War - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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... Che Guevara No just authority: Sept. 11 Unjust wars Lack of just cause: Those not in response to some fault Wars of aggression (Italy attacking Ethiopia; ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: War

The Spirit of War
The moral significance of war
Jus ad bellum
  • Justice (in going) to war
  • What would justify going to war?

Jus in bello
  • Justice in war
  • What are the rules of conduct in war?

Arguments that War is sometimes justifiable
Rectificatory justice
  • How can you right a wrong?

Rectificatory justice
  • How can you right a wrong? Aristotle
  • This must be done by a proper authority a judge
    with authority to adjudicate
  • It is for a just cause there must have been an
    injustice that harmed someone
  • It is intended for a just purpose to set things
    right again, to make things as if the injustice
    had never occurred

Going to war
  • Just war theory (Aquinas) Classic answer, based
    on rectificatory justice
  • A war is just if
  • It is waged by a proper authority
  • It is for a just cause the enemy deserves to be
    attacked for some fault
  • It is intended for a just purpose to advance
    good and avoid evil

Proper Authority
  • A war must be waged by a proper authority
  • Wars must be waged by legitimate governments or
    international organizations granted such
    authority by legitimate governments (e.g., NATO,
    the UN)
  • Decisions to go to war must be made by proper
    authorities within those governments or

Just Cause
  • Wars must be fought for just causes, on account
    of faults
  • Faults that might justify war
  • Aggression (countries may defend themselves,
    their citizens, or one another, against attacks)
  • Danger (countries may attack a country
    preemptively if it endangers them?)
  • Human rights (countries may defend citizens from
    violations of their rights?)

Just Purpose
  • Wars must be intended for just purposes to
    advance good and avoid evil
  • Wars must be waged, not for self-interest, but
    because its the right thing to do
  • Good purposes
  • Restore peace
  • Defend citizens
  • Save lives
  • Advance freedom and democracy
  • Protect human rights

Just wars World War II
  • Allies waged war by proper authority official
    declarations of war by legitimate governments

Just wars World War II
  • Just cause response to attacks (Germany attacked
    Poland, Norway, Denmark, Belgium, the
    Netherlands, France, Russia, and Britain Japan
    attacked China, various East Asian countries, and
    the United States)

Just wars World War II
  • Just purpose intended to stop aggression and
    restore peace

Unjust wars
  • Lack of just authority Those not waged by the
    proper authority
  • Rebellions, revolutions not authorized by any
    legitimate body
  • Wars waged by illegitimate governments
  • Private wars, vigilante actions

No just authority Che Guevara
No just authority Sept. 11
Unjust wars
  • Lack of just cause Those not in response to some
  • Wars of aggression (Italy attacking Ethiopia
    Germany attacking Poland et al. Japan attacking
    China the US North Korea attacking South
    Korea Iraq attacking Kuwait)
  • Wars based on misunderstanding
  • Wars to maintain unjust control (USSR invading
    Hungary, Czechoslovakia)

Aggression Blitzkrieg, 1940
Unjust control Hungary, 1956
Unjust wars
  • Lack of just purpose Those waged for a reason
    other than seeking good and avoiding evil, e.g.,
    revenge, hatred, envy, aggrandizement, cruelty,
    the fever of revolt, the lust for power

Unjust Purpose Iran-Iraq War, 1980
Unjust Purpose Napoleons Invasion of Russia,
Unjust Purpose Hitlers Invasion of Russia, 1941
Unjust Purpose Iraqs Invasion of Kuwait, 1990
Hugo Grotius (1583-1645)
  • On the Law of War and Peace The grounds of war
    are as numerous as those of judicial actions.
    For where the power of law ceases, there war

Justifiable Causes of War
  • Defense Injury, or the prevention of injury,
    forms the only justifiable cause of war.
  • Indemnity right to recovery, redress, damages,
    compensation for injury
  • Punishment punish aggressor, deter future

How does injury justify war?
  • Principle of self-preservation you may kill an
    aggressor if
  • you are threatened with immediate danger
  • the danger cant otherwise be avoided
  • Aggressor forces people to risk their lives for
    the sake of their rights
  • Aggression justifies forceful resistance

The Domestic Analogy
  • There exists a society of independent states
  • This society has a law establishing rights of its
  • Any use of force, or immanent threat of force, by
    one state against another is a criminal act
  • Aggression justifies wars of self-defense and of
    law enforcement
  • Nothing but aggression can justify war
  • Aggressors can be repulsed and punished

Arguments for Pacifism
Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948)
  • Ahimsa Non-violence
  • Non-violence is infinitely superior to
  • Gandhi argues for pacifism violence is morally

The Ethics of Killing
  • Killing is intrinsically wrong
  • The only exception when it is in the interest of
    the one being killed
  • Even then, it would be hard to have confidence
    that killing is right

Deontological Arguments
  • It is wrong to cause pain or kill
  • Out of anger
  • For a selfish purpose
  • Or with the intention of harming it
  • Non-violence ennobles those who lose their lives

Consequentialist Arguments
  • Non-violent responses to aggression defuse anger
  • It is not weakness, but pitting oneself against
    the will of the tyrant
  • It can achieve political objectives
  • In the long run, it results in the least loss of

When Killing is Justified
  • One must destroy life to live but one should do
    it as little as possible
  • One can kill to stop suffering
  • One can kill a crazed person running amok

Justifying War
  • Some wars are justified WWII, Korea
  • But the future is unpredictable
  • Unforeseen effects always outweigh foreseen
  • So, its impossible to know, at the time, that a
    decision to use violence is justified

Objections to Pacifism
  • If killing is wrong, it must be because life has
  • But then why cant someone kill to protect or
    defend life?
  • Orwell Gandhi gained independence for India, but
    from the British would it have worked against a
    ruthless, totalitarian foe?
  • How can a pacifist protect the persecuted?

Preventive War
  • Can one ever attack first?
  • Talmud If a man is coming to kill you, wake up
    early and kill him first.

Against Preventive War
  • Preventive war presupposes a standard for
    measuring danger
  • Fought to maintain balance of power
  • Utilitarian argument
  • The balance of power maintains order that makes
    liberty possible
  • Fighting early reduces cost of defense

Against Preventive War
  • Second-level utilitarian argument
  • Accepting that argument leads to countless wars
    whenever shifts in power relations occur
  • Threats might justify war, but fear doesnt how
    can we tell them apart?
  • Its best to rely on legalist paradigm

For Preventive War
  • Sometimes, it really is less costly to fight
  • Example Nazi occupation of Rhineland, 1936 WWII
    could have been prevented
  • Its hard top gauge likelihood or magnitude of
    future attacks
  • But cost the attack will impose, multiplied by
    probability, may be very high

For Preventive War
  • Suppose theres a 50 chance of an attack
  • Cost of that attack 100
  • Expected cost 50
  • If a preventive war would cost less than 50, its

For Preventive War Terror
  • This argument is especially strong when applied
    to terrorism
  • Terrorists can do vast damage
  • Retaliation and deterrence are difficult
  • Hard to track whos responsible
  • Terrorists may be widely dispersed
  • Suicide bombers cant be punished after the fact

For Preventive War
  • Domestic analogy we punish people for planning
    to commit crimes
  • Evidence has to be convincing, but standard is
    weaker for violent crimes
  • Individuals who cant be deterred can be punished
    in advance

Jus in bello
  • What are the proper rules of warfare?
  • Walzer That one may not shoot someone in the act
    of surrendering shows that there are such rules
  • Not everything is permitted
  • War is distinguishable from murder and massacre
    only when restrictions are established on the
    reach of battle.

Jus in bello
  • When and how can soldiers kill? Walzer This
    appears largely conventional.
  • Limitations of weapons (e.g., chemical and
    biological weapons treaties) limitations on
    questioning, torture
  • But are these merely conventional?

Treatment of prisoners
  • 235,000 American and British prisoners were held
    by the Germans and Italians 4 died
  • 132,000 were held by the Japanese 27 died
  • American aircraft machine-gunned Japanese
    survivors swimming for shore Americans often
    shot surrendering Japanese
  • Japanese doctors performed horrendous experiments
    on prisoners
  • Johnson moral confusion

Rules of War
  • Whom can they kill?
  • War is a combat among combatants
  • Killing someone not currently engaged in the
    business of war is a crime

Rules of War
  • Grotius we may defend ourselves against allies
    of our enemy
  • We may attack even when the attack endangers
    innocent lives

Von Clausewitz
  • War is an act of violence intended to compel our
    opponent to fulfill our will
  • Object is to disarm the enemy
  • War is a political act, a mere continuation of
    policy by other means

Alls fair in war
  • in such dangerous things as War, the errors
    which proceed from a spirit of benevolence are
    the worst.
  • Nice guys finish last he who uses force
    unsparingly, without reference to the bloodshed
    involved, must attain a superiority is his
    adversary uses less vigour in its application.

Virtue in war is not a means
  • to introduce into the philosophy of War itself
    a principle of moderation would be an absurdity.
  • Prussian General von Moltke The greatest
    kindness in war is to bring it to a speedy

Hard Cases Enemy Cities
  • Roosevelt, 1939
  • Asked belligerents to refrain from the inhuman
    barbarism of bombing civilians
  • But that attitude didnt survive for very long

Hard Cases German Cities
  • Churchill, July 8, 1940
  • When I look round to see how we can win the war
    I see that there is only one sure path. . . .
    There is only one thing that will bring
    Hitler back and bring him down, and that is an
    absolutely devastating, exterminating attack by
    very heavy bombers from this country upon the
    Nazi homeland.

Hard Cases German cities
  • Historian Paul Johnson
  • The policy . . . marked a critical stage in the
    moral declension of humanity in our times.
  • Took about 25 of Britains war production
    killed 600,000 Germans
  • Hamburg, night of July 27-28, 1943 800-1000 C
    over the city destroyed half the housing, 37.65
    of the population killed

Hard Cases Dresden
  • February 13-14, 1945 over 650K incendiaries
    dropped on the city
  • Firestorm engulfed 8 square miles, killed 135,000
    men, women, and children
  • There were not enough survivors to bury the dead
  • Goebbels It is the work of lunatics.
  • Pilots It was the only time I felt sorry for
    the Germans.

Dresden before
Dresden after
The Bombing of Tokyo
  • March- July 1945 100K tons of incendiaries
    dropped on 66 cities, wiping out 170,000 square
    miles of densely populated streets, killing
  • March 9-10, 1945 killed 83,000 in Tokyo, injured

The Bombing of Tokyo
Hard Cases Hiroshima
  • Oppenheimer, quoting the Bhagavad Gita I am
    become as death, the destroyer of worlds.
  • August 6, 1945, 815am out of 245,000, 100,000
    died immediately, 100,000 died subsequently
  • August 9 Nagasaki, 75,000 killed

Utilitarian justification
  • June 6, 1945 Japanese Supreme Council approved
    plan to prosecute the war to the bitter end
  • 10,000 suicide planes 2 million troops on the
    beaches 4 million tropps, 28 million militia in
  • Allies projected 1 million American casualties,
    10-20 million Japanese

Hiroshima before
Hiroshima after
Hiroshima after
Hiroshima after
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