Title: SDSU ICATS Adj. Prof. R.A. Newcomb, P.I.
1SDSU ICATSAdj. Prof. R.A. Newcomb, P.I.
2Francis Generators
- Francis generators (C. 1848) chop the water as
it passes by the close proximity of the blade and
strut supports or walls. - Multiple blades leave little room for fish to
pass. - Radial design is less efficient use (Newtons
Laws) than axial flow because a moving mass
(water) must change direction. - Fish are chopped by the blades, killing some,
injuring others and disorienting them. - Predatory fish and scavenger fish wait at the
bottom of the dam for the injured and disoriented
3Old Kaplain Generators
- Kaplain generators (1913-1922, an evolution of
the Francis turbine) chop the water as it
passes by the spinning blade and by close
proximity to the walls of the penstock. - Fish can be injured, sliced, or damaged by the
sudden pressure change as the water passes the
blade. - The velocity barrier prevents anadromous fish
passage. - Change in direction of motion (Newtons laws)
happens before the blade, no gain in system
4Old Technologies
- Waste kinetic energy of water by changing
direction of flow (Newtons 1st Law). - Efficient only at a specific generator ranges.
- Nominal 90 efficiency relates only to generator
efficiency, not over all system efficiency. - Kills fish that pass downstream Creates velocity
barrier preventing anadromous travel requiring
remediation (fish ladders, etc.). - The system does not pass sediment efficiently.
5Current Dam Problems
Upper Pond
Lower Pond
Generator blocks anadromous fish
travel Sedimentation reduces downstream
sediments Sediments reduce storage Generators
tend to take colder less oxygenated water
affecting downstream ecology
6Current Situation
Spring Chinook Salmon Return Update and Summer
Chinook Salmon Forecast Fish managers from the
Idaho Department of Fish and Game and the
Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife
briefed the Council on the 2005 spring Chinook
salmon season and the summer Chinook salmon
forecast. As of June 15, 100,340 spring Chinook
had been counted at Bonneville Dam, less than
half the preseason forecast of 254,100. The
10-year average is 160,149. Managers are
forecasting a run of 62,400 for summer Chinook,
with an escapement goal of 29,000. The allocation
for both treaty and non-treaty fisheries, based
on the preseason forecast, is 15,150. Monthly
Spotlight, Northwest Power and Conservation
Council, June 2005 Issue Annual runs once to
exceed 8,000,000 fish D. Chapman, "Salmon and
Steelhead Abundance in the Columbia River in the
Nineteenth Century", Trans. Am. Fish. Soc.
116662-70 (1986).
7New Technology
8New Technology
9New Technology
10Newcomb Generator
- The Newcomb Generator is fish-friendly.
- Will kill less that .5 of the fish passing.
- Fish can pass either direction creating a Salmon
Run as opposed to a Salmon barrier.
11New Technology
- Uses the kinetic potential of water more
efficiently. - True axial flow of water throughout the system is
possible for the first time. - New controls make it efficient at any speed.
- Passes sediment downstream preventing build up
and down stream erosion. - Can be used to pump water upstream.
- By controlling the screw parameters, the water
can travel below the critical speed for
anadromous salmon passage (10fps).
Why Dam The Water?
13For Power
14San Luis Pump/Generation
15For Water Management
16Red Bluff Diversion Dam
17Red Bluff Diversion Dam Archimedes Screw Lift
Note The screw is improperly made having a
double pitched blade in this authors photo. The
blades should be perpendicular between the two
cylinders. This blade is 44 degrees out of pitch.
18Red Bluff Diversion Dam Archimedes Screw Lift
- This diagram, from the Red Bluff Diversion Dam
papers, illustrates how a screw has been tested
and successfully proved water screws are a fish
friendly technology for fish passage, in this
case, as a lift.
19Archimedes Water Screw
The Archimedes Screw is now recognized by the DOI
as fish friendly.
This clears the way for this technology.
20Water Screws
- Water Screws are highly efficient at moving
water, solids, fruits and vegetables, and fish. - New motor technology makes them efficient pumps
or hydro generators.
- Axial Flow
- Reduced Maintenance
- Higher Efficiency
- Safe Fish Passage
- Meets EPA requirements for the fish habitat.
- Can be retrofitted into many hydro electric dams.
22Solution to Dam Problems
Two In-line high efficiency generators with
Archimedes screw type water impeller. Fish that
navigate downstream receive a mixture of warmer
oxygenated water and sediment, i.e. a natural mix.
23Solution to Salmon Problems
Fry (smolt) flowing downstream do not
experience the extreme change of pressure as they
pass through the generators, nor are they chopped
by blades passing close to a stationary edge.
24Solution to Salmon Problems
Anadromous adults swim through the generator
because there is no velocity barrier which every
current generator creates.
25Historic Range, West Coast Steelhead
- From Beyond the Crossroads A Synthesis of
Pacific Salmon Stock Status for the West Coast of
North America By Dorie L. Brownell1, James A.
Lichatowich, Kim D. Hyatt, Alex C. Wertheimer and
Peter K. Schoonmaker - http//www.inforain.org/maparchive/salmon_nation.h
26Historic Range, West Pacific
- After a map in Atlas of Pacific Salmon by Dr.
Xanthippe Augerot, Director of Science for the
Wild Salmon Center
27Potential Benefits
- Return Salmon closer to historic run values
- Return Salmon to historic ranges affected by dams
(all water north of 33o N.) - Preserve dams that might otherwise be removed for
environmental cause. - Boost the ecology and the economy of local areas
with ecotourism, fishing while dams remain.
28Project Needs
- Sponsors to help prove this technology to save
the salmon. - Development partners to bring this technology to
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