Crisis Intervention: Triage to Prevent Suicide and Suicide Attempts - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Crisis Intervention: Triage to Prevent Suicide and Suicide Attempts


Crisis Intervention: Triage to Prevent Suicide and Suicide Attempts Major risk factors Death of a loved one Chronic pain physical or psychiatric Social isolation ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Crisis Intervention: Triage to Prevent Suicide and Suicide Attempts

Crisis Intervention Triage to Prevent Suicide
and Suicide Attempts
Major risk factors
  • Death of a loved one
  • Chronic pain physical or psychiatric
  • Social isolation
  • Loneliness
  • Substance abuse, especially alcohol
  • Changes in social roles
  • Intense humiliation / loss of face (more likely
    in Asian patients)

Clues / Risk factors
  • Changes in eating or sleeping habits
  • Unexplained fatigue or apathy
  • Trouble concentrating or being indecisive
  • Crying for no apparent reason
  • Inability to feel good about themselves or unable
    to express joy
  • Behavior changes or are just "not themselves"

More clues / risk factors
  • Withdrawal from family, friends or social
  • Talk about or seem preoccupied with death
  • Give away prized possessions
  • Take unnecessary risks
  • Have had a recent loss or expect one
  • Increase their use of alcohol, drugs or other

More clues / risk factors
  • Failure to take prescribed medicines or follow
    required diets
  • Acquire a weapon
  • Prolonged sad mood (more than just a few days)
  • Impulsive nature
  • Loss of interest in hobbies, work, etc.
  • Loss of interest in personal appearance
  • Male sex
  • Older male sex, alcoholic, alone in life, no

Somewhat lower risk factors
  • Transient sad mood
  • Female sex
  • No substance abuse
  • Family members and friends
  • Reactive mood
  • Can think of something that would help him/her
    feel better
  • Roman Catholic

  • ASK!
  • You cannot prevent a suicide if you dont ask the
  • You will not suggest suicide by asking the
    patient (a common myth)

How to ask some suggestions
  • Build rapport
  • Let the patient tell his/her own story
  • Can you tell me more about what has been
    happening to you?
  • Give empathy and sympathy
  • It sounds like life has really been difficult for
  • Im sorry things have not been going well. I
    hope I can help you

How to ask more suggestions on what to say
  • People often ashamed to tell what they have been
  • Create commonality
  • Other people, like you, who have been having a
    really rough time, have told me that they feel
    life is no longer worth living
  • Have you had such thoughts?
  • Can you tell me more about those thoughts?

How to ask more suggestions on what to say
  • Have you had thoughts about ending your life?
  • How long have you been feeling this way?
  • If yes, consider asking the following
  • Do you have a plan?
  • How would you do it?
  • Do you have the means to do it?
  • Pills, gun
  • Who would be upset if you died?

How to ask more suggestions on what to say
  • Have you ever made a suicide attempt in the past?
  • Past history of suicide attempt is often thing of
    any true predictive value
  • How many times have you attempted to end your
  • When did you do this?
  • How did you try to end your life?

How to ask more suggestions on what to say
  • How likely are you to do it (1 unlikely, 10
    highly likely)?
  • Do you have any spiritual orientation?
  • What do you feel about the meaning of your life?
  • What could happen that would stop you from trying
    to end your life?
  • What could happen to help you feel better?

Further elements of a risk assessment
  • Current suicidal thoughts, intent, and plan
  • History of suicide attempts (eg. lethality of
    method, circumstances)
  • Family history of suicide
  • History of violence (eg. weapon use,
  • Intensity of current depressive symptoms
  • Current treatment regimen and response
  • Recent life stressors (eg, marital separation,
    job loss)
  • Alcohol and drug use patterns

Further elements of a risk assessment
  • Psychotic symptoms
  • Current living situation (eg, social supports,
    availability of weapon)
  • Patients with altered perceptions of reality,
    such as those caused by intoxication or psychosis
  • Obtain a complete history of alcohol and drug
  • Note whether suicidal thoughts occur during
    intoxication or sobriety, or both.
  • The presence of psychotic symptoms in a depressed
    patient with suicidal ideation is an ominous

Diagnostic / symptomatic categories for patients
at high risk
  • Depression
  • Alcoholism
  • Chronic non-psychiatric medical illness
  • Chronic psychiatric medical illness
  • Mourning / grief
  • Personality disorders with impulsiveness

Diagnostic / symptomatic categories for patients
at high risk
  • Three types of psychotic symptoms are
    particularly worrisome and could push a patient
    to commit suicide
  • Auditory hallucinations commanding suicidal acts
  • Thoughts of external control (feeling that an
    outside force controls one's actions)
  • Religious preoccupation.
  • Patients may not readily report these symptoms
    collateral interviews with family members can
    help confirm psychosis.

Differential features
  • Is the patient talking about being discouraged
    with life because of chronic illness?
  • Is the patient talking about end of life issues?
  • Is the patient talking about loss of meaning to
  • Does the patient have a reactive mood?
  • Is the patient attempting to upset someone with
    whom they are angry?
  • Does the patient have true major depression?

Sad Persons Scale
  • S ex (male)
  • A ge (elderly or adolescent)
  • D epression
  • P revious suicide attempts
  • E thanol abuse
  • R ational thinking loss (psychosis)
  • S ocial supports lacking
  • O rganized plan to commit suicide
  • N o spouse (divorced gt widowed gt single)
  • S ickness (physical illness)

Differential features
  • Has the patient lost the ability to control
    his/her life (physically or emotionally)
  • Has the patient lost a sense of meaning to
    his/her life?

Three Groups
  • It is useful to categorize depressed patients who
    are potentially suicidal into three groups
  • Patients with ideation, plan, and intent
  • Patients with ideation and plan but without
    intent, and
  • Patients with ideation but no plan or intent.

Interventions / treatment issues
  • With all patients, one should employ
  • Empathy / sympathy
  • I care. I would be upset if you ended your
  • Give 800 number
  • National 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
  • Local (415) 752-3778
  • Arrange for frequent visits
  • Arrange for people at patients living place to
    check the person more often

Interventions / treatment issues
  • Depressed patients with suicidal ideation, plan,
    and intent should be hospitalized, especially if
    they have current psychosocial stressors and
    access to lethal means.
  • When a patient's life is in imminent danger, the
    caregiver may breach confidentiality and contact
    a family member.
  • Depressed patients who refuse hospitalization may
    be involuntarily hospitalized

Interventions / treatment issues
  • Caregivers can contact their local crisis center,
    or emergency department for assistance in
    arranging such commitments.
  • Depressed patients with suicidal ideation and a
    plan but without intent may be treated on an
    outpatient basis, especially when they have good
    social support and no access to lethal means.
  • However, some of these patients need
    hospitalization, especially if their environment
    does not offer adequate safety measures, such as
    responsible supervision.
  • Outpatient treatment may consist of
    antidepressant therapy (preferably with
    antidepressants that are safe in overdose),
    referral to a drug and alcohol treatment program,
    psychotherapy, or all of these.

Interventions / treatment issues
  • Depressed patients who express suicidal ideation
    but deny plan or intent should be evaluated
    carefully for psychosocial stressors.
  • Caregivers should encourage the patient or family
    members to remove weapons and other potentially
    lethal means from the patient's environment.
  • In general, patients in this category may be
    safely treated with antidepressant medication on
    an outpatient basis, but they should be seen by
    their physician often as long as suicidal
    thoughts persist.

Interventions / treatment issues
  • No suicide contract or handshake
  • Although some caregivers use a written "no
    suicide" contract / no suicide handshake with
  • This is never a substitute for a thorough risk
  • Many patients who sign such a contract later
    commit suicide.
  • Therefore, the use of these contracts / handshake
    may give caregivers a false sense of security and
    provides no protection from legal liability

The case manager, therapist, peer or caregiver
  • How would you feel if a patient of yours ended
    their life?
  • Has it ever happened to you?
  • What things would you do to help yourself?
  • Seldom is the caregiver / therapist considered
    after a suicide
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