Title: Diketopyrrolopyrroles DPP
Marek Grzybowski
- Brilliant red or orange high performance pigments
- Extremely
- Insoluble
- Resistant (?T, h?, etc.)
- Used in
- Luxury cars painting
- High quality printing
- Plastics coloring
- Solar cells, OLED, Fluorescence imaging etc.
- 1974 Farnum et al accidental discovery of
1. Farnum D G, Mehta G, Moore G G I, Siegal F P,
Tetrahedron Lett. 1974, 15, 2549
4N-Unsubstituted DPP - History
- 1983 Iqbal and Cassar patent2
- Synthesis of DPP by condensation of succinate
with aromatic nitrile - R1, R2 iPr, tBu, tAm etc.
2. Iqbal A, Cassar L, Ciba-Geigy Ltd, US Patent
4, 1983, 415, 685
5N-Unsubstituted DPP - Insolubility
- Reason Strong molecular interactions3,4
3. Lenz R, Wallquist O, Surface Coatings
International Part B Coatings Transactions,
2002, 85, 1-xxx 4. Mizuguchi J, Grubenmann A,
Wooden G, Rihs G, Acta Crystallographica, Section
B, 1992, 48, 696
6N-Unsubstituted DPP - Insolubility
- Reason Strong molecular interactions3,4
3. Lenz R, Wallquist O, Surface Coatings
International Part B Coatings Transactions,
2002, 85, 1-xxx 4. Mizuguchi J, Grubenmann A,
Wooden G, Rihs G, Acta Crystallographica, Section
B, 1992, 48, 696
7N-Unsubstituted DPP Properties
- Heat fastness lt 500C
- 8th grade light resistance (1 to 8 scale)
- e gt 30000 M-1 cm-1
- Low Stokes shift lt 30 nm (lt 0,75 eV) usually
12-15 nm - ?max 500-550 nm
- Hypsochromic shift in solution
- Fluorescence quantum yield 0,5
- 110 mg dissolves in 1L of DMF
8Commercially available DPP pigments5 2000
tonnes / year
Ferrari Red (Pigment Red 254)
Ciba was selling this for 100 per kilo, and the
cost was 20 per kilo, so it was a big advantage
for the company 6
5. Industrial Organic Pigments, Herbst W, Hunger
K, WILEY-VCH, Weinheim, 2004, p.490 6.
Latent pigment
6. Zambounis J, Hao Z, Iqbal A, Nature, 1997,
388, 131
10N-AlkylationInsoluble becomes soluble
Alcoxides and hydroxides were also used as bases
5-90 7
- Larger/More branched substituent Better
solubility - FF increases up to 0,9
- Stokes shift up to 70 nm (2 eV)
- Lower temperature resistance (lt300C)
7. Colonna G, Pilati T, Rusconi F, Zecchi G,
Dyes and Pigments, 2007, 75, 125
11DPPs as Functional Dyes8
- Fluorescence imaging
- Electroluminescence
- Solar cells
- Conductive polymers
- Photoconductive materials
- Two photon absorption
- Ions and molecules fluorescent sernsors
- Laser dyes
- Optical data storage
- Liquid crystals
- Electrochromic materials
- Field effect transistors
8. High Performance Pigments, Faulkner E B,
Schwartz R J, WILEY-VCH, Weinheim, 2009, p.191
12Examples Two photon absorptionEr Qian Guo et
9. Guo E Q, Ren P H, Zhang Y L, Zhang H C, Yang W
J, Chem. Commun., 2009, 2859
13Examples Two photon absorptionEr Qian Guo et
Compound ?abs/nm ?em/nm ??/nm F ?2PA/nm dmax/GM dmax/MW
DPP-R 476 546 70 0,67 730 110 0,31
DPP-DPA 539 604 65 0,37 810 1200 2,98
DPP-TPA 508 595 87 0,46 820 930 1,68
9. Guo E Q, Ren P H, Zhang Y L, Zhang H C, Yang W
J, Chem. Commun., 2009, 2859
14Examples Two photon absorptionJiangi Yihua et
10. Jiang Y, Wang Y, Hua J, Qu S, Qian S, Tian H,
J. Polym. Sci. Part A Polymer Chemistry, 2009,
47, 4400
15Examples pH indicatorTakuya Yamagata et al11
11. Yamagata T, Kuwabara J, Kanbara T,
Tetrahedron Lett., 2010, 51, 1596
16Examples pH indicatorTakuya Yamagata et al11
2 in CHCl3 (2 10-5 M)
0 1000 eq of TFA
1250 5000 eq of TFA
11. Yamagata T, Kuwabara J, Kanbara T,
Tetrahedron Lett., 2010, 51, 1596
17Examples F- chemosensorYi Qu et al12
Compound -Ar
12. Qu Y, Hua J, Tian H, Org. Lett., 2010, 12,
18Examples NIR dyesGeorg M. Fisher et al13,14,
15, 16
- e 125 000 261 000 M-1 cm-1
- ?abs 684 864 nm
- ?em 708 881 nm
- FF 0,32 0,69
13. Fisher G M, Jüngst Ch, Isomäki-Krondahl M,
Gauss D, Möller H M, Daltrozzo E, Zumbusch A,
Chem. Comm., 2010, 46, 5289 14. Fischer G M,
Ehlers A P, Zumbusch A, Daltrozzo E, Angew. Chem.
Int. Ed., 2007, 46, 3750 15. Fischer G M,
Daltrozzo E, Zumbusch A, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.,
2011, 50, 1406 16. Fischer G M, Isomäki-Krondahl
M, Göttker-Schnetmann I, Daltrozzo E, Zumbusch A,
Chem. Eur. J., 2009, 15, 4857
19Examples NIR dyesGeorg M. Fisher et al13,14,
15, 16
13. Fisher G M, Jüngst Ch, Isomäki-Krondahl M,
Gauss D, Möller H M, Daltrozzo E, Zumbusch A,
Chem. Comm., 2010, 46, 5289 14. Fischer G M,
Ehlers A P, Zumbusch A, Daltrozzo E, Angew. Chem.
Int. Ed., 2007, 46, 3750 15. Fischer G M,
Daltrozzo E, Zumbusch A, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.,
2011, 50, 1406 16. Fischer G M, Isomäki-Krondahl
M, Göttker-Schnetmann I, Daltrozzo E, Zumbusch A,
Chem. Eur. J., 2009, 15, 4857
20Examples Solar cellsPrashant Sonar et al17
Electrochemical bangap 1,63 1,74 eV
1 power conversion for TFPDPP
17. Prashant S, Ging-Meng N, Ting Ting L, Ananth
D, Zhi-Kuan C, J. Mater. Chem., 2010, 20, 3626
21The End?