Marc Schmitz - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Marc Schmitz


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Marc Schmitz

European Offshore Wind 2009
A bankers view on the European offshore wind
energy market
Marc Schmitz Senior Vice President REIF, Rabobank
Rabobank and Clean Tech
Rabobanks investments in Clean Tech In bln Euros
  • Rabobanks global clean tech ambitions
  • Sustainability is engrained in the genes of
    Rabobank and all its core activities
  • Climate is a priority and viewed as a crucial
    theme in sustainability
  • Ambition to engage actively in the transition
    towards a low-carbon economy
  • Rabo Greenbank 4.0
  • Rabo Ventures 0.2
  • Project Finance Renewable Energy 1.2
  • SAM (CH) 6.5
  • Robeco Sustainable Engagement 5.4
  • Robeco Clean Tech I and II 0.8
  • Sarasin (CH) 0.7
  • Low energy Real Estate 0.9
  • Total 20

Renewable Energy Infrastructure Finance
  • The REIF team is a highly experienced and
    professional team with extensive experience in
    financing of renewable energy and PPP projects
  • The team consists of 15 individuals
  • Languages Dutch, English, German, French,
    Spanish and Italian.
  • Team experience large innovative deals across
    Europe (i.e. first non recourse offshore wind
    park in the Netherlands and experience in bio
  • REIF has an international orientation and
    network, covering Europe, the Americas and a part
    of Asia. The team is supported by a network of
    local relationship managers in each International
    Branch, as well as dedicated loan syndicators and
    credit analysts
  • REIF offers tailor made structures that enable
    the financing of various projects. Being a
    partner of key customers in the renewable energy
    market, REIF always makes an extensive analysis
    to find a suitable structuring for every project

Tanja Cuppen Head Corporate Finance
Marcel Gerritsen Global Head of REIF
REIF Americas
REIF Europe
Factors influencing offshore wind
A Preconditions
B Project Viability
C Project Economics
  • Suitable locations and leases
  • Subsidy
  • Level
  • Security
  • Other legislation
  • Permits
  • Offshore spatial planning
  • Grid connection
  • Public opinion
  • Location
  • Wind characteristics
  • Water depth
  • Distance to shore and harbour
  • Availability of
  • Sponsors
  • Staff
  • Contractors
  • Turbines
  • Vessels
  • Risk
  • Risk in offshore wind
  • Interface risk
  • Risk mitigation
  • Project Structure
  • Financing structure detail
  • Investment decision
  • Country focus
  • Site selection

Investment decision and bankability
  • Three essential elements
  • Turbines Vessels, BOP (incl. guarantee
  • Project structure / risk mitigation(usage of
    ECAs and EIB)
  • Subsidy regime (different per country)

Country choice government support important
  Support system Total revenue (EUR/MWh) Level of support (EUR/MWh) Duration of support (years) Market electricity price estimate (EUR/MWh) Grid connection paid by
Belgium Hybrid green certificates 150 (variable) 107 20 35-50 Both
Germany Feed-in-Tariff 150 150 1281 Not relevant Government
Netherlands Likely Tender plus premium payment Unknown Unknown Unknown, likely 15 35-50 Developer
UK Green Certificates 123 (variable) 832 (variable) Asset lifetime 30-50 Developer
1 In Germany, offshore wind producers receive a high FiT for the first 12 years, and after that a lower tariff, depending on project circumstances (water depth and distance to shore) 2 This level is valid for the normal support level of 1.5 ROC/MWh. For those projects that will receive 2 ROCs per MWh under the UK Governments economic stimulus measures, the level of support will be higher, at around 100 EUR/MWh, and total revenue will in that case end up around 150 EUR/MWh. 1 In Germany, offshore wind producers receive a high FiT for the first 12 years, and after that a lower tariff, depending on project circumstances (water depth and distance to shore) 2 This level is valid for the normal support level of 1.5 ROC/MWh. For those projects that will receive 2 ROCs per MWh under the UK Governments economic stimulus measures, the level of support will be higher, at around 100 EUR/MWh, and total revenue will in that case end up around 150 EUR/MWh. 1 In Germany, offshore wind producers receive a high FiT for the first 12 years, and after that a lower tariff, depending on project circumstances (water depth and distance to shore) 2 This level is valid for the normal support level of 1.5 ROC/MWh. For those projects that will receive 2 ROCs per MWh under the UK Governments economic stimulus measures, the level of support will be higher, at around 100 EUR/MWh, and total revenue will in that case end up around 150 EUR/MWh. 1 In Germany, offshore wind producers receive a high FiT for the first 12 years, and after that a lower tariff, depending on project circumstances (water depth and distance to shore) 2 This level is valid for the normal support level of 1.5 ROC/MWh. For those projects that will receive 2 ROCs per MWh under the UK Governments economic stimulus measures, the level of support will be higher, at around 100 EUR/MWh, and total revenue will in that case end up around 150 EUR/MWh. 1 In Germany, offshore wind producers receive a high FiT for the first 12 years, and after that a lower tariff, depending on project circumstances (water depth and distance to shore) 2 This level is valid for the normal support level of 1.5 ROC/MWh. For those projects that will receive 2 ROCs per MWh under the UK Governments economic stimulus measures, the level of support will be higher, at around 100 EUR/MWh, and total revenue will in that case end up around 150 EUR/MWh. 1 In Germany, offshore wind producers receive a high FiT for the first 12 years, and after that a lower tariff, depending on project circumstances (water depth and distance to shore) 2 This level is valid for the normal support level of 1.5 ROC/MWh. For those projects that will receive 2 ROCs per MWh under the UK Governments economic stimulus measures, the level of support will be higher, at around 100 EUR/MWh, and total revenue will in that case end up around 150 EUR/MWh. 1 In Germany, offshore wind producers receive a high FiT for the first 12 years, and after that a lower tariff, depending on project circumstances (water depth and distance to shore) 2 This level is valid for the normal support level of 1.5 ROC/MWh. For those projects that will receive 2 ROCs per MWh under the UK Governments economic stimulus measures, the level of support will be higher, at around 100 EUR/MWh, and total revenue will in that case end up around 150 EUR/MWh.
Financing structure
  • Financing structure depends on project structure
  • More Equity needed in current market
  • Tenor (long term depends on term of the subsidy
  • Margins increased due to liquidity costs and
  • Cash sweeps in place due to market and technical
  • Rabobank can provide a total financing package
  • Project equity
  • Mezzanine debt
  • Senior debt

Belwind deal an overview
  • Senior lenders Rabobank, ASN, Dexia, EIB, EKF
  • Mezzanine lenders e.g. Rabobank, PMV
  • Equity providers Rabobank, Colruyt, SHV,
    Meewind, PMV
  • Why does Rabobank consider mezzanine lending
  • Less equity required
  • Higher leverage in the projects
  • Higher return on equity
  • Total financing package (i.e. senior / mezzanine
    / equity)

Belwind deal the process
  • Success factors
  • Stable group of MLAs Financing already in place
    in March Support of EIB and EKF
  • Good subsidy regime
  • Relationship between contractors, MLAs and final
  • Experienced MLA group Rabo, Dexia, EKF involved
    in Q7/ Prinses Amalia Park
  • Same contractors as Q7/ Prinses Amalia Park (Van
    Oord Vestas)
  • Issues
  • Hard to get equity in place loss of several
    equity providers during the process
  • Low grey electricity prices
  • High financing costs
  • Time consuming

Offshore wind growth prediction
Rabobank expectation 2020 Around 30,000 MW
installed in Europe
2014-2020possible shortagesin the value chain
2009-2013no shortage of vesselsand turbines
Investment level
  • Rabobank expectation of app. 30 GW installed
    offshore in 2020 would require app. 100 bln EUR
    in cumulative investments in the EU27 alone
  • Annual investments are predicted to reach a level
    of around 15 bln EUR per year from 2014

Investments needed for offshore wind in the
EU-27 Rabobank predictions to 2018 in mln EUR
Track record offshore wind
  • Current mandates Borkum, Bard, Boreas
  • Actively involved in several other European
    offshore wind projects (ongoing)

Contact Details
Contact Details
  • Renewable Energy and Infrastructure Finance
  • Marc Schmitz
  • Senior vice president REIF
  • t. 31 30 216 3074
  • f. 31 30 216 1920
  • e.
  • Marcel Gerritsen
  • Global Head REIF
  • t. 31 30 216 5794
  • f. 31 30 216 1949
  • e.

Clean Tech Research Maartje van den Berg Senior
Associate Clean Tech Research t. 31 30 216
6193 f. 31 30 216 1920 e.Maartje.van.den.Berg_at_ra Visiting address Gildenkwartier
199 3511 DH Utrecht The Netherlands Postal
address P.O. Box 17199 UH-B 2038 3500 HG
Utrecht The Netherlands
  • Rabobank International Renewable Energy and
    Infrastructure Finance
  • Visiting address
  • Croeselaan 28
  • 3521 CB Utrecht (UCZ 7044)
  • The Netherlands
  • Postal address
  • P.O. Box 17100
  • 3500 HG Utrecht
  • The Netherlands

  • This presentation has been prepared by Rabobank
    International (Rabobank) exclusively for the
    benefit and internal use of the audience of the
    EWEA offshore wind congress (the "Client") and
    does not carry any right of publication or
    disclosure other than to its professional
    advisor(s) who as a matter of law or practice is
    (are) bound to confidentiality obligations.
    Neither this presentation nor any of its contents
    may be used for any other purpose without the
    prior written consent of Rabobank. The
    information in this presentation reflects
    prevailing market conditions and our judgment as
    of this date, all of which may be subject to
    change. This presentation is based on public
    information. The information and opinions
    contained in this presentation have been compiled
    or arrived at from sources believed to be
    reliable, but no representation or warranty,
    express or implied is made as to their accuracy,
    completeness or correctness and all liability in
    respect of any such matters or statements is
    expressly excluded. The information and opinions
    contained in this presentation are entirely
    indicative and for discussion purposes only and
    to provide the Client with a fair indication on a
    potential transaction between the Client and
    Rabobank.Nothing in this presentation can be
    construed as an offer, invitation or
    recommendation to the Client. to enter into a
    transaction with Rabobank. No rights may be
    derived from this presentation nor any of its
    contents including any commercial ideas. For the
    avoidance of doubt, distribution of this
    presentation does not oblige Rabobank to enter
    into any transaction with the Client.
  •  The information in this presentation is not
    intended and may not be understood as an advice
    (including without limitation an advice within
    the meaning of article 11 and article 423 of
    the Financial Supervision Act). Client is advised
    to independently review, and/or obtain
    independent professional advice, and to draw its
    own conclusions regarding the economic benefit
    and risks of the potential transaction and legal,
    regulatory, credit, tax and accounting aspects in
    relation to particular circumstances.
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