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Migration and Inequalities


Projekt wsp finansowany ze rodk w Unii Europejskiej w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Spo ecznego Migration and Inequalities Marek Nowak PhD – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Migration and Inequalities

Migration and Inequalities
Projekt wspólfinansowany ze srodków Unii
Europejskiej w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu
  • Marek Nowak PhD
  • marek.nowak_at_amu.edu.pl
  • Institute of Sociology AMU

On the base on (Post)transformational Migration.
Inequalities, Welfare State and Horizontal
Mobility (M. Nowak, M. Nowosielski ed.)
Why emigrate the banal answer
  • The role of economic scarcity in fostering
    migration was especially underlined by the
    neoclassic theory of push factors and pull
    factors. Perceived inequalities, such as the lack
    of a proper job (in relation to others) or bad
    living conditions (more generally), can play the
    role of push factors that make people migrate
    (Lee 1966).

What does push factor mean?
  • focus more on relative deprivation,
    exacerbated by inequality, as a basic determinant
    of peoples mobility

GDP (Gross Domestic Product) in PPS (Purchasing
Power Standard) Index in 2011 (EU-27 100)
GDP (gross domestic product) is an indicator for
a nations economic situation. It reflects the
total value of all goods and services produced
less the value of goods and services used for
intermediate consumption in their production.
Expressing GDP in PPS (purchasing power
standards) eliminates differences in price levels
between countries, and calculations on a per head
basis allows for the comparison of economies
significantly different in absolute size.
What does pull factors means?
  • Attracting selected groups of the labor force
    because of local/regional economic demand.

  • What can sociologists suggest?

  • Structural conditions are only a part of the
    story of migration, particularly because
    differences and inequalities are social facts,
    elements of the shape of modern open societies.

  • From one side, inequality can be seen as a basic
    element of competitive society (a sine qua non of
    capitalist maximalization). From another, it can
    call up pictures of barriers developing between
    peopleas a consequence of the vertical division
    of labour, and with the consequence that vertical
    mobility tends to decrease as result of social
    barriersand of a gulf between the top and the
    bottom of the society.

What could influence the migration behavior?
  • The politics which could decrease or increase the
    tension to emigrate
  • The construction of welfare relation (the welfare
  • Past experiences related to horizontal mobility
    (as the cultural framework of mobility -
  • Acceptability of migrations a strategy (which is
    a part of the social context)
  • The intensity of social change - deregulation (in
    the 90s and the first decade of the 21st

  • Situational context of Central European migration

The systems transformation within the context of
increasing push factors in Central and Eastern
  • the governments of Poland, Hungary, the Czech
    Republic, and Slovakia were each spending on
    average about 1015 percent of their GDP annually
    on pensions and other social security benefits
    .... This level of expenditure matched or even
    exceeded that of the more developed western
    countries, many of which had been struggling to
    control government spending and to reform their
    social security systems for more than two
    decades (Inglot 2008).

  • The key moment of the Polish transformation
    process could be the second part of the 90s of
    the 20th century (1998), where began the fast
    reorientation of the Polish system of production
    towards the west European direction (the so
    called Russian crisis ).
  • This could be an important moment for explaining
    the factors of the mass emigration in the years

Subsidiarisation as a context of inequalities and
  • In some cases there was even a kind of a social
    engineering effort to build the democratic
    states new institutions from the top down,
    rather than from the bottom up. In both the east
    and the west, the key notion in this process may
    be described as an aspect of liberal
    subsidiarization processes. Which means, its
    worth repeating, bringing responsibility for
    functions down to a lower level of authority and
    to the local community.

  • In the Polish case, and less so in the case of
    the Czech Republic, the darker sides of the
    transformation included the dynamic growth of
    unemployment (in Poland in the first decade of
    the twenty-first century, ten years after the
    start of the transformation, more than 20 of
    labour force was unemployed), and growing
    differentiation (asymmetric increases in
    different social segments, and in different
    positions in class structure) (Tomescu-Dubrow

  • Looking at the basic indicator of social
    inequalitythe Gini coefficientat the beginning
    of the twenty-first century, it is clear that the
    processes of social transformation did not have
    the same trajectories and consequences in all the
    involved countries and societies. Although states
    such as Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland now have a
    relatively high Gini coefficient far above
    the European average, the position of the Czech
    Republic is different.

  • Finally, we observed the different trajectories
    of social polarization (inequalities)
  • in consequence of the deregulation and
    marketisation in different national/social
    contexts. These tend to affect the different
    scale of international labor flow (hipotesis).

The Polish case
Migration before accession to the UE
  • Before accession, in the terminology of
    Grabowska-Lusinska and Okólski, there was an
    incomplete migration which was invisible from
    one side, and which from the other side
    represented a sort of refrigerator of a segment
    of labour power endangered by unemployment
    (Grabowska-Lusinska, Okólski 2009, pp. 39). They
    mentioned three main types of migration (a)
    circulation migrations (b) a short period
    migration (c) long term migration (emigration in
    formal nomenclature).

Polish migration after the accession to the EU
  • The migration and emigration (more than 12 months
    abroad) was much more often, much longer, much
    more legal, much more common

The typical Polish migrant to the UK or Ireland
after 2004
  • Polish migrant to the UK or Ireland after 2004
    relatively young (based on Polish legal
    statistics, BAEL/OBM data), having in the case of
    pre-accession migration an average age of 32
    years, or in later waves a little more than 31
    years more likely to be a man than a woman (183
    men to every 100 women) possessing greater
    experience in the labour market (relative to the
    demographic structure of Polish society) than
    that of the average 2029 year-old
    (Grabowska-Lusinska, Okólski 2009, pp. 97).

  • The reality of migration processes in different
    countries of the region seemed to be different.

  • The migration factors seems to not belong to the
    one simple scheme of social reaction, which
    suggests both social and cultural answers (than
    just simply the material deprivation picture).
  • Reconceptualisation tends to move from
    structural condition (of the differences in
    income) to the processual relations based on
    socio-cultural facts.
  • Possible elements of an explanation might
    consider the questions of how market-oriented
    were particular post communist societies, and how
    successful was the gestalt switch. As we know
    from social surveys, respondents orientations
    are sometimes very different, and may change over

The way in which we could conceptualized motives
of emigration
  • We can describe two aspects which may have an
    influence on the social mobility
  • 1) the personal aspect, which relates to
    individual rationality, individual motives, the
    individual condition of the person, as well as
    the persons social attitudes, education, life
    expectations, and so on and
  • 2) the structural aspect (i.e. what are called
    push factors in the theory of migration
    behaviour), which in the case of Central and
    Eastern Europe can be very close to the concept
    of Durkheim-Merton anomy, or Sztompkas
    transformational sociocultural trauma (Sztompka
    2000), and which describes common labour
    relations, typical social mobility patterns, and
    institutional design.

The Eurequal project
  • The purpose of Eurequal was to create and
    disseminate knowledge that would facilitate the
    achievement of greater social equality between
    individuals, social cohesiveness in societies,
    democratic and market development, and the
    broader integration of Europe.
  • http//eurequal.politics.ox.ac.uk/

The main questions of Eurequal
  • How can we adequately measure the multifaceted
    character of social inequality?
  • What are the factors at the individual level that
    are most associated with the patterns of social
  • What characteristics of the economic, political
    and institutional arrangements of nations have
    the greatest positive and negative impact on
    social inequality?

  • What are the consequences of social inequality
    for individual and household economic behaviour,
    in particular for intra and inter-generational
    social mobility?
  • What are the consequences of social inequality
    for political attitudes, especially towards other
    social groups, and for political behaviour?
  • What are the consequences of social inequality
    for economic growth, democratic consolidation and
    international integration?

(No Transcript)
Table 2. Average answers to the question of the
acceptability of emigration (five point Likert
scale, from definitely accepted to definitely
not accepted).  
Country/ descriptive statistics Average Standard deviation Pearson correlation
Belarus 2.73 1.776 0.386
Bulgaria 2.47 1.479 0.236
Czech Republic 2.21 1.282 0.115
Estonia 2.26 1.318 0.258
Hungary 2.82 1.443 0.386
Latria 2.21 1.204 0.250
Lithuania 2.51 1.419 0.269
Moldova 2.37 1.424 0.116
Poland 2.09 1.139 0.185
Romania 2.32 1.018 0.364
Russia 2.81 1.751 0.326
Slovakia 3.62 1.224 0.208
Ukraine 2.16 1.347 0.352
Answer to the question have you ever worked
abroad? (N, and in )
Country Yes No Country Yes
Belarus 58 942 Moldova 184 858
Belarus 5.8 94.2 Moldova 17.7 82.3
Bulgaria 63 914 Poland 213 1268
Bulgaria 6.4 93.6 Poland 14.4 85.6
Czech Rep. 81 910 Romania 126 1366
Czech Rep. 8.2 91.8 Romania 8.4 91.6
Estonia 149 903 Russia 70 1930
Estonia 14.2 85.8 Russia 3.5 96.5
Hungary 48 982 Slovakia 159 873
Hungary 4.7 95.3 Slovakia 15.4 84.6
Latvia 106 895 Ukraine 85 1299
Latvia 10.6 89.4 Ukraine 6.1 93.9
Lithuania 111 889
Lithuania 11.1 88.9
Have you ever worked abroad? (N, and in
Moldova Moldova Moldova Poland Poland Poland Slovakia Slovakia Slovakia
male female all male female all male female all
gt 25 N 17 10 27 16 10 26 17 20 37
gt 25 age 63.0 37.0 100.0 61.5 38.5 100.0 45.9 54.1 100.0
gt 25 sex 15.6 13.3 14.7 11.1 14.5 12.2 21.3 25.3 23.3
gt 25 all 9.2 5.4 14.7 7.5 4.7 12.2 10.7 12.6 23.3
2637 N 37 27 64 42 21 63 24 43 67
2637 age 57.8 42.2 100.0 66.7 33.3 100.0 35.8 64.2 100.0
2637 sex 33.9 36.0 34.8 29.2 30.4 29.6 30.0 54.4 42.1
2637 all 20.1 14.7 34.8 19.7 9.9 29.6 15.1 27.0 42.1
3849 N 25 23 48 35 15 50 26 11 37
3849 age 52.1 47.9 100.0 70.0 30.0 100.0 70.3 29.7 100.0
3849 sex 22.9 30.7 26.1 24.3 21.7 23.5 32.5 13.9 23.3
3849 all 13.6 12.5 26.1 16.4 7.0 23.5 16.4 6.9 23.3
5061 N 23 12 35 31 10 41 12 2 14
5061 age 65.7 34.3 100.0 75.6 24.4 100.0 85.7 14.3 100.0
5061 sex 21.1 16.0 19.0 21.5 14.5 19.2 15.0 2.5 8.8
5061 All 12.5 6.5 19.0 14.6 4.7 19.2 7.5 1.3 8.8
62 lt N gen. N 7 3 10 20 13 33 1 3 4
62 lt N gen. age 70.0 30.0 100.0 60.6 39.4 100.0 25.0 75.0 100.0
62 lt N gen. sex 6.4 4.0 5.4 13.9 18.8 15.5 1.3 3.8 2.5
62 lt N gen. all 3.8 1.6 5.4 9.4 6.1 15.5 .6 1.9 2.5
62 lt N gen. 109 75 184 144 69 213 80 79 159
62 lt N gen. all 59.2 40.8 100.0 67.6 32.4 100.0 50.3 49.7 100.0
  • Table 8. Standard deviation and average answers
    (Likert Scale from 1 (agreement) to 5
    (disagreement)) to questions on expected
    government intervention (What in your opinion is
    a duty of the state?) in 13 European countries
    (the five lowest values of standard deviation are
    indicated by the numbers in brackets, 1 being the

Country code Gov. /Job Gov. /health care Gov. /old people Gov. /unemployed Gov. /housing Gov. /childcare
Belarus (average) 1.55 1.40 1.39 2.55 2.68 1.72
Standard deviation 1.079 .997 1.059 1.646 1.934 1.275
Bulgaria (average) 1.58 1.23 1.21 1.72 1.99 1.69
Standard deviation .925 .594 (4) .584 1.050 (2) 1.326 1.236
Czech Rep. (average) 1.68 1.22 1.33 2.68 2.54 1.49
Standard deviation 1.116 0.548 (3) .791 1.605 1.631 .874
Estonia (average) 1.81 1.26 1.27 2.15 2.19 1.64
Standard deviation 1.152 .654 (5) .692 1.459 1.587 1.278
Hungary (average) 1.49 1.29 1.33 1.99 2.09 1.38
Standard deviation .806 (2) .659 .766 1.199 1.292 .803
Latvia (average) 1.51 1.19 1.21 2.01 1.62 1.39
Standard deviation .956 .544 (2) .649 1.299 1.040 .895
Lithuania (average) 1.72 1.36 1.44 1.97 2.25 1.85
Standard deviation 1.058 .721 .892 1.468 1.777 1.426
Moldova (average) 1.43 1.39 1.42 1.59 1.65 1.54
Standard deviation .899 (5) .837 .872 1.021 (1) 1.003 1.024
Poland (average) 1.48 1.25 1.29 2.14 2.09 1.60
Standard deviation .888 (4) .583 (3) .639 1.541 1.562 1.124
Romania (average) 1.46 1.24 1.24 1.57 1.69 1.50
Standard deviation .821 (3) .745 .788 1.071 (4) 1.152 1.048
Russia (average) 1.47 1.29 1.25 2.24 2.16 1.56
Standard deviation 1.002 .751 .713 1.665 1.772 1.178
Slovakia (average) 1.52 1.21 1.25 1.98 2.00 1.46
Standard deviation .925 .613 .694 1.068 (3) 1.296 .934
Ukraine (average) 1.21 1.16 1.15 1.91 2.00 1.36
Standard deviation .487 (1) .433 (1) .459 1.470 1.674 .788
Final statement
  • I.
  • As we know (based on the EUREQUAL data), in
    postcommunist countries the role of the state in
    relation to problems of employment, healthcare,
    and the care of old people being a more active
    one is relatively commonly accepted. Expectations
    sometimes tend to construct a whole complex
    etatist syndrome (as in Hungary, for example), or
    sometimes it may split into a different vision
    when the problems of employment, healthcare, or
    (as in the Polish case) pensions play the crucial

  • welfare policy arguments and institutions
    exacerbate or ameliorate existing social
    cleavages and conflicts (Glass, Marquart-Pyatt,
    2007), which in my interpretation may in certain
    social environments result in more or less high
    migration tendencies.

  • II.
  • Inappropriate solutions in the welfare regime
    may be one of important factors which can
    increase structural pressure, but at the same
    time there are no universal rules, and there
    arein my opinionmore conditions which
    distinguish the positions of the citizens of,
    say, Estonia (where migration is still at a low
    level), from its neighbour Latvia, where the
    level of migration is significantly higher.

  • III.
  • The second important factor relates to the more
    conscious aspects, an element of the comparison
    of the chances that the whole system will make
    progress (that is, will in the future result in
    improved conditions for the individual), with the
    possibilities of misfortunes in the local
    community where potential migrants live, all of
    which mayonce againstrengthen or weaken the
    push (to migrate).

  • III.
  • The third aspect is related
    to the cultural
    of internalizing the exit

    strategy not voice in

    Hirschman concept as an element of
    universal ideology which creates visions and
    gives the tools to solve individual problems
    outside of the context of one society. This is
    strong in Poland.

  • This third aspect could be either analysed as a
    much more longue durée factor, and in this sense
    reinforces the more general atmosphere of
    emigration as a solution in the way of the
    diffusion of innovations, where migration
    experiences are collected in individual
    histories, and become an element of the culture.
    This third element is in my opinion relatively

Politics or policy reasons for emigration (Iveta
Kešane, Emigration as a Strategy of Everyday
Politics the Case of Latvian Labour Emigrants in
  • The free movement of labour gave a legal
    opportunity to many Latvians to go abroad in
    order to earn their livelihood, to provide for
    their families, and also to find self-esteem and

  • An analysis of the post-Soviet societies by
    Sztompka (2004) demonstrates that the period
    following transition shows that much was
    unexpected about the change, and that the society
    was not prepared for it. This is despite the fact
    that Latvians largely welcomed the collapse of
    the socialist regime and the transition towards
    the west. In reference to Durkheim, Sztompka
    refers to this condition as the anomie of
    success (Sztompka, 2004 157, 158)

The politics/policy way of conceptualising
  • the question of governance becomes the question
    of self-governance in the discourse and technique
    of emigration.

Understanding of power and self relation to the
power (governmentality)
  • governmentality implies the relation of the
    self to itself, and I intend this concept of
    governmentality to cover the whole range of
    practices that constitute, define, organize, and
    instrumentalize the strategies that individuals
    in their freedom can use... (Foucault, 2003 41)
    From the 1984 interview, Concordia, Revisita
    internacional de filosophia 6.

  • I gave birth to my youngest daughter when I was
    forty... she finished Gaujienas Secondary School,
    and then I understood that theres nothing she
    can do in Aluksne. Theres nothing to do anywhere
  • I had a good marriage, good education, the
    children were growing. We were hoping that we
    would graduate from university and have better
    salaries. And then everything went to rack and
    ruin (SLRH)

and other
  • We paid an employment agency to find a job. But
    it was all totally wrong. In our rural area,
    where we used to live, two big fish processing
    factories went bankrupt. That was just because
    there were no cheaters with golden necklaces
    there, for example, investors, shareholders, the
    ones able to subordinate. A lot of money has been
    lost, everyone suffered financial losses. Maybe
    that is the reason why...There were practically
    no ways out anymore... (LMNF)

  • I had entered the Polytechnic Institute and
    graduated from the Technical University the name
    of institution was changed after Latvia regained
    independence. That was the last year that people
    studied for five years ... And we were the last
    graduates who were neither bachelors nor masters.
    Also there were no appointments to jobs,
    nothinglook for a job yourself! And at that
    moment nobody needed anything anymore and it was
    like the Russians used to say, kupi i praday buy
    and sell. The most important thing was to trade,
    to launder money, and at that moment nobody
    thought about specialists anymore (KGFC)

  • I was working in the fish processing factories as
    a head engineer. I had a disagreement with the
    employer. It was an issue with a lawyer and
    all...There was nowhere to complain. There was
    just one solution to find a job somewhere else
    back at that time I went to Riga to look for a
    job somewhere. ... In Riga, they told me that
    Im too old and they cant take me. We need
    young, forward looking people! Then they told me
    that they didnt need me (LMNF)

  • labour emigration from Latvia, at the time of
    the transition, was for some of the emigrants a
    type of protest against these new ways of living
    and the way they were articulated in Latvia, and
    that emigration provided a mode of exit for
    these people. Moses (2007) .

  • The analysis of emigrants self-problematization
    at the time of their decision demonstrates that
    it is a strategy of everyday politics for the
    reason that it attempts to resists and evade
    limitations set by the mode of state governance
    and instead increasingly relying on self

Emigration and inequalities in the destination
country (Guglielmo Meardi, Labour mobility, union
immobility? Trade unions migration in the EU)
  • Inequalities and migration in the EU labor market
    is it the problem?

  • In debates on the liberalization of the movement
    of services in the EU (the so-called Bolkenstein
    Directive), on freedom of movement, and in legal
    cases concerning social dumping in the European
    Court of Justice, migrants from the new EU member
    states are often portrayed as a threat to
    established worker rights in Western Europe.

The case off trade unions
The context of percept inequalities
  • Current debates on labour markets are frequently
    framed within an insider-outsider model.
  • Typically, insiders would be middle-aged male
    local workers belonging to the ethnic majority,
    with no disability, while the most typical
    outsiders are migrants. To guarantee the
    perpetuation of their advantageous position,
    insiders have a number of institutional
    devicesthe most typical of which, it is argued,
    is the trade union.

The diagnosis from the past
  • The insider-outsider idea of migration is rooted
    in structuralist conceptions of the labour market
    of Piore (1979), who argued that capitalist
    economies require continuous flows of new
    migrants in order to maintain occupational
    hierarchies, that is to provide labour for
    low-prestige occupations (marginal jobs). Without
    migrants, employers would have to pay local
    workers considerably higher salaries to take
    these positions, which in turn would have caused
    demands for higher pay from workers in mainstream
    jobs, who would not accept being paid as little
    as those in marginal jobs.

Migrants are necessary for keeping salary low,
and balancing prices of labor marketShould
trade unions be against migrants (from local
laborers perspectives)?
  • The distinction between insiders and outsiders
    varies by country, and among industrialized
    economies it is assumed to be strongest in
    Southern European and Continental welfare
    states, especially Germany (Ferrera, Hemerijck,
    and Rhodes 2000).
  • but there is the contr tendency...

The pressure of illegal economy
  • Watts (2002) reiterates the point on
    internationalization in the case of the shifts of
    French, Spanish, and Italian unions towards open
    migration policies. She also adds two more
    factors the importance of the illegal economy
    (especially in Italy and Spain), with the
    consequent union interest in channelling migrants
    towards legal status and organizational needs in
    the face of declining membership

Restriction policy
  • Although they did not formally take a position
    against enlargement or against the principle of
    freedom of movement, some western trade unions,
    especially the German and Austrian ones,
    supported the introduction of transition periods
    as protection for the host country labor markets

Polish plumber is coming to the stage
  • The mythical figure of the Polish plumber was a
    crucial factor in the French rejection of the
    European Constitution in the referendum of May
    2005. Real tensions emerged in the transport
    sector, and major disputes occurred in both
    transport and construction (sectors where labour
    mobility is a normal occurrence).

Strategy exit or voice
  • Even if the voice of employees in the new
    member states has remained feeble, their massive
    exit has forced employers, and to a lesser extent
    governments, to introduce important concessions,
    leading to higher than expected wage growth and
    some improvements in employment conditions.

  • The exit and the voice is back

The integration perspective
  • innovative practices such as cooperation with
    ethnic associations (e.g. with the Polish
    Catholic Association in Birmingham) and the
    setting up of Polish-language sections (in
    Southampton and Glasgow)
  • focused on two particularly important antidotes
    to migrant exploitation provision of information
    on employment rights, and skillsincluding
    recognition qualifications and English language

  • The most significant activity has been the
    cooperation with eastern European trade unions
    (mostly Polish, given the critical mass of
    Polish migration), leading to the posting of
    organizers from the Polish trade unions
    Solidarity and OPZZ to UK and Ireland, which in
    turn facilitated the recruitment of activists and
    organizers among migrants.

  • Most notably, major developments have occurred
    in cross-border cooperation, especially in the
    border regions, through the Interregional Trade
    Union Councils (seven of them involve Austrian or
    German trade unions and partners from the new
    member states). In 2006, for instance, DGB,
    Ver.di and Solidarity jointly protested in the
    border region against a megastore that was
    violating worker rights (Szewczyk and Unterschütz
    2009). In May 2009, a Polish-German trade union
    forum was launched in Gdansk.

The different situations is in services
  • What is not migration

Final statement
  • Migration provides more opportunities than just
    the movement of services. In particular,
    migration seems to make it easier for trade
    unions to humanize foreign workers and develop
    solidarities with them, than does the simple
    existence of remote foreign subsidiaries.
    Regarding the freedom of movement of services,
    the opportunities for socialization are minimal,
    and the only positive effects come indirectly
    from broader European labour socialization, in
    which nationalism tends to be sidelined.
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