OUTREACH is for EVERYONE - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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You can train the church during Sabbath School, church, or prayer meeting, whenever you have a majority membership turnout. ... Adapt the form to suit. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • General Conference
  • Womens Ministries EVANGELISM MANUAL
  • Training Program

Chapter 10 Evangelistic Meetings II Training
and Committees
General Conference Womens Ministries Department
  • One worker who has been trained and educated for
    the work, who is controlled by the Spirit of
    Christ, will accomplish far more than ten
    laborers who go out deficient in knowledge, and
    weak in the faith.

  • One who works in harmony with the counsel of God,
    and in unity with the brethren, will be more
    efficient to do good, than ten will be who do not
    realize the necessity of depending upon God, and
    of acting in harmony with the general plan of the
    work. Review and Herald, May 29, 1888.
    Evangelism, p. 109.

Training Church Workers
  • Almost all those involved in the meetings can
    benefit from training, the experienced mentoring
    the novices. You can train the church during
    Sabbath School, church, or prayer meeting,
    whenever you have a majority membership turnout.

  • Prayer times are important in training others and
    in working with them. Pray once a week with all
    the lay workers, including the parking lot
    attendants and nursery workers.
  • Surprisingly, one of the most important things
    you can do to improve your own ministry and to
    help train others is to do a careful evaluation
    at the end of any type of public meeting or

  • The evaluation form (see Appendix M) is quite
    detailed, but it will help you find out how well
    things went if everyone is honest and serious
    about filling it out. Adapt the form to suit. The
    final three questions could be used separately
    for an evaluation in almost any situation.

Organizing Committees
  • There are two reasons for having committees to
    help plan and conduct a series of evangelistic

  • First, it gets more people involved.
  • Second, they will then feel ownership of the
    meetings and will more likely attend and bring
    friends and neighbors.

  • After you have decided the general outline of
    your meetings, you can assign committees
    depending on your local needs. Some important
    committees include

Steering Committee
  • This committee consists of the heads of all the
    committees. They coordinate activities so
    everything happens on schedule before and during
    the meetings. They should meet periodically and
    each subcommittee should report on what is
    happening in its area.

Prayer Committee
  • This committee will intentionally organize prayer
    initiatives and ministries in the church before,
    during, and after the meetings. (Refer also to
    the section on Preparatory Retreats and Prayer
    Groups in Chapter 2.) Know that this is the most
    important assignment for the meetings. More is
    accomplished by prayer than by anything else.

Find ways to increase prayer for the meetings.
The Prayer Committees duties can include
  • Launching a Prayer Warriors program. In Gods
    army, Prayer Warriors are the shock troops.
    While it is true that all Christians pray, Prayer
    Warriors possess special skills.
  • Be responsible for a ten-minute meeting of
    Prayers Warriors for prayer every Sabbath
    following the church service,

  • Organize and direct a prayer walking program
    before the meetings. (See the section on Prayer
    Walks under the heading of Preparatory Retreats
    and Prayer Groups in this manual.) 

  • Be responsible for advertising prayer events and
    inviting members to a prayer and consecration
    service before the evangelistic series starts. 
  • Arrange for a room or area in or near the church
    to be designated as a prayer room during the
  • Recruit members to pray during the meeting.

Childrens Program Committee
  • This committee is responsible for putting on a
    special program for children ages four through
    ten each evening.

Decoration Committee
  • This committee will be responsible for all
    decorations in the auditorium and other rooms
    that will be used, including the bathrooms. The
    committee should be composed of people who have
    artistic talents and abilities.

Food Committee
  • The food committee will be responsible for
    feeding the workers for the meeting if that is
    decided ahead of time, and for organizing Sabbath
    potlucks or Sabbath meals the weeks after the
    Sabbath doctrine is presented.

Discipling Committee
  • This committee will plan for the follow-up with
    the new members after the evangelistic series. It
    is just as important to disciple the new members
    and help them become solid, witnessing Adventist
    members as it is to baptize them. (See Chapter
    14, Discipling New Members.)

Greeting and Ushers Committee
  • This committee oversees, recruits, and trains
    people in greeting and ushering for the meetings.
    (See Meeting and Greeting in chapter 9 for

Lodging Committee
  • This committee arranges lodging for the lay and
    paid workers involved in an evangelistic meeting
    if they come from a distance.

Music Committee
  • Music can greatly enhance an evangelistic
    meeting. This committee will be responsible for
    all the music used during the meetings. (See
    Planning the Music, in chap.9 of this manual.)

Public Address/Sound Committee
  • This committee will be in charge of the sound
    system for the meetings. Because sound quality is
    very important, involve this committee in the
    planning and conducting of the meetings.

Parking Lot Committee
  • This committee provides for the parking needs
    during the meetings. The number of parking
    assistants will vary with the number of people
    and cars to be helped.

Transportation Committee
  • This committee arranges transportation for two
    groupsvisitors who have no other way to attend
    the meetings, and helpers who have no other way
    of getting to and from appointments.

Visitation Committee
  • The evangelist should not be the only one
    visiting the interests. Bible workers, lay
    counselors and lay pastors, as well as any
    trained member, can also do visitation. (See
    Chapter 12 on Visitation and Getting Decisions
    for more information.)

  • With much prayer, careful planning, and dedicated
    committee members, you will have the foundation
    for a successful evangelistic event. Encourage
    and affirm each other as you work together as a
    team to share the Good News of a loving Saviour.
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