?
20Attacker capabilities
- Controls complete network
- Can read, remove, inject messages
- Fixed set of operations on terms
- Pairing
- Projection
- Encryption with known key
- Decryption with known key
21Formulas true at a position in run
- Action formulas
- a Send(P,m) Receive (P,m) New(P,t)
- Decrypt (P,t) Verify (P,t)
- Formulas
- ? a Has(P,t) Fresh(P,t) Honest(N)
- Contains(t1, t2) ?? ?1? ?2 ?x ?
- ?? ??
- Example
- After(a,b) ?(b ? ??a)
22Challenge Response Property
- Modal form ? actions P ?
- precondition Fresh(A,m)
- actions Initiator role actions A
- postcondition
- Honest(B) ? ActionsInOrder(
- send(A, A,B,m),
- receive(B, A,B,m),
- send(B, B,A,n, sigB m, n, A),
- receive(A, B,A,n, sigB m, n, A) )
Secure if desired property holds in all runs
23Proof System
- Sample Axioms
- Reasoning about possession
- receive m A Has(A,m)
- Has(A, m,n) ? Has(A, m) ? Has(A, n)
- Reasoning about crypto primitives
- Honest(X) ? Decrypt(Y, encXm) ? XY
- Honest(X) ? Verify(Y, sigXm) ?
- ? m (Send(X, m) ? Contains(m, sigXm)
- Soundness Theorem
- Every provable formula is valid
- Part I Overview
- Part II Protocol Composition Logic
- Compositional Reasoning
- Complexity-theoretic foundations
25Reasoning about Composition
- Non-destructive Combination
- Ensure combined parts do not interfere
- In logic invariance assertions
- Additive Combination
- Accumulate security properties of combined
parts, assuming they do not interfere - In logic before-after assertions
26Proof steps (Intuition)
- Protocol independent reasoning
- Has(A, m,n) ? Has(A, m) ? Has(A, n)
- Still good unaffected by composition
- Protocol specific reasoning
- if honest Bob generates a signature of the form
- sigB m, n, A,
- he sends it as part of msg 2 of the protocol and
- he must have received msg1 from Alice
- Could break Bobs signature from one protocol
could be used to attack another
- Technically
- Protocol-specific proof steps use invariants
- Invariants must be preserved for safe composition
- Reasoning about honest principals
- Invariance rule, called honesty rule
- Preservation of invariants under composition
- If we prove Honest(X) ? ? for protocol 1 and
compose with protocol 2, is formula still true?
28Honesty Rule (Induction)
- Definition
- A protocol step begins with receive, ends before
next receive - Rule
- X ? ?B ? ProtocolSteps(Q). ? BX ?
- Q ? Honest(X) ? ?
- Example
- CR ? Honest(X) ?
- (Sent(X, m2) ? Received(X, m1))
29Composition of protocols
X, Y
X, Y
new x
new x send X, Y, gx, A receive Y, X, z,
sigYgx, z, X send X, Y, sigXgx, z, Y
X, Y, gx, x
W, Z, w, x
send W, Z, w, A receive Z, W, z, sigYw, z,
W send W, Z, sigXw, z, Z
X, Y, zx
Sequential composition with term substitution
X, Y, zx
30Compositional proofs
DH ? Honest(X) ?
CR ? Honest(X) ?
? - Authentication
? - Secrecy
??? - Secrecy
??? - Authentication
??? - Secrecy ? Authentication additive
DH ? CR ? ??? nondestructive
ISO ? Secrecy ? Authentication
31Composition Rules
- Invariant weakening rule
- ? - ? P ?
- ? ? ? - ? P ?
- Sequential Composition
- ? - ? S P ? ? - ? T P ?
- ? - ? ST P ?
- Prove invariants from protocol
- Q ? ? Q ? ?
- Q ? Q ? ?
Sequential, parallel, staged composition theorems
32Composition Big Picture
- Q - Inv(Q)
- Inv(Q) - ?
- Qi - Inv(Q)
- No reasoning about attacker
Safe Environment for Q
- Different from
- Assume-guarantee in distributed computing MC81
- Universal Composability C01, PW01
Protocol Q
- Part I Overview
- Part II Protocol Composition Logic
- Compositional Reasoning
- Complexity-theoretic foundations
34Two worlds
Symbolic model NS78,DY84, Complexity-theoretic model GM84,
Attacker actions Fixed set of actions, e.g., decryption with known key (ABSTRACTION) Any probabilistic poly-time computation
Security properties Idealized, e.g., secret message not possessing atomic term representing message (ABSTRACTION) Fine-grained, e.g., secret message no partial information about bitstring representation
Analysis methods Successful array of tools and techniques automation - Hand-proofs are difficult, error-prone no automation
Can we get the best of both worlds?
35Our Approach
- Protocol Composition Logic (PCL)
- Syntax
- Proof System
- Computational PCL
- Syntax ?
- Proof System ?
- Symbolic Dolev-Yao model
- Semantics
- Complexity-theoretic model
- Semantics
Leverage PCL success
Talk so far
36Main Result
- Computational PCL
- Symbolic logic for proving security properties of
network protocols - Soundness Theorem
- If a property is provable in CPCL, then property
holds in computational model with overwhelming
asymptotic probability. - Benefits
- Symbolic proofs about computational model
- Computational reasoning in soundness proof
(only!) - Different axioms rely on different crypto
37PCL ? Computational PCL
- Syntax, proof rules mostly the same
- But not sure about propositional connectives
- Significant difference
- Symbolic knowledge
- Has(X,t) X can produce t from msgs that have
been observed, by symbolic algorithm - Computational knowledge
- Possess(X,t) can produce t by ppt algorithm
- Indistinguishable(X,t) can distinguish from
- random
in ppt - More subtle system some axioms rely on CCA2,
some are info-theoretically true, etc.
38Complexity-theoretic semantics
- Q ? if ? adversary A ? distinguisher D ?
negligible function f ? n0 ?n gt n0 s.t.
Fraction represents probability
?(T,D,f(n))/T gt 1 f(n)
- Fix protocol Q, PPT adversary A
- Choose value of security parameter n
- Vary random bits used by all programs
- Obtain set TT(Q,A,n) of equi-probable traces
39Inductive Semantics
- ?1 ? ?2 (T,D,?) ?1 (T,D,?) ? ?2
(T,D,?) - ?1 ? ?2 (T,D,?) ?1 (T,D,?) ? ?2
(T,D,?) - ? ? (T,D,?) T - ? (T,D,?)
- Implication uses conditional probability
- ?1 ? ?2 (T,D,?) ??1 (T,D,?)
- ? ?2
(T,D,?) - where T
?1 (T,D,?)
Formula defines transformation on probability
distributions over traces
40Soundness of proof system
- Example axiom
- Source(Y,u,mX) ? ?Decrypts(X, mX) ?
Honest(X,Y) ? (Z ? X,Y) ? Indistinguishable(Z, u) - Proof idea crypto-style reduction
- Assume axiom not valid
- ? A ? D ? negligible f ? n0 ? n gt n0 s.t.
- ?(T,D,f)/T lt 1
f(n) - Construct attacker A that uses A, D to break
IND-CCA2 secure encryption scheme - Conditional implication essential
41Logic and Cryptography Big Picture
Protocol security proofs using proof system
Axiom in proof system
Semantics and soundness theorem
Complexity-theoretic crypto definitions (e.g.,
IND-CCA2 secure encryption)
Crypto constructions satisfying definitions
(e.g., Cramer-Shoup encryption scheme)
42Current Work
- Investigate nature of logic
- Propositional fragment not classical
- ? represents conditional probability
- complexity-theoretic reductions
- connections with probabilistic logics (e.g.
Nilsson86, Fagin-Halpern90) - Generalize reasoning about secrecy
- Probability close to ½ instead of 1
- Not a trace property
- Cover more cryptographic protocols
- More primitives signature, hash functions,
- And protocols secure key exchange,
- Information-theoretic and concrete security
semantics - Only probability no complexity
- Concrete security reductions
- PCL A logic for security protocols
- Divide-and-conquer paradigm in security
- Combining logic and cryptography
- Applications
- IEEE 802.11i
- GDOI Secure Group Communication protocol RFC
3547 2003 - IKEv2 IETF Internet Draft 2004
- TLS RFC 2246 1999
- Kerberos V5 IETF Internet Draft 2004
- Mobile IPv6 RFC 3775 2004
44Protocol analysis spectrum
Combining logic and cryptography
Hand proofs
Computational Protocol logic
Holy Grail
Divide and conquer
Poly-time calculus
Protocol logic
Multiset rewriting
Strength of attacker model
BAN logic
Model checking
Protocol complexity
45Ongoing Work
- Extend and refine PCL
- Programming language, syntax, proof system
- More properties beyond authentication, secrecy
abuse-freeness, fairness, knowledge-based
specification - Tool implementation
- Encode logic into generic theorem-prover
- Preliminary implementation in Isabelle
- Investigate decidability of PCL
- Unified theory for different models
- Vary computational abilities of attacker
symbolic, poly-time, information-theoretic - Vary adversarys control over network complete
vs. partial (e.g., in Mobile IPv6) - Protocol Derivation
- Incremental protocol construction replace
Clark-Jacob survey
46Other Projects
- Specification of Security
- Unifying simulation-based definitions universal
composability, black-box simulatability, strong
simulatability DKMRS04,DKMR05 - Comparing game-based definitions with
simulation-based definitions impossibility
theorem DDMRS05 - Open problem compositional security definition
- Foundations of Privacy
- Contextual Integrity Nissenbaum04
- Formal theory Kripke models, temporal logic
- Application to HIPAA, GLBA, COPPA,
- Relation to RBAC, P3P, EPAL, DRM, statistical
databases, WIP - BDMN05
47Credits/Selected Publications
- A. Datta, A. Derek, J. C. Mitchell, D. Pavlovic
- A derivation system and compositional logic
for security protocols CSFW03, JCS05 special
issue - A. Datta, A. Derek, J. C. Mitchell, V. Shmatikov,
M. Turuani. Probabilistic polynomial time
semantics for a protocol security logic ICALP05 - C. He, M. Sundararajan, A. Datta, A. Derek, J. C.
Mitchell. A Modular Correctness Proof of TLS and
IEEE 802.11i CCS05, ACM TISSEC special issue - Project web page www.stanford.edu/danupam/logic
49Chosen ciphertext CCA2
50Computational Soundness
- Simulation framework
- Backes, Pfitzmann, Waidner
- Correspondence theorems
- Micciancio, Warinschi
- Kapron-Impagliazzo logics
- Abadi-Rogaway passive equivalence
- ? (K2,01K3) , ? (101K2,K5 )K2,
K6K4K5 ? ? - ? ? (K2, ? ) , ? (101K2,K5 )K2, ?
K5 ? ? - ? ? (K1, ? ) , ? (101K1,K5 )K1, ?
K5 ? ? - ? ? (K1,K1K7) , ? (101K1,K5 )K1,
K6K7K5 ? ? - Proposed as start of larger plan for
computational soundness
Abadi-Rogaway00, , Adao-Bana-Scedrov05
51Symbolic methods ? compl results
- Pereira and Quisquater, CSFW 2001, 2004
- Studied authenticated group Diffie-Hellman
protocols - Found symbolic attack in Cliques SA-GDH.2
protocol - Proved no protocol of certain type is secure, for
gt3 participants - Micciancio and Panjwani, EUROCRYPT 2004
- Lower bound for class of group key establishment
protocols using purely Dolev-Yao reasoning - Model pseudo-random generators, encryption
symbolically - Lower bounds is tight matches a known protocol
52Classifying Attacks
- Implementation bugs
- Buffer overflow, format string vulnerabilities
- Cryptography breaks
- IEEE 802.11b (WEP encryption)
- Protocol flaws
- Needham-Schroeder, IKE, IEEE 802.11i
- Focus on protocol flaws assuming strong crypto
- Complexity-theoretic characterization of strong