Title: Colruyt
Core Beliefs Catholicism Right to Privacy Social
Action by church State Responsibility Right
private property Right of workers
Contd Living Wage Job Security Worker
Socialism/Marxism Learn to question ideas Learn
to argue rationality Reject rationality as sole
determinant Accept Emotionality Question
different models
Post Modernism Marxism and Catholicism are two
Grand Narratives which individuals use to explain
the world and direct action Modernism in any
science which legitimizes itself by referring to
some grand narrative such as the rational subject
Contd A work or view becomes postmodern if it
was first modern Post modernism is XXX and
Post modernism does not hold in inevitable
progress arising from human action Rationally
argued positions do not constitute the totality
of knowledge Lyotarch holds that discussion and
conflict lead to new inventions Dissension is
kept alive by equal access for all to information
Contd Message interpretation is contextual and
fluid and culturally dependent Need information
from multiple sources Flemish and French cultures
Communication It is urgent that we learn to
communicate. Check whether words mean the same
for all parties they seldom do. achieve
understanding of the position of the
other Business Model 10 -10 1
Role of IT Organize operations around the
computer What we cannot do with the computer we
wont do at all IT has commercial consequences
Some products cannot be sold.
ISID how do I stay informed? I turn on my
monitor and scan memos which upper management
have received and sent. I scan one hundred memos
and that gives me good insight in to the issues.
Then I make my rounds.
ISID to understand society one needs many models
- economic, social, capitalistic, Marxist, etc.
They embody a collective intelligence which is
activated by open communication among
individuals. It occurs in meetings, on the
telephone and by using ISID. Communication is
key to company success.
ISD a) User describes how IS improves the job
performance b) Calculate IS contribution to
company c) Calculate IS development cost d)
Calculate how much he is willing to pay for IS
Contd e) Calculate maintenance cost The
request goes to steering committee and then to IS
First the IS department planned IS development
and selected projects Second the users selected
the systems Led to an enormous increase in IS
Outsourcing Because of the huge outlays the role
of the IS department and outsourcing have been
debated vigorously. In the end we concluded that
outsourcing inevitably leads to a loss of
Work Roles shows me a competitions flyer,
stating a lower price, then I give an immediate
price reduction. Clerks also exercise power over
job choice - customer checkout reshelving
Contd Decision Making Independent
decisions group decisions Consensus/Dissensus
Emotions Someone says, I feel discouraged you
backed me into the corner. That person speaks
about his emotions. When others understand these
emotions that creates an environment for human
interaction. Rationality and emotionality should
be open for discussion.
Corporate Norms Incorrect Flemish/French
translation. Led to unpleasant exchange of ire
between translator and employee. Colruyt
intervened and set limits to exchange.
Criticizing is fine but no invectives.
Development and Training 1) Questioning during
meetings about situation, decisions, and
rationality of assertions create high levels of
stress and safeguards are needed to keep stress
within acceptable limits.
2) Training involves self-empowerment self-expre
ssion assertiveness communicative competence
Organizational Structure 1) Hierarchical but
flat 2) Functional groups that form around a
specific problem and then disband 3) Management
does not emphasize the hierarchy 4) Power is
not assigned from the top but instead acquired
by individuals
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25Figure 1 Approximate Colruyt Organization Chart
President and Board of Directors
Director Personnel
Director Food Distribution
Director Warehousing
Director Technical Services
Director Sales
District Manager
Section Manager
Store Manager
Shop-Floor Employees
Shop-Floor Employees
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