Staff INSET - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Staff INSET This presentation has been designed to give your staff an understanding of the aims, structure and content of i-read prior to a hands-on practice session – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Slides: 28
Provided by: HelenAn2
Tags: inset | poetry | review | staff


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Staff INSET

  • This presentation has been designed to give your
    staff an understanding of the aims, structure and
    content of i-read prior to a hands-on practice
  • Feel free to edit this presentation to suit your
    own purposes
  • The Help file in i-read contains step-by-step
    advice on all screens
  • Note that Key Stage 1 differs toKey Stage 2 in
    terms of structureand design

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Staff INSET Objectives
  • To introduce i-read
  • To demonstrate how the content can be used to
    teach writing in an innovative and engaging way
  • To prepare for a hands-on practice session

Rationale of i-read
  • i-read is a stimulating interactive whiteboard
    resource from Cambridge-Hitachi, Cambridge
    University Press, and Pie Corbett
  • It is designed to support shared reading sessions
    through engaging texts and interactive content

Rationale of i-read
  • "I have often wondered what it would be like if
    every child could read it may sound idealistic,
    but that has to be our aim. i-read could become a
    dynamic part of your reading repertoire aimed at
    achieving this goal."Pie Corbett, Series Editor

Why other schools use i-read
  • "i-read covers all learning styles and really
    brings the text alive with its use of audio and
    video clips.
  • "Excellent for motivating boys - they couldn't
    wait to get into class when they were using
    i-read. And it is so easy to use for the
    non-specialist ICT teacher.
  • It will really help to move on the reading and
    writing agenda at the school."

Rationale of i-read
  • Four-part teaching and learning process
  • Demonstration or modelling of reading strategies
    and behaviours by the teacher (Ill show you
  • Shared and scaffolded application of those
    skills, using activities (Lets have a go
  • Independent and guided practice, using either the
    anthologies or the PDF printouts (Now have a go
    on your own).
  • Review and consolidation of learning (What have
    we learned and where do we need to go next?)

Main features of i-read
  • Newly written stories, non-fiction and poetry
    from the UKs top childrens writers
  • Audio, video and thought-provoking questions
    enhance the texts and stimulate pupil's
  • Interactive activities provide opportunities for
    further discussion and consolidation of the
    teaching objective

Multimedia enhancements (videos, audio clips, and
Questions to discuss with your class
Focus highlights help with KS1 phonics
Listen to the story
Guided and independent practice.
Toolbar allows you and your class to annotate the
text, highlight interesting words or
constructions, and hide or magnify images
  • Interactive whiteboard software for Years 1-6

Anthologies for Years 1-6
Themes and text types Year 1
Hometime Fiction/Poetry Animal Antics Non-fiction/Fiction Where I Live Poetry/Non-fiction
Rumbling Tums Fiction/Poetry Tiger Time Poetry/Non-fiction Follow the Fox Non-fiction/Fiction
Splish Splash Splosh (seaside) Non-fiction/Fiction The Magic Castle Poetry/Non-fiction Dinosaurs Non-fiction/Fiction
Years 1 and 2 offer nine themed units, each with
its own mix of fiction, non-fiction or poetry
Themes and text types Year 2
School Days Fiction/Poetry Puppet Parade Non-fiction/Fiction Celebrate! (festivals) Poetry/Non-fiction
Days Out Fiction/Poetry Bella (a Caribbean Cinderella) Fiction/Non-fiction Down on the Farm Non-fiction/Poetry
Crazy Castles Poetry/Fiction Pirates Ahoy! Poetry/Non-fiction Magical Journeys Poetry/Fiction
Years 1 and 2 offer nine themed units, each with
its own mix of fiction, non-fiction or poetry
Themes and text types Year 3
Familiar settings Fiction Non-chronological reports Non-fiction Shape and observation Poetry
Traditional Tales Fiction Instructions/ Alphabetic texts Non-fiction Performance Poetry
Adventure Fiction Letters Non-fiction Language Play Poetry
Years 3-6 have nine different fiction,
non-fiction and poetry units
Themes and text types Year 4
Historical stories Fiction Newspapers Non-fiction Poems w/ a common theme (school) Poetry
Sci-fi/Fantasy Fiction Explanations Non-fiction Poems from a different culture/time Poetry
Stories from other cultures Fiction Persuasive writing Non-fiction Different forms Poetry
Years 3-6 have nine different fiction,
non-fiction and poetry units
Themes and text types Year 5
Significant author Fiction Recounts Non-fiction Significant poets Poetry
Traditional Tales Fiction Non-chronological reports Non-fiction Longer classic and narrative poetry Poetry
Stories from other cultures Fiction Persuasive writing Non-fiction Performance poetry Poetry
Years 3-6 have nine different fiction,
non-fiction and poetry units
Themes and text types Year 6
Shakespeare Fiction Biography Non-fiction Established poets Poetry
Revision Fiction Revision Non-fiction Revision Poetry
Sci-fi/fantasy Fiction Mystery/whodunnit Non-fiction Themes poems Poetry
Years 3-6 have nine different fiction,
non-fiction and poetry units
Structure (key stage 1)
  • Each DVD-ROM contains 18 texts in 9 themes
  • Each text has a starter activity and five
    teaching focuses from reading for enjoyment, word
    and sentence-level work, to preparing to write

Structure (key stage 2)
  • Each CD-ROM contains 9 texts. Each text has a
    number of different focuses.
  • Fiction response, characterisation, setting, use
    of language, plot, evaluation, preparing to
  • Non-fiction response, audience and purpose, use
    of language, visual literacy, structure and
    organisation, preparing to write.
  • Poetry response, form and structure, language
    features, interpretation and evaluation,
    preparing to write.

Support materials
  • Teachers notes
  • Additional text resources

Support materials
  • Teachers notes
  • Detailed curriculum matching
  • Teaching ideas for every text
  • Differentiation and extension activities supplied

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Support materials
  • Additional text resources
  • PDFs (e-texts) of all texts
  • Shadow texts in the same genre for independent
    reading practice (KS2 only)
  • Rhyme Room additional songs, nursery rhymes and
    poems (KS1 only)

Key Stage 1 Rhyme Room Available from the main
menu screen
How does i-read support phonics?
  • Shared reading supports recognition of high
    frequency words and builds phonemic awareness.
  • Focus Highlights (see bottom toolbar) in each
    text highlight phonically regular words, tricky
    words, rhyming words, or words with particular
    phonemes and graphemes.
  • Teachers notes offer guidance on how and when to
    use Focus Highlights

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