Title: W. Edwards Deming
1W. Edwards Deming
2Thankfully, he lived beyond fourscore
- John 444 For Jesus himself testified that a
prophet hath no honor in his own country. (KJV)
3Deming Quick Facts
- Born in Sioux City, Iowa
- Worldwide consulting practice for more than 40
years - Doctorate in Mathematical Physics form Yale
(1928) - Awarded the Second Order Medal of the Sacred
Treasure by the Emperor of Japan (1960) - Author of several books and 170 papers
- Noted for his 4-Day Seminars
- The most contemporary man listed in the 91 U.S.
News World Report which identified 9 people or
events that had changed the world.
4The Deming Prize
5The Deming Prize
- Established in 1951 by resolution of Union of
Japanese Scientists and Engineers (JUSE) board of
directors. - Many parallels (but some differences) to the
Malcolm Baldrige Award for quality in the United
States. - Competition for the Deming Prize was opened to
non-Japanese firms in 1984. Florida Power
Light and ATT are the only U.S. company who have
won. - The Deming Prize for Individuals and the Quality
Control Award for Factories are open only to
Japanese candidates.
6Deming on Management
- Deming describes present-style management as a
prison created by the way people interact,
which has caused long-range losses in government,
industry, education, and healthcare leading us
into decline.
7Deming on Competition
- We have grown up in a climate of competition
between people, teams, pupils, etc.. We have
been led to believe that competition will solve
our problems. COMPETITION is DESCTUCTIVE. - Everyone needs to work together as a SYSTEM.
- As a result of competition (intrafirm), what we
need now is a new style of management.
The route is through Profound Knowledge
9Profound Knowledge
- It is a System, composed of 4 parts
- Appreciation for a system
- Knowledge about variation
- Theory of knowledge
- Psychology
10a System
A network of interdependent components that work
together to try to accomplish the aim of the
11a System
- Must have an aim (i.e., a value judgment that
contains plans for the future). - It must be managed
- Co-operation is key to a successful system
- "Draw a flowchart of what you are doing. Until
you do, you do not fully understand what you are
doing. You just have a job." - -Dr. W. Edwards Deming
13(No Transcript)
14(No Transcript)
- Variation is inevitable
- Every system has variation. Just monitor the
Two Common Mistakes Relating to Variation
- React to an outcome as if it came from a special
cause, when actually it came from common causes
of variation. - Treat an outcome as if it came from common causes
of variation, when actually it came from a
special cause.
- Knowledge is built on theory (e.g., story of the
rooster crowing) - Use of data requires prediction
- No true value
- Information is not knowledge
18Present Practice
Better Practice
- Is to have in place a so-called merit system,
i.e., annual appraisal of people. This is a form
of ranking.
- Abolish the merit system in your company. Study
the capability of the system. Study the
management of people.
19Present Practice
Better Practice
- Is to rank people, salesmen, teams, divisions
reward is given to those at the top, punishment
to those at the bottom.
- Abolish ranking. Manage the whole company as a
system. The function of every component, every
division, under good management, contributes
toward optimization of the system.
20Present Practice
Better Practice
- Is to have incentive pay pay based on
- Abolish incentive pay and other payment programs
based on performance. Give everyone a chance to
take pride in his work.
21Present Practice
Better Practice
- There is a failure to manage the organization as
a system. Instead, the components are individual
profit centers. Everybody loses. - Individuals, teams, divisions in the company work
as individual profit centers, not for
optimization of the whole organization. The
various components thus actually rob themselves
of long-term profit, joy in work, and other
desirable measures of quality of life.
- Manage the company as a system. Enlarge
judiciously the boundaries of the system. The
system must include the future. Encourage
communication. Make physical arrangements for
informal dialogue between people in the various
components of the company, regardless of
position. Encourage continual learning and
22Present Practice
Better Practice
- Is to use M.B.O. (Management by Objectives)
- Study the theory of a system. Manage the
components for optimization of the aim of the
23Present Practice
Better Practice
- Is to set numerical goals.
- Work on a method for improvement of a process.
By what method?
24Present Practice
Better Practice
- MBR (Management By Results)
- Take immediate action on any fault, defect,
complaint, delay, addident, breakdown. - Action on the last datapoint.
- Understand and improve the process that produced
the fault, defect, etc. - Understand the distinction between common causes
of variation and special causes, in order to
understand the kind of action to take.
25Present Practice
Better Practice
- Buying materials and services at the lowest bid.
- Estimate the total cost of use of materials and
services first cost (purchase price) plus
predicted cost of problems in use of them, their
effect on the quality of final product.
26Present Practice
Better Practice
- Delegate quality to someone, or to a group.
- Accountability for quality rests with the top
27Criticisms of Deming
- Opinionated and abrasive
- Contradiction between his statements within the
14 points and his style of lecturing (e.g.,
Drive Out Fear vs. his public dressing down of
executives). - Wholeheartedly dismissed some ideas and programs,
that, if properly implemented and managed, have
28Point 1
Create constancy of purpose toward improvement of
product and service, with the aim to become
competitive and to stay in business, and to
provide jobs.
29Point 2
Adopt the new philosophy. We are in a new
economic age. Western management must awaken to
the challenge, must learn their responsibilities,
and take on leadership for change.
30Point 3
Cease dependence on inspection to achieve
quality. Eliminate the need for inspection on a
mass basis by building quality into the product
in the first place.
31Point 4
End the practice of awarding business on the
basis of price tag. Instead, minimize total cost.
Move toward a single supplier for any one item,
on a long-term relationship of loyalty and trust.
32Point 5
Improve constantly and forever the system of
production and service, to improve quality and
productivity, and thus constantly decrease costs.
33Point 6
Institute training on the job.
34Point 7
Institute leadership (see Point 12). The aim of
supervision should be to help people and machines
and gadgets to do a better job. Supervision of
management is in need of overhaul as well as
supervision of production workers.
35Point 8
Drive out fear, so that everyone may work
effectively for the company.
36Point 9
Break down barriers between departments. People
in research, design, sales, and production must
work as a team, to foresee problems of production
and in use that may be encountered with the
product or service.
37Point 10
Eliminate slogans, exhortations, and targets for
the work force asking for zero defects and new
levels of productivity. Such exhortations only
create adversarial relationships, as the bulk of
the causes of low quality and low productivity
belong to the system and thus lie beyond the
power of the work force.
38Point 11
Eliminate work standards (quotas) on the factory
floor. Substitute leadership. Eliminate
management by objective. Eliminate management by
numbers, numerical goals. Substitute leadership.
39Point 12
Remove barriers that rob the hourly worker of his
right to pride of workmanship. The responsibility
of supervisors must be changed from sheer numbers
to quality. Remove barriers that rob people in
management and in engineering of their right to
pride of workmanship. This means, inter alia,
abolishment of the annual merit rating and of
management by objective
40Point 13
- Institute a vigorous program of education and
41Point 14
- Put everybody in the company to work to
accomplish the transformation. The transformation
is everybodys job.