Title: What
1Whats the hottest game today and why?
2What do you have for breakfast on a typical
3Who is your favourite Simpsons-character and why?
4Are you a cat person or a dog person? Why?
5Is it too easy in Finland to get hold of firearms?
6What are some of the strangest pets youve heard
7Are there still mens jobs and womens jobs?
8Explain the joke in this picture. Why are doctors
highly appreciated in society?
9Do you sleep enough? What will happen if you
dont get enough sleep?
10Which qualities do women appreciate in men and
vice versa?
11Whats the most daring/courageous thing youve
ever done?
12Are you an optimist, a realist or a pessimist?
Give grounds.
13How do you use Facebook and other social media?
14Whats going on in this pic?
15Name a few jobs you could never do.
16What are your favourite / least favourite
subjects at school? Why?
17Are you interested in politics? Why / Why not?
18Describe the different ideas about being in a
19Would the world indeed be different if there were
more women in charge?
20Describe different kinds of love.
21Discuss the meaning of this statement.
22Whats your favourite form of transportation?
Give grounds.
23What are your views on marriage? Do you think
youll ever tie the knot?
24Which do you go for quality or price?
25What are your important values in life?
26Discuss this statement.
27Why is Friday one of the most popular days of the
28What makes this pic interesting?
29Name a few things that make you happy.
30What do you do for exercice?
31Do you think you spend too much time in front of
the computer?
32What did this Indian chief mean with this?
33What does this proverb mean?
34- How do YOU deal with problem situations?
35You can now come up with an original thought. ?
36Which sport do you follow and why?
37Describe the process of reviving someone.
38Discuss the importance of football in Finland and
39Preparation H is for haemorrhoids
(peräpukamat).Do you know enough English?
40Has the situation improved today?
41What does this tell you about the social media?
42This rules does not apply in my English classes.
However, Led Zep is STILL The Greatest Rock Band
Ever. Do you agree?
43What makes you laugh?
44Discuss this statement.
45How much grammar is needed?
46Describe the different roles of a mother.
47What does Nature mean to you?
48What is going on in this pic?
49What are your plans for life after senior high
50Should we allow the use of smartphones in class?
51I know its only RocknRoll but I like it! ?
52Discuss this statement.
54What has the dog done?
55What would be the students dream tool?
Wikipedia? ?
56Where would you like to travel if money was no
57Which rules do people often forget in public
58Describe the different roles of a writer.
59What makes being Batman so rewarding?
60How close are you to wherever you want to be?
61Discuss this statement.
62What are the most important qualities of a good
63Discuss this pic.
64What can you see in this picture?
65Whats the best way to get fit?
66How should we define cheating in the 21st century?
67Why is this man considered wildly funny in the UK?
68How good is traffic safety in Finland?
69Why is it important to know at least something in
the local language?
70Why are these men in this situation?
71This cant be true, can it? Discuss.
72Are you afraid of going to the dentists? Discuss.
73Is a conscription army (yleinen
74Do you like classical music? Give grounds.
75What are your favourite / least favourite foods
in the school cafeteria?
76Whats your favourite season and why?
77Tell a joke to your partner.
78How long can you survive without going online?
79Tell your partner about the morning when YOU
didnt turn up for school.
80Which is better Coke from a can or Coke from a
81How good are todays phones in this respect? How
do you protect yours?
82Which do you prefer? Could you consider taking
part in either?
83Which side seems to be winning in todays
society the bad or the good?
84Whats the story? What will happen next?
85What would you do if you had 10 000 ?
86Why is Angry Birds so popular?
87List five of your favourite smells and where you
can smell them.
88Whats the latest skill that youve acquired?
89Come up with some good alternatives to sitting at
your computer.
90What can you see in this pic?
91How can we make our garbage footprints smaller?
92Are you a summer person or a winter person? Give
93What happened before this pic was taken?
94What kind of vehicles will we have in the future?
95Talk about the popularity of smoking today.
96Talk about you and coffee.
97What are you afraid of?
98How do you feel about begging in the streets?
99Do you always do your homework well? Discuss.
100Not a problem. Explain the picture.