John Bunyan, The Pilgrim - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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John Bunyan, The Pilgrim


Vanity Fair: a Satire on the World (85 ff) The VF episode incorporates all known history (5000 years) (See p. 85 & note on p. 301). The pilgrims are outsiders, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: John Bunyan, The Pilgrim

John Bunyan, The Pilgrims Progress, Lecture 2
  • analyzing particular sections
  • What general statements do these sections of The
    Pilgrims Progress allow you to make?

I. Sleep whats the problem?
  • A. Sleeping in the Arbour (42-44)
  • His roll fell out of his hand . . .
  • O wretched Man that I am, that I should sleep in
    the day time . . . that I should so indulge the
  • B. Other instances of sleeping?
  • C. Compare Jesus and his disciples in the Garden
    of Gethsemane

II. Palace Beautiful (45-55)
  • A. Lions (a trial of faith the Clarendon Code)
  • A Christian man is never long at ease (46).
  • B. Prudence, Piety, and Charity (47, ff.)
  • 1. Repetition
  • Narrative Spiritual Purpose (What form do the
    questions and answers take?)
  • 2. Inward scrutiny carnal cogitations (50)
    inward sickness (51)
  • C. Records Room armory delectable mountain

III. More on Apollyon Christian by William
Blake What issues are identified here?
  • thou art one of my Subjects How is it then
    that thou has ran away from thy King?
  • your wages such as a man could not live on
  • I have . . . Sworn my Allegiance (57)
  • Apollyon broke out in a grievous rage.
  • This sore Combat lasted for above half a day
  • Nay in these things we are more than
    Conquerours (59).
  • No man can imagine, unless he had seen and hard
    as I did (61)
  • See your editors notes on Apollyon.

IV . The Valley of the Shadow of Death
  • Psalm 23 Yea though I walk through the valley
    of the Shadow of Death I will fear no evil. . .
  • A. Bunyan uses a landscape of the Old
    Testament as if he and we could still walk
    through it. The Tree of Life is still growing,
    and you can eat its leaves. And you have to walk
    through the Quagg that King David once fell in.
    And this whole Valley was described by Jeremiah.
    (61-3)(And see p. 105 for Lots wife. Shes
    still a pillar of salt.)
  • B. What can you say about the geography here,
    e.g., mouth of hell, treacherous exceeding
    narrow path between ditch and quagg.
  • C. Psychological analysis Christian was so
    confounded, that he did not know his own voice

IV. Faithful
  • Faithful enters (67).He had a difficult time with
    Wanton (69). Why didnt Christian see her on his
  • Relation of allegory to carnality What is the
    carnality that Bunyan rejects?
  • The old Adam (70-1) Moses as moral law (no
    mercy why? (71).
  • Faithfuls relations according to the flesh (71).
  • Shame (72ff). Pilgrims psychology

V. The Soul of Religion is the practick part
(78) There is therefore knowledge and
  • Talkative (74 ff.) What is the problem? What is
    the theological point here?
  • Learning by talk insufficiency of works
    ignorantly live in the works of the Law all
    is of Grace things heavenly, or things
    earthly things more Essential, or things
  • By an experimental confession of his Faith in
    Christ (81)
  • you are some peevish, or melancholly man (82)

VI. Vanity Fair a Satire on the World (85 ff)
  • The VF episode incorporates all known history
    (5000 years) (See p. 85 note on p. 301).
  • The pilgrims are outsiders, strangers, in this
    world. Why so? See their opposition to trade
    (90).See the contrast between Christianity and
    the Town of Vanity (91).
  • Witnesses for the prosecution the jury (91-95)
  • Faithfuls martyrdom recapitulates the stories of
    all Christian martyrs (beginning with Stephen).
  • VF is a compressed and caustic version of the
    (economically centered) world.

VII. Christian Hopeful
  • By-ends Fair Speech // Expedience/casuistry(97
  • Lord Turn-about Lord Time-server Mr.
  • Can Mr. Hold-the-World or Mr. Mony-love or Mr.
    Save-all go against Wind and Tide?
  • Read carefully the kind of problems they
    consider. What is the status of accommodation
    in The Pilgrims Progress?
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