Title: Chapter 4: Society
1Chapter 4 Society
- Bell Work
- Get Folders and books
- In folders Draw a line and right Chapter 4
- Task 1
- Define what you think society is
- Then Read Page 92 -93
- Read up to Hunting/Gathering Societies
- What is society?
- Group of people who interact in a defined
territory and share a culture - We will look at four important views explaining
the nature of human societies
3Gerhard Lenski
- Focus is on Sociocultural Evolution
- Changes that occur as a society acquires new
technology - The more technological info a society has, the
faster it will change - Identifies 5 types of societies based on their
level of technology
4Reading Activity
- Get with 9 oclock partner
- Read/Answer section assigned to you
- 10 minutes
- Share with class your findings
5Hunting and Gathering Based on surroundings
- Use of simple tools to hunt animals and gather
vegetation. - Food production is relatively inefficient
- Historical Period
- Only type until about 12,000 years ago (few
remain) - Prod. Technology
- Primitive weapons/tools
- Pop. Size
- 25-40 people relatively small and scattered
6Hunting and Gathering
- Settlement Patterns
- Scattered, often nomadic (follows food)
- Social Organization
- Family Centered, specialization limited to
age/sex - Little social inequality very egalitarian
- Examples
- Bushmen of S.W. Africa
- Aborigines of Australia
- Kaska Indians of Canada
7Horticultural and Pastoral
- Historical Period
- From 12,000 years ago to 3000 B.C
- Productive Technology
- Horticultural Use of hand tools to cultivating
plants - Pastoral Domestication of animals
- Population Size
- Up to several hundred in a settlement
- Connect up to a thousand thru trading ties
8Horticultural and Pastoral
- Settlement Patterns
- Horticulturists small permanent settlements
- Pastoral Nomadic
- Social Organization
- Family Centered Religious system developing
- Moderate Specialization (farmers, herders, etc)
- Increased social inequality
- Examples
- Middle Eastern societies up to 5000 BC
- Various societies today in New Guinea and Pacific
9Agrarian Based on Agriculture
- Historical Period
- Started about 5,000 years ago
- Dwindling numbers today
- Productive Technology
- Animal Drawn Plow
- Initiated Civilization invented Wheel, writing,
numbers. - Population Size
- Millions
- Settlement Patterns
- Cities common, but only contain small portion
- Social Organization
- Family importance lessens Religious, economic,
political systems emerge - Extensive Specialization increased
social-inequality - Examples Egypt during pyramids, Medieval Europe
10Industrial Based on Industrialism
- Historical Period
- 1750 to present
- Productive Technology
- Advanced sources of energy to power large
machinery increased goods production - Water and steam power to operate mills/factories
- Population Size
- Millions of people
- Settlement Patterns
- Various cities contain most of population
- Social Organization
- Highly Specialized social inequality up then
down - Distinct religious, political, economic,
educational, and family systems - Eroded many traditional values, beliefs, and
customs - Examples
- Most societies today in Europe, N. America,
Australia, and Japan
12Post-Industrial Based on Info Tech.
- Historical Period
- Emerging in recent decades
- Productive Technology
- Computers that support an info based economy
- Industrial Production declines info processing
w/ computers increases and changes job structure - Population Size
- Millions of people
- Settlement Patterns
- Remains concentrated in cities
- Social Organization
- Similar to Industrial but info processing and
service industry replacing industrial production - Examples
- High Functioning Industrial societies now
entering this.
14Limits of Technology
- Expanding Technology can help solve many social
problems - Also creates new (often harder) problems as it
remedies old ones - Increases specialization and social inequality
15Lesson Closing
- Work on project stuff, ask questions!!!
16Bell Work
- Complete In the Times pg. 96 in folders
- Task 2
- Answer these questions as task 3
- What were the 5 types of sociology based on
Technology by Lenski? - Hunting Gathering- hunters/gatherers
- Horticultural/ Pastoral- Growing plants/domestic
animals - Agrarian- Farming
- Industrial- Machinery to power large factories
- Post-industrial- Information age
17Karl Marx Society and Conflict
- Focus
- Stressed Social Conflict Struggle b.t. parts of
society over valued resourcesmostly class
conflict - Society and Production
- Divided society in two Capitalists/ Proletariats
- Capitalists (Profit oriented)
- People who owned factories and other productive
enterprises - Proletariat
- People who provided the labor for those
factories/enterprises - Believed in capitalistic society conflict b.t
these two was inevitable.
18Society and Production
- All societies were made up of Social institutions
- Major spheres of social life (subsystems) meant
to meet human needs - Believed the Economy to be the infrastructure
that all social institutions were based - Modern societies economies reinforced
capitalistic domination - Basis Materialism
- That production of material goods shapes all of
society - False Consciousness blaming individual over
19Conflict and History
- Early hunting/gathering societies were equal
- Movement towards industrial capitalism led to
increase in social inequality - Blame on the bourgeoisie class (capitalists)
- As well as an increase in the proletariat
- What do you think his main vision was?
- Class uprising by the proletariat!!
20Lesson Closing
- Read Post Industrial Workplace
- Answer Questions in Journals as Task 4
- Look at Superstructure Diagram pg. 101
- Do you agree/disagree w/ Marx?
- Read pgs. 102-104 Capitalism up to Weber
- Work on any part of projects
- Ask Questions
21Bell Work Get books/folders
- What is the Focus of Karl Marx?
- Stressed Social Conflict
- What did he divide society into?
- Capitalists
- Proletariats
- Explain each division
- Capitalists owners of factories
- Proletariats providers of labor
- What is the infrastructure of all social
institutions? - Economy
- What is the basis of his view or shaper of
society? - Materialism
22Capitalism and Class Conflict
- Two major classes
- Rulers capitalists
- Oppressed proletariat
- Class conflict Inevitable in Marxs view
- Antagonism (hostility) b.t. classes over
distribution of wealth in society
23Capitalism and Class Conflict
- How will conflict occur?
- Proletariat must reach class consciousness
- Recognition of their class unity against
capitalism - WORKERS UNITE!!!
- Organize and rise in revolution w/ numbers
- Nature of capitalists will resist unity
24Capitalism and Alienation
- Marx believed that capitalism promoted Alienation
- Experience of isolation from feeling powerless
- 4 Ways Capitalism does this! (Think Rundown)
- Alienation from the act of working
- Alienation from the products of work
- Alienation from other workers
- Alienation from human potential
- Certainty that eventually a socialist revolution
would overthrow the capitalist system!!
26Lesson Closing
- Anomie (loss/erosion of norms/values)
- Society is failing to give moral guidance to
individuals - Read rest of Marx vs. Durkheim Supplemental
lecture - Answer questions in folder as Task 5
- Then Read What is Marxism
- Task 6 Summarize the articles key points of
what Marxism is and look up/define two words you
didnt know/understand
27Bell Work
- Get books/folders
- What are the 5 types of societies by Lenski?
- Hunter/Gatherer, Pastoral/Horticultural,
Agrarian, Industrial, Post-industrial - What did Marx belief to be the foundation of a
society? - Economy
- What was Marxs main focus?
- Social conflict based on Materialism
- What is Lenskis main focus?
- Society changes occur as technology is developed
28Max Weber Rationalization of society
- Direct Contrast to Marx
- Reflected more of an idealistic perspective that
human ideas shape society - Ideal types
- Abstract statements of the essential
characteristics of any social phenomenon - I.E. Hunter/Gatherer, pre/post industrial
29Max Weber Rationalization of society
- Two world views
- Classified according to the way people think
about their world - Members of pre-industrial societies are bound by
Tradition - Sentiments/beliefs passed from generation to
generation. - People are guided by past, and what is
right/wrong by what they have accepted for a long
time - Members of post-industrial societies are guided
by Rationality - Deliberate, matter-of-fact calculation of the
most efficient means to accomplish something - Tradition become just one type of the info
30Max Weber Rationalization of society
- Rationalization of society
- Historical change from tradition to rationality
as the main mode of human thought - Evidenced by the Industrial revolution and
capitalism - Look at pg. 106 caption
- This willingness to adopt new technology is a
strong indicator of how rationalized a society is.
31Max Weber Rationalization of society
- Is capitalism Rational?
- Considered capitalism the essence of rationality
- Weber vs. Marx
- Weber believed it to be rational Marx not.
- Why?
- Marx thought it didnt mean the greater good
- Weber thought it so b/c people used
rationalization to make money in any possible way
32Lesson Closing
- Task 6 Answer Questions 1-8 on pg. 114
- Go over with 5 Min.s left
33Bell Work
- Grab books/folders
- Get article from back
- Go over answers from 1-8 on pg. 114
- Finish Weber
34Protestants and Capitalism
- Webers Great Thesis
- Traced roots of modern rationality (and
capitalism) to Calvinist Protestantism - Preached predestination and notion that success
in ones calling testified to ones place among
the saved - Working hard and being successful heaven
- Showed ability of ideas to shape society
357 Characteristics of Rational Social Organization
- Distinctive social institutions
- These are rational strategies to meet human needs
efficiently - Large-Scale Organizations
- Show rational strategies of making larger
decisions. Church, government, etc. - Specialized Tasks
- Not seen in traditional societies.
- Personal Discipline
- Modern societies value this. Encouragement of
achievement/success show rationality in business
367 Characteristics of Rational Social Organization
- Awareness of time
- Summed up in Time is money
- Technical Competence
- Rationality judges people on what they are.
- Basis on education, skills, and abilities
- Sports saying If youre not getting better
youre getting worse - Impersonality
- Rational societies use competence for hiring,
creating an impersonal interaction - Concern more over tasks/skills than people
37Rationality and Bureaucracy
- Bureaucracy
- Large, rational organizations
- Growth of Rational bureaucracies was key in
origin of modern society - Bureacracy is similar to capitalism
- Everything wants to be done w/ as much
speed/efficiency as possible
38Rationality and Alienation
- Agreed w/ Marx in that modern society generated
dehumanization and alienation - Reasoning was different though!!
- Marx believed it caused by inequality
- Weber believed it to be caused by the countless
rules and regulations of bureaucracy.
39Lesson Closing
- Task 7 Read article and answer ?s to it in
your folder - Look at Caption on left of pg. 208 realize what
it portrays - How many times have you heard a govt. official or
someone say.. Its not personal, its policy, or
business? - Task 8Answer Your Turn on pg. 108
40Bell Work
- Get books/Folders
- Ready for notes right away
41Durkheim Society and Function
- Viewed Social facts as a focus for looking a
society. Believed them rooted in society and not
just individual experiences - Patterns of human behavior (norms, values,
beliefs) - Function Society as a system
- Idea that social facts help society function as a
whole system not just individual existence - Read section over this (pg. 109)
42Durkheim Society and Function
- Personality
- People build personalities by internalizing
social facts - How we think, act, and feel is a product from the
society that nurtures us. - Modernality and Anomie
- He recognized the advantages of modern day
freedoms but warned of Anomie - Condition in which society provide little moral
guidance. - Read Section (pg. 110) and think of a current
example that proves to this!! - Miley Cyrus!?!?
43Durkheim Society and Function
- Evolving Societies
- Believed in different reasons than Marx/Weber for
cause of Rapid social change (Ind. Rev.) - Key
- Expanding Division of Labor Specialized economic
activity - Traditional Societies
- Strong collective conscience or Mechanical
solidarity - Social bonds, based on shared values, strong
among members - Modern Societies
- Mech. Solidarity becomes weaker
- Organic Solidarity social bonds based on
specialization, becomes stronger - People become less moral conscious and more
44Four Visions of Society
- What holds them together?
- Lenski United through a shared culture, but
lessens as technology develops - Marx No real unity but more social class
conflict - Only true unity if production becomes a
cooperation - Weber Tradition joined them in past, now it is
rational large-scale organizations - Durkheim Unity through solidarity, mechanical of
past and organic today ( morals vs.
45How do they change?
- Lenski
- Based in terms of changing tech. and production
power - Marx
- Based on production power that brings class
conflict into open - Weber
- Occurs b/c people change the way they view the
world. From traditional (morals) to rational. - Durkheim
- Changes in solidarity, from mechanical (likeness,
morals) to organic (specialization)
46Why have they changed?
- Lenski
- Social change through technological innovation
- Marx
- Class struggles push for change
- Weber
- Ideas push for change (Calvinism)
- Durkheim
- Division of labor pushes change
47Lesson Closing
- Read Applying Soc. Box (pg. 112
- Answer ?s in folder
- Test on Wednesday
- Review tomorrow