Title: Assumptions in linear regression models
1Assumptions in linear regression models
Yi ß0 ß1 x1i ßk xki ei, i 1, , n
x1i , , xki are deterministic (not random
variables) e1 en are independent random
variables with null mean, i.e. E(ei) 0 and
common variance, i.e. V(ei) s2.
E(Yi) ß0 ß1 x1i ßk xki and V(Yi)
s2. i 1, , n
The OLS (ordinary least squares) estimators of
ß0, ßk indicated with b1, , bk are BLUE (Best
Linear Unbiased Estimators) Gauss Markov
2Normality assumption
If, in addition, we assume that the errors are
Normal r.v.
e1 en are independent NORMAL r.v. with null
mean and common variance s2, i.e. ei N(0, s2), i
1, , n
Yi N( ß0 ß1 x1i ßk xki , s2), i 1,
, n
bi N( ßi V(bi)), i 0, , k
The normality assumption is needed to make
reliable inference (confidence intervals and
tests of hypotheses). I.e. probability statements
are exact If the normality assumption does not
hold, under some conditions, a large n
(observations), via a Central Limit theorem
allows reliable asymptotic inference on the
estimated betas.
3Checking assumptions
- The error term e is unobservable. Instead we can
provide an estimate by using the parameter
estimates. - The regression residual is defined as
ei yi yi , i 1, 2, ... n
- Plots of the regression residuals are fundamental
in revealing model inadequacies such as - non-normality
- unequal variances
- presence of outliers
- correlation (in time) of error terms
4Detecting model lack of fit with residuals
- Plot the residuals ei on the vertical axis
against each of the independend variables x1,
..., xk on the horizontal axis. - Plot the residuals ei on the vertical axis
against the predicted value y on the horizontal
axis. - In each plot look for trends, dramatic changes in
variability, and /or more than 5 residuals lie
outside 2s of 0. Any of these patterns indicates
a problem with model fit.
Use the Scatter/Dot graph command in SPSS to
construct any of the plots above.
5Examples residuals vs. predicted
unequal variances
6Examples residuals vs. predicted
nonlinearity and auto-correlation
7Partial residuals plot
- An alternative method to detect lack of fit in
models with more than one independent variable
uses the partial residuals for a selected j-th
independent var xj,
e y (b0 b1x1... bj-1xj-1 bj1xj1 ...
bkxk ) e bjxj
Partial residuals measure the influence of xj
after the effects of all other independent vars
have been removed. A plot of the partial
residuals for xj against xj often reveals more
information about the relationship between y and
xj than the usual residual plot. If everything
is fine they should show a straight line with
slope bj.
Partial residual plots can be calculated in SPSS
by selecting Produce all partial plots in the
Plots options in the Regression dialog box.
- A supermarket chain wants to investigate the
effect of price p on the weekly demand of a house
brand of coffee. - Eleven prices were randomly assigned to the
stores and were advertised using the same
procedure. - A few weeks later the chain conducted the same
experiment using no advertising
- Y weekly demand in pounds
- X1 price, dollars/pound
- X2 advertisement 1 Yes, 0 No.
Model 1 E(Y) ß0 ß1x1 ß2x2
Data Coffee2.sav
9Computer Output
10Residual and partial residual (price) plots
Residuals vs. price. Shows non-linearity
Partial residuals for price vs. price. Shows
nature of non-linearity. Try using 1/x instead of
11E(Y) ß0 ß1(1/x1) ß2x2
RecPrice 1/Price
12Residual and partial residual (1/price) plots
After fitting the independent variable x1
1/price the Residual plot does not show any
pattern and the Partial residual plot for
(1/price) does not show any non linearity.
13An example with simulated data
The true model, supposedly unknown, is Y 1
x1 2x2 1.5x1x2 e, with eN(0,1)
Data Interaz.sav
Fit a model based on data
Fit a model based on data
14Model 1 E(Y) ß0 ß1x1 ß2x2
Anovab Anovab Anovab Anovab Anovab Anovab Anovab
SS df MS F Sig.
Regressione 8447,42 2 4233,711 768,494 ,000a
Residuo 533,12 97 5,496
Totale 8980,54 99
Adj. R20.939
Coefficientia Coefficientia Coefficientia Coefficientia Coefficientia Coefficientia Coefficientia Coefficientia Coefficientia
t Sig.
B DS t Sig. VIF
1 (Costante) -6,092 ,630 -9,668 ,000
1 X1 3,625 ,207 17,528 ,000 1,018
1 X2 6,145 ,189 32,465 ,000 1,018
15Model 1 standardized residual plot
Nonlinearity is present
To what is due?
Since the scatter-plots do not show any
non-linearity it could be due to an interaction
16Model 1 partial regression plots
Show that linear effects are roughly fine. But
some non-linearity shows up
17Model 2 E(Y) ß0 ß1x1 ß2x2 ß3x1x2
Anovab Anovab Anovab Anovab Anovab Anovab Anovab
SS df MS F Sig.
Regressione 8885,372 3 2961,791 2987,64 000a
Residuo 95,169 96 ,991
Totale 8980,541 99
Adj. R20.989
Coefficientia Coefficientia Coefficientia Coefficientia Coefficientia Coefficientia Coefficientia Coefficientia Coefficientia
t Sig.
B DS t Sig. VIF
1 (Costante) ,305 ,405 ,753 ,453
1 X1 1,288 ,142 9,087 ,000 2,648
1 X2 2,098 ,209 10,051 ,000 6,857
1 IntX1X2 1,411 ,067 21,018 ,000 9,280
18Model 2 standardized residual plot
Looks fine
19Model 2 partial regression plots
Maybe an outlier is present
All plots show linearity of the corresponding
20Model 3 E(Y) ß0 ß1x1 ß2x2 ß3x1x2
Suppose I wanto to try fitting a quadratic term
Anovab Anovab Anovab Anovab Anovab Anovab Anovab
SS df MS F Sig.
Regressione 8890,686 4 2222,67 2349,92 ,000a
Residuo 89,856 95 ,946
Totale 8980,541 99
Adj. R20.990
Coefficientia Coefficientia Coefficientia Coefficientia Coefficientia Coefficientia Coefficientia Coefficientia Coefficientia
t Sig.
B DS t Sig. VIF
1 (Costante) ,023 ,413 ,055 ,956
1 X1 1,258 ,139 9,051 ,000 2,670
1 X2 2,615 ,299 8,757 ,000 14,713
1 IntX1X2 1,436 ,066 21,619 ,000 9,528
1 X2Square -,137 ,058 -2,370 ,020 11,307
x22 seems fine
Higher MC
21Model 3 standardized residual plot
Looks fine
22Model 3 partial regression plots
Doesnt show linearity
23Checking the normality assumption
- The inference procedures on the estimates (tests
and confidence intervals) are based on the
Normality assumption on the error term e. If this
assumption is not satisfied the conclusions drawn
may be wrong.
Again, the residuals ei are used for checking
this assumption
- Two widely used graphical tools are
- the P-P plot for Normality of the residuals
- the histogram of the residuals compared with the
Normal density function.
The P-P plot for Normality and histogram of the
residuals can be calculated in SPSS by selecting
the appropriate boxes in the Plots options in
the Regression dialog box.
24Social Workers example E(ln(Y)) ß0 ß1x
Points should be as close as possible to the
straight line
Histogram should match the continuous line
- Both graphs do not show strong departures from
the Normality assumption.