Title: The Youth Justice Boards National Qualifications Framework
1The Youth Justice Boards National Qualifications
- Skills for Justice, HE Forum
- February 2008
Ruth Searle Senior Strategy Adviser
2The Youth Justice Board (YJB)
- The YJB is a non-departmental public body that
oversees the youth justice system in England and
Wales. - Our mission is
- to prevent offending and re-offending by children
and young people under the age of 18 and - ensure that custody for them is safe, secure and
addresses the causes of their offending
behaviour. - We base all our work on evidence, where this
3Why the NQF?
- Individuals doing their own thing
- No consistency
- Varied performance
4NQF Development
- Consortia of 4 HEIs
- Programmes of learning based on evidence of what
works i.e. effective practice - The Professional Certificate in Effective
Practice (PCEP) first course to be developed and
lies at the heart of the NQF level 2 - PCEP has become the commonly understood standard
of how we expect people to operate
5The YJBs National Qualifications Framework
Foundation Degree in Youth Justice
Professional Certificate in Effective Practice
(Youth Justice)
Professional Certificate in Effective Practice
(Youth Justice)
National Occupational Standards for Youth Justice
Effective Practice INSET Programme
Exploring the Youth Justice System an
6What the NQF provides
- Different levels of access
- Development of skills
- Progression routes
- In addition training for managers Managing
7Strategy 03-06
- Home Office target
- Sponsorship
- Regional HR Learning Advisers
8Strategy 06-08
- The requirement to become easily accessible
- Streamlining of provision to one provider The
Open University - Supported Open Learning
- Change of job title from HR Learning Adviser to
Workforce Development Adviser
9Strategic Framework 08-11
- Interactive Learning Space
- Youth Rehabilitation Order
- INSET becomes CPD
- Links to other NQF and/or OU courses
- Access for individual and group training
- Foundation Degree level 3
10What worked well
- Monthly meetings with key people
- FAQ sheets
- Evaluation
- Different points of access to the NQF that
accommodate the varied levels of prior
study/qualifications and provide opportunities
for those with no formal qualifications.
11What we would do differently
- Design the NQF first then PCEP within it.
- Learn more about the composition of the workforce
to more accurately project demand - Demand a tighter, more formal planning structure
with the OU to keep up the pace
12Childrens Workforce Development Council
- Aims to improve the lives of children and young
people by ensuring people who work with them have
the best possible training, qualifications,
support and advice. - Youth Justice staff are part of the childrens
workforce and come under the umbrella of the
Childrens Workforce Development Council (CWDC) - Common core
- Specialist areas of practice
- Transferability
13Working with CWDC in the Justice sector
- NQF qualifications mapped to the common core
transferability - Development of the IQF
- Equivalence
- Awareness of Justice partners Police, Secure
establishments, Probation, Courts - Secure and Community workforce.