Title: Sizing, Positioning, and Transforming Elements
1Sizing, Positioning, and Transforming Elements
- Controlling Size
- Controlling Position
- Applying Transforms
- This sizing and positioning of controls (and
other elements) is called layout. - Layout in WPF boils down to interactions between
parent elements and their child elements.
- These parent elements that support the
arrangement of multiple children are known as
panels, and derive from the abstract
System.Windows.Controls.Panel class
4Positioning and Sizing
Size-related properties are shown in blue,
and position-related properties are shown in red.
In addition, elements can have transforms applied
to them (shown in green) that can affect both
size and position.
5Controlling Size
- Every time layout occurs (such as when a window
is resized), child elements tell their parent
panel their desired size. - All FrameworkElements have simple Height and
Width properties (of type double), but they also
have MinHeight, MaxHeight, MinWidth, and MaxWidth
properties that can be used to specify a range of
acceptable values. - The default value of MinHeight and MinWidth is 0,
and the default value of MaxHeight and MaxWidth
is Double.PositiveInfinity
6Controlling Size
- FrameworkElement's Height and Width have a
default value of Double.NaN (Not a Number) - FrameworkElement also contains a few more
size-related properties - DesiredSize (inherited from UIElement)
- RenderSize (inherited from UIElement)
- ActualHeight and ActualWidth
7Margin and Padding
- Margin and Padding are two very similar
properties that also are related to an element's
size - Their only difference is that Margin controls how
much extra space gets placed around the outside
edges of the element, whereas Padding controls
how much extra space gets placed around the
inside edges of the element.
8Margin and Padding
- lt!-- PADDING --gt
- lt!-- 1 value The same padding on all four sides
--gt - ltLabel Padding"0" Background"Orange"gt0lt/Labelgt
- ltLabel Padding"10" Background"Orange"gt10lt/Label
gt - lt!-- 2 values Left Right get the 1st value,
Top Bottom get the 2nd value --gt - ltLabel Padding"20,5" Background"Orange"gt20,5lt/L
abelgt - lt!-- 4 values Left,Top,Right,Bottom --gt
- ltLabel Padding"0,10,20,30 Background"Orange"gt
0,10,20,30lt/Labelgt - lt!-- MARGIN --gt
- ltBorder BorderBrush"Black" BorderThickness"1"gt
9Margin and Padding
- lt!-- No margin --gt
- ltLabel Background"Aqua"gt0lt/Labelgt
- lt/Bordergt
- ltBorder BorderBrush"Black" BorderThickness"1"gt
- lt!-- 1 value The same margin on all four sides
--gt - ltLabel Margin"10" Background"Aqua"gt10lt/Labelgt
- lt/Bordergt
- ltBorder BorderBrush"Black" BorderThickness"1"gt
- lt!-- 2 values Left Right get the 1st value,
- Top Bottom get the 2nd value --gt
- ltLabel Margin"20,5" Background"Aqua"gt20,5lt/Label
gt - lt/Bordergt
- ltBorder BorderBrush"Black" BorderThickness"1"gt
- lt!-- 4 values Left,Top,Right,Bottom --gt
- ltLabel Margin"0,10,20,30" Background"Aqua"gt0,10,
20,30lt/Labelgt - lt/Bordergt
10Margin and Padding
- An element's Visibility property actually isn't
Boolean, but rather a three-state
System.Windows.Visibility enumeration. - Visible The element gets rendered and
participates in layout. - Collapsed The element is invisible and does
not participate in layout. - Hidden The element is invisible yet still
participates in layout. - A Collapsed element effectively has a size of
zero, whereas a Hidden element retains its
original size.
- ltStackPanel Height"100" Background"Aqua"gt
- ltButton Visibility"Collapsed"gtCollapsed
Buttonlt/Buttongt - ltButtongtBelow a Collapsed Buttonlt/Buttongt
- lt/StackPanelgt
- ltStackPanel Height"100" Background"Aqua"gt
- ltButton Visibility"Hidden"gtHidden
Buttonlt/Buttongt - ltButtongtBelow a Hidden Buttonlt/Buttongt
- lt/StackPanelgt
14Controlling Position
- This section doesn't discuss positioning elements
with (X,Y) coordinates. - Parent panels define their own unique mechanisms
for enabling children to position themselves (via
attached - properties or simply the order in which children
are added to the parent) - These mechanisms are related to alignment and a
concept called flow direction.
- The HorizontalAlignment and VerticalAlignment
properties enable an element to control what it
does with any extra space given to it by its
parent panel. - HorizontalAlignment Left, Center, Right, and
Stretch - VerticalAlignment Top, Center, Bottom, and
Stretch - ltStackPanelgt
- ltButton HorizontalAlignment"Left"
Background"Red"gtLeftlt/Buttongt - ltButton HorizontalAlignment"Center"
Background"Orange"gtCenterlt/Buttongt - ltButton HorizontalAlignment"Right"
Background"Yellow"gtRightlt/Buttongt - ltButton HorizontalAlignment"Stretch"
Background"Lime"gtStretchlt/Buttongt - lt/StackPanelgt
Content Alignment
The Control class also has HorizontalContentAlignm
ent and VerticalContentAlignment properties.
The default value for HorizontalContentAlignment
is Left and the default value for
VerticalContentAlignment is Top.
17Content Alignment
- ltStackPanelgt
- ltButton HorizontalContentAlignment"Left"
Background"Red"gtLeftlt/Buttongt - ltButton HorizontalContentAlignment"Center"
Background"Orange"gtCenterlt/Buttongt - ltButton HorizontalContentAlignment"Right"
Background"Yellow"gtRightlt/Buttongt - ltButton HorizontalContentAlignment"Stretch"
Background"Lime"gtStretchlt/Buttongt - lt/StackPanelgt
18Flow Direction
- FlowDirection is a property on FrameworkElement
(and several other classes) that can reverse the
way an element's inner content flows -
- The property is of type System.Windows.FlowDirect
ion, with two values LeftToRight
(FrameworkElement's default) and RightToLeft. - The idea of FlowDirection is that it should be
set to RightToLeft when the current culture
corresponds to a language that is read from
right-to-left. This reverses the meaning of left
and right for settings such as content alignment
19Flow Direction
- ltStackPanelgt
- ltButton FlowDirection"LeftToRight"
- HorizontalContentAlignment"Left"
VerticalContentAlignment"Top" - Height"40" Background"Red"gtLeftToRightlt/Buttongt
- ltButton FlowDirection"RightToLeft"
- HorizontalContentAlignment"Left"
VerticalContentAlignment"Top" - Height"40" Background"Orange"gtRightToLeftlt/Butto
ngt - lt/StackPanelgt
20Applying Transforms
- WPF contains a handful of built-in 2D transform
classes (deriving from System.Windows.Media.Transf
orm) that enable you to change the size and
position of elements - independently from the previously discussed
properties. - Some Allow rotating and Skewing
- All FrameworkElements have two properties of
type Transform - LayoutTransform, which is applied before the
element is laid out - RenderTransform (inherited from UIElement),
which is applied after the layout process has
- the difference between applying a transform
called Rotate-Transform as a LayoutTransform
versus a RenderTransform
- RenderTransformOrigin can be set to a
System.Windows.Point, with (0,0) being the
default value
ltButton RenderTransformOrigin"0.5,0.5"
Background"Orange"gt ltButton.RenderTransformgt ltRot
ateTransform Angle"45"/gt lt/Button.RenderTransform
gt Rotated 45 lt/Buttongt
- The five built-in 2D transforms, all in the
System.Windows.Media namespace - RotateTransform
- ScaleTransform
- SkewTransform
- TranslateTransform
- MatrixTransform
24Rotate Transform
- RotateTransform, demonstrated in the preceding
section, rotates an element according to the
values of - three double properties
- Angle Angle of rotation, specified in degrees
(default value 0) - CenterX Horizontal center of rotation (default
value 0) - CenterY Vertical center of rotation (default
value 0)
25Rotate Transform
- ltButton Background"Orange"gt
- ltTextBlock RenderTransformOrigin"0.5,0.5"gt
- ltTextBlock.RenderTransformgt
- ltRotateTransform Angle"45"/gt
- lt/TextBlock.RenderTransformgt
- 45
- lt/TextBlockgt
- lt/Buttongt
26Scale Transform
- ScaleTransform enlarges or shrinks an element
horizontally, vertically, or in both directions. - This transform has four straightforward double
properties - ScaleX Multiplier for the element's width
(default value 1) - ScaleY Multiplier for the element's height
(default value 1) - CenterX Origin for horizontal scaling (default
value 0) - CenterY Origin for vertical scaling (default
value 0)
27Scale Transform
- ltStackPanel Width"100"gt
- ltButton Background"Red"gtNo Scalinglt/Buttongt
- ltButton Background"Orange"gt
- ltButton.RenderTransformgt
- ltScaleTransform ScaleX"2"/gt
- lt/Button.RenderTransformgt
- Xlt/Buttongt
- ltButton Background"Yellow"gt
- ltButton.RenderTransformgt
- ltScaleTransform ScaleX"2" ScaleY"2"/gt
- lt/Button.RenderTransformgt
- X Ylt/Buttongt
- ltButton Background"Lime"gt
- ltButton.RenderTransformgt
- ltScaleTransform ScaleY"2"/gt
- lt/Button.RenderTransformgt
- Ylt/Buttongt
- lt/StackPanelgt
28Scale Transform
29Skew Transform
- SkewTransform slants an element according to the
values of four double properties - AngleX Amount of horizontal skew (default
value 0) - AngleY Amount of vertical skew (default value
0) - CenterX Origin for horizontal skew (default
value 0) - CenterY Origin for vertical skew (default
value 0)
30Skew Transform
31Translate Transform
- TranslateTransform simply moves an element
according to two double properties - X Amount to move horizontally (default value
0) - Y Amount to move vertically (default value
0) - This section is explained in brief in the next
32Matrix Transform
- MatrixTransform is a low-level mechanism that can
be used to create custom 2D transforms. - MatrixTransform has a single Matrix property (of
type System.Windows.Media.Matrix) representing a
3x3 affine transformation matrix. - This basically means that all of the previous
transforms (or any combination of them) can also
be expressed using MatrixTransform
33Matrix Transform
- The 3x3 matrix has the following values
The final column's values are fixed, but the
other six values can be set as properties of the
Matrix type (with the same names as shown) or via
a constructor that accepts the six values in
row-major order.
34Combining Transforms
- TransformGroup is just another Transform-derived
class (so it can be used wherever the previous
classes are used) whose purpose is to combine
child Transform objects. - ltButtongt
- ltButton.RenderTransformgt
- ltTransformGroupgt
- ltRotateTransform Angle"45"/gt
- ltScaleTransform ScaleX"5" ScaleY"1"/gt
- ltSkewTransform AngleX"30"/gt
- lt/TransformGroupgt
- lt/Button.RenderTransformgt
- OK
- lt/Buttongt
- Windows Presentation Foundation Unleashed
- Author Adam Nathan
- Publication - SAMS