Title: Young Living Convention Follow up Meeting
1Young Living Convention Follow up Meeting
2So much information so little time
- www.thetotalwellnessdoc.com
- Click the link YL Convention Follow up
- And register
- You will get today's powerpoint, 3 teleclasses,
plus videos recorded from Convention - ALL FOR FREE
3Young Living Transforms inside and out
- The new logo
- New look
- Bottle labels will be changing
4Your New Product Guide is here
- No prices so make sure you print out the price
list.... - In your virtual office Quick links
Quick Links New Product Price List - Effective
March 1 Policies and Procedures
Clarification Distributor Recognition
Pages Events Gary Young's Blog Gary Young's
Site Product Blog Virtual Catalogs Young Living
on Facebook Young Living Photos on Flicker Young
Living on YouTube
5Idaho Blue Spruce
- Smell the sensation
- This oil is divine
- Similar properties to Frankincense
- Can stimulate the pineal gland
6Transformation oil (reformulated)
- Lemon,
- Peppermint,
- Clary Sage
- Sandalwood
- Frankincense
- Cardamon
- Palo Santo
- Octea
- Idaho Blue Spruce
- These powerful essential oils empower you to
replace negative beliefs with uplifting thoughts,
changing your overall attitude, emotions, and
7KIDS SCENTs Toothpaste
- Reformulated
- This new formula is an all-natural toothpaste for
kids that uses Thieves and Slique Essence
essential oil blends to gently clean and protect
teeth. This safe, yet effective, blend promotes
healthy teeth without the use of fluoride, dyes,
synthetic colors, artificial flavors, or
8Not just gum
- Ancient travelers throughout the Middle East used
raw frankincense resin for its nutritional
content and ability to help control hunger.
Slique Gum offers those same benefits in a
modern delivery system that helps control food
cravings and improve oral health.
9It's HERE
- Essential Oils grapefruit, tangerine, lemon,
spearmint, and ocotea with stevia extract - Weight loss- YES
- Controls hunger
- Works best in conjunction
- with Slique Kit
10How to use Take 1 packet 45 minutes before your
2 largest meals of the day with 812 oz. of cold
- Slique Slim Caps combine essential oils,
(Lemongrass and Lemon Myrtle) dietary fibers, and
other key ingredients into a weight-management
supplement that may induce feelings of satiation,
increase metabolic activity, and decrease
excessive eating and over indulgence.
11Slique Results
12(No Transcript)
13Slique Tea results
14(No Transcript)
15Slique Coaching Support Group
- Young Living Convention Special
- www.thetotalwellnessdoc.com
- Slique Slimming Live Healthy Program
- Created by D. Gary Young, Vitassage incorporates
Young Livings therapeutic-grade essential oils
into the massage experience by dispensing up to
three different oils simultaneously, while three
stainless-steel roller balls massage sore, tired
muscles. (Patents pending) - Requires two (2) AAA batteries.
17The NEW ARTLearn about Young Living's Skin Care
Regimen https//vimeo.com/45131275
18 Your Daily Skin Care Regimen
- Cleanse
- Serum Heals from inside out
- Moisturize from outside in
19Your Week Plan
- Exfoliate with Satin Mint Scrub
- 2 times a week followed by
- Toner to re-balance pH
202 times or more a week
21Young Living Affecting the WorldJapan Tsunami
22Young Living Business Builders
- http//blog.starrhost.com/yl-convention
- How to Grow your Business online