Title: Agenda
1Synthetic Fibers in Precast
- Agenda
- Whats new
- Engineering fiber performance
- Synthetic Fiber benefits
- Rework reduction
- Green strength
- Crack control
- Steel replacement
- Reduced cycle time
- Financial payoff
- Summary
2Synthetic Fibers in Precast
- Whats New
- Steel price - greater need for a fiber
alternate - Flexural reinforcement design - much wider uses
- Macrofiber technology - new fiber capabilities
- SCC technology - wider range of workability
- Synthetic fiber - proven to reduce production
3Synthetic Fibers in Precast Whats new graph
Engineering News Record 20-City average rebar
- Reinforcing steel price up sharply
- Increase by 70 in 2004, additional increases
forecast - Significant price reduction seems unlikely
- Precast producers will probably benefit!
- Contractors are seeking alternates to steel
construction - Architects engineers are changing designs to
precast - Producers can get steel out of their product
- Microfiber alternate to temperature/shrinkage
steel - Macrofiber alternate to flexural steel
4Synthetic Fibers in Precast Whats new
- Why use fibers in precast?
- Steel replacement - lower production cost
labor materials - Faster cycle time - lower plant overhead per
unit - Green strength - faster cycle time, lower cost,
higher production - Crack control - reduce rework costs, reduced
rejects - Reduced spalls - reduced rework costs, faster
cycle time - Appearance - reduced plant rework, reduced
field cost
5Synthetic Fibers in Precast Whats new
- Microfiber
- Fine, fibrillated
- Temp/Shrinkage steel alternate
- Macrofiber
- Coarse, monofilament, deformed
- Flexural steel alternate
6Synthetic Fibers in Precast Engineering advances
- Three levels of concrete reinforcement based on
area of steel ratio (AS) - Temperature/Shrinkage reinforcement AS 0.1
- Flexural reinforcement AS lt 0.4
- Structural reinforcement AS gt 0.4
7Synthetic Fibers in Precast Engineering advances
- Reinforcement measured by area of steel ratio
(As) - Example 4 rebar cage _at_ 12 each way, 6 thick
wall - 4 rebar 0.20 sq. in.
- Section 6 x 12 72 sq inches
- Ratio.0.20/72 x 100 0.27
- Requirements for precast
- 0.1 ACI 318 Temperature/shrinkage minimum
steel - 0.4 Modulus of flexural rupture of concrete
8Synthetic Fibers in Precast Engineering advances
- Fiber use by area of steel ratio (As)
- Temperature/Shrinkage As0.1 Fibers clearly
accepted - Flexural reinforcement Fibers have proven
effective - Structural reinforcement Asgt0.4 Steel required
9Synthetic Fibers in Precast Engineering
advancesIllustration shows vacuum testing
- Septic Tanks A flexural reinforcement test
- Alabama tests - Vacuum tests per ASTM C 1227
- (3) 1000 gal tanks- fiber reinforced Failed at
9.5-10.5 Hg - Control tanks reinforced WWF - Failed at
4.2 Hg - California tests - Vacuum tests per ASTM C 1227
- (3) 1000 gal tanks- fiber reinforced sustained
10.0 Hg w/o failure - 10 hg is greater than 700 lbs/SF
- Substantially exceeds typical earth loads
- Provides confidence in design calcs.
10Synthetic Fibers in Precast Engineering advances
- Septic Tanks IAPMO Spec PS 1-2003
- Establishes the standard of quality for septic
tanks - Concrete reinforced plastic
- Includes design requirements for fiber
reinforcement - Accepted in many jurisdictions
- Design Calculations are provided
- As by wall thickness requirement
- As converted to ASTM C-1399 flexural moment of
resistance - (Standard Test Method for Determining Average
Residual Strength in Fiber Reinforced Concrete) - Procedure for establishing fiber ASTM C-1399
values (ARS)
11Synthetic Fibers in Precast Engineering advances
- Septic Tanks IAPMO Spec PS 1-2003
12Synthetic Fibers in Precast Engineering advances
- ASTM C 1399 Average Residual Strength
- Crack the beam with spring-steel plate under
- Remove the steel plate
- Measure deflection under load (w/o PL)
- Average residual strength formula
- Section (sq.in.)
- Span length
- Test 5 beams
- ARS is a measure of post-crack strength (the
level of load sustained by fibers in a concrete
beam after the beam is cracked)
13Synthetic Fibers in Precast Engineering advances
ASTM C 1399 - 5 pcy
Average Residual Strength (ARS) 215 psi
14Synthetic Fibers in Precast Engineering advances
- Area of steel ARS values for synthetic fibers
15Synthetic Fibers in Precast
- Agenda
- Whats new
- Engineering fiber performance
- Synthetic Fiber benefits
- Rework reduction
- Green strength
- Crack control
- Steel replacement
- Reduced cycle time
- Dosage
- Financial payoff
- Summary
16Synthetic Fibers in PrecastRework Reduction
- Rework Reduction
- Extra cost to repair out of spec product.
- The cost of not doing it right the first time.
- Often not well recorded, can exceed 5 of total
costs - The rule of 10
- It costs 10x as much to fix it in the yard as
doing it right in the plant - It costs 10x as much to fix it on the job as does
in the yard
17Synthetic Fibers in Precast Rework Reduction
- Green Strength
- Improved early age handling strength (Green
Strength) - Allows faster cycle times
- Provides assurance against stripping/handling
18Synthetic Fibers in Precast Rework Reduction
- Cracked or spalled product
- Shrinkage cracks during initial cure
- Handling cracks when product is relatively green
- Stripping shear or impact damage
19Synthetic Fibers in PrecastSteel reinforcement
20Synthetic Fibers in PrecastSteel reinforcement
- Area of steel determination
- Determined by producers engineer
- Measured at a vulnerable section
21Synthetic Fibers in PrecastSteel reinforcement
- Dosage Determination
- Per IAPMO PS 1-2003
- Partial steel replacement above AS 0.4
22Synthetic Fibers in PrecastSteel reinforcement
alternateIllustration shows vacuum testing
utility vault, 20 Hg (1400 PSF)
- Application to Underground 6-sided Products
- Septic tanks
- Utility vaults
- Catch basins
- Weirs
- Drop inlets
- Grease traps
- Burial vaults
- Underground round products
- Manhole risers
- Dry wells
23Synthetic Fibers in PrecastCycle time reduction
- Cycle time
- The time to set, cast, cure and strip 1 piece
- The basis of labor cost and plant burden.
- Use of fiber reduces cycle time
- Green strength can mean stripping 2 hours earlier
- Eliminate steel means no cage to reset
- Reduced rework means rework product does not
clutter plant - Reduced rework means less supervisory burden
24Synthetic Fibers in PrecastDosage
- Exceed the minimum dose
- Alternate to Temp/Shrinkage steel
- Temp steel .10, come up to the full design
- Allows for manufacturing handling variation
- Alternate to flexural steel
- Allows for manufacturing handling variation
- Reject pile why take a chance?
25Synthetic Fibers in Precast
- Agenda
- Whats new
- Engineering fiber performance
- Synthetic Fiber benefits
- Rework reduction
- Green strength
- Crack control
- Steel replacement
- Reduced cycle time
- Dosage
- Financial payoff
- Summary
26Synthetic Fibers in PrecastFinancial Payoff
Payoff for fiber use Septic Tank Example
27Synthetic Fibers in PrecastSummary
- Fiber reduces production cost
- Rework reduction
- Green strength
- Crack control
- Steel replacement
- Steel savings and fiber costs are similar
- Reduced labor costs
- Reduced cycle time
- Increased production
- Lower burden
28Synthetic Fibers in PrecastSummary
- There is a lot thats new in synthetic fibers
- Steel price renewed need for a fiber alternate
- New engineering - flexural reinforcement design
- New fibers - macro fiber technology
- New admixtures - SCC workability
- Engineering
- IAPMO septic tank spec and vacuum testing shows
the way - Fibers are becoming accepted in underground
products - Pipe manholes must overcome ASTM requirement
- Producers are using fibers and gaining confidence
- Fiber manufacturers are responsive
- Operational problems are being overcome
- Financial results are encouraging
29Synthetic Fibers in PrecastSummary
- Who is Bill Ray
- Principal at Precast Consulting
- Background
- Business owner PCI certified producer
- General manager Sales exceeding 15 million
- Project manager Projects exceeding 10 million
- Chief fin. Officer Sales exceeding 150 million
- Education
- MBA University of Chicago
- BS Florida state
- Contact info 770-979-3711. billray_at_precastconsul