Title: Exploration and Apprenticeship Learning in Reinforcement Learning
1Exploration and Apprenticeship Learning in
Reinforcement Learning
- Pieter Abbeel and Andrew Y. Ng
- Stanford University
- Reinforcement learning in systems with unknown
dynamics. - Algorithms such as E3 (Kearns and Singh, 2002)
learn the dynamics by using exploration policies.
- Aggressive exploration is dangerous for many
systems. - We show that in apprenticeship learning, when we
have a teacher demonstration of the task, this
explicit exploration step is unnecessary and
instead we can just use exploitation policies.
3Reinforcement learning formalism
- Markov Decision Process (MDP),
- (S, A, Psa , H, s0, R).
- Policy ? S ! A.
- Utility of a policy ?
- U(?) E ? R(st) ?.
- Goal find policy ? that maximizes U(?).
4Motivating example
Collect flight data.
How to fly helicopter for data collection? How to
ensure that entire flight envelope is covered by
the data collection process?
- Textbook model
- Specification
- Textbook model
- Specification
Accurate dynamics model Psa
Accurate dynamics model Psa
Learn model from data.
5Learning the dynamical model
- State-of-the-art E3 algorithm, Kearns and Singh
(2002). (And its variants/extensions Kearns
and Koller, 1999 Kakade, Kearns and Langford,
2003 Brafman and Tennenholtz, 2002.)
6Aggressive manual exploration
7Learning the dynamical model
- State-of-the-art E3 algorithm, Kearns and Singh
(2002). (And its variants/extensions Kearns
and Koller, 1999 Kakade, Kearns and Langford,
2003 Brafman and Tennenholtz, 2002.)
Exploration policies are impractical they do not
even try to perform well.
Can we avoid explicit exploration and just
8Apprenticeship learning of the model
Number of iterations?
Autonomous flight
Expert human pilot flight
Learn Psa
Learn Psa
Dynamics model Psa
(a1, s1, a2, s2, a3, s3, .)
(a1, s1, a2, s2, a3, s3, .)
Reinforcement learning max ER(s0)R(sH)
Control policy ?
9Typical scenario
- Initially all state-action pairs are
inaccurately modeled.
Accurately modeled state-action pair.
Inaccurately modeled state-action pair.
10Typical scenario (2)
Not frequently visited by teachers policy.
Frequently visited by teachers policy.
Accurately modeled state-action pair.
Inaccurately modeled state-action pair.
11Typical scenario (3)
- First exploitation policy.
Frequently visited by first exploitation policy.
Not frequently visited by teachers policy.
Frequently visited by teachers policy.
Accurately modeled state-action pair.
Inaccurately modeled state-action pair.
12Typical scenario (4)
- Second exploitation policy.
Frequently visited by second exploitation policy.
Not frequently visited by teachers policy.
Frequently visited by teachers policy.
Accurately modeled state-action pair.
Inaccurately modeled state-action pair.
13Typical scenario (5)
- Third exploitation policy.
Frequently visited by third exploitation
Frequently visited by teachers policy.
Not frequently visited by teachers policy.
- Model accurate for exploitation policy.
- Model accurate for teachers policy.
- Exploitation policy better than teacher in model.
Also better than teacher in real world.
14Two dynamics models
- Discrete dynamics
- Finite S and A.
- Dynamics Psa are described by state transition
probabilities P(ss,a). - Learn dynamics from data using maximum
likelihood. - Continuous, linear dynamics
- Continuous valued states and actions. (S ltnS,
A ltnA). - st1 G ?(st) H at wt.
- Estimate G, H from data using linear regression.
15Performance guarantees
To perform as well as teacher, it suffices
- Let any ?, ? gt 0 be given.
- Theorem. For U(?) U(?T) - ?
- within NO(poly(1/?,1/?,H,Rmax,?))
- iterations with probability 1-?, it suffices
- Nteacher ?(poly(1/?,1/?,H,Rmax,?)),
- Nexploit ?(poly(1/?,1/?,H,Rmax,?)).
a poly number of iterations
a poly number of teacher demonstrations
a poly number of trials with each exploitation
- Take-home message so long as a demonstration is
available, it is not necessary to explicitly
explore it suffices to only exploit.
? S,A (discrete), ? nS,nA,GFro,H
Fro (continuous).
16Proof idea
- From initial pilot demonstrations, our
model/simulator Psa will be accurate for the part
of the state space (s,a) visited by the pilot. - Our model/simulator will correctly predict the
helicopters behavior under the pilots policy
?T. - Consequently, there is at least one policy
(namely ?T) that looks capable of flying the
helicopter well in our simulation. - Thus, each time we solve the MDP using the
current model/simulator Psa, we will find a
policy that successfully flies the helicopter
according to Psa. - If, on the actual helicopter, this policy fails
to fly the helicopter---despite the model Psa
predicting that it should---then it must be
visiting parts of the state space that are
inaccurately modeled. - Hence, we get useful training data to improve the
model. This can happen only a small number of
17Learning with non-IID samples
- IID independent and identically distributed.
- Our algorithm
- All future states depend on current state.
- Exploitation policies depend on states visited.
- States visited depend on past exploitation
policies. - Exploitation policies depend on past exploitation
policies. - Very complicated non-IID sample generating
process. - Standard learning theory/convergence bounds
(e.g., Hoeffding inequalities) cannot be used in
our setting. - Martingales, Azumas inequality, optional
stopping theorem.
18Related Work
- Schaal Atkeson, 1994 open-loop policy as
starting point for devil-sticking, slow
exploration of state space. - Smart Kaelbling, 2000 model-free Q-learning,
initial updates based on teacher. - Supervised learning of a policy from
demonstration, e.g., - Sammut et al. (1992) Pomerleau (1989)
Kuniyhoshi et al. (1994) Amit Mataric (2002), - Apprenticeship learning for unknown reward
function (Abbeel Ng, 2004).
- Reinforcement learning in systems with unknown
dynamics. - Algorithms such as E3 (Kearns and Singh, 2002)
learn the dynamics by using exploration policies,
which are dangerous/impractical for many systems.
- We show that this explicit exploration step is
unnecessary in apprenticeship learning, when we
have an initial teacher demonstration of the
task. We attain near-optimal performance
(compared to the teacher) simply by repeatedly
executing exploitation policies'' that try to
maximize rewards. - In finite-state MDPs, our algorithm scales
polynomially in the number of states in
continuous-state linearly parameterized dynamical
systems, it scales polynomially in the dimension
of the state space.
20End of talk, additional slides for poster after
21Samples from teacher
- Dynamics model st1 G ?(st) H at wt
- Parameter estimates after k samples
- (G(k),H(k)) arg minG,H loss(k)(G,H)
- arg minG,H ? (st1 (G ?(st) H
at))2 - Consider
- Z(k) loss(k)(G,H) Eloss(k)(G,H)
- Then
- EZ(k) history up to time k-1 Z(k-1)
- Thus Z(0), Z(1), is a martingale sequence.
- Using Azumas inequality (a standard martingale
result) we prove convergence.
22Samples from exploitation policies
- Consider
- Z(k) exp(loss(k)(G,H) loss(k)(G,H))
- Then
- EZ(k) history up to time k-1 Z(k-1)
- Thus Z(0), Z(1), is a martingale sequence.
- Using the optional stopping theorem (a standard
martingale result) we prove true parameters G,H
outperform G, H with high probability for all