Cross Cultural Communication - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Cross Cultural Communication


Cross Cultural Communication Chapter 9 How We Manage Time Learning Outcomes How we manage time Shared expectations about time Sequential Vs Synchronic Relative ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Cross Cultural Communication

Cross Cultural Communication
  • Chapter 9
  • How We Manage Time

Learning Outcomes
  • How we manage time
  • Shared expectations about time
  • Sequential Vs Synchronic
  • Relative importance cultures give to Past,
    Present, and Future

The Concept of Time
  • Primitive societies see the time in the context
    of before or after moons, seasons, sunrises
    and sunsets.
  • For educated societies, two contrasting notions
  • Time as a line of discreet events minutes,
    hours, days, months, years, each passing in a
    never ending succession.
  • Time as a circle revolving so that the minutes
    of the hour repeat, as do the hours of the day,
    the days of the week and so on.

The Concept of Time
  • Time is viewed as a factor that organizations
    must manage
  • Time and motion studies
  • Just-in-time
  • Time-to-market
  • Product life cycle (PLC)
  • Time is considered universally in the categories
    of past, present and future but not equal
    importance is given to each of these.
  • Conception of time is strongly influenced by
  • Time is interwoven with how we plan, strategize
    and coordinate our activities with others
  • It is an important dimension how we organize
    experience and activities

The Concept of Time
  • Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck identified three types
    of culture
  • Present-oriented relatively timeless,
    tradition-less and ignores the future
  • Past-oriented mainly concerned to maintain and
    restore traditions in the present
  • Future-oriented envisaging a more desirable
    future and setting out to realize it.

The Concept of Time
  • Time has meaning not only to individuals but to
    whole groups or cultures.
  • Time is a social construct enabling members of a
    culture to co-ordinate their activities Emile
    Durkheim, French Sociologist
  • This has an important implications in a business
  • Time agreed for a meeting may be approximate or
  • There may be an expectation of mutual
    accommodation as to the exact time of delivery of
    product or there may be a penalty clause imposed
    by one party on another
  • Organizations may look ahead a long way, or get
    obsessed by the monthly reporting period.

Sequential Vs Synchronic Cultures
  • Sequential
  • Line of sequential events passing at regular
  • Time is considered as a dotted line with regular
  • Events are organized by the number of intervals
    before or after their occurrence
  • Critical path is worked out in advance with
    times for the completion of each stage.
  • People hate to be thrown off the schedule because
    of unanticipated events.
  • Synchronic
  • People track several activities in parallel
  • Put emphasis on the number of activities run in
  • There is final, established goal but there are
    numerous and possibly interchangeable stepping
    stones to reach it.
  • A person can skip between stoneson the way to
    final target.

Sequential Vs Synchronic Cultures
  • Sequential
  • Sequential people tend to schedule very tightly,
    within thin divisions between time slots.
  • Major influence on the conduct of business in N-W
    Europe and North America
  • Straight lines may not be always the best way
    of doing something. It is blind to the
    effectiveness of shared activities and
  • Synchronic
  • Passage of time important but several others
    cultural values vie with punctuality
  • Necessary to give time to important or higher
    status people.
  • Meeting times may be approximate most of the
    people involved may be involved in parallel
    activities, any waiting involved may not be

Sequential Vs Synchronic Cultures
  • Sequential
  • People do only one thing at a time
  • Everything has its time and place for sequential
  • Any change in this sequence make the sequential
    person uncertain
  • Synchronic
  • Synchronic / polychronic cultures less insistent
    upon punctuality
  • Passage of time important but several others
    cultural values vie with punctuality
  • Necessary to give time to important people to
    show value to relationships.
  • Meeting time may be approximate

Sequential Vs Synchronic Cultures
  • Synchronic
  • Effort towards developing closer relationships (
  • People who do more than one thing at a time may
    unknowingly insult those who are used to do
    only one thing
  • Lot of adjustments in terms of time, receiving
    guests, cooking more food, etc.
  • More than enough food in case more guests drop in
  • Sequential
  • Effort towards going from A to B in a straight
    line with a minimal effort and maximum effect (
  • People who do only one thing at a time may
    unknowingly insult those who are used to doing
    several things.
  • In sequential / punctual cultures, exactly the
    right quantity of food will be prepared, may get
    spoiled or cold if guests not in time.

Measuring Cultural Differences in relation to time
  • Methodology to measure approaches to time
    provided by Tom Cottle Circle Test
  • Think of the past, present and future as being in
    the shape of circles. Please draw three circles
    on the space available, representing past,
    present and future. Arrange these circles in any
    way you want that best shows how you feel about
    the relationship of the past, present and future.
    You may use different size circles. When you have
    finished, label each circle to show which one is
    the past, which one the present and which one the

Measuring Cultural Differences in relation to time
  • Findings shown in Fig. 9.1 four possible
  • Absence of zone relatedness typical Russian
    approach to time , no connection between past,
    present and future, though in Russian view,
    future is much more important than present and
    more important than the past
  • Temporal integration French and Malaysians
    all three overlap considerably
  • Partial overlap of zones
  • Touching but not overlapping hence not
    sharing regions of time between them.
  • Characteristics of Belgians British small
  • British strong overlap with the past

Time Horizon
  • With reference to sharing short-term and
    long-term horizon, Cottles Test with Duration
    Inventory Technique, key findings suggested that
  • Longest horizon found in Hong Kong and shortest
    in Philippines ( see Fig. 9.2)
  • Japanese long term vision is in sharp contrast
    with quarterly thinking of Americans.

Time orientations and management
  • Business organizations are structured in
    accordance with how they conceive of time.
  • American view of the future that the individual
    can direct it by personal achievement and
    inner-directed effort.
  • Individual achiever can not do very much about
    distant future, too many events can occur USAs
    idea of future is short term, controllable from
  • going for quick buck great importance to
    quarterly figures
  • In French Culture , the past looms far larger and
    is used as context in which to understand
  • Past, present and future overlap synchronically
    so that the past informs the present and both
    informs the future.

Time orientations and management
  • Human relations and and orientations to time
  • Any lasting relationship combines past, present
    and future with ties of affection and memory
  • Synchronic cultures are more weoriented (
    collectivistic) and usually more particularist
    in valuing people known to be special.
  • Sequential cultures tend to see relationships as
    more instrumental
  • Higher pay is the means towards still higher
    performance and customers purchase is a means to
    receive higher bonus.
  • Durable, synchronic relationships in which the
    past, present and future of the partners are
    bound together in co-evolution may be becoming
    more effective way to manage.

Time orientation and management
  • Time orientation and authority
  • In nations in which past looms large and where
    time orientations overlap, status is more likely
    to be legitimized by ascription based on durable
    characteristics such as age, class, gender,
    ethnicity and professional qualifications.
  • In sequential culture countries the future is a
    sequence of episodes of relative successes and
  • People unburden themselves of relationships and
    dependencies not useful in the next stage of
    their career.
  • Authority of individual depends upon the latest
    achievement those on the up today may be gone

Time orientation and management
  • Policies of Promotion and assessment
  • Sequential and synchronic cultures, and those
    concerned with the past or the future, may also
    assess and promote differently.
  • In sequential cultures, the more that employee
    can be held responsible for a rise or fall in
    fortune the better, and the supervisor tempt to
    minimize their own roles, or that of the
    relationship with the employee, since it does not
    help the employee to see his or her own recent
    achievement separated out as an increment of gain
    or loss.
  • In more synchronic organizations employee may be
    favorably assessed and promoted for the positive
    relationship established with the supervisors,
    who see that the relationship developing over
    time and accumulating knowledge and mutuality
  • Supervisors acknowledge their role in making the
    subordinates career.

Time orientation and management
  • Managing change in a past-oriented culture
  • Synchronic cultures carry their pasts through the
    present into the future and will refuse to
    consider changing unless convinced that their
    heritage is safe.
  • All change must include continuity, that is,
    staying the same in some respects so as to
    preserve identity.
  • Tight sequential agenda might backfire in
    synchronic cultures
  • In synchronic cultures, important thing is what
    they get to the end, not the particular path or
    sequence by which that end is reached.

Time orientation and management
  • Planned sequences or planned convergence?
  • Planning varies significantly between sequential
    and synchronic cultures
  • In sequential planning
  • It is vital to get all the means or stages right
    and completed on time.
  • Planning consists largely of forecasts, that is,
    extending existing trend lines into the future
    and seeing this as more of the same
  • Strategies consist of choosing desirable goals
    and then discovering the most logical and
    efficient means of attaining them
  • Present and future are causally linked so that
    rewards produce greater achievements, which
    produce greater rewards
  • When environment changes, everything to be
    recalculated from the start.
  • Deadlines important they signal the end of one
    link in causal chain and the beginning of the
    next and keep the things on schedule

Time orientation and management
  • Planned sequences or planned convergence?
  • In synchronic planning
  • The goals are what is most important
  • More paths one can devise to their realization,
    the better the organization fares against
    unforeseen events that block one path or another
  • There is growing evidence that sequential
    planning processes work less well in turbulent
  • They are too brittle, too easily upset by
    unforeseen events
  • Tend to concentrate on the near future testifies
    to the vulnerability of long sequences
  • Synchronic plans tend to converge or home in
    upon predetermined targets, taking into
    consideration fusions and lateral connections
    between trends that sequential planning often

Time orientation and management
  • Planned sequences or planned convergence?
  • Scenario Planning combination of sequential and
    synchronic styles of planning
  • Scenarios for many alternative futures are
    presented as if writer was a contemporary
    commentator explaining how business had reached
    that point
  • Past, present and future are synchronized within
    the imagination, and these developments are
    traced from the past through the present into
    diverging futures and are written up as stories
    or narratives
  • Re-establish forecasts within the scenarios, so
    that each synchronic scene has a different
    sequence of events.
  • Both sequencing and synchronizing work together.

Reconciling the Sequential and the Synchronic
Exercise I
  • Some managers are arguing about the best ways of
    improving cycle time and getting products to
    market when they are needed. There were four
    possible views
  • It is crucial to speed up operations and shorten
    time to market. Time is money. Enemies of tighter
    schedules and faster deliveries are too much
    talking and relating to each other.
  • It is crucial to speed up operations and shorten
    time to market. The faster jobs are done the
    sooner you can pass the baton to colleagues/
    customers in the relay race.
  • Just-in time synchronization of processes and
    with customers is the key to shorter cycle times.
    The more processes overlap and run simultaneously
    the more time saved.
  • Just-in-time synchronization of processes and
    with customers is the key to shorter cycle times.
    Doing things faster results in exhaustion and
    rushed work.
  • Indicate with 1 the approach you believe would
    be favored by your closest colleague at work, and
    with 2 the approach which you believe would be
    their second choice.

Exercise I Findings
  • Answer 1 4 show approval of respectively high
    speed sequences and just-in-time synchronicity,
    but reject the opposite orientation.
  • Answer 2 approves of high-speed sequences and
    connect it to synchronic processes
  • Answer 3 approves of just-in-time synchronicity
    connected to high speed sequences

Practical tips for doing the business in past-,
present- and future-oriented cultures
  • Table 1 / Pg.138 highlight the differences
    between past-, present- and future-oriented
  • Table 2 / Pg.139 shows tips for doing business
    in past-, present- and future-oriented cultures
  • Table 3 / Pg.139 recognizes time orientation in
    sequential and synchronic cultures
  • Table 4 / Pg.140 shows when managing and being
    managed in sequential and synchronic cultures
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