Descartes - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Descartes Skeptical Observations 1. Several years have now past since I first realized how many were the false opinions that in my youth I took to be true, and ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Descartes

Descartes Skeptical Observations
  • 1. Several years have now past since I first
    realized how many were the false opinions that in
    my youth I took to be true, and thus how doubtful
    were all the things that I subsequently built
    upon these opinions.
  • 2. Whatever I had most true I took
    in from the senses... however I noticed that
    they sometimes deceived me.

Descartes Dreams and Demons
  • 3. This all seems as if I do not recall having
    been deceived by similar thoughts in my dreams.
    As I consider these cases I see there are no
    definite signs to distinguish being awake from
    being asleep.
  • 4. Suppose an evil genius has directed his
    entire effort to misleading me. The heavens, the
    air, the earth, the colors, shapes, sounds, and
    all external things would be nothing but
    deceptive games of my dreams.

Qualitative indistinguishability of vat
experiences and sense experiences.
Oh Drat, Im a brain in a vat!
Cartesian Certainty
  • At length I am forced to admit that there is
    nothing among the things I once believed to be
    true, which it is not possible to doubt, not for
    reasons of frivolity...but because of valid and
    considered arguments.
  • Med. II Even if a demon deceives me, I am, I
    exist, is true whenever I doubt it. No
    perceptual experience is required to obtain this
  • My body exists cannot be known with certainty.
    So I am a thinking thing that may have a body.

Non-sensory knowledge of body.
  • This piece of bees wax tastes sweet, smells
    flowery feels hard and cold, squeezes when I
    press it, makes sound when I tap it. I hold it
    near the fire taste is gone smell evaporates
    color changes, shape is gone size increases,
    makes no sound when tapped. Yet I know it is the
    same wax. So my knowledge of the wax is is an
    intuition of the mind occasioned by (but not
    based on) perception.

Benedictus de Spinoza
  • Method Begin with self-evident metaphysical
    truths and deduce theorems implied implied by
    those truths, producing an absolutely certain
    science of reality.
  • There cannot be conceived one substance
    different from another,- that is, there cannot be
    several substances, but one only.
  • Extension and consciousness are modes of one
    infinite substance, God.

Leibniz (1646-1716)
  • The concept of extension is derivative, the
    building blocks of reality are psychic particles,
    monads. Extension is a property of a collection
    of particles, each of which is unextended.
  • Each monad is designed by God to mirror the
    universe. They do not interact causally, but a
    pre-established harmony governs their behavior.
  • A human is composed of monads, the chief of which
    is the soul.
  • Principle of sufficient reason. This is the best
    of all possible worlds.

John Lockes Empiricism
An Essay Concerning Human Understanding (1690)
  • If by this inquiry into the nature of the
    understanding, I can discover the powers thereof
    how far they reachand where they fail us, I
    suppose it may be of use with the busy mind of
    man, to be more cautious in meddling with things
    exceeding its comprehension to stop when it is
    at the utmost extent of its tether and to sit
    down in quiet
  • ignorance of those things, which, upon
    Examination, are found beyond the reach of our
  • To ask, at what time a man has first any ideas,
    is to ask, when he begins to perceive having
    ideas and perception being the same things.
  • He that would not deceive himself ought to build
    his hypothesis on matter of fact.

Lockes Causal Theory of Perception, Truth, and
  • The perception of external objects and events
    causes images (ideas) in the mind reflection on
    how the mind responds to this data causes ideas
    of another sort (belief, hope, fear).
  • A tabula rasa (without innate ideas) acquires and
    sorts images, creates abstractions, and utters

The Production of Ideas
  • An apple has qualities that produce the simple
    ideas of red, sweet, crisp from which we form
    the complex idea of apple, which, when compared
    with other ideas, gives rise to even more
    abstract ideas of fruit, taste, and nutrition.
  • Only primary qualities (extension, number,
    figure, motion, solidity) are real, inseparable
    properties of objects.
  • Secondary qualities (color, taste, smell, sound)
    are produced in our minds but do not really exist
    out there.

Options in Modern Philosophy
  • Dualism (Descartes)
  • Materialism (Locke)
  • Occasionalism (Malebranche)
  • Idealism (Berkeley) Esse est percipi to be is
    to be perceived. There is no such thing as (what
    philosophers call) material substance.

The materialist world view.
  • Physical objects would continue to exist even if
    there were no minds.
  • Physical objects cause ideas to arise in our
  • Physical objects have primary qualities and
    secondary qualities.
  • It is impossible to prove beyond all doubt that
    the physical world exists. Skepticism is
    irrefutable (but it may be ignored)

George Berkeley (1685-1753)
  • My endeavors tend only to unite, and place in a
    clearer light, that truth which was before shared
    between the vulgar and the philosophers the
    former holding that those things they
    immediately perceive are the real things and the
    latter that the things immediately perceived, are
    ideas which exist only in the mind. Which two
    notions put together constitute...what I advance.

  • Things we call substances are really just
    collections of ideas which depend for their
    existence on the mind. Reality is a community of
  • We perceive ideas, so if we perceive objects,
    objects are ideas. If they werent ideas, we
    couldnt perceive them. Since ideas are mind
    dependent, so must objects be.

Refutation of Secondary Quality Realism.
  • Intense heat pain. Pain is mind-dependent. \
    Intense heat is mind-dependent.
  • Place cold left hand and warm right hand in
    water. Is the water cool or warm?
  • Reducing sound to vibrations implies that sound
    is not heard.

Against Primary Quality Realism
  • Red and purple sunset- is the color in the
    clouds? What is the real color? Sunlight?
    candlelight? Under the microscope? Reducing color
    to matter and motion makes real color invisible.
  • Perceptual relativity affects primary quality
    perception as well. How large is a Perseae
    mites foot? To a mite----medium.
    To us------ tiny. To a Sub-mite---HUGE!

David Hume (1711-1776)
  • We find in our minds impressions (direct
    sensations) and ideas (copies of impressions).
    Meaningful ideas can be traced back to the
    impressions that produced them. Ideas without
    impressions are meaningless (e.g. substance,
    self, cause).
  • Legitimate ideas refer either to relations among
    ideas (math, logic) or to matters of fact (always
    possibly false).
  • The gazing populace receive greedily, without
    examination, whatever soothes superstition, and
    promotes wonder.

Cause and effect.
  • Reasoning about matters of fact assumes causal
    connections. But there are no impressions of
    causality. Sensation discovers only constant
    conjunction of event pairs (fire, heat). Hence,
    custom or habit (not knowledge) is the source of
    our belief in causal connections. Experience
    only teaches us how one event constantly follows
    another, without instructing us in the secret
    connexion which binds them together.

Immanuel Kant (1724-1804)
  • What has hitherto been called metaphysics cannot
    satisfy any critical mind, but to forego it
    completely is impossible therefore, a critique
    of pure reason must be attempted.
  • All knowledge begins with experience, but not all
    knowledge arises out of experience. Impressions
    supplied by sensation are structured by
    cognition. A Copernican revolution in

Is Synthetic apriori knowledge possible?
  • Analytic statements Content of the predicate is
    contained in the subject. (Nuns are female)
  • Synthetic statements Content of the predicate
    goes beyond content of the subject. (Nuns are
  • Apriori knowledge Independent of sense
  • Aposteriori knowledge Dependent on sense
  • Noumena Perceiver independent reality.
  • Phenomena Reality as it appears to us.

Midterm Review
  • Pt I. Matching. Match the philosopher with his
    quote Thales, Democritus, Parmenides, Heraclitus
    (wk 1),Socrates (wk 2), Aquinas, (wk 3) Hume,
    Mill, Pascal, James (wk 4)
  • Part II. Short answer.
  • 1.Objection to piety definition (Euthyphro)(2)
  • 2. The Socratic Mission (2)
  • 3.James- skeptical balance (4)
  • 4.Religious ambiguity(3,4)
  • Pt. III. Essay (a) teleological (design)
    argument or (b) problem of evil.
  • Part IV. Multiple choice
  • 1. Definitions- libertarianism, hard
    determinism, compatibilism. 2. Problem of evil
    as objection to argument for Gods existence. 3.
    Why Plato opposes prayer/sacrifice piety. 4.
    Definition of rational agent. 5. Why Mill
    thinks God is finite. 6. Heraclitus main point.
    7. Famous Socrates quote.
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