Title: Project Based Learning (PBL)
1Project Based Learning (PBL)
- An Innovative Model for Learning
2Characteristics of PBL
- Organizes curriculum around a problem or project
- Engages students as stakeholders
- Creates a learning environment where teachers
coach, guide inquiry and facilitate deeper levels
of understanding
3Project Based Learning
- concentrates scenarios that provide rich learning
opportunities - involves students in problem-solving
investigations and other meaningful tasks - allows students to build their own knowledge
- concludes with realistic products
4Project Based Learning
- Establishes connections to life outside the
classroom - Addresses real world concerns
- Develops real world skills
- Many of the skills are those desired by today's
employer such as - the ability to work well with others
- make thoughtful decisions
- take initiative
- solve complex problems.
- Allows for a variety of learning styles
- Accessible for all learners
5Project Based Learning
- shifts away from the classroom practices of
short, isolated, teacher-centered lessons - emphasizes learning activities that are
- long-term
- student-centered
- integrated with real world issues and practices
and have compelling questions - To facilitate student integration of content to
teach students to - Use their minds, apply what they learn, be
technologically literate, acquire 21st century
skills and self-confidence
6Project Based Learning
- Encourages
- Group process skills
- Life skills
- Technological skills
- Cognitive process skills
- Self-management skills
- Positive Attitudes
- Guide on the side
- no longer sage on the stage
- More coaching and modeling
- less telling
- More finding out with students
- less being the expert
- More cross disciplinary thinking
- less specialization
- More performance-based assessment
- Less knowledge-based assessment
8The Students Move
- from following orders
- . . to carrying out self-directed
learning activities - from memorizing and repeating
- . . To discovering, integrating and
presenting - from listening and reacting
- . . To communicating and taking
9The Students Move
- from knowledge of facts, terms and content
- . . to understanding processes
- from theory
- . . to application of theory
- from teacher dependent
- . . to empowered
10Project Based Learning in an IT Environment
- Students make effective use of IT as they produce
a product, presentation, or performance - IT is integrated into the learning students are
NOT learning IT skills in isolation - There is a reason to learn the IT skills
- Look at what is relevant and current in your
students lives - Look at the major content ideas you need to cover
in your curriculum - Teachers need to select driving questions
carefully so that the students learn the content
stipulated in curriculum frameworks. - Let the instructional content drive the activity
- Look at big problems facing the world today and
historically - Start with a lesson you already have and adapt it
- Give up the idea that you have to become experts
but realize you have to be there for support - Teachers need to learn how to questions student's
thinking and challenge students to support their
conclusions - Remember to assess the meaningful skills assess
student thinking - Try it evaluate what you have done and adjust
for the next year
13Differences in Project Based Learning and an
activity based lesson
Example Themes Activity Based Instruction Project Based Learning Differences between the two
Pollution Complete labs that show effects of different kinds of pollution. Identify components of each Identify pollution problems in the community. Form a task force to investigate the problems and devise technically feasible solutions for each The activity-based tasks are just that individual tasks with no connections and no real world connection. The Project based approach defines an overarching challenge and inserts these tasks in a meaningful community project. The students may still complete the labs, and identify components of each, but then they use this information when devising solutions.
15Upper Elementary/Middle School Science
- Goal understand the various types of
environmental pollution that exists - Essential Question Is our world healthy?
- Project Students will take on a role of an
environmentalist and research an environmental
problem that exists in their area. The group will
devise a presentation (video, PPT, brochure,
etc.) to inform others about the problem as well
as present a plan for combating this problem
16Middle School Biology
- Goal to learn about organisms and in doing so
develop a new food - Essential Question Can I create a scientific
breakthrough? - Project Students grow a variety of cultures,
evaluate existing food products and develop a
marketing plan for a new food product.
17Fourth Grade Science
- Goal understand how rocks are formed, learn
about the sources, properties and mineral
composition of indigenous rocks used in building
materials - Essential Question Where does this rock in my
hand fit into my life? - Project Students became geologists in their
town planning initiative whereby they are
responsible for what kind of native materials
planners might use to create streets, buildings,
pathways, and other structures
18Middle School Math
- Goal students will understand how math is used
in the real world - Essential Question How can I get what I want?
- Project Students will research a career, be
given a salary, search for a house, figure out
their mortgage, budget their money, draw their
house to scale, keep up a check book, and furnish
their house. Time permitting, scale models of
selective houses will be completed for the
development of a community
19Middle School Language Arts
- Goal utilize the skills of argumentation and
critical thinking - Essential Question Do we always say what we
mean and mean what we say? - Project students play the role of different
community groups/members participating in a
public forum on a controversial local topic
20Upper Elementary/Middle School/High School Math
- Goal Students will understand how the stock
market works and the effects on those involved - Essential Question How should I invest my money?
- Project Students will form companies, become
investors and or brokers, develop a plan for
investment and track investments for a year
21Upper Elementary/Middle School Science
- Goal Understand the different weather phenomena
that exist around the world - Essential Question What do we fear?
- Project Students will become weather
forecasters informing the world about different
weather phenomena and plans for being safe if
these phenomena are encountered.
22Elementary School Math
- Goal understanding of simple economic
principles - Essential Question Who owns what and why?
- Project students create a simple retail store
within their school. They develop a plan where
they decide what to sell, for what price,
manufacture the items, market them and keep track
of profit and losses
23Elementary Reading
- Goal to understand the elements, the functions,
roles, and components of staging a play - Essential Question Why do we perform?
- Project students will translate stories they
have read into plays and perform these plays for
other children at their school
24Lets Try One
Travel Australia - Elementary through Middle School Travel Australia - Elementary through Middle School Travel Australia - Elementary through Middle School Travel Australia - Elementary through Middle School
Essential Question Unit Questions Lesson Description PBL Idea
What makes a place different from other places? What are the unique landforms of Australia? What are different kinds of animals that live in Australia? Welcome to the Australia-The Land Down Under! Come on a tour of Australias unique natural wonders and be amazed. Learn about the incredible animals that inhabit this continent. The students make a power point presentation of their favorite animal and make a brochure of the natural wonders. The students present their learning in a class Web site.
25Lets Try One
Travel Australia - Elementary through Middle School Travel Australia - Elementary through Middle School Travel Australia - Elementary through Middle School Travel Australia - Elementary through Middle School
Essential Question Unit Questions Lesson Description PBL Idea
What makes a place different from other places? What are the unique landforms of Australia? What are different kinds of animals that live in Australia? Welcome to the Australia-The Land Down Under! Come on a tour of Australias unique natural wonders and be amazed. Learn about the incredible animals that inhabit this continent. The students make a power point presentation of their favorite animal and make a brochure of the natural wonders. The students present their learning in a class Web site. Students take on the roles of the Ministry of Tourism and given the task of increasing the tourist visits for the upcoming year. They need to include a plan for increasing tourism and put together presentations showing the beauty of their land as well as a sample vacation itinerary, including costs.
- PBL makes school learning more like real-world
learning - PTL helps students learn the same content, only
in a different way - Besides learning content, PBL incorporates
components like collaboration, problem solving,
presenting, communication with others - PBL motivates students to dig deeper as they get
hooked on different issues
- Friedman, P.D. Wilhelm, J.D.(1988).
Hyperlearning. New York Stenhouse Publishers. - Trowbridge, L.W. Bybee, R.W. (1996). Teaching
Secondary School Science. New Jersey Prentice
Hall - Vermillion, R.E. (1991). Projects and
Investigations. New York Macmillan Publishing Co.
28Online Sources
- http//www.ericfacility.net/ericdigests/ed368509.h
tml - http//www.uoregon.edu/moursund/Math/pbl.htm
- http//www.jordan.palo-alto.ca.us/students/connect
ions/pbl/pblplan.html - http//eduscapes.com/tap/topic43.htm
- http//pblmm.k12.ca.us/PBLGuide/PBLPBL.htm
- http//www.iste.org/research/roadahead/pbl.htm
- http//www.glef.org/PBL/whypbl.htm
- http//www.bie.org
29Online Sources
- http//college.hmco/education/pbl/background.htm
l - http//www.bie.org
- http//www.mcdenver.com/useguide/pbl.htm
- http//www.cord.org/lev2.cfm/56