Title: NVO and The Digital Planetarium
1NVO and The Digital Planetarium
NVO Outreach Workshop
July 11, 2002
- Ed Lantz
- Product Development manager
- Spitz, Inc.
2Dome Theaters
Traditional Planetarium
Large-FormatFilm Theatre
Digital Planetarium
3Traditional Planetaria
- Hemispheric Projection Screen
- Starfield Projector
- High-resolution astronomical simulation
- Hemispheric Slide Projection or All Skys
- Narrow Field Video is Common
- Laser Graphics - Full or Partial Dome
- Combination Large-Format Film, Planetarium
- Total Annual Attendance Worldwide 87,400,000
4Planetarium Facts
- Planetarium
Worldwide of - Classification of
Theaters Total - School/District 999 36
- University/College 397 14
- Museum/Science Center 375 14
- Observatory/Other 201 7
- Unclassified 782 28
- TOTAL 2754
Courtesy The LNP Planetarium Compendium, Loch
Ness Productions, 2000
5Planetarium Facts
- Dome Size (m) of Theaters Tilted
Domes - 3 - 6 766 2
- 6 - 9 696 3
- 9 - 12 463 9
- 12 - 15 191 23
- 15 - 18 98 17
- 18 - 21 102 34
- 21 - 27 80 40
- Portable 774
Courtesy The LNP Planetarium Compendium, Loch
Ness Productions, 2000
6Large-Format Film Theater
- Hemispheric Projection Screen
- Tilted 20-30º typically
- Large-Format Film
- 15-perf, 70mm (original IMAX format)
- 8-perf, 70mm (increasingly popular format)
- Dome Diameters from 15m to 28m
- 254 LF Theaters Worldwide - Half are Domes
- 175 Large-Format Films Released
From White Oak Associates, Inc. Inventory of
Large Format Theaters, 1998 edition
7Digital Planetarium
- Full Dome or Partial Dome Video Projection
- Multiple Edge-Blended Projectors or Fisheye
- CRT, DLP, LCoS projector technologies
- 30 Existing/Planned Theaters by 7 Manufacturers
- Most Use Pre-Rendered, Pre-Recorded Shows
- Hi-res digital video graphics technologies
- Realtime 3D Interactive Becoming Affordable
8Digital Dome Manufacturers
- Evans Sutherland - Salt Lake City, UT
- GOTO Optical - Japan
- Spitz, Inc. - Chadds Ford, PA
- Sky-Skan - Nashua, NH
- Trimension, Inc. - Burgess Hill, UK
- Silicon Graphics/Zeiss/Schneider
- Minolta - Japan
9Sampling of Digital Planetaria
- AMNH/Rose Center - New York City
- Bibliotheca Alexandria - Alexandria, Egypt
- Burke Baker Planetarium - Houston, Texas
- Exploration Place - Wichita, Kansas
- National Space Centre - Leicester, UK
- LodeStar Planetarium - Albuquerque, NM
- Northern Lights Centre - Watson Lake, Yukon
- National Air and Space Museum - DC
- Adler Planetarium - Chicago
10Sampling of Digital Planetaria
Bibliotheca Alexandria Alexandria, Egypt
LodeStar Planetarium Albuquerque, NM
11Spherical Projection Formats
Single Projector(Fisheye)
Edge-Blended Projectors
12Edge-Blended Projection
Polar Source is Split Into Sub-Frames and
Sub Frame 1 Sub Frame 2 Sub Frame 3 Sub
Frame 4
13Fisheye Projection
Polar Fisheye Source Image
- Simple Configuration
- Limited Hemispheric Resolution (2048x1536 pixels)
- Requires Projector Inside Theater Space
14Feeding the Digital Planetarium
- Astronomical Visualization
- Night sky visualization
- Naked eye and deep sky
- 3D visualization and simulation
- Astrophysical models
- Digital Galaxy, Cosmic Atlas, Deep Space
Explorer, etc. - Informal Educational Programming
- Need compelling, meaningful stories
- What is our place in the universe?
- Whats out there?
- What does it all mean?
- My future, mankinds future
- Data queries data interpretation
- Visualization data mining, formatting
15Who Are We?
- Public Planetaria
- Science astronomy educators
- Media/production staff
- Astronomers
- School Planetaria
- Science and astronomy educators
- Show Producers
- Writers
- Art directors
- Animators
- Editors
- Musicians
16Graphics Formats
- Pre-Rendered Shows
- Dome master format
- Composited Images
- All-Sky Images
- Deep-Sky Objects
- Realtime 3D
- Texture maps
- Star/Object Data
17Pre-Rendered Shows
- Dome Master Formats
- Spherical mapping format
- Master format for archiving, distribution, etc.
- Independent of particular projection geometry
- Defined only by resolution, field-of-view, file
type - independent of specific projection scheme
18Polar Fisheye Master
Polar Fisheye(Azimuthal Equidistant)
19Equidistant Cylindrical Master
Equidistant Cylindrical
20Skinning a Sphere with Platonic Solids
21Cubic Master
Advantage - Efficient File FormatDisadvantage -
Scene is Broken Up, Difficult to Preview
22Vis Needs Pre-Rendered Shows
- All-Sky Images
- Celestial sphere at all available wavelengths
- specified coordinate system
- compositing must be seamless, no missing data
- Numerous mappings acceptable
- azimuthal equidistant (separate hemispheres)
- equidistant cylindrical
- Hammer-Aitoff
- cubic
- Deep-Sky Objects
- Need sufficient metadata!
23All-Sky Image Resolution
- Number of Pixels Required to Project Eye-Limited
Resolution on Hemisphere
Number of Pixels
(0.5) (4? steradians) (57.3/steradian)2 (60 arc
(0.5 arc min/pixel)2
300 Million Pixels!!!
24All-Sky Image Resolution
- Fisheye Projection Systems
- 1024x1024 or 1536x1536 polar frame
- Edge-Blended Projection Systems
- up to 4000x4000 polar frame
- Highest Resolution All-Sky Images in Use
- 14,000x7200 equidistant cylindrical (3 arcmin)
- Nearly 300 MB file!
- Seamless Transition to High-Magnification Images
- Deep sky zoom with higher resolution
25Deep Sky Objects
- Many Excellent Images Available from STScI/Aura
- Where Do They Go in the Night Sky???
- Need Metadata!
- Image angular height/width
- Image center RA/Dec
- Image rotation w.r.t. celestial coordinates
- Image brightness/magnitude?
- Estimated object distance (for 3D systems)
- Simplified Search Capability a Plus
26Deep Sky Zoom
27Deep Sky Object Resolution
- Higher Resolutions allow Seamless Zooms
- 1024x1024 useful
- 4000x4000 better
- 8000x8000 best!
28Image Formats
- Numerous Formats in Use
- TARGA is currently most popular format
- Compression artifacts can be a problem
- High Dynamic Range Formats Needed
- Display dynamic range limited (10001)
- HDRI, Cineon, others
29Other Ideas
- Automated Downloads
- Solar weather
- Solar system images, data
- Transient phenomena
- Current terrestrial/space based images
metadata - Edu releases current event items
- Connecting People Resources
- Not all data is accessible online
- Queries can actually drive future research
- Amateur astronomer image exchange
- Astronomers have stories to tell we need stories