Saving Lives: Understanding Depression And Preventing Suicide - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Saving Lives: Understanding Depression And Preventing Suicide


Saving Lives: Understanding Depression And Preventing Suicide Prevention Training For Physicians and Medical Personnel The Ohio Suicide Prevention Foundation – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Saving Lives: Understanding Depression And Preventing Suicide

Saving LivesUnderstanding Depression And
Preventing Suicide Prevention Training For
Physicians and Medical Personnel
  • The Ohio Suicide Prevention Foundation
  • Developed by Ellen J. Anderson, Ph.D., SPCC,

  • Still the effort seems unhurried. Every 17
    minutes in America, someone commits suicide.
    Where is the public concern and outrage?
  • Kay Redfield Jamison
  • Author of Night Falls Fast Understanding Suicide

Training Goals
  • Learn about local suicide prevention efforts, how
    these efforts connect with your practice and
  • Understand the pivotal role of medical personnel
    in the treatment of depressed patients and in
    reducing suicide risk
  • Increase awareness of suicide risk
    characteristics in patients who may not present
    as depressed/suicidal
  • Learn a brief suicide risk assessment model
  • Learn to ask the S question

Why Do We Need To Improve Suicide Prevention
  • Suicide is the last taboo
  • We can talk about sex, alcoholism, cancer, but
    not suicide
  • People need to understand the impact of
    depression and other mental illnesses, and how
    they lead to suicide
  • Suicide is a preventable death
  • Integrating medical staff into the efforts of
    suicide prevention coalitions to reduce deaths,
    increase awareness, and reduce stigma seems
    critical to local, state, and national efforts to
    change our approach to this age-old problem

Changing Our Approach Depression Is An Illness
  • Suicide has been viewed for countless generations
  • A moral failing, a spiritual weakness
  • An inability to cope with life
  • The cowards way out
  • A character flaw
  • This cultural view of suicide is not validated by
    our current understanding of brain chemistry and
    its interaction with stress, trauma and genetics
    on mood and behavior

The Feel of Depression
  • I am 6 feet tall. The way I have felt these past
    few months, it is as though I am in a very small
    room, and the room is filled with water, up to
    about 5 10, and my feet are glued to the floor,
    and its all I can do to breathe.

Gatekeeper Training- Dr. Ellen Anderson
  • The research evidence is overwhelming- what we
    think of as depression is far more than a sad
    mood. It includes
  • Weight gain/loss
  • Sleep problems
  • Sense of tiredness, exhaustion
  • Sad mood
  • Loss of interest in pleasurable things, lack of
  • Irritability
  • Confusion, loss of concentration, poor memory
  • Negative thinking
  • Withdrawal from friends and family
  • Often, suicidal thoughts
  • (DSMIVR, 2002)

  • 20 years of brain research teaches that what we
    are seeing is the behavioral result of
  • Changes in the physical structure of the brain
  • Destruction or shutting down of brain cells in
    the hippocampus and amygdala (5HTP axis)
  • Decrease in neurotransmitters
  • increased agitation in the limbic system
  • Depressed people suffer from a physical illness
    within the brain what we might consider faulty
  • (Braun, 2000 Surgeon Generals
    Call To Action, 1999, Stoff Mann, 1997, The
    Neurobiology of Suicide)

Faulty Wiring?
  • Literally, damage to certain nerve cells in our
  • The result of too many stress hormones
    cortisol, adrenaline and testosterone
  • Hormones activated by our Autonomic Nervous
    System to protect us in times of danger
  • Chronic stress causes changes in the functioning
    of the ANS, so that a high level of activation
    occurs with little stimulus
  • Causes changes in muscle tension, imbalances in
    blood flow patterns leading to illnesses such as
    asthma, IBS, back pain and depression
  • (Goleman, 1997, Braun, 1999)

Faulty Wiring?
  • Without a way to return to rest, hormones
    accumulate, doing damage to brain cells
  • Stress alone is not the problem, but how we
    interpret the event, thought or feeling
  • People with genetic predispositions, placed in a
    highly stressful environment will experience
    damage to brain cells from stress hormones
  • This leads to the cluster of thinking and
    emotional changes we call depression
    (Goleman, 1997 Braun, 1999)

Where It Hits Us
One of Many Neurons
  • Neurons make up the brain and cause us to think,
    feel, and act
  • Neurons must connect to one another (through
    dendrites and axons)
  • Stress hormones damage dendrites and axons,
    causing them to shrink away from other
  • As fewer connections are made, more and more
    symptoms of depression appear

  • As damage occurs, thinking changes in the
    predictable ways identified in our 10 criteria
  • Thought constriction can lead to the idea that
    suicide is the only option
  • How do antidepressants affect this brain
  • May counter the effects of stress hormones
  • We know now that antidepressants stimulate genes
    within the neurons (turn on growth genes) which
    encourage the growth of new dendrites
  • (Braun, 1999)

  • Renewed dendrites increase the number of neuronal
  • The more connections, the more information flow,
    the more flexibility and resilience the brain
    will have
  • Why does increasing the amount of serotonin, as
    many anti-depressants do, take so long to reduce
    the symptoms of depression?
  • It takes 4-6 weeks to re-grow dendrites axons
  • (Braun, 1999)

Why Dont We Seek Treatment?
  • We dont know we are experiencing a brain
    disorder we dont recognize the symptoms
  • When we talk to doctors, we are vague about
  • We believe the things we are thinking and feeling
    are our fault, our failure, our weakness, not an
  • We fear being stigmatized at work, at church, at

No Happy Pills For Me
  • The stigma around depression leads to refusal of
  • Taking medication is viewed as a failure by the
    same people who cheerfully take their blood
    pressure or cholesterol meds
  • Medication is seen as altering personality,
    taking something away, rather than as repairing
    damage done to the brain by stress hormones

Therapy? Are You Kidding? I Dont Need All That
Woo-Woo Stuff!
  • How can patients seek treatment for something
    they believe is a personal failure?
  • Acknowledging the need for help is not popular in
    our culture (Strong Silent type, Cowboy)
  • People who seek therapy may be viewed as weak
  • Therapists are viewed as crazy
  • Theyll just blame it on my mother or some other
    stupid thing

How Does Psychotherapy Help?
  • Medications may improve brain function, but do
    not change how we interpret stress
  • Psychotherapy, especially cognitive or
    interpersonal therapy, helps people change the
    (negative) patterns of thinking that lead to
    depressed and suicidal thoughts
  • Research shows that cognitive psychotherapy is as
    effective as medication in reducing depression
    and suicidal thinking
  • Changing our beliefs and thought patterns alters
    our response to stress we are not as reactive
    or as affected by stress at the physical level
    (Lester, 2004)

What Therapy?
  • The standard of care is medication and
    psychotherapy combined
  • At this point, only cognitive behavioral and
    interpersonal psychotherapies are considered to
    be effective with clinical depression
  • Consider EMDR for patients with trauma
  • Look for therapists with specific training Ask!

  • Yet most people do not understand the physical
    aspects of mental illness, as you have no doubt
    found in talking with your patients
  • Suicide is strongly linked with certain mental
    illnesses, and most people do not understand this
  • Your county Suicide Prevention Coalition is
    attempting to Reduce the stigma attached to
    mental illness, increase help-seeking behavior,
    and increase awareness of the consequences of
    untreated depression

Suicide Prevention Efforts
  • First national effort established at NIMH in 1969
  • Surgeon General issued a call to action to
    prevent suicide in 1999
  • In 2001, a National Strategy for Suicide
    Prevention Committee developed future goals and
  • An Ohio Suicide Prevention Plan was developed in
    May, 2002, and grants for local coalitions were
    given out in November of 2002

Development Of Prevention Efforts
  • Over the past 20 years, we have acquired valuable
    information on risk and protective factors,
    methods for preventing suicidal behavior, and
    improved research methods
  • An increase in suicide prevention programs in
  • The rapid development of suicidology as a
    multidisciplinary sub-specialty
  • Establishment of centers for the study and
    prevention of suicide

Framework For Prevention
  • Public health approach to prevention in contrast
    to clinical approaches used in the past
  • The prevailing model is the Universal, Selective,
    and Indicated model (WHO, 2002)
  • Focuses attention on defined populations, from
    everyone, to specific at-risk groups, to specific
    high-risk individuals

Is Suicide Really a Problem?
  • 89 people complete suicide every day
  • 32,637 people in 2005 in the US
  • Over 1,000,000 suicides worldwide (reported)
  • This data refers to completed suicides that are
    documented by medical examiners it is estimated
    that 2-3 times as many actually complete suicide
  • (Surgeon Generals Report on Suicide, 1999)

The Unnoticed Death
  • For every 2 homicides, 3 people complete suicide
    yearly data that has been constant for 100 years
  • During the Viet Nam War from 1964-1972, we lost
    58,000 troops, and 220,000 people to suicide

Who Is At Risk?
  • Most people assume young people
  • are more likely to complete suicide,
  • It is the 3rd largest killer of youth ages 15-24
  • In 2005, 267 children aged 10-14 completed
  • Adult males from 35-55 actually complete suicide
    at a far greater rate than youth
  • The elderly are at significant risk among those
    over 75, 1 out of 4 attempts end in death because
    the elderly tend to use more lethal means
  • (Surgeon Generals call to Action, 1999)

  • Comparative Rates Of U.S. Suicides-2004
  • Rates per 100,000 population
  • National average - 11.1 per
  • White males - 18
  • Hispanic males - 10.3
  • African-American males - 9.1
  • Asians - 5.2
  • Caucasian females - 4.8
  • African American females - 1.5
  • Males over 85 - 67.6
  • Annual Attempts 811,000 (estimated)
  • 150-1 completion for the young - 4-1 for the
  • (AAS website),(Significant increases have
    occurred among African Americans in the past 10
    years - Toussaint, 2002)

Suicide Rate By Age Per 100,000
Older people 12.7 of 1999 population, but 18.8
of suicides. (Hovert, 1999)
Suicide Rates Among The Elderly
  • The elderly have the highest suicide rate of any
  • Depression in late life affects six million
    people, one out of six patients in a general
    medical practice
  • However, only one of those six patients is
    diagnosed and treated appropriately
  • The majority of these people have seen their
    primary care physician within the last month of
  • There is evidence that the majority of elderly
    suicide victims die in the midst of their first
    episode of major depression
  • Depression is not a normal consequence of aging
    and can significantly alter the course of other
    medical conditions
  • (Empfield, 2003)

PCPs And Diagnosis Of Depression
  • Seniors have often visited a health-care provider
    before completing suicide
  • 20 of elderly (over 65 years) who complete
    suicide visited a physician within 24 hours
  • 41 within a week
  • 75 within one month
  • Patients may not use the words depression or
  • Because of the stigma that is still attached to
    this diagnosis, somatic symptoms may become the
    focus of complaint
  • There may be much denial and minimizing of
    affective symptoms
  • (Empfield, 2003)

Poor Quality Of Mental Health Care For Elders
  • Increased risk for inappropriate medication
    treatment (Bartels, et al., 1997, 2002)
  • gt 1 in 5 older persons given an inappropriate
    prescription (Zhan, 2001)
  • The elderly are less likely to be treated with
    psychotherapy (Bartels, et al., 1997)
  • Lower quality of general health care is
    associated with increased mortality
  • (Druss, 2001)

Depression Associated With Worse Health Outcomes
  • Depression is common among older patients with
    certain medical disorders
  • Associated with worse health outcomes
  • Greater use and costs of medications
  • Greater use of health services
  • Medical illness greatly increases the risk for
    depression particularly in
  • Ischemic heart disease (e.g. MI, CABG)
  • Stroke Cancer Chronic lung disease
    Alzheimers disease Parkinsons
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
    (Empfield, 2003)

  • In Cancer, depression leads to
  • Increased Hospitalization
  • Poorer physical function
  • Poorer quality of life
  • Poorer pain control
  • Increased mortality rates for
  • Hip fractures
  • Long Term Care Residents
  • Myocardial Infarction
  • In heart attack patients, depression is a
    significant predictor of death at 6 months
  • ( Frasure-Smith 1993, 1995 Mossey 1990 Penninx
    et al. 2001 Katz 1989,
  • Rovner 1991, Parmelee 1992Ashby1991 Shah 1993,
    Samuels 1997)

Rates Of Depression Among Elders With Illness
  • Cognitively intact nursing home patients shown to
    have symptoms consistent with depressive
    disorders 60
  • Chronically ill outpatients in a primary care
    practice - 25
  • Hospitalized patients - 20
  • In nursing homes, regardless of physical health,
    major depression increases the likelihood of
    mortality by 59 in one year
  • (Empfield, 2003)

Benefits Of Treatment For Depression In The
  • Depression is one of the few medical conditions
    in which treatment can make a rapid and dramatic
    difference in an elderly persons level of
    function and quality of life
  • Treatment may help patients accept medical
    treatment that they otherwise might refuse
    because of feelings of hopelessness or futility
  • Treatment also helps enhance or recover coping
    skills needed to deal with the inevitable losses
    associated with chronic medical illness
  • (Empfield, 2003)

What Factors Put Someone At Risk?
  • Many things increase ones risk for suicide-
    biological, psychological, social factors all
  • The single greatest risk factor for suicide
    completion - Having a Depressive Disorder
  • 90 of reported US suicides are experiencing
  • The 2nd biggest factor - having an alcohol or
    drug problem - However, many people with alcohol
    and drug problems are significantly depressed,
    and are self-medicating
  • (Lester, 1998)

  • Other risk factors include
  • Previous suicide attempts
  • A family history of suicide - increases our risk
    by 6 times
  • A significant loss by death, divorce, separation,
    moving, or breaking up with a loved one. Shock or
    pain, even long term lower level stress, can
    affect the structure of the brain, especially the
    limbic system
  • 30 years of research confirms the relationship
    between hopelessness and suicide, across
  • Impulsivity, particularly among youth, is
    increasingly linked to suicidal behavior
  • Access to firearms 60 of completed suicides
    used firearms
  • (Surgeon Generals call to Action, 1999)

  • Biological factors
  • Biological changes are associated with
  • both completed and attempted suicide
  • Changes include abnormal functioning of
  • the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal axis,
  • a major component of the way we adapt to
  • Psychological factors
  • Changes in thinking (constricted thought) leading
    to the belief that suicide is the only answer
    negative automatic thoughts that lead to sadness,
    hopelessness, loss of pleasure, inability to see
    a future, low self-esteem
  • Suicidality, although clearly overlapping the
    symptoms of associated MH disorders, does not
    appear to respond to treatment in exactly the
    same way
  • In some cases, depressive symptoms can be reduced
    by medication without a reduction in suicidal

Protective Factors
  • Stigma reduction programs, especially
  • among youth, increase help-seeking behavior
  • Resiliency and coping skills to reduce risk can
    be taught (Dialectical Behavioral Training)
  • Spirituality improves defenses against suicidal
  • Social support those with close relationships
    cope better with various stresses, including
    bereavement, job loss, and illness
  • Social disapproval of suicide reduces rates
  • (Berman Jobes, 1996 Beck, 1985 Rush et al,
    1992, Surgeon Generals Call To Action, 1999)

  • Treatment of suicidality has improved
    dramatically in the last 20 years
  • Evidence is clear that lithium treatment of
    bi-polar disorder significantly reduces suicide
  • A correlation has been noted between an increase
    in prescription rates for SSRIs and a decline in
    suicide rates
  • (Baldessarini,, 1999, NIMH, 2002)

  • However, medication alone is insufficient to
    reduce suicidal ideation
  • Psychotherapy can reduce suicidality by helping
    people learn to interpret the stresses in their
    lives more effectively, reducing the level of
    stress hormones in the body
  • Psychotherapy provides a necessary therapeutic
    relationship that reduces risk through increased
    hope and support
  • Cognitive-behavioral approaches that include
    problem-solving training reduce suicidal ideation
    and attempts more effectively than other
  • Medication combined with psychotherapy is the
    current standard of care for clinical depression
  • (Beck, 1996, Quinnett, 2000, Macintosh, 1996)

SSRIs And SuicideMore Mythology?
  • Media has sensationalized the idea that Prozac
    causes suicide in teens
  • There is a very low risk that SSRIs can induce
    suicidal agitation in a very few individuals
  • Many teens on SSRIs are, in fact already
    suicidal, and meds may not work well enough, or
    in time
  • The FDA has recently banned the use of Paxil for
    depression in adolescents, but Prozac has been
    approved for use in teens

  • The American College of Neuropsychopharmacology's
    Task Force report from January 21, 2004, which
    reviewed all clinical trials, epidemiological
    studies and toxicology studies in autopsies did
    not find evidence for a link between SSRI's and
    increased risk of suicide in children and
  • In a recent preliminary study of 49 adolescent
    suicides, researchers found that 24 had been
    prescribed antidepressants, but none had any
    trace of SSRI's in their system at the time of
    their death
  • There is an increased risk of suicide in
    depressed individuals who do not take their
    medication which is a factor common to
  • A 2003 World Health Organization study in over
    fifteen countries found a significant reduction,
    averaging about 33, in the youth suicide rate
    that coincided with the introduction of SSRI's
  • (Altesman, 2005)

  • A review of all the research on this topic was
    conducted recently
  • CONCLUSION No increased susceptibility to
    aggression or suicidality can be connected with
    fluoxetine or any other SSRI. In fact SSRI
    treatment may reduce aggression toward self or
  • In the absence of any convincing evidence to
    link SSRIs causally to violence and suicide, the
    recent media reports are potentially dangerous,
    unnecessarily increasing the concerns of
    depressed patients who are prescribed
    antidepressants (Goldberg, 2003)
  • In November, Newsweek reported that prescriptions
    for SSRIs for teens have dropped by 50 in 03
    and 04 suicide rates have climbed 18 in 03

High Risk Behaviors and Suicide
  • Miller and Taylor (2000) analyzed high risk
    behaviors in 9th-12th graders and found a
    correlation with suicide ideation and attempts
  • High risk health behaviors included
  • High Risk Sex (multiple partners, before age 14)
  • Binge Drinking (5 or more in several hours)
  • Drug Use
  • Disturbed eating patterns (boys do not get asked
    about this)
  • Smoking
  • Violence (girls do not get asked about this)

  • The 17 of youth with more than three problem
    behaviors were the youth who acted
  • They accounted for 60 of medically treated
    suicidal acts
  • Compared to adolescents with zero problem
    behaviors, the odds of a medically treated
    suicide attempt were
  • 2.3 times greater among respondents with one
  • 8.8 with two
  • 18.3 with three
  • 30.8 with four
  • 50.0 with five
  • 227.3 with six
  • A count of problem behaviors may offer a reliable
    way to identify suicide risk
  • (Miller Taylor, 2000)

Barriers To Treatment
  • Fragmentation of services and cost of care are
    the most frequently cited barriers to treatment
  • About 67 of people with significant mental
    disorders do not receive treatment
  • Psychological autopsy studies reveal that less
    than 14 of completers were receiving adequate
    treatment, and fewer than 17 were being treated
    with psychiatric medications
  • However, 50-70 had contact with health services
    in the weeks before their death
  • Surgeon Generals Call To Action, 1999 Empfield,

  • Currently, no psychological test, clinical
    technique or biological marker is sensitive
    enough to accurately and consistently predict
  • Primary care has become a critical setting for
    detection of the two most common factors
    depression and alcoholism
  • Depression is the second most common chronic
    disorder seen by PCPs
  • According to the AMA, a diagnostic interview for
    depression is comparable in sensitivity to
    laboratory tests commonly used in diagnosis, but
    currently, less than 50 of adults with
    diagnosable depression are accurately diagnosed
    by PCPs
  • Physicians are often reticent to talk with
    patients about suicide intent or ideation, and
    patients seldom spontaneously report it
  • (Surgeon Generals Call to Action, 1999
    Quinnett, 2000 )

What Is Your County Doing?
  • Suicide prevention coalitions have been developed
    over the past 3 years across the state with
    grants from Ohio Dept. of Mental Health
  • In many counties, the Mental Health Board is
    spearheading this process, with help
  • from all areas of the community,
  • including health care providers, mental
  • health professionals, suicide survivors,
  • clergy, school personnel, human resource
  • personnel, police/sheriff dept, health
  • department, and many others

How Do We Know Suicide Prevention Coalitions Work?
  • In 1996 the U.S. Air Force decided to mount an
    assault on its high suicide rate
  • They targeted help-seeking behavior, stigma, and
  • After 5 years of a major collaborative effort
    within the service, suicide rates dropped 78
  • Comparable rates in the other 4 armed services
    remained the same

How Can You Help?
  • Medical personnel are the front line of defense
    against this insidious killer - assess your
    patients for suicidal ideation when depressive
    symptoms arise
  • Specifically ask your patients if they are
    experiencing suicidal ideation They may not
    volunteer the information
  • Train staff in depression awareness, and in
    asking the S question
  • We must gain confidence in asking people if they
    are thinking about dying
  • (Surgeon Generals Call To Action, 1999)

Comfort And Competence Lead To Hopefulness
  • A study by Dr. Paul Quinett, a long-time
    researcher and clinician in suicide, indicates
    that patients who felt their clinician was
    comfortable asking questions about their suicidal
    thoughts and feelings reported much higher levels
    of hope about the future
  • The best outcome of asking the S question is
    immediate relief for the patient
  • (Quinnett, 2001)

  • Hopelessness is the most immediate risk factor
    for suicide, so instilling hope is essential
  • If your patient is on anti-depressant or
    anti-anxiety medication, refer them to a
    psychologist or counselor who can work with them
    on the maintaining causes of depression
  • Consider using a risk assessment format to ensure
    you ask the right questions

What To Ask?
  • Except for psychiatrists, routine
  • questioning about suicidal ideation
  • is not the current standard of care
  • If you have a patient with depressive symptoms or
    other mental health disorders (especially
  • Learn to Ask the S question
  • Not you arent thinking of suicide are you?
  • But - Some people who experience the amount of
    pain youre in think about killing themselves.
    Have you ever thought about it?
  • (Lester, 1998)

Use Of A Structured Interview
  • Many patients will not overtly acknowledge common
    symptoms of depression, focusing more on vague
  • You may wish to develop or purchase a guided
    clinical interview for use with suicidal clients
  • A structured form assesses current risk, sets up
    a management plan, and ensures that all the right
    questions are asked
  • Most take just a few minutes to complete, and
    people are surprisingly honest

Screening Recommendations
  • The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force reviewed
    new evidence that patients fare best when medical
    professionals recognize the symptoms of
    depression and make sure they receive appropriate
  • The USPSTF issued new depression screening
    recommendations in May, 2002, asking PCPs to
    routinely screen adult patients for depression
  • Medical professionals should have systems in
    place to assure accurate diagnosis, effective
    treatment, and follow-up if patients are to
    benefit from screening
  • The journal of AAFP offers the article Screening
    for Depression across the Lifespan A review of
    Measures of Use in Primary Care settings to help
    medical professionals make appropriate choices of
    screening tool
    (Sharp and Lipsky, 2002)

Possible Depression Scales
  • Beck Depression Inventory
  • Childrens Depression Inventory
  • CES-DC (Center for Epidemiological Studies
    Depression Scale)
  • Edinburgh Post-Natal Depression Scale
  • Geriatric Depression Scale
  • QPRT - Question, Persuade, Refer or Treat -QPR
    Institute -
  • Zung Depression Inventory

Learning QPR Or, How To Ask The S Question
  • It is essential, if we are to reduce the number
    of suicide deaths in our country, that community
    members/gatekeepers learn QPR
  • First identified by Dr. Paul Quinnett as an
    analogue to CPR, QPR consists of
  • Question asking the S question
  • Persuade Getting the person to talk, and to seek
  • Refer Getting the person to professional help
  • Medical staff can learn this method in a very
    short time
  • (Quinnett, 2000)

  • Once a patient has told someone they are thinking
    of suicide, you need a thorough suicide
  • In your area, what mental health facilities with
    emergency services are available?
  • Sending a suicidal patient alone to the emergency
    room could be a mistake
  • Most mental health agencies have crisis workers
    who can come to your office to interview your
    patient suicidal people should never be left

Psychiatric Hospitalization
  • The actual prediction of suicide is, essentially,
  • The base rates are too low, and risk level
    changes from day to day
  • Statistically, you could almost always bet that
    no given individual will complete suicide
  • Other risks are managed by understanding what
    risk factors exist, and limiting as many of them
    as possible, like wearing sunscreen
  • It is imperative that medical professionals know
    risk factors for suicide
  • (MacIntosh, 1993)

The Top Ten Risk Factors When Thinking Of
  • Previous Suicide attempt(s)
  • Mental disorders (especially depression, bipolar)
  • Co-occurring mental and AL/SA disorders
  • Family history of suicide
  • Hopelessness (should this be first?)
  • Impulsive/aggressive tendencies
  • Barriers to accessing mental health treatment
  • Relational, social, work or financial loss
  • physical illness (esp. with chronic pain)
  • Easy access to lethal methods, especially guns
  • (Surgeon Generals Call to Action to Prevent
    Suicide, 1999)

Voluntary Hospitalization
  • Best choice less hard on the patients sense of
    self-worth a way to buy time (to think it over,
    get sleep, etc.)
  • Safety is the main message a good nights
    sleep, a start on medications, talk with doctors,
    put things on hold for awhile
  • Allows them to save face I didnt want to, but
    they insisted

Sharing Knowledge Of Hospitals
  • Ease the transition by addressing their fears
  • Facts hospital stays tend to be short
  • Staff are well-trained and know about suicidal
  • ECT cannot be given without patient permission
  • Patients rights are guaranteed
  • Modern hospitals are not snake pits

Know Your Local Resources And Agencies
  • Where to hospitalize
  • Who do you call
  • Have your risk assessment information ready
  • Help to overcome barriers to hospitalization such
    as child care, pets, transportation, calls to
    work, etc.

Local Professional Resources
  • Your Local Mental Health Agencies
  • Your Local Mental Health Board
  • School Guidance Counselors
  • Your Hospital Emergency Room
  • Local Crisis Hotlines
  • National Crisis Hotlines
  • School nurses
  • 911
  • Local Police/Sheriff
  • Local Clergy

  • Suicide is a
  • permanent solution
  • to a
  • temporary problem
  • Edwin Schneidman, MD.
  • Founder of Suicidology

  • The Ohio Suicide Prevention Foundation
  • The Ohio State University, Center on Education
    and Training for Employment
  • 1900 Kenny Road, Room 2072
  • Columbus, OH 43210
  • 614-292-8585

A Brief Bibliography
  • Anderson, E. The Personal and Professional
    Impact of Client Suicide on Mental Health
    Professionals. Unpublished Doctoral dissertation,
    U. of Toledo, 1999
  • Berman, A. L. Jobes, D. A. (1996) Adolescent
    Suicide Assessment and Intervention.
  • Blumenthal, S.J. Kupfer, D.J. (Eds) (1990).
    Suicide Over the Life Cycle Risk Factors,
    Assessment, and Treatment of Suicidal Patients.
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