Title: Prehospital CPAP
1Prehospital CPAP Provider Training
- Dave Pavlakovich, RRT,
- University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX
- Dave Henning, NREMT-P, CCP
- Gold Cross Ambulance Service, Manasha, WI
3Topics For Today
- -Overview of Respiratory Mechanics
- -Most Common Respiratory Dysfunctions
- -What is CPAP?
- -How Can We Use CPAP?
- -Exclusions
- -Protocols
- -Assessment
- -Data Collection
- -Practical
4Respiratory Mechanics
5Respiratory Mechanics
- Oxygenation and Ventilation
6Respiratory Mechanics
- Functional Residual Capacity
7Respiratory Mechanics
8Common Dysfunctions
Obstructive vs. Restrictive Disorders
9Common Dysfunctions
Obstructive Issues Gas Exchange Issues Muscle
10Common Dysfunctions
Acute Pulmonary Edema
Pressure Changes and fluid shift VQ
Mismatch Distress and sympathetic discharge
11Diagnosis of APE
- Symptoms
- Acute onset shortness of breath
- Physical exam findings
- Rales, legs
- Pedal edema
- Chest XRay findings for CHF
- Echocardiograms Low ejection fraction/poor
contractility (hypocontractility)
12How do you know an EMS patient has Heart Failure?
- Ask 3 Questions
- 1. History of Congestive Heart Failure?
- 2. RALES on Lung Examination?
- 3. EDEMA to Legs?
Burton , J. CHF in EMS 2005
13What Is CPAP
Continuous Positive Airway Pressure
- Breathing Against A Threshold of Resistance
- Pneumatic Splinting of Airways
- Oxygen Therapy In Its Most Efficient Form
14What Is CPAP
- In Our Program.
- -Mask
- -Tubing
- -Gas Source
- -PEEP Regulation
- -Generator
15What Is CPAP
- In Our Program.
- -Air is mixed with oxygen via a venturi system or
with a Downs Flow Generator
16What Is CPAP
- -Resistance is regulated with a positive end
expiratory pressure (PEEP) valve.
17What Is CPAP
18Effects of CPAP
- -Increased Functional Residual Capacity
- -Reduced Work Of Breathing
- -Increased Oxygen Diffusion Across Alveolar
Membrane - -Increased Alveolar Surface Area
19Effects of CPAP
- Acute Pulmonary Edema
- Changes Pressure Gradients
- Reduces Work of Breathing Sympathetic Discharge
- Can Decrease Preload
20CPAP therapy can improve A.P.E. patients in 90
CPAP was associated a decrease in need for
intubation (-26) and a trend to a decrease in
hospital mortality (-6) compared with standard
therapy alone. (Pang, D. et al. 1998. Data
review 1983-1997. Chest 1998 114(4)1185-1192)
21How We Can Use CPAP
- Acute Pulmonary Edema
- CPAP is to APE like D50 is to insulin shock
- Russell K. Miller Jr, MD, FACEP
22But Maine has many inexperienced providers
What about misdiagnosis?
232003 Helsinki EMS Looked at patients in Acute
Severe Pulmonary Edema (ASPE) 121 patients
included Used low concentration FiO2, IV Nitrates
and No lasix 4 patients intubated in field
Mean O2 Saturation From 77-90 Hospital
mortality 17.8 (non CPAP)-8 (CPAP) Only 83
patients were confirmed to have chf (Kallio, T.
et al. Prehospital Emergency Care. 2003. 7(2) )
24Keep in mind Helsinki -34 (non chf) of 121 still
got better There is sparse research anecdotal
evidence for use in other etiologies
25Limitations of CPAP
26Limitations of CPAP
- Other Limitations
- -Increased Intrathoracic Pressure Can Produce
Hypotension - -Psychological Effects
- -Pneumothorax
- -Corneal Drying
27Limitations of CPAP
- Oxygen Demand
- Time (f X PSI) / LPM
Tanks at 1000 PSI D (f 0.16) 1-2
Minutes E (f 0.28) 2-4 Minutes M (f
1.59) 10-20 Minutes H (f 3.18) 19-38
28CPAP Indication
- -APE
- -Acute respiratory insufficiency
29CPAP Indication
Acute respiratory insufficiency will be defined
as moderate/severe respiratory distress of 5 word
or less dyspnea concurrent with signs and
symptoms of hypoxia (cyanosis, pulse oximetry
readings of less than 90, etc.), and/or
accessory muscle use.
30CPAP Exclusions
- -Patient lt 18
- -Unstable Airway
- -Traumatic Etiology of Respiratory. Distress
- -Severe Altered Mental Status
- -Facial Trauma or Impossible Face Seal
31CPAP Protocol
- Intermediate and Above-Standing Order
32CPAP Protocol
- MEMS Protocols Plus
- -Medical Control
- -CPAP Option
- Reassess, Reassess, Reassess!
33CPAP Protocol
- Psychological Therapy
- Address the emotional component
- Dont give up too early but know when to say
34Reassess, Reassess, Reassess!
35MEMS Approved CPAP Systems
36MEMS Approved CPAP Systems
Oxy-PEEP Oxygen Diluter with PEEP Oxy-PEEP Oxygen Diluter with PEEP Oxy-PEEP Oxygen Diluter with PEEP Oxy-PEEP Oxygen Diluter with PEEP
FiO2(O2) InputO2 lpm Total Flowlpm PEEP CmH2O
32 15 107 0-20
40 15 62 0-20
50 15 41 0-20
60 Flush 81 0-20
80 Flush 54 0-20
95 Flush 43 0-20
40CPAP Documentation
Necessary Elements Initial Assessment System
Utilized Medical Control Requests 5 Minute
Assessment Arrival Condition
Modified Borg Scale 0-No breathlessness at
all 1-Very slight 2-Slight breathlessness
3-Moderate 4-Somewhat severe 5-Severe
7-Very severe 9-Very, very severe (Almost
maximum) 10-Maximum
42Practical Session