Atlantic Salmon Salmo salar - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Atlantic Salmon Salmo salar


Atlantic Salmon Salmo salar A species indicator? Atlantic salmon Life Cycle Introduction The Atlantic salmon is born in fresh water & remains there until it undergoes ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Atlantic Salmon Salmo salar

Atlantic SalmonSalmo salar
  • A species indicator?

Atlantic salmon Life Cycle
Wild Atlantic Salmon migration routes
Source The Wild Atlantic Salmon-State of the
Population in North America 2000 (
  • Salmon spawn any time between mid October to mid
    or late November.
  • Each female can produce between 1500-1800
    eggs/kg/body weight
  • Once the female has located a site, she prepares
    a redd (nest).

  • The Atlantic salmon is born in fresh water
    remains there until it undergoes a physiological
    transformation allowing it to tolerate salt

It is during the smolt stage that the salmon will
leave the fresh water river migrate to the salt
water sea. The smolt stage would be the
equivalent of our adolescent stage of
  • The ALEVINS (hatchlings or fry) PARR (yolk sac
    is gone actively feeding free swimming) will
    stay in the freshwater system for usually 2-3
    years before reaching the SMOLT stage.

After 1-3 years at sea, the salmon returns to its
river of origin (where it was born!) to spawn
(reproduce). They are now called grilse. Others
will remain in salt water to overwinter another
season will return to fresh water to spawn as
adult salmon. (gt63 cm)
The soils vegetation along the streams rivers
play an important role in protecting
maintaining salmon habitat.
The vegetation both nourishes the river ecosystem
protects it by stabilizing the riverbanks,
preventing them from collapsing silting the
A good spawning site will have coarse, loose
gravel 3-7 cm thick, a moderately strong current
to prevent eggs from being smothered by settling
silt, well-oxygenated water.
of Fish
Time (year 19??)
Atlantic salmon situation in Nova Scotia??
  • 2002 FINAL Cumulative counts of MSW salmon on
    rivers of the Nova Scotia portion of the
    Maritimes Region, as of November 15, 2002 (Click
    here to learn more)

Reasons for Species Loss
  • Siltation
  • Altering/diverting Water Flow
  • Erecting Dams or Barriers
  • Altering/destroying Riverside Vegetation
  • Altering/destroying Riverbanks
  • Harvesting
  • Illegal Harvesting
  • Logging
  • Aquaculture
  • At-Sea mortality

General Facts about Aquaculture
  • In 1999, 70 000 tons of domestic salmon were
    raised in Canada
  • Presently approx 30 companies operating more than
    200 salmon farms on both coasts. (salmon
    rainbow trout are preferred choice)
  • Slightly more than 33 of Canadas domestic
    salmon output comes from the Maritimes.
  • 90 of Maritime production comes from
    Passamaquoddy Bay Grand Manan areas
  • 10 from NS NFLD
  • Aquaculture now accounts for more than 25 of all
    fish consumed by humans worldwide.
  • Salmon farming is the fastest growing sector in
    world aquaculture.

Dangers Presented by Aquaculture
  • In 1997 approx. 300 000 Atlantic salmon were
    accidently released into Puget Sound, BC.
  • In Norway, approx. 1.3 million salmon escape from
    farms every year (33 of the salmon spawning in
    coastal rivers in Norway are ESCAPED domestic
  • There are areas in Norway where escaped domestic
    salmon have completely engulfed the historic
    range of wild salmon.

Domestic vs. Wild
  • Selectively bred to grow faster (10X faster)
    tend to be larger more aggressive
  • Scientists claim that a genetically engineered
    salmon could be grown up to 4 m in length weigh
  • Atlantic salmon fare better in captivity than
    Pacific salmon
  • Domestic salmon now outnumber wild salmon by a
    factor of 10 to 1
  • Do domestic salmon fall under the category of GM

Current salmon farming practices involve open
netcages like these that allow fish to escape
pollution to flow freely into the surrounding
Problems associated with salmon farming
  • Sewage
  • Drugs
  • Escapees
  • Net loss

Waste accumulates beneath salmon farms,
smothering the ocean bottom and choking out life.
Salmon farm pollution
  • Organic
  • Main source is fish excrement uneaten food
  • The accumulated waste can smother the organisms
    and set up anoxic (oxygen depleted) conditions in
    the seabed sediment.
  • Nutrient-loading (N P)
  • Chemical
  • Antibiotics
  • Pesticides
  • feed additives
  • paints used on netcages and boats to prevent
    marine growth (antifouling paints)
  • disinfectants.

Drugs used in the salmon farming industry
  • A variety of chemicals, including antibiotics,
    pesticides and fungicides are used on salmon
    farms to treat disease outbreaks.
  • These drugs are often administered to the fish
    through their feed.
  • Since salmon are mostly raised in open marine
    netcages, most of the drug, or its metabolic
    byproducts, end up in the marine environment
    through uneaten feed or the salmon's excrements.
  • The distribution and environmental impact of
    these chemicals is a cause of great concern.

Escaping farmed salmon pose risks
  • Escaped salmon can be carriers of disease and
    parasites, which pose a threat to wild salmon
  • When the species farmed is native to an area
    there may still be an impact from escaped farmed
    salmon breeding with populations of wild salmon
    that are genetically adapted to specific streams.
  • In British Columbia there is a greater danger
    arising from the fact that most of the salmon
    farmed are Atlantic salmon. Evidence exists that
    escaped Atlantic salmon can breed in BC's wild
    streams. The potential negative consequences of
    this could be dramatic.
  • average escapees in BC is 90,000 per year for
    the period 1990-2000.

Net loss of wild fish to produce farmed salmon
  • Salmon farming proponents often point out that,
    since the wild fisheries are collapsing, farming
    the oceans is necessary to feed a hungry world
  • They claim that their industry can supply food
    while taking pressure off ocean resources. But it
    isn't that straightforward.
  • The impact of aquaculture (farming of a seafood
    species) varies, depending on what species is
    farmed and what method is used.
  • With regard to taking pressure off ocean
    resources, a key factor is whether the species
    being farmed is carnivorous or not.
  • A total of 2.7-3.5 tonnes of wild fish are used
    to make 1 tonne of farmed salmon!
  • The consumption of 6.2 tonnes of wild fish for
    each tonne of salmon produced not only means less
    food for humans, but also for the many ocean
    species that rely on these fish as part of their
    food chain. Currently, the continued expansion of
    salmon farming is not sustainable.

Possible Remedies?
  • Commitment on the part of Federal Provincial
  • It has been suggested that salmon farms be
    located entirely within land-based pens fed by
    salt water to create a closed containment system
    (aquaculture industry opposed this measure
    because of the costs associated with creating the
  • Sterile, all-female strains of domestic salmon
    could reduce threats to wild salmon from cross-
    breeding with farm escapees.
  • it is only a matter of time before a suitable
    seed-based food concentrate can be used to
    replace marine protein for feeding domestic
    salmon (DFO)

  • A number of images in this presentation are from
    the Atlantic Salmon Federation website
  • David Suzuki Foundation
  • News Issues concerning Aquaculture Facts are
    located at the Nova Scotia Salmon Association

  • Occurs when a riverbed is covered with fine
  • Destroys spawning areas smothers salmon eggs.
  • Can cause gill abrasion
  • Makes feeding more difficult because the fish
    cant see their food.
  • Caused by
  • poor or improper road construction
  • Irresponsible logging practices
  • All-terrain vehicles (ATVs) in riverbeds

Altering/diverting Water Flow
  • Water flow is either too high or too low for the
  • Affects spawning survival rates

Erecting Dams or Barriers
  • Creates barriers for migrating salmon
  • Destroys spawning beds
  • Example Kejimkujik National Park (dam erected in
    the 1940s which affected the rivers that drained
    this park)

Altering/destroying Riverside Vegetation
  • Reduces food supply to the river ecosystem
  • Causes siltation

Altering/destroying Riverbanks
  • Causes floodingwhich leads to..

  • Native bands that use salmon for food
  • The importance of fishing to Aboriginal
    communities is recognized by DFO given first
    priority AFTER conservation.
  • Conne River Mikmaq are the only band in NFLD
    with a recognized food fishery.
  • Innu Nation Labrador Inuit Association have a
    food fishery in Labrador.

Illegal Harvesting
  • Loss of fish stock due to poaching.

  • Aggravates flooding causes flash floods
    siltation of water bodies.
  • Really impacts on eggs juveniles.
  • Use of insecticides herbicides can also be a

  • Declining commercial salmon industry has placed
    an emphasis on raising Atlantic salmon in
    artificial environments.
  • A salmonid is a member of the salmon family which
    includes salmon, trout, and char.
  • New Brunswick, Newfoundland Labrador are BIG
    players on the East coast.
  • If farmed salmon (domestic salmon) escape they
    can introduce new disease new genes into a
    watershed producing offspring that are less
    suitable for survival.
  • Escapees may also compete for same food

At-Sea mortality
  • A result of .
  • by-catch
  • Global climate change (salinity temperature)
  • Seal predation (suspected but unproven)
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