Title: High School Mathematics at the Research Frontier
1High School Mathematics at the Research Frontier
2What is Particle Physics?
- High Energy Particle Physics is a study of the
smallest pieces of matter. - It investigates (among other things) the nature
of the universe immediately after the Big Bang. - It also explores physics at temperatures not
common for the past 15 billion years (or so). - Its a lot of fun.
3Stars form (1 billion years)
Atoms form (300,000 years)
Nuclei form (180 seconds)
Nucleons form (10-10 seconds)
??? (Before that)
4(No Transcript)
5DØ Detector Run II
- Weighs 5000 tons
- Can inspect 3,000,000 collisions/second
- Will record 50 collisions/second
- Records approximately 10,000,000 bytes/second
- Will record 1015 (1,000,000,000,000,000) bytes
in the next run (1 PetaByte).
6Remarkable Photos
In this collision, a top and anti-top quark were
created, helping establish their existence
This collision is the most violent ever recorded.
It required that particles hit within 10-19 m or
1/10,000 the size of a proton
7How Do You Measure Energy?
- Go to Walmart and buy an energy detector?
- Ask the guy sitting the next seat over and hope
the teacher doesnt notice? - Ignore the problem and spend the day on the
beach? - Design and build your equipment and calibrate it
8Build an Electronic Scale
9Calibrating the Scale
120 lb girl 9 V ? (120, 9)
180 lb guy 12 V ? (150, 12)
10Issues with calibrating.
Fit Value at 60 lb
Purple 6
Blue 10
Red -70
Green 11.5
All four of these functions go through the two
calibration points. Yet all give very different
predictions for a weight of 60 lbs. What can we
do to resolve this?
11Approach Take More Data
12Solution Pick Two Points
Dreadful representation of data
13Solution Pick Two Points
Better, but still poor, representation of data
14Why dont all the data lie on a line?
- Error associated with each calibration point.
- Must account for that in data analysis.
- How do we determine errors?
- What if some points have larger errors than
others? How do we deal with this?
15First Retake Calibration Data
- Remeasure the 120 lb point
- Note that the data doesnt always repeat.
- You get voltages near the 9 Volt ideal, but
with substantial variation. - From this, estimate the error.
Attempt Voltage
1 9.26
2 9.35
3 9.08
4 8.72
5 8.58
6 9.02
7 9.25
8 8.86
9 8.94
10 9.12
11 8.72
12 9.33
While the data clusters around 9 volts, it has a
range. How we estimate the error is somewhat
technical, but we can say
9 ? 1 Volts
17Redo for All Calibration Points
Weight Voltage
60 4.2 ? 0.5
120 9.4 ? 1.0
150 10 ? 0.7
180 13.2 ? 1.2
300 13.2 ? 8.4
18Redo for All Calibration Points
Weight Voltage
60 4.2 ? 0.5
120 9.4 ? 1.0
150 10 ? 0.7
180 13.2 ? 1.2
300 13.2 ? 8.4
19(No Transcript)
20Both lines go through the data. How to pick the
best one?
21State the Problem
- How to use mathematical techniques to determine
which line is best? - How to estimate the amount of variability allowed
in the found slope and intercept that will also
allow for a reasonable fit? - Answer will be m ? Dm and b ? Db
22The Problem
- Given a set of five data points, denoted
(xi,yi,si) i.e. weight, voltage, uncertainty in
voltage - Also given a fit function f(xi) m xi b
- Define
23Forget the math, what does it mean?
Each term in the sum is simply the separation
between the data and fit in units of error bars.
In this case, the separation is about 3.
yi - f(xi)
24More Translation
Since f(xi) m xi b, find m and b that
minimizes the c2.
Find m and b that minimizes c2
Back to algebra Note the common term (-2).
Factor it out.
26Approach 2
Now distribute the terms
27Approach 3
Notice that this is simply two equations with two
unknowns. Very similar to
You know how to solve this
28ohmigod. yougottabekiddingme
So each number isnt bad
29Approach 4
Inserting and evaluating, we get m 0.068781, b
0.161967 What about significant figures?
2nd and 5th terms give biggest contribution to c2
30Best Fit
31Best vs. Good
32Doesnt always mean good
33Goodness of Fit
Our old buddy, in which the data and the fit seem
to agree
34New Important Concept
- If you have 2 data points and a polynomial of
order 1 (line, parameters m b), then your line
will exactly go through your data - If you have 3 data points and a polynomial of
order 2 (parabola, parameters A, B C), then
your curve will exactly go through your data - To actually test your fit, you need more data
than the curve can naturally accommodate. - This is the so-called degrees of freedom.
35Degrees of Freedom (dof )
- The dof of any problem is defined to be the
number of data points minus the number of
parameters. - In our case,
- dof 5 2 3
- Need to define the c2/dof
36Goodness of Fit
c2/dof 22.52/(5-2) 7.51
c2/dof near 1 means the fit is good. Too high ?
bad fit Too small ? errors were over estimated
Can calculate probability that data is
represented by the given fit. In this
case Top lt 0.1 Bottom
68 In the interests of time, we will skip how
to do this.
c2/dof 2.587/(5-2) 0.862
37Uncertainty in m and b 1
Recall that we found m 0.068781, b
0.161967 What about uncertainty and significant
figures? If we take the derived value for one
variable (say m), we can derive the c2 function
for the other variable (b).
38Uncertainty in m and b 2
Recall that we found m 0.068781, b
0.161967 What about uncertainty and significant
figures? If we take the derived value for one
variable (say b), we can derive the c2 function
for the other variable (m).
The error in m is indicated by the spot at which
the c2 is changed by 1. So ? 0.003
39Uncertainty in m and b 3
So now we know a lot of the story m 0.068781 ?
0.003 b 0.161967 ? 0.35 So we see that
significant figures are an issue. Finally we
can see
Voltage (0.069 ? 0.003) Weight (0.16 ? 0.35)
Final complication When we evaluated the error
for m and b, we treated the other variable as
constant. As we know, this wasnt correct.
40Error Ellipse
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43Error Ellipse
From both physical principles and strict
mathematics, you can see that if you make a
mistake estimating one parameter, the other must
move to compensate. In this case, they are
anti-correlated (i.e. if b?, then m? and if b?,
then m?.)
Best b m
new b within errors
When one has an m below mbest, the range of
preferred bs tends to be above bbest.
new m within errors
44Back to Physics
45(No Transcript)
- P. Bevington and D. Robinson, Data Reduction and
Error Analysis for the Physical Sciences, 2nd
Edition, McGraw-Hill, Inc. New York, 1992. - J. Taylor, An Introduction to Error Analysis,
Oxford University Press, 1982. - Rotated ellipses
- http//www.mecca.org/halfacre/MATH/rotation.htm