Title: Descartes
I recognise that it is impossible that God should
ever deceive me. For in every case of trickery or
deception some imperfection is to be found and
although the ability to deceive appears to be an
indication of cleverness or power, the will to
deceive is undoubtedly evidence of malice or
weakness, and so cannot apply to God AT VII 53.
3Two Faculties
- Faculty of Judgement
- Faculty of the Will
When I look more closely at myself and inquire
into the nature of my errors I notice that they
depend on two concurrent causes, namely on the
faculty of knowledge which is in me, and on the
faculty of choice or freedom of the will AT VII
So what then is the source of my mistakes? It
must be simply this the scope of my will is
wider than that of the intellect, but instead of
restricting it within the same limits, I extend
its use to matters that I do not understand AT
VII, 58.
5Formal and Material Falsity