3. Models with Random Effects - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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3. Models with Random Effects


3.1 Error-Components/Random-Intercepts model Model, Design issues, GLS estimation 3.2 Example: Income tax payments 3.3 Mixed-Effects models Linear mixed effects model ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: 3. Models with Random Effects

3. Models with Random Effects
  • 3.1 Error-Components/Random-Intercepts model
  • Model, Design issues, GLS estimation
  • 3.2 Example Income tax payments
  • 3.3 Mixed-Effects models
  • Linear mixed effects model, mixed linear model
  • 3.4 Inference for regression coefficients
  • 3.5 Variance components estimation
  • Maximum likelihood estimation, Newton-Raphson and
    Fisher scoring, restricted maximum likelihood
    (REML) estimation
  • Appendix 3A REML calculations

3.1 Error components model
  • Sampling - Subjects may consist of a random
    subset from a population, not fixed subjects
  • Inference - In the fixed effects models, our
    inference deals, in part, with subject-specific
    parameters ai .
  • These parameters are based on the subjects in our
  • We may wish to make statements about the entire
  • In the fixed effects model, because n is
    typically large, there are many nuisance
    parameters ai .

Basic model
  • The error components model is yit ?i xit ?
    ?it .
  • This portion of the notation is the same as the
    basic fixed model. However, now the quantities ?i
    are assumed to be random variables, not fixed
    unknown parameters.
  • We assume that ?i are independently and
    identically distributed (i.i.d) with mean
    zero?and variance ???.
  • We assume that ?i are independent of the error
    random variables, ?it .
  • We still assume that xit is a vector of
    covariates, or explanatory variables, and that
    ??is a vector of fixed, yet unknown, population
  • In the error components model, we assume no
    serial correlation, that is, Var ?i ? ? Ii .
  • Thus, the variance of the ith subject is
  • Var yi ?a? Ji ? ? Ii Vi

Traditional ANOVA set-up
  • Without the covariates, this is the traditional
    random effects (one way) ANOVA set-up.
  • This model can be interpreted as arising from a
    stratified sampling scheme.
  • We draw a sample from a population of subjects.
  • We observe each subject over time.
  • Is there heterogeneity among subjects? One
    response is to test the null hypothesis H0 sa2
  • Estimates of sa2 are of interest but require
    scaling to interpret. A more useful quantity to
    report is sa2 /(sa2 s 2 ),
    the intra-class correlation.

  • The experimental design specifies how the
    subjects are selected and may dictate the model
  • Selecting subjects based on a (stratified) random
    sample implies use of the random effects model.
  • This sampling scheme also suggests that the
    covariates are random variables.
  • Selecting subjects based on characteristics
    suggests using a fixed effects model.
  • In the extreme, each i represents a
  • Another example is where we sample the entire
    population. For example, the 50 states in the US.

  • Figure 3.1. Two-stage random effects sampling.

Error Components Model Assumptions
  • E (yit ?i ) ?i xit? ß.
  • xit,1, ... , xit,K are nonstochastic variables.
  • Var (yit ?i ) s 2.
  • yit are independent random variables,
    conditional on a1, , an.
  • yit is normally distributed, conditional on a1,
    , an.
  • E ?i 0, Var ?i sa 2 and a1, , an are
    mutually independent.
  • ai is normally distributed.

Observables Representation of the Error
Components Model
  • E yit xit? ß.
  • xit,1, ... , xit,K are nonstochastic variables.
  • Var yit s 2 sa 2 and
  • Cov (yir, yis) sa 2, for r ? s.
  • yi are independent random vectors.
  • yi are normally distributed.

Structural Models
  • What is the population?
  • A standard defense for a probabilistic approach
    to economics is that although there may be a
    finite number of economic entities, there is an
    infinite range of economic decisions.
  • According to Haavelmo (1944)
  • the class of populations we are dealing with
    does not consist of an infinity of different
    individuals, it consists of an infinity of
    possible decisions which might be taken with
    respect to the value of y.
  • See Nerlove and Balestras chapter in a monograph
    edited by Mátyás and Sevestre (1996, Chapter 1)
    in the context of panel data modeling.

  • If you would like to make statements about a
    population larger than the sample, design the
    sample to use the random effects model.
  • If you are simply interested in controlling for
    subject-specific effects (treating them as
    nuisance parameters), then use the fixed model.
  • In addition to sampling and inference, the model
    design may also be influenced by a desire to
    increase the degrees of freedom available for
    parameter estimation.
  • Degrees of freedom
  • There are nK linear regression parameters plus 1
    variance parameter in the fixed effects model,
    compared to only 1K regression plus 2 variance
    parameters in the random effects model.
  • Choose the random effects models to increase the
    degrees of freedom available for parameter

Time-constant variables
  • If the primary interest is in testing for the
    effects of time-constant variables, then, other
    things being equal, design the sample to use a
    random effects model.
  • An important example of a time-constant variable
    is a variable that classifies subjects by groups
  • Often, we wish to compare the performance of
    different groups, for example, a treatment
    group and a control group.
  • In the fixed effects model, time-constant
    variables are perfectly collinear with
    subject-specific intercepts and hence are

GLS estimation
  • Expressing the model in matrix form, we have
  • E yi Xi b and Var yi Vi sa2 Ji s 2
  • Ji is a Ti Ti matrix of ones, Ii is a Ti Ti
    identity matrix.
  • Here, Xi is a Ti K matrix of explanatory
  • Xi (xi1, xi2, ... , xiTi ) .
  • The generalized least squares (GLS) equations
  • This yields the error-components estimator of b
  • The variance of the error components estimator is

Feasible generalized least squares
  • This assumes that the variance parameters sa2 and
    s 2 are known . One way to get a feasible
    generalized least squares estimate is
  • First run a regression assuming Vi Ii,
    ordinary least squares.
  • Use the residuals to determine estimates of sa2
    and s 2 .
  • This estimation procedure yields estimates of sa2
    that can be negative, although unbiased.
  • Determine bEC using the estimates of sa2 and s 2
  • This procedure could be iterated. However,
    studies have shown that iterated versions do not
    improve the performance of the one-step
  • There are many ways to estimate the variance
  • Regardless of how the estimate is obtained, use
    it in the GLS estimates.
  • See Section 3.5 for more details.

Pooling test
  • Test whether the intercepts take on a common
    value. That is, do we have to account for
    subject-specific effects?
  • Using notation, we wish to test the null
    hypothesis H0 sa2 0.
  • This is an extension of a Lagrange multiplier
    statistic due to Breusch and Pagan (1980).
  • This can be done using the following procedure
  • Run the model yit xit b eit to get residuals
    eit .
  • For each subject, compute an estimator of sa2
  • Compute the test statistic,
  • Reject H0 if TS exceeds a quantile from an c2
    (chi-square) distribution with one degree of

3.3 Mixed models
  • The linear mixed-effects model is yit zit ?i
    xit ? ?it .
  • This is short-hand notation for the model
  • yit ?i1 zit1 ... ?iq zitq ?1 xit1... ?K
    xitK ?it
  • The matrix form of this model is yi Zi ?i Xi
    ? ?i
  • The responses between subjects are independent,
    yet we allow for temporal correlation through Var
    ?i Ri.
  • Further, we now assume that the subject-specific
    effects ?i are random with mean zero and
    variance-covariance matrix D.
  • We assume E ?i 0 and Var ?i D , a q ? q
    (positive definite) matrix.
  • Subject-specific effects and the noise term are
    assumed to be uncorrelated, that is, Cov (?i ,
    ?i ) 0.
  • Thus, the variance of each subject can be
    expressed as
  • Var yi Zi D Zi Ri Vi(?).

Observables Representation of the Linear Mixed
Effects Model
  • E yi Xi ß.
  • xit,1, ... , xit,K and zit,1, ... , zit,q are
    nonstochastic variables.
  • Var yi Zi D Zi? Ri Vi(t) Vi.
  • yi are independent random vectors.
  • yi are normally distributed.

Repeated measures design
  • This is a special case of the linear mixed
    effects model.
  • Here we have i1, ..., n subjects. A response for
    each subject is measured based on each of T
    treatments. The order of treatments is
    randomized. The mathematical model is
  • The main research question of interest is H0 b1
    b2 ... bT, no treatment differences.
  • Here, the order of treatments is randomized and
    no serial correlation is assumed.

Random coefficients model
  • Here is another important special case of the
    panel data mixed model.
  • Take zit xit . In this case the panel data
    mixed model reduces to a random coefficients
    model, of the form
  • yit xit(ai b) eit xit bi eit ,
  • where bi are random variables with mean b,
    independent of eit.
  • Two-stage interpretation
  • 1. Sample subject to get bi
  • 2. Sample observations with
  • E(yi bi ) Xi bi and Var(yi bi ) Ri.
  • This yields E yi Xi b and Var yi Xi D Xi
    Ri Vi.

  • Take columns of Zi to be a strict subset of the
    columns of Xi.
  • Thus, certain components of bi associated with Zi
    are stochastic whereas the remaining components
    that are associated with Xi but not Zi are
  • Two-stage interpretation
  • Use variables Bi such that E bi Bi b.
  • Then, we have,
  • E yi Xi Bi b and Var yi Ri Xi D Xi.
  • This is the random effects model replacing Xi by
    Xi Bi and Zi by Xi

More special cases
  • Inclusion of group effects. Take q 1 and zit 1
    and consider
  • yit ai dg xgit b egit ,
  • for g 1, ..., G groups, i1, ..., ng subjects
    in each group and t1, ..., Tgi observations of
    each subject.
  • Here, ai represent random, subject-specific
    effects and dg represent fixed differences
    among groups.
  • This model is not estimable when ai are fixed
  • Time-constant variables. We may split the
    explanatory variables associated with the
    population parameters into those that vary by
    time and those that do not (time-invariant).
    Thus, we can write our panel data mixed model as
  • yit zit ai x1i b1 x2it b2 eit
  • This model is a generalization of the group
    effects model.
  • This model is not estimable when ai are fixed
  • Sec Chapter 5 on multilevel models

Mixed Linear Models
  • Not all models of interest fit into the linear
    mixed effects model framework, so it is of
    interest to introduce a generalization, the mixed
    linear model.
  • This model is given by y Z ? X ? ? .
  • Here, for the mean structure, we assume E (y
    ?)? Z ? X ? and E ? 0, so that E y ? X ?.
  • For the covariance structure, we assume
  • Var ? R, Var ? D and Cov (? , ? ) 0.
  • This yields Var y Z D Z R V.
  • This model does not require independence between
  • Much of the estimation can be accomplished
    directly in terms of this more general model.
    However, the linear mixed effects model provides
    a more intuitive platform for examining
    longitudinal data.

Mixed linear model Special cases
  • Linear mixed effects model
  • Take y (y1,..., yn) , e (e1,..., en), a
    (a1, ..., an), X (X1,..., Xn) and Z
    block diagonal (Z1,..., Zn) .
  • With these choices, the model y Z ? X ? ?
    is equivalent to the model yi Zi ?i Xi ? ?i
  • The two-way error components model is an
    important panel data model that is not a specific
    type of linear mixed effects model although it is
    a special case of the mixed linear model.
  • This model can be expressed as
  • yit ai ?t xit b eit
  • This is similar to the error components model but
    we have added a random time component, ?t .

3.4 Regression coefficient inference
  • The GLS estimator of b takes the same form as in
    the error components model with a more general
    variance covariance matrix V.
  • The GLS estimator of b is
  • Recall Vi Vi(?) Zi D Zi Ri.
  • The variance is
  • Interpret bGLS as a weighted average of
    subject-specific gls estimators.
  • bi,GLS is the least squares estimator based
    solely on the ith subject
  • bi,GLS (Xi Vi-1 Xi )-1 Xi Vi-1 yi ,
    Wi,GLS Xi Vi-1 Xi

Matrix inversion formula
  • To simplify the calculations, here is a formula
    for inverting Vi(t). This matrix has dimension Ti
    Ti .
  • Vi(t) -1 (Ri Zi D Zi ) -1
  • Ri -1 - Ri -1 Zi (D-1 Zi Ri -1 Zi ) -1 Zi
    Ri -1
  • This is easier to compute if
  • the temporal covariance matrix Ri has an easily
    computable inverse and
  • the dimension q is smaller than Ti . Because the
    matrix (D-1 Zi Ri -1 Zi ) -1 is only a q q
    matrix, it is easier to invert than Vi(t) , a Ti
    Ti matrix.
  • For the error components model, this is

Maximum likelihood estimation
  • The log-likelihood of a single subject is
  • Thus, the log-likelihood for the entire data set
  • L(b, t ) Si li(b, t ) .
  • The values of b, t that maximize L(b, t ) are the
    maximum likelihood estimators.
  • The score vector is the vector of derivatives
    with respect to the parameters.
  • For notation, let the vector of parameters be
  • q (b , t).
  • With this notation, the score vector is
  • If this score has a root, then the root is the
    maximum likelihood estimator.

Computing the score vector
  • To compute the score vector, we first take
    derivatives with respect to b and find the root.
    That is,
  • This yields
  • That is, for fixed covariance parameters t, the
    maximum likelihood estimators and the generalized
    least squares estimators are the same.

Robust estimation of standard errors
  • An alternative, weighted least squares estimator,
  • where the weighting matrix Wi,RE depends on the
    application at hand. If Wi,RE Vi-1, then bW
  • Basic calculations show that it has variance
  • Thus, a robust estimator of the standard error

Testing hypotheses
  • The interest may be in testing H0 ßj ßj,0,
    where the specified value ßj,0 is often (although
    not always) equal to 0.
  • Use
  • Two variants
  • One can replace se(bj,GLS) by se(bj,W) to get
    so-called robust t-statistics.
  • One can replace the standard normal distribution
    with a t-distribution with the appropriate
    number of degrees of freedom
  • SAS default is the containment method.
  • We typically will have large number of
    observations and will be more concerned with
    potential heteroscedasticity and serial
    correlation and thus will use robust

Likelihood ratio test procedure
  • Using the unconstrained model, calculate maximum
    likelihood estimates and the corresponding
    likelihood, denoted as LMLE.
  • For the model constrained using H0 C ß d ,
    calculate maximum likelihood estimates and the
    corresponding likelihood, denoted as LReduced.
  • Compute the likelihood ratio test statistic,
  • LRT 2 (LMLE - LReduced).
  • Reject H0 if LRT exceeds a percentile from a c2
    (chi-square) distribution with p degrees of
    freedom. The percentile is one minus the
    significance level of the test.
  • See Appendix C.7 for more details on the
    likelihood ratio test.

3.5 Variance component estimation
  • Maximum Likelihood
  • Iterative estimationNewton-Raphson and Fisher
  • Restricted maximum likelihood (REML)
  • Starting values
  • Swamys method
  • Raos MIVQUE estimators

Maximum likelihood estimation
  • The concentrated log-likelihood is
  • Here, the error sum of squares is
  • In some cases, one can obtain closed forms
  • In general, this must be maximized iteratively.

Variance components estimation
  • Thus, we now maximize the log-likelihood as a
    function of t only. Then we calculate bMLE (t) in
    terms of t.
  • This can be done using either the Newton-Raphson
    or the Fisher scoring method.
  • Newton-Raphson. Let L L(bMLE (t) , t ) , and
    use the iterative method
  • Here, the matrix
  • is called the sample
    information matrix.
  • Scoring. Define the expected information matrix
    H(t) E ( ) and use

Motivation for REML
  • Maximum likelihood often produces biased
    estimator of variance components.
  • To illustrate, consider the basic cross-sectional
    regression model
  • Let yi xi b ei , i1, ..., N, where b is a
    p ? 1 vector, ei are i.i.d. N(0, s2).
  • The mle of s2 is (Error SS)/ N, where Error SS is
    the error sum of squares from the model fit.
  • This estimate has expectation s2 (N /(N -p)) and
    thus is a biased estimate of s2.

Further motivation for REML
  • As another example, consider our basic fixed
    effects panel data model
  • yit ai xi b eit , where b is a K ? 1
    vector, eit are i.i.d. N(0, s2).
  • As above, the mle of s2 is (Error SS)/N, where
    Error SS is the error sum of squares from the
    model fit.
  • This estimator has expectation s2 (N-(nK))/ N
    and thus is a biased estimate of s2.
  • The bias is not asymptotically negligible. To
    illustrate, in the balanced design case, we have
    NnT and
  • bias s2 (nT-(nK))/ (nT) - s2
  • - s2 (nK)/(nT) _at_ - s2 /T, for large n.

  • The acronym REML stands for restricted maximum
  • The idea is to consider only linear combinations
    of responses y that do not depend on the mean
  • To illustrate, consider the following generic
  • the responses are denoted by the vector y, are
    normally distribution and have mean E y X b and
    variance-covariance matrix Var y V(t).
  • The dimension of y is N ? 1 and the dimension of
    X is N ? p .
  • Suppose that we wish to estimate the parameters
    of the variance component, t .

REML estimation
  • Define the projection matrix Q I - X (X X)-1
  • If X has dimension N ? p, then the projection
    matrix Q has dimension N ? N.
  • Consider the linear combination of responses Q y.
  • Some straightforward calculation show that this
    has mean 0 and variance-covariance matrix Var y
    Q V Q.
  • Because (i) Q y is normally distributed and (ii)
    the mean and variance do not depend on b , this
    means that the entire distribution of Q y does
    not depend on b.
  • We could also use any linear transform of Q, such
    as A Q .
  • That is, the distribution of A Q y is also
    normally distributed with with a mean and
    variance that does not depend on b.

Modified likelihood
  • These observations led Patterson and Thompson
    (1971) and Harville (1974) to modify our
    likelihood calculations by considering the
    restricted maximum log-likelihood
  • a function of t.
  • Here, the error sum of squares is
  • For comparison, the usual log-likelihood is
  • The only difference is the term ln det(X V(t) X
    ) thus, methods of maximization are the same
    (that is, using Newton-Raphson or scoring).

Properties of REML estimates
  • For the case V s2 I, then the REML estimate
    yields the unbiased estimate of s2.
  • When p, the number of regressors is small, the
    MLE and REML estimates of variance components are
  • When p, the number of regressors is large, REML
    estimates tend to outperform MLE estimates.
  • The additional term for the longitudinal data
    mixed model is

Starting Values
  • Both Swamy and Raos procedures provide useful,
    non-recursive, variance components estimates
  • Raos MIVQUE estimators are available for a
    larger class of models (handling serial
    correlation, for example)
  • A version of MIVQUE is the default option in SAS
    PROC MIXED for starting values.

REML versus MLE
  • Both are likelihood based estimators
  • They applied to a wide variety of models
  • They rely on a parametric specification
  • For likelihood ratio tests, one should not use
  • Use instead maximum likelihood estimators
  • Appendix 3A.3 demonstrates the potentially
    disastrous consequences of using REML estimators
    for likelihood ratio tests.
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