Traumatic Chest Pain - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Traumatic Chest Pain


Moist rales or absent breath sounds may be heard on auscultation. ... Auscultation of the heart may reveal a 'Hamman's crunch. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Traumatic Chest Pain

Traumatic Chest Pain
  • ??? ??
  • Wang, Tzong-Luen,MD, PhD, FACC, FESC

Chest Injury
  • Chest Wall Injury
  • Pulmonary Injury
  • Cardiovascular Injury
  • Esophageal Injury
  • Diaphragm Injury

Chest Wall Injury
  • 50 of thoracic trauma
  • Disturb the physiology of respiration
  • Rib fracture
  • Sternal fracture
  • Sternoclavicular fracture
  • Flail chest
  • Nonpenetrating ballistic injury
  • Traumatic asphyxia

Rib Injury
  • Ribs 1 to 3 are relatively protected and ribs 9
    to 12 are more mobile at the anterior end. ?
    high and low ribs relative resistance to
  • Fractures occur more commonly in adults than
    children, and this is attributed to the relative
    inelasticity of the older chest wall compared to
    the more compliant nature of the chest wall in

Rib Injury
  • The true danger of rib fracture involves not the
    rib itself but the potential for penetrating
    injury to the pleura, lung, liver, or spleen.
  • Fractures of the ninth, tenth, or eleventh (9-11)
    ribs suggest an associated intra-abdominal injury
  • Fracture of ribs 1 to 3 may indicate severe
    intrathoracic injury.

  • The mortality of an isolated first rib fracture
    is only 1.5, but when it is associated with
    other rib fractures there is a 10-fold increase
    in mortality.
  • Current recommendations for arteriography for
    patients with first or second rib fractures
  • the presence of multiple thoracic injuries,
  • clinical evidence of distal vascular
  • a widened mediastinum on plain films,
  • large hemothorax or apical hematoma,
  • intercostal artery injury,
  • brachial plexus injury, or
  • significant displacement of the fracture.

  • Pain control oral medicine, nerve block
  • Continuing daily activities and deep breathing
  • Binders, belts, and other restrictive devices
    should not be used

Sternal Injury
  • Forward thrust of the body against the fixed seat
    belt across the sternum results in a fracture at
    that location
  • more common in older patients than in younger
  • the magnitude of the forces required to fracture
    the sternum must be associated with significant
    trauma to the mediastinal structures
  • isolated sternal fractures are relatively benign,
    with low mortality (0.7) and low intrathoracic

Sternal Injury
  • Cardiac complications, such as myocardial
    contusion occur in 1.5 to 6
  • No association between sternal fracture and
    aortic rupture
  • Spinal fractures in less than 10 of the cases
  • rib fractures 21
  • Although sternal fractures may occur in the
    context of major blunt chest trauma, the presence
    of sternal fractures does NOT necessarily
    translate into major life-threatening conditions.

Sternal Injury
  • Anterior chest pain, point tenderness over the
    sternum, ecchymosis, soft tissue swelling, or
    palpable deformity
  • Most sternal fractures are transverse, and a
    lateral radiographic view is diagnostic.
    Associated mediastinal injuries are best
    diagnosed by computed tomography (CT) scan of the

  • Pain control
  • Treat associated injuries

Sternoclavicular Dislocation
  • Epidemiology
  • Sternoclavicular dislocations are uncommon, but
    they are often associated with serious injury
  • Anterior dislocations are much more common than
    posterior dislocations.

Sternoclavicular Dislocation
  • Anatomy/Pathophysiology
  • Anterior dislocation results from a lateral
    compressive force applied to the shoulder from an
    anterior position
  • Posterior dislocation may result from a direct
    blow to the medial end of the clavicle or from a
    lateral compressive force applied to the shoulder
    from a posterior position.
  • The more serious posterior dislocations are
    extremely difficult to detect.

Sternoclavicular Dislocation
  • Clinical Feature
  • Clinical pain with motion of the ipsilateral
    extremity or with lateral compression of the
    shoulders. The affected shoulder shortened or
    displaced anteriorly.
  • With anterior dislocations the medial end of the
    clavicle is prominent and easily palpable.
    Posterior dislocations may present with a visible
    deformity along the lateral edge of the sternum.
  • Posterior dislocations have been reported be
    associated with injuries to the subclavian artery
    and vein, trachea, and brachial plexus.

Sternoclavicular Dislocation
  • Diagnostic CT
  • Management
  • Anterior Closed reduction with local or general
    anesthesia or by applying direct anterior
    pressure on the medial end of the clavicle.
  • Posterior Closed reduction of a posterior
    dislocation usually requires general anesthesia.
    Posterior dislocations resulting in compression
    of the airway or major vessels in the root of the
    neck may need to be reduced emergently.

Sternoclavicular Dislocation
  • Management
  • Costochondral separation may also be caused by
    blunt anterior chest trauma. The signs and
    symptoms are similar to those of rib fracture,
    but because of the poor vascularity of healing
    cartilage, pain may persist for many weeks.
  • The chest x-ray film is usually normal, but there
    is a snapping sensation with deep respiration. As
    with sternal fracture, consideration for
    admission to rule out cardiac contusion should be
    given to these patients. Outpatient management of
    these patients is similar to that of patients
    with rib fractures.
  • Flail chest can also occur from massive
    costochondral separation, but this is uncommon.

Flail Chest
  • Epidemiology
  • uncommon in almost one third of a large series
    of major trauma patients with chest injuries.
  • Anatomy/Pathophysiology
  • Flail chest results when three or more adjacent
    ribs are fractured at two points, allowing a
    freely moving segment of the chest wall to move
    in paradoxical motion
  • One of the most commonly overlooked injuries
    resulting from blunt chest trauma, and because of
    its common association with pulmonary contusion,
    it is also one of the most serious chest wall

Flail Chest
  • Anatomy/Pathophysiology
  • The physiology of respiration is affected
    adversely in a number of ways by flail chest.
  • paradoxical motion of the chest wall
  • underlying pulmonary contusion
  • the pain of the injury causes muscular splinting
    with resultant atelectasis, hypoxemia, and
    decreased cardiac output.

Flail Chest
  • Clinical Features
  • Flail chest is usually diagnosed by physical
    examination. This requires exposure of the
    patients thorax and examination of the chest
    wall for paradoxical motion.
  • Pain, tenderness, and crepitus can direct the
    examiner. The flail segment can sometimes be
    visualized to move separately and in an opposite
    direction from the rest of the thoracic cage
    during the respiratory cycle.
  • Endotracheal intubation and positive pressure
    ventilation will internally splint the chest
    wall, making the flail segment difficult to
    detect on physical examination.

Flail Chest
  • Diagnostic Strategies
  • Multiple rib fractures can usually be identified
    on chest x-ray films. The diagnosis of flail
    chest is frequently missed up to 30 are not
    appreciated within the first 6 hours of
  • CT scan is much more accurate than plain films in
    evaluating for the presence and extent of
    underlying injury and contusion to the lung
    parenchyma it is being utilized routinely in
    some centers for all patients with major chest

Flail Chest
  • Management
  • Prehospital or ED stabilization of the flail
    segment, by positioning the person with the
    injured side down or placing a sandbag on the
    affected segments, has been abandoned. These
    interventions actually inhibit expansion of the
    chest and increase atelectasis of the injured
    lung. Oxygen should be administered, cardiac and
    oximetry monitors applied if available, and the
    patient observed for signs of an associated
    injury such as tension pneumothorax.

Flail Chest
  • Management
  • The cornerstones of therapy include aggressive
    pulmonary physiotherapy, effective analgesia,
    selective use of endotracheal intubation and
    mechanical ventilation, and close observation for
    respiratory compromise.
  • Respiratory decompensation is the primary
    indication for endotracheal intubation and
    mechanical ventilation for patients with flail
    chest. Obvious problems such as hemopneumothorax
    or severe pain should be corrected before
    intubation and ventilation are presumed
    necessary. In fact, in the awake and cooperative
    patient, continuous positive airway pressure
    (CPAP) by mask may obviate the need for
    intubation. In general the most conservative
    methods for maintaining adequate oxygenation and
    preventing complications should be used.

Flail Chest
  • Management
  • Patients without respiratory compromise generally
    do well without ventilatory assistance.
  • Several studies have found that patients treated
    with intercostal nerve blocks or high segmental
    epidural analgesia, oxygen, intensive chest
    physiotherapy, and careful fluid management with
    intubation reserved for only those patients who
    fail this therapy have shorter hospital courses,
    fewer complications, and lower mortality rates.
    Avoidance of endotracheal intubation,
    particularly prolonged intubation, is important
    in preventing pulmonary morbidity because
    intubation increases the risk of pneumonia.

Flail Chest
  • Management
  • The patient with flail chest should be treated in
    the ED as if pulmonary contusion exists
    regardless of whether mechanical ventilation is
    used. The mortality rate associated with flail
    chest is between 8 and 35 and is directly
    related to the underlying and associated
    injuries. Those who recover may develop long-term
    disability with dyspnea, chronic thoracic pain,
    and exercise intolerance.

Traumatic Asphyxia
  • Anatomy/Physiology
  • Traumatic asphyxia is a rare syndrome caused by a
    severe compression of the thorax by a very heavy
    object causing a marked increase in thoracic and
    superior vena caval pressure, resulting in
    retrograde flow of blood from the right heart
    into the great veins of the head and neck.
  • The vena cava and the large veins of the head and
    neck do not have valves and allow the
    transmission of pressure to the capillaries of
    the head and neck, which become engorged with

Traumatic Asphyxia
  • Clinical Features
  • Deep violet color of the skin of the head and
    neck, bilateral subconjunctival hemorrhages,
    petechiae, and facial edema.
  • Stagnation develops from capillary atony and
    dilation, and as the blood desaturates, purplish
    discoloration of the skin occurs.
  • Although the appearance of these patients can be
    quite dramatic, the condition itself is usually
    benign and self-limiting.

Traumatic Asphyxia
  • Diagnostic Strategies
  • The clinical significance lies with the
    possibility of intrathoracic injury from the
    violent force necessary to produce traumatic
    asphyxia. Chest wall and pulmonary injuries are
    most common. Therefore most of these patients
    should undergo CT scanning of the chest to
    identify any potentially serious intrathoracic

Traumatic Asphyxia
  • Diagnostic Strategies
  • Disturbance of vision has been attributed both to
    retinal hemorrhage, which is generally a
    permanent injury, and to retinal edema, which may
    cause transient changes in vision. One third of
    these patients lose consciousness, usually at the
    time of injury.
  • Intracranial hemorrhages are rare, probably
    because of the shock-absorbing ability of the
    venous sinuses, but CT scan of the head should be
    done in patients with neurologic complaints.
  • Neurologic manifestations typically clear within
    24 to 48 hours, and long-term sequelae are

Pulmonary Injury
  • Subcutaneous Emphysema
  • Pulmonary Contusion
  • Pulmonary Laceration
  • Pneumothorax
  • Hemothorax
  • Tracheobronchial Injury

Subcutaneous Emphysema
  • Anatomy/Physiology
  • Subcutaneous emphysema in the presence of chest
    wall trauma usually indicates a more serious
    thoracic injury.
  • Air enters the tissues either extrapleurally or
    intrapleurally. Extrapleural tears in the
    tracheobronchial tree allow air to leak into the
    mediastinum and soft tissues of the anterior
    neck, producing a pneumomediastinum, which may
    progress to a tension pneumomediastinum.

Subcutaneous Emphysema
  • Anatomy/Physiology
  • An esophageal tear resulting from Boerhaaves
    syndrome or penetrating injury pneumomediastinum
    with subcutaneous emphysema over the
    supraclavicular area and anterior neck.
  • adjacent to a penetrating wound of the thorax
  • Localized subcutaneous emphysema over the chest
    wall in the presence of blunt trauma traumatic
  • Subcutaneous emphysema over the supraclavicular
    area and anterior neck usually indicates a

Subcutaneous Emphysema
  • Management
  • Treat tension pneumothorax and tension
  • Massive accumulations can be uncomfortable to the
  • The underlying cause, such as pneumothorax,
    ruptured bronchus, or ruptured esophagus, must be
    treated appropriately.
  • Benign pneumomediastinum secondary to a
    Valsalvas maneuver is treated with observation
    and high-flow oxygen to facilitate the
    reabsorption of nitrogen from tissues since the
    volume of nitrogen causes the discomfort.

Pulmonary Contusion
  • Epidemiology
  • Pulmonary contusion is reported to be present in
    30 to 75 of patients with significant blunt
    chest trauma, most often from automobile
    accidents with rapid deceleration.
  • Pulmonary contusion can also be caused by
    high-velocity missile wounds and the high-energy
    shock waves of an explosion in air or water.
  • Pulmonary contusion is the most common
    significant chest injury in children, and it is
    most commonly caused by an auto or pedestrian

Pulmonary Contusion
  • Anatomy/Pathophysiology
  • Pulmonary contusion is a direct bruise of the
    lung parenchyma followed by alveolar edema and
    hemorrhage but without an accompanying pulmonary
  • The early diagnosis of pulmonary contusion is
    important if treatment is to be successful. The
    onset may be insidious, and therefore it must be
    suspected from the history of the mechanism of
    injury. Great force

Pulmonary Contusion
  • Clinical Features
  • Dyspnea, tachypnea, cyanosis, tachycardia,
    hypotension, and chest wall bruising
  • Hemoptysis may be present in up to 50,
  • Moist rales or absent breath sounds may be heard
    on auscultation.
  • Palpation of the chest wall commonly reveals
    fractured ribs. If flail chest is discovered,
    pulmonary contusion is commonly present.
  • Surprisingly, many of the worst contusions occur
    in patients without rib fractures but pulmonary
    contusions are associated with extrathoracic
    injuries in 87 of patients.

Pulmonary Contusion
  • Diagnostic Strategies
  • Dont be Masked!! Remember Time Sequence
  • Typical radiographic findings begin to appear
    within minutes of injury and range from patchy,
    irregular, alveolar infiltrate to frank
  • Usually these changes are present on the initial
    examination, and they are always present in 4 to
    6 hours. The rapidity of changes on chest x-ray
    visualization usually correlates with the
    severity of the contusion.

Pulmonary Contusion
  • Diagnostic Strategies
  • CT scan has been found to be particularly
    sensitive for detecting the early phase of
    pulmonary contusion and has also proven sensitive
    for identifying a number of thoracic injuries.
  • D/D with ARDS Pulmonary contusion usually
    manifests itself within minutes of the initial
    injury, is usually localized to a segment or a
    lobe, is usually apparent on the initial chest
    study, and tends to last 48 to 72 hours. ARDS is
    diffuse, and its development is usually delayed,
    with onset typically between 24 and 72 hours
    after injury

Pulmonary Contusion
  • Diagnostic Strategies
  • Arterial blood gases may be helpful in making the
    diagnosis of pulmonary contusion because most
    patients are hypoxemic at the time of admission.
  • A low PO2 alone may be reason to suspect
    pulmonary contusion.
  • A widening alveolar-arterial oxygen difference
    indicates a decreasing pulmonary diffusion
    capacity of the patients contused lung, and it
    is the earliest and most accurate means of
    assessing the current status, progress, and

Pulmonary Contusion
  • Management
  • Essentially the same as flail chest
  • Differential Lung Ventilation One Lung and
  • Intubation and mechanical ventilation should be
    avoided if possible because they are associated
    with an increase in morbidity, including
    pneumonia, sepsis, pneumothorax,
    hypercoagulability, and longer hospitalization

Pulmonary Contusion
  • Management
  • the restriction of intravenous fluids to maintain
    intravascular volume within strict limits,
  • aggressive supportive care consisting of vigorous
    tracheobronchial toilet,
  • suctioning,
  • and pain relief

Pulmonary Contusion
  • Prognosis
  • Pneumonia is the most common complication of
    pulmonary contusions, and it significantly
    worsens the prognosis. It develops insidiously,
    especially in patients treated with prophylactic
    antibiotics. The use of antibiotics should be
    reserved for specific organisms rather than given
  • Only 5 to 16 of patients with an isolated
    pulmonary contusion will die, whereas the
    mortality of those with even one associated
    extrathoracic injury is five times greater

Pulmonary Laceration
  • Most often lacerated from penetrating injury
  • Also be injured by the inward projection of a
    fractured rib or avulsion of a pleural adhesion.
  • Usually minor and uncommonly life threatening?
    they can usually be treated with observation or
    tube thoracostomy
  • Severe lacerations are present in only 3 of
    patients with thoracic trauma? associated with
    hemopneumothorax, multiple rib fractures, and
    hemoptysis ? require thoracotomy with resection
    to control bleeding.

  • Epidemiology
  • Pneumothorax, which is the accumulation of air in
    the pleural space, is a common complication of
    chest trauma.
  • 15 to 50
  • Invariably present in those with transpleural
    penetrating injuries

  • Anatomy/Pathophysiology
  • Pneumothorax can be divided into three
    classifications, depending on whether air has
    direct access to the pleural cavity
  • Simple
  • Communicating
  • Tension.

  • Anatomy/Pathophysiology
  • Simple pneumothorax when there is no
    communication with the atmosphere or any shift of
    the mediastinum or hemidiaphragm resulting from
    the accumulation of air.
  • It can be graded according to the degree of
    collapse as visualized on the chest radiograph.
  • A small pneumothorax occupies 15 or less of the
    pleural cavity, a moderate one 15 to 60, and a
    large pneumothorax more than 60.
  • Traumatic pneumothorax is most often caused by a
    fractured rib lacerating the pleura. It may also
    occur without a fracture when the impact is
    delivered at full inspiration with the glottis
    closed, leading to a tremendous increase in
    intraalveolar pressure and the subsequent rupture
    of the alveoli that causes the pneumothorax. A
    penetrating injury such as a gunshot or stab
    wound may also produce a simple pneumothorax
    ifthere is no free communication with the

  • Anatomy/Pathophysiology
  • Communicating pneumothorax associated with a
    defect in the chest wall and most commonly occurs
    in combat injuries.
  • In the civilian sector, this injury is most
    commonly secondary to shotgun wounds. Air can
    sometimes be heard flowing sonorously in and out
    of the defect, prompting the term sucking chest
  • The involved lung paradoxically collapse on
    inspiration and expand slightly on expiration,
    forcing air in and out of the wound? large
    functional dead space for the normal lung

  • Anatomy/Pathophysiology
  • Tension pneumothorax Progressive accumulation of
    air under pressure within the pleural cavity,
    with shift of the mediastinum to the opposite
    hemithorax and compression of the contralateral
    lung and great vessels
  • It occurs when the injury acts like a one-way
  • Air enters on inspiration but cannot exit with
    expiration, which compresses the vena cava and
    distorts the cavoatrial junction, leading to
    decreased diastolic filling of the heart and
    subsequent decreased cardiac output. ? rapid
    onset of hypoxia, acidosis, and shock.

  • Clinical Features
  • Shortness of breath and chest pain most common
  • Appearance highly variable, ranging from acutely
    ill with cyanosis and tachypnea to misleadingly
  • The signs and symptoms are not always correlated
    with the degree of pneumothorax.
  • PE Decreased or absent breath sounds and
    hyperresonance over the involved side as well as
    subcutaneous emphysema

  • Clinical Features
  • Patients with tension pneumothorax become acutely
    ill within minutes and develop severe
    cardiovascular and respiratory distress.
  • They are dyspneic, agitated, restless, cyanotic,
    tachycardic, and hypotensive and display
    decreasing mental activity.
  • The cardinal signs of tension pneumothorax are
    tachycardia, jugular venous distention, and
    absent breath sounds on the ipsilateral side.
  • Hypotension will not occur as early as hypoxia
    and may represent a preterminal event.

  • Diagnostic Strategies
  • Chest radiograph is the preferred initial study
    for diagnosing a simple pneumothorax, and it
    should be obtained as rapidly as possible. ?
    upright full inspiratory film if the patients
    condition permits
  • Expiratory film If a pneumothorax is suspected
    but not visualized on the initial inspiratory
  • As many as one third of initial chest x-ray
    films will not detect a pneumothorax in trauma

  • Diagnostic Strategies
  • CT scan very sensitive in finding a small
    pneumothorax even in the supine patient. Not
    Primary Choice
  • Low cuts of Chest in Abdominal CT scans to
    exclude the presence of a small pneumothorax
  • CT scanning is not routinely recommended to
    diagnose a small pneumothorax that is not visible
    on chest x-ray film and does not require any

  • Epidemiology
  • Hemothorax, which is the accumulation of blood in
    the pleural space after blunt or penetrating
    chest trauma, is a common complication that may
    produce hypovolemic shock and dangerously reduce
    vital capacity.
  • It is commonly associated with pneumothorax (25
    of cases) as well as extrathoracic injuries (73
    of cases).

  • Anatomy/Pathophysiology
  • Hemorrhage from injured lung parenchyma most
    common cause
  • self-limiting unless there is a major laceration.
  • Intercostal and internal mammary arteries causing
    hemothorax more often than hilar or great vessels

  • Management
  • Close monitoring of the initial and ongoing rate
    of blood loss must be performed.
  • Immediate drainage of more than 1000 ml of blood
    from the pleural cavity is usually considered an
    indication for thoracotomy.
  • Perhaps even more predictive of the need for
    thoracotomy is a continued output of at least 200
    ml/hr for 4 hours.

  • Clinical Features
  • Depending on the rate and quantity of hemorrhage,
    varying degrees of hypovolemic shock will be
  • Tactile fremitus is decreased
  • Diminished or absent breath sounds

  • Diagnostic Strategies
  • Blunting of the costophrenic angles on chest
    radiograph at least 200 to 300 ml of fluid in
    the upright position
  • Supine view chest film less accurate, more
    difficult to make the diagnosis

  • Management
  • ABC
  • Tube Thoracostomy
  • Thoracotomy
  • Autotransfusion
  • Thoracoscopy
  • evacuation of retained hemothorax,
  • control of bleeding from intercostal vessels,
  • diagnosis and repair of diaphragmatic injuries.
  • At present, thoracoscopy is the only accurate
    method to quantify the amount of blood remaining
    in the pleural space after tube thoracostomy

Tracheobronchial Injury
  • Epidemiology
  • Tracheobronchial injuries may occur with either
    blunt or penetrating injuries of the neck or
  • Relatively rare injury, occurring in fewer than
    3 of patients with significant chest injury
  • Overall mortality of 30, 50 of whom will die
    within the first hour.

Tracheobronchial Injury
  • Anatomy/Pathophysiology
  • Knife wounds ? cervical trachea
  • Gunshot wounds ? tracheobronchial tree at any
  • Intrathoracic injury to the tracheobronchial tree
    occurs most commonly from blunt trauma direct
    blows, shearing stresses, or burst injury
  • Sudden deceleration of the thoracic cage, as
    occurs in a decelerating auto accident, pulls the
    lungs away from the mediastinum, producing
    traction on the trachea at the carina.
  • It has also been suggested that if the glottis is
    closed at the time of impact, the sudden increase
    in intrabronchial pressure will rupture the
    tracheobronchial tree.
  • Regardless of the mechanism, more than 80 of
    these injuries occur within 2.5 cm of the carina.

Tracheobronchial Injury
  • Clinical Features
  • Massive air leak, hemoptysis, and subcutaneous
  • In the first group, the wound opens into the
    pleural space, producing a large pneumothorax.
  • often have hemoptysis, dyspnea, subcutaneous and
    mediastinal emphysema, and cyanosis. Auscultation
    of the heart may reveal a Hammans crunch.
  • The second group has a complete transection of
    the tracheobronchial tree but little or no
    communication with the pleural space. A
    pneumothorax is not usually present.
  • The peribronchial tissues support the airway
    enough to maintain respiration, but within 3
    weeks granulation tissue will obstruct the lumen
    and produce atelectasis. These patients are
    relatively free of symptoms at the time of injury
    but weeks later have unexplained atelectasis or

Tracheobronchial Injury
  • Diagnostic Strategies
  • When tracheobronchial injury is suspected,
    bronchoscopy should be performed.
  • Fiberoptic bronchoscopy is the most reliable
    means of establishing the diagnosis and
    determining the site and extent of the injury.
  • Bronchopleural fistula can occur as a
    complication of tracheobronchial disruption and
    in some cases has been treated successfully via
    the fiberoptic bronchoscope.

Tracheobronchial Injury
  • Management
  • If possible, endotracheal intubation over a
    bronchoscope should be performed since it allows
    visualization of the tube as it passes beyond the
    site of injury.
  • In most cases, thoracotomy with intraoperative
    tracheostomy and surgical repair of the disrupted
    airway should be performed as soon as possible.

Esophageal Rupture
  • Epidemiology
  • Perforation of the esophagus has been called the
    most rapidly fatal perforation of the
    gastrointestinal tract because death from its
    rapidly fulminant course is almost ensured if the
    diagnosis is delayed

Esophageal Rupture
  • Epidemiology
  • Iatrogenic
  • Foreign bodies
  • Caustic burns
  • Blunt or penetrating trauma
  • Spontaneous rupture (Boerhaaves syndrome)
  • Postoperative breakdown of anastomosis

Esophageal Rupture
  • Diagnostic Findings
  • The diagnosis of esophageal perforation is aided
    by consideration of clinical circumstances.
  • In patients with classic Boerhaaves syndrome,
    overindulgence and emesis are followed by severe
    chest pain, subcutaneous emphysema, and
    cardiopulmonary collapse.
  • Development of these signs and symptoms following
    instrumentation of the esophagus or removal of an
    esophageal foreign body is relatively
  • Up to one third of cases of a perforated
    esophagus, however, are atypical

Esophageal Rupture
  • Clinical Features
  • pleuritic pain localized along the course of the
    esophagus that is exacerbated by swallowing or
    neck flexion
  • located in the epigastrium, substernal area, or
    back, usually worsens over time, and may migrate
    from the upper abdomen to the chest
  • Dyspnea if infectious

Esophageal Rupture
  • Clinical Features
  • Sparse early signs imparting a nasal quality to
    the voice Hammans crunch
  • signs of a hydropneumothorax or an empyema
  • Subcutaneous emphysema only 60 30 in those
    without tracheal injury
  • Septic pictures

Esophageal Rupture
  • Differential Diagnosis
  • Spontaneous pneumomediastinum
  • Aortic aneurysm (thoracic)
  • Pulmonary embolus
  • Perforated peptic ulcer
  • Myocardial infarction
  • Pancreatitis
  • Mesenteric thrombosis
  • Cholecystitis

Esophageal Rupture
  • Diagnostic Strategies
  • Laboratory studies provide largely nonspecific
    findings. If tested, the pleural effusion of
    esophageal perforation may show a high salivary
    amylase level or a low pH.
  • The radiographic examination usually suggests the
    diagnosis of an esophageal perforation. The
    classic chest radiograph findings are as follows
  • Mediastinal air with or without subcutaneous
  • Left-side pleural effusion
  • Pneumothorax
  • Widened mediastinum

Esophageal Rupture
  • Management
  • Early diagnosis can best be accomplished if one
    is aware of the pathophysiology and clinical
    settings in which esophageal perforations occur.
  • Time is critical in minimizing the mortality and
    morbidity of this condition.
  • If the diagnosis is strongly suggested or
    confirmed, the patient should be given nothing by
    mouth and started on broad-spectrum antibiotic
    therapy (covering oral flora) and volume
    replacement. An emergency surgical consultation
    should be obtained.

Diaphragm Herniation
  • Epidemiology
  • 1 to 6 of all patients sustaining multiple
  • mean age 33 years range from 1 to 89 years
  • male/female ratio 41
  • penetrating trauma 53 (of which 55 were knife
    wounds and 45 were gunshot wounds)
  • blunt traumatic diaphragmatic rupture was caused
    by motor vehicle accidents in 86, auto and
    pedestrian accidents in 4, and falls, motorcycle
    accidents, and crush injuries 3

Diaphragm Herniation
  • Anatomy/Pathophysiology
  • direct penetration of the diaphragm or blunt
    forces to the chest or abdomen
  • Diaphragmatic injuries that are not diagnosed and
    surgically repaired acutely may not become
    clinically evident until months to years later
    when herniation of abdominal contents into the
    chest leads to complications such as visceral
    incarcerations, obstruction, ischemia from
    strangulation, or perforation.

Diaphragm Herniation
  • Anatomy/Pathophysiology
  • Penetrating trauma direct violation of the
    diaphragm by the penetrating object or missile.
  • Blunt trauma increased intraabdominal or
    intrathoracic pressure is transmitted to the
    diaphragm, leading to rupture.
  • Studies on the bursting pressure of cadavers show
    a consistent weakness on the left side (LR31).
    The right hemidiaphragm is protected by the

Diaphragm Herniation
  • Anatomy/Pathophysiology
  • Penetrating trauma can involve any portion of the
  • In blunt trauma, the majority of tears occur in a
    radial direction, specifically in the
    posterolateral area of the left side of the
    diaphragm. This area correlates with the
    embryologic point of weakness and is involved 12
    times more often than other reported sites.

Diaphragm Herniation
  • Anatomy/Pathophysiology
  • In penetrating trauma, it is usually less than 2
    cm, whereas in blunt trauma it is commonly
    between 5 and 15 cm.
  • The defect in the diaphragm does not heal
    spontaneously, regardless of size, because of the
    normal pleuroperitoneal pressure gradient of 7 to
    22 cm H2 O, which can exceed 100 cm H2 O during
    maximal respiratory effort. This gradient
    prevents spontaneous closure of the tear and
    promotes herniation of abdominal contents through
    the defect into the chest.

Diaphragm Herniation
  • Anatomy/Pathophysiology
  • Acute phase begins at injury and ends with
    apparent recovery from the primary injuries only
    22 of patients with traumatic diaphragmatic
    injury have the diagnosis within this initial
  • Latent phase Diaphragmatic injury is diagnosed
    in a delayed manner in about 18 of blunt and 32
    of penetrating trauma cases.
  • Symptoms during this time are those of vague
    abdominal distress caused by the intermittent
    entrapment of herniated abdominal viscera with
    incarceration or strangulation of abdominal
    viscera within the defect.
  • Obstructive phase vascular compromise of the
    herniated, strangulating abdominal viscera
  • The liver is the most common organ to herniate on
    the right.
  • The omentum and small bowel predominantly on the
    left side

Diaphragm Herniation
  • Clinical Features
  • In the acute phase tachypnea, hypotension,
    absence of breath sounds, abdominal distention,
    or bowel sounds in the chest.
  • In the latent phase abdominal discomfort caused
    by intermittent herniation of abdominal contents.
  • The most common symptom is nonspecific abdominal
    pain that tends to be worse postprandially and is
    exacerbated by the supine position.
  • The pain often radiates to the left shoulder, is
    alleviated by sitting or standing, and may be
    associated with nausea, vomiting, and eructation.
  • cough, dyspnea, and nonspecific chest pain.
  • In the obstructive phase, abdominal pain,
    constipation, nausea, vomiting, and abdominal
    distention are often profound and unrelenting.

Diaphragm Herniation
  • Diagnostic Strategies
  • Acute Nonspecific on Plain Films
  • Laparoscope (Choice)
  • diagnostic peritoneal lavage (DPL), CT scan, US,
    magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan,
    radionuclide scans, pneumoperitoneography, and
    barium contrast examination
  • Latent
  • 50-100 on CXR
  • unilaterally elevated diaphragm, a shift of the
    mediastinum away from the affected side, apparent
    unilateral pleural thickening, suspicious areas
    of atelectasis at the base of the lungs, evidence
    of air-filled or solid viscus above the
    diaphragm, and radiographic evidence of a
    nasogastric tube positioned above the diaphragm
  • Contrast study
  • CT POOR for isolated diaphragm lesion

Diaphragm Herniation
  • Management Strategies
  • Obstructive In patients with signs and symptoms
    consistent with strangulation,
  • ABC
  • Nasogastric tube avoid iatrogenic laceration
  • Patients with perforated viscera are septic and
    require appropriate resuscitation.
  • Chest tube If the patient has evidence of a
    tension viscerothorax avoid trocar
  • After initial stabilization, surgical reduction
    of the hernia and repair of the diaphragm are
    mandatory. Most, if not all, acute diaphragmatic
    injuries can be approached through a laparotomy.

Cardiovascular Trauma
  • Blunt Cardiac Trauma
  • Myocardial Concussion
  • Myocardial Contusion
  • Myocardial Rupture
  • Penetrating Cardiac Injury
  • Acute Pericardial Tamponade
  • Blunt Aortic Injury
  • Chronic Aortic Aneurysm
  • Aortic Arch Injury

Cardiovascular Injury
  • Details To be Presented Soon Later

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