Controversies over Evolutionary Psychology - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Controversies over Evolutionary Psychology


Controversies over Evolutionary Psychology Overview of The Day Criticisms of Evolutionary Theory Criticisms of Evolutionary Psychology Criticisms of Evolutionary ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Controversies over Evolutionary Psychology

Controversies over Evolutionary Psychology
  • Overview of The Day
  • Criticisms of Evolutionary TheoryCriticisms of
    Evolutionary Psychology

Criticisms of Evolutionary Theory
  • Its just a theory
  • The evidence is weak
  • How can you prove a theory when the evidence is
    all in the past

  • No theory is ever completely proven.
  • Must be stated so that it can be disproved
  • Weight of empirical evidence
  • Fossil record
  • Similarities among species
  • Contemporaneous studies
  • Grants study of Darwins finches
  • the Flynn effect
  • Compressed evolution with fruit flies
  • Computer simulations

Religious Criticisms
  • Idea of intelligent design and creator
  • Literal interpretation of scriptures
  • People are apart from natural world (great chain
    of being)
  • Famous Scopes trial

  • Creation as process (rather than product) in not
    incompatible with religion
  • Are we part of the natural world?
  • Is there a great chain of being from lower to
    higher (and better) forms?
  • We share about 95 of our genes with chimpanzees
  • We have about 30,000 genes, rice has about 70,000

  • Religion involves matters of faith and morality
    science involves theories about about the
    natural world based on empiricism
  • Religion and science are different spheres
  • Religion Right and wrong good and evil
  • Science What is, why, and how it works
  • S

Fears over Evolutionary Psychology
  • 1. If some differences are biological, then this
    could justify oppression.
  • 2. If aggression in innate, then we might begin
    to view violence as natural and acceptable.
  • 3. Psychological mechanisms imply lack of free
    will and abdication of responsibility

Fear 1 biological differences could justify
  • EPs response
  • Scientific and philosophical views of all stripes
    have been used to justify oppression
  • Marxism emphasizes blank slate and equality
  • Most biological differences among humans are
    trivial (humans are similar in most ways)
  • Two people selected at random share about 99.98
    of their genes
  • Group differences do not imply individual

Fear 1 biological differences could justify
  • Fairness does not require sameness
  • Equality under the law
  • Voting rights
  • Laws against discrimination
  • Sex, race, religion, ethnicity, age
  • Knowledge of ones own personal uniqueness can be

What about social Darwinism?
  • Are the rich rich and the poor poor because of
    innate characteristics?
  • EPs response
  • High level of upward and downward social
    mobility(about 50 of families change position in
    income quintiles every decade)
  • Only about one sixth of a males SES can be
    explained by genetic factors
  • Reproduction is the currency of natural
    selection, not wealth

Fear 2 If aggression is innate, this could
lead to viewing violence as natural
  • EPs Response
  • The naturalistic fallacy (if it exists, it must
    be good) is just that a fallacy.
  • Just because something exists does not mean that
    it is good or moral.

Fear 2 If aggression is innate, this could lead
to viewing violence as natural
  • Deal with aggression with a realistic view of
    human nature, not a romantic ideal
  • People have both base and noble instincts
  • Trust people but cut the cards
  • Balance of power and institutions to deal with

Is Modern Civilization Responsible for Aggression
and Violence?
  • Among pre-agricultural peoples
  • often, 1/2 of men have killed someone
  • battles more frequent
  • causalities are proportionally higher
  • prisoners are fewer

Fear 3 Psychological mechanisms imply lack of
free will and abdication of responsibility
  • Dont blame me, my genes made me do it.
    (sleeping around, murder, oppression)
  • EPs response
  • This argument is fallacious
  • it can be raised by any explanation of behavior
  • Twinkie Defense, Abuse Excuse
  • Confusing explanation with exculpation
  • To understand is not to forgive

Fear 3 Psychological mechanisms imply lack of
free will and abdication of responsibility
  • Many evil regimes have been based on a core
    belief that human nature is malleable and that
    people can be socialized to do anything.

Many fears about EP are based on
Misunderstandings of EP
  • Misunderstandings
  • Human behavior is genetically determined
  • If its evolutionary, we cant change it
  • Current mechanisms are optimally designed

Critics of EP
  • Utopian visionaries
  • Social engineers
  • Professional advice-givers
  • Management consultants
  • Child care experts

  • Criticisms of Evolutionary Theory
  • Criticisms of Evolutionary Psychology
  • Critics
  • Misunderstandings
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