Title: The New MA Work-Based Learning Plan
1The New MA Work-Based Learning Plan
2 MA Work-Based Learning Plan
The MA Work-Based Learning Plan is a tool
designed to drive learning and productivity on
the job/internship and other work-based
learning experiences.
3Three-fold purpose
1. Identifies ability level within skill
areas (diagnostic)
2. Drives quality of student learning and
productivity (goal-setting)
3. Assesses student progress (assessment)
4Three Sections of the Plan
Section 1 Foundation Skills Work Ethic and
Professionalism Communication and Interpersonal
Section 2 Specific Workplace and Career
Section 3 Evaluation of Performance and
5Section 1 Foundation Skills
6Section 2 Specific Workplace and Career Skills
7Section 3 Evaluation of Performance and Progress
8The New Work-Based Learning Plan What
You Get ...
9 What You Get ...
- A more efficient and leaner tool
- A more intuitive instrument that needs less
- instruction
- A tool that identifies and assesses Foundation
- Skillsgermane to all jobs as well as options
- for identifying and assessing specific
- Workplace and Career Skills unique to the
- individual placement
10 What You Get ...
- A tool that can be personalized to address
- Academic goals
- - Math, Literacy, MCAS skills and more
- Career and vocational goals
- Company-specific or industry-specific skills
- Internship-specific goals